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What am I doing wrong?


I've been on BO since January and no growth yet!! I started off with a really good feeling that this was going to work because I started getting the tingles and let down feelings only a few days after I started...and while I still get those, there hasnt' actually been any growth. I still haven't posted my program (I am a HUGE procrastinator :s ) but here's what I'm doing now...

In the Morning & Evenings, on an empty stomach...
2 DIM-plus
3 Colustrum
3 L-tyrosine
2 Kelp
Protein shake

I was taking both BB pills in the evening when I would take all my other supplements. For the last week and a half I've gone up to 3 BB pills in the evening, hoping this give me a kick start. I'm not great with the massages though...I suspect I should probably try to do those regularly? I've read time and time again how much it can help, but I'm just awful with doing it!!!
Any input you ladies have would be very much appreciated, I'm getting desperate and almost feeling like I jumped the gun buying the full 13 1/2 month supply! I willl continue to take them until they are gone, but am just feeling a little discouraged by no growth yet...especially when I see that some of you have anywhere from 1/4-1 inch growth per month Sad

Hi Bared,

I am sorry on the problem you currently faced. You started the BB pills the same month I do. I will get frustrated and desperate too if I am in your situation probably pulling my hair out (just kidding).

First off don't f frustrate yourself even further by comparing results. This is not a race. I understand how you feel I was doing it for the 1st 2 months when I am on the pills too.

Second is your body temperature on the right range 98.2-98.6? We need that temperature for our liver to produce the correct enzyme which will in turn work with the hormone in your body through the supplement. How much kelp are you taking the mcg? Most of us is only taking 1 kelp pill per day between 150-250mcg. Too much of kelp will cause your thyroid problem. How much L-Tyrosine are you taking (mg)? You should only take between 700-1000mg. Don't take more than that.

Third separate your BB pills into 2 times per day, it is not encourage to take the pills together because we need the pill to constantly stay in our body 24 hours 7. And don't ramp up until you are certain that the dosage is not enough. I am a Chinese 5'3" small build. I was anxious for my pills to work strongly cause I want to feel the growth so much. I ramp up to 3 pills a day, guess what, I stall my growth. I quickly ramp down (this happen within a week or 2) then my tingles and soreness came back within 24 hours.

Fourth, if I were you I will do a liver and gallbladder flush. You can get a good recipe from the internet. (If you have bad kidney you might want to replace epsom salt with prune juice). Here is my experience. I was taking F-Cup cookies for 3 months (100mg PM) per day, if you see the dosage in the PM forum the dosage I am in is very little. I don't feel a thing in the 3 months. Just for the fun of it I did the flush. Then I went back to the cookies. BAM! I have soreness on that month of my cycle immediately. Most of us have heavy worked liver that we don't know. Flushing it is like refreshing it. I will flush every half a year and every 2 months I will do a liver cleanse with milk thistle to avoid stalling my growth. Hazel one of the citizen here who didn't grow at first is experiencing growth soreness after the flush.

Fifth, how much protein are you taking? Are you taking enough? If your BMI is low you should probably take more.

Sixth, massaging is important to encourage blood flow to the breast. I squeeze my breast 30 times each if I am lazy. It still work. Just don't over squeeze it.

Hope this help!

Try taking BB without the DIM PLus.This might have an effect.
And crystalelle ,what is a liver flush ?How/where is it done?

i agree with whats been said already. i do want to add that the dim seems to work different for different people. for me it seemed to over ride all effects of my bb pills. since not taking it this month i have begun having crazy breast pains and it's a week before they should have started. second you really should divide the pills up. your directions should have told you one in the morning and one at night. 2 at a time would be like ramping up once a day then skipping a dose. it could have you all over the place. hope these two simple things make a difference for you. mel "sorry for all lower case. this is a phone post"

Thanks for all the input! Smile I feel like I've done so much research, but clearly still a long ways off from knowing what the hell I'm doing. LOL This thread could be a sticky with the title "What NOT to do" LOL! Tongue

I kind of thought my program was probably a bit off but had reasoning (or attempts out of desperation, lol) for everything I was doing...

Body Temp - My body temp is low, I've been taking the l-tyrosine and kelp since january, and it hasnt' changed. Which is why I increased those to 3 and 2 twice a day. I had no idea too much kelp could cause problems! :S I'm taking the nature's sunshine brand of kelp and the only info I can find on the bottle and on the site is each capsule contains 525 mg of does this compare to mcg?

Taking the pills at the same time in the evening - I got an email from Julie @ BB saying that is what worked for herself and her sister. When I started to get discouraged I recalled reading that after a couple months, some people needed to increase to 3/day, although not to stay on 3/day permanently. So I thought I'd just throw that extra one in with the other 2 in the evening. Wow, this is all sounding so stupid

Protein - I'm having 2 shakes per day of 26g of protein in each serving. Could the protein I'm taking have anything to do with it? This is what i'm taking...

So, here's the new plan....I'm going to stop everything and do a liver/gallbladder flush. Now, do I do just the Milk Thistle or an actual liver cleanse such as this.. ? Then when I start again, here's the new program:

Morning on an empty stomach
l-tyrosine (gotta find out how much is in my capsules)
1 kelp
1 bb
then an hour later my protein.

about an hour before supper
1 bb

later in the evening after my workout
another protein shake.

Does that look a little better?? At the beginning of this whole journey I had full intentions of keeping it simple, and suddenly my program became so screwed up! LOL Oh well, round 2, here I come!!

Sandy111 and Bared,

I am not sure how others do their flush. This is the program for the liver and gallbladder flush I did.

Liver Flush Recipe (Drink this between 5-7am)
1/2 cup of warm water
2 tablespoon organic lemon juice
1 tablespoon organic molasses
1 teaspoon organic olive oil
1 pinch of organic cayenne pepper (powder)

Mix this mixture together in a small glass of warm water. It should be only 2-3 swallow to down the mixture. Take this for 10 days!

Gallbladder Flush recipe
While still on the liver flush on the 5th day add the Gallbladder Flush recipe into your program. Maintain your diet simple (less salt, less oil, non meat and less sugar). Take 3 litters of water everyday.
1 litter organic apple juice (everyday for 6 days)

On the 10th day
Finish your apple juice before 2pm and your last meal at 2pm. Don't eat anything after 2pm else you might risk puking the next day.

At 6pm take a glass of prune juice. At 8pm another glass of prune juice.

At 10pm 1/2 glass of lemon juice + 1/2 glass of olive oil. Down in 1 go, you will feel disgusted if you stop to take a break.

After taking the lemon juice+olive oil, keep your stomach warm by hugging the hot pillow, lie down and turn to the right. This will help to increase the cord of the gallbladder, make it easier to pass out the gallstone. Go and sleep.

On the 11th day you should pass out gall stones if any, if you need another dose of prune juice, go ahead. Then start your meal on something soft and easy to digest.

Keep your diet more on fruits and vegetables on this 10 days. Try not to add meat into your diet or anything protein related. You will see a glow in yourself by 6th day. That is how amazing what we eat can do to us.

(Mel if your program is different, can you share with us! Big Grin)

Btw Bared, you are taking 50++ gram of protein per day, doesn't that make you put on weight. If you put on weight naturally those girls will start to grow a bit. I only take 12gram I am so afraid of the weight gain.

For kelp mcg dosage is smaller than mg. 1 mg is 1000mcg. Iodine in kelp is weigh with mcg not mg.

Monitor your temperature during the cleanse. If your temperature is good during your liver detox you might need to consider adding cayenne pepper (pill form) in your program too.

Good luck!

Hi bared, I know how you feel. I have been taking BB for 4.5 months and have not experienced any growth. I had been taking the pills for nearly 4 months with no growth, pains, soreness, tingles, nothing. I did a liver/galbladder flush like the one crystalelle described. I used epsom salt dissolved in water instead of the prune juice, and it was horrible. I felt really sick for the next day, like I had the flu. I think this recipe is better than the one I did, because the worst part was the epsom salt for me. This is my experience, so do not be turned off. Just take care of yourself if you want to do the flush, and rest the next day.

Even though it was not pleasant, it turned my program around. Since the second day of restarting, I felt soreness. And today, after 1.5 weeks, I am very sore. It is too early to say that it is working, since I have not grown yet. But i am more hopeful now than I've been since ordering the pills. I also used milk thistle for one week after my cleanse. Milk thistle supports the liver, so it will help your liver get back it's strength, and work efficiently.

Too much iodine is definitely dangerous for your body. I take one every other day to not take too much, since the capsules have a certain dosage. My capsules have 660mg of kelp, and that amounts to 400mcg of iodine. So yours has 318mcg of iodine. I suggest you take one a day at most, preferably every other day. Also if iodine doesn't work, you can also try cayenne pepper. It helps improve circulation.

Thanks crystalelle for the info.

You are welcome. Don't forget to detox parasites too every now and then so anything that's making themselves comfortable in your intestine will be able to clean out and not compete with your NBE nutrition.

Thanks so much for all the info! I'm going to start the cleanse on Monday Big Grin and am actually looking forward to it! (is that wierd? lol)

Question on the Liver flush recipe...When I take it in the morning, do I take it on an empty stomach and then wait awhile before breakfast?

I haven't gained weight from the protein yet, I've actually lost fat and toned up quite a bit. I've been on it twice a day since December. The one I have in the morning is with milk for my breakfast and the other I have mixed with water after my workout. I do watch what I eat as well though...alot of veggies, very little sugar, limited salt, etc.

Thanks for the info on the Kelp! I'll keep it at one a day. I was taking cayenne for about 2 months as well, but it didn't seem to help either Dodgy I've just about given up on raising my body temperature. I just seem to be cold My dh is always warm and I am always always cold.

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