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what is a perfect vagina


To the original poster, please, PLEASE google the Large Labia Project (edit: easier to include the link here Before having healthy tissue amputated please look at that blog. Look through it all. Look at the photos, read the questions and comments. Go to the menu and look at the section entitled male comments (depressing that this should matter, but I know it does to a lit of women). There is NO such thing as a perfect vulva (the vagina is internal), they are all variations of normal.

I have large labia myself. Yep, they rub, yep they're wrinkly and not smooth. They're also full of nerve endings and erectile tissue, they're lots of fun to play with, they engorge with blood when I'm aroused and look awesome, and Ive been told by men they feel amazing during penetration. I'm not going to let some grotesque false ideals make me have healthy parts of me sliced off.

It's your body and your choice, and if you feel they're causing enough physical pain (and emotional pain) to have them surgically removed then go ahead. Just be aware of what your expectations are and that it might not be exactly what you'd hoped for. I'm not trying to scare you but to give you a very realistic view. Many women have this surgery and end up with a host of problems, physical and mental. Many women have it and are very happy with no problems. There are resources about labiaplasty on the Large Labia Project, look in the menu. Read them, then read them again.

I personally find tighter underwear more comfortable for my labia, it keeps them in place and reduces irritation. Some women find underwear with a looser gusset to be better, leaving their labia to hang more freely. It depends on the woman, and it's definitely worth experimenting with different types to see what is the most comfortable for you. I would certainly say knickers with the seam right up the front to be the worst, and cotton gussets to be the least irritating.

Believe me, whatever your vulva looks like couldn't be more normal or perfect. PLEASE do spend some time on the Large Labia Project, it's run by a wonderful woman from Australia and it will be so, so helpful for you (and any man/woman who doesn't know the full range of normal vulva diversity). Look through as many pages as you can and hey, maybe one day you could even submit yourself! How awesome would it be to help other girls and women see that they're totally normal? Smile I plan to do it!

I know this is a long post but it's something I'm passionate about, and I'd like you to equip yourself with all the information you can before making any drastic decisions.

And show your vulva a bit of love, have fun with it Smile


Thanks for posting that!! I was concerned, too!!

Thanks everyone it means very much but I don't believe mine is normal, healthy or pretty its very uncomfortable, ugly and shameful I didn't go with my first choice of vagina but I showed the plastic surgeon a few photos I like to find a realistic safe goal I wanted your opinions because to see what is considered beautiful there I know not me.
He seemed to be very experienced and went through many options for me more than I had even heard researching.
My surgery is 4 the July I'll try to update how it goes.
I'm so nervous but more excited really please wish me luck.

Best wishes for your surgery and recovery! Smile


So you have an abnormal vag. Okay, not your fault. You prob been exposed to some seriously imbalanced hormones while in the womb and who knows, it may have been exposed to more hormones and in turn, gave you in your mind, a hideous vag. Do you know if your mother and lineage also has this kind of deformity? Who knows, what if the books say this is a normal vagina??I doubt its hereditary, but you never know. Its worth it to find out. I too don't care for my vag. I'll be honest in telling you, the inner seems to respond to androgens, if exposed to high amounts, you will notice the inner growing! The outer lips maybe thinner. But I have never heard of long lips, I am not sure what that is due to. Have you researched it?
Although, you may not get that perfect lil kitty, I would imagine you can request lipo filling of the outer labia majora (if you hardly have lips to cover over the inners) and the inners (which I have heard, been referred to as "beef curtains") Can be cut off. If your lips are utterly long, it should be easy for him to cut them to the appropriate size. You should have a very average looking vag. Hopefully, you'll be happy with your dr.'s work.
That whole jeans thing would irritate the hell out of me.
I can't imagine a man saying no to a vagina. I am so sorry your experiences where aweful. Im sure these guys weren't perfect.

Remember to ask for what you want or think is normal. All of us gals here are going to have a different idea, so go with yours. Every gals is different that's for sure, so you will get differing opinions. Don't worry about what others think about the one you are striving for. Good luck with it. I hope you dont develop a type of dysmorphia about it. I only say that because, you have past trauma with the subject. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect and porno "pretty", just comfortable and balanced!

(17-06-2014, 15:48)bmthx Wrote:  I am going for a consultation for vaginaplasty this week because I desperately don't like the appearance of this part of me its also only connected to very bad memories and experiences I feel a lot of shame here for me I think that that is also towards the reason I want to have a new start before I feel ready to date and marry.
I have long uncomfortable labias and that is very irritating to me to wear jeans or anything tight I dont feel comfortable naked either.
I watch ed a TV show about perfect vagina but no one really answers the question I would love to have a pretty one mine looks so alien and ugly.
What do you think is a perfect or pretty vagina?
I can't even find one as ugly as mine in Google Sad
This is close but mine are twisted and uneven.
Warning graffic content

I want
Is this good? its my dream one


How are you doing? I hope things went well for you.

I hope it went as well as possible for you, bmthx, and that it helps you in the way you'd hoped. Smile

But I take serious issue with anyone calling long labia minora abnormal or a deformity (!!) It's so normal that it's practically mundane (as if a vulva could ever be so). Plenty of people here will have labia minora that protrude beyond the labia majora. That kind of negative language can be so damaging, and I didn't think this was that type of place.

Whether someone thinks it is normal or not doesn't negate the fact that it is. Shorter, hidden inner labia aren't more normal. People have different sized breasts, penises, foreskins, clitorises and, yep, labia. It is what it is, a regular human body.

Medical diagrams, sex ed classes, soft porn and parents have a lot to answer for. Did you know that in Australia their censorship laws require them to airbrush any woman's vulva to a single line? Talk about f-ing up young people's perceptions of normality!! Apparently showing detail of the vulva is considered too explicit. Yes, ladies, your visible inner labia are just too damn sexual Wink If kids could just see what normal adult genitals and bodies (of both men and women) can look like in all their splendid variations I think a lot if this "am I normal?" anxiety and deep insecurity could be avoided.

Jamie McCartney, an English artist, made plaster casts of 400 women's vulvas, aged from 18-76. You can see these casts here Normal vulvas. Vulvas of mothers, daughters, grandmothers, transgender men and women, pregnant women, and one woman who had undergone labiaplasty. Very clearly we women have a massive range of diversity between our legs.

Anyway, everyone has autonomy over their own body and they are free to do with it what they wish, be it breast implants, penis enlargement, nose jobs, labiaplasty etc. If it makes someone happy, who am I to say any different. But large labia abnormal? Oh, hell no.

I truly wish you all the best, bmthx, and hope you are happy with the new you and your new start. You were perfect, normal and healthy before, but I hope you yourself will feel it now Smile

Sending lots of wishes for a safe and speedy recovery xx

Thank you to you all, i can say Its already beautiful and no pain, I was surprise I can't wait to see the healed result already I feel much more confident beauty with only this change I felt so wrong of myself I had ugly breasts and ugly vagina the important parts to please a man were horrors of my body now my body as a whole is more loveable I am thankful I chose only this not to correct my breast surgery because nobody it can be my secret but breast augmentation is very seen that it wouldn't be true.
I would recommend to anyone who dislikes their view and feel down there this is simple but life changing. Please don't judge my choice mine was very bad case worse than any before I have seen, far worse than all your links wren and most those women older and have children this was my difficulty and my solution I am happy now only a few days later. Its as close to perfect as I have wished I still have some labias but appropriate size for my body and my doctor is very pleased with his work.

Glad it went well, without any trouble. Sounds like you're recovering well.


Good luck for the future!

(Most of the women on the links I gave aren't older or mothers. Some, not most Smile)

I happy you feel better I know there's not much you can do to naturally enhance that area except tightening herbs even some cultures use enlarging herbs but nothing will naturally shrink labias the only 'natural' options I saw women claim were combinations of hydrocortisone creams and hemorrhoid cream none seem like a good idea to me im surprised there arent natural methods i heard men can shrink their genitals with herbs maybe pumping for fuller outer labia if they are short could help hide them but for you if you are like your example surgery really seems needed as it caused you pain I think if mine were the same I would have chosen the surgery too no ones judging you just trying to help.
Hope your recovery is fast.

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