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what is a perfect vagina


(18-06-2014, 00:05)BonitaDDs Wrote:  I know mines not perfect I have a scar where I tore a piercing there
I had this piercing the scar is where the top pulled down as I caught it it was a little painful its getting better with vitamin e lemon juice and msm but at first was deep like a belly button, but men have normally scarred penis from circumcision so I don't feel insecure is hardly noticeable now.
Yes all vaginas are different I think pretty vagina would be plump outer lips and short pink inner labias of course hairless and tight like your 'goal vagina' but the first isn't ugly just different some men will probably prefer like that.
But do men really mind probably not as long as it feels good, if your vaginas a problem to anyone else they don't deserve to see it.

Bloody hell just thinking about tearing anything down there makes my poor vagina shrivel up xD Brave lady!

(17-06-2014, 15:48)bmthx Wrote:  I am going for a consultation for vaginaplasty this week because I desperately don't like the appearance of this part of me its also only connected to very bad memories and experiences I feel a lot of shame here for me I think that that is also towards the reason I want to have a new start before I feel ready to date and marry.
I have long uncomfortable labias and that is very irritating to me to wear jeans or anything tight I dont feel comfortable naked either.
I watch ed a TV show about perfect vagina but no one really answers the question I would love to have a pretty one mine looks so alien and ugly.
What do you think is a perfect or pretty vagina?
I can't even find one as ugly as mine in Google Sad
This is close but mine are twisted and uneven.
Warning graffic content

I want
Is this good? its my dream one
WOW!!  Those ARE big!!!!  So is the hood!!

On the second one, yeah, that's VERY pretty!!!!

Here's another really pretty one!!  I wish it was mine!!  :-(

Girl, I feel ya! I don't have long inner lips like you, I have the short ones. But since I was little, I've had what my mom and I thought was a birthmark on one of my outer lips. Doctors (and gynecologists) that asked about it, or I asked THEM about it, everyone thought it was a birthmark. It looks kind of like a bruise. Sometimes you can barely see it, sometimes its SUPER obvious and sticks out further than the lip itself. Well, it turns out that every single doctor was wrong. It's a vericose vein!! What the?? Confused as to how every doctor missed THAT.

Anyways, the rest of my muffin is a pinkish color, my inner lips are like a purple-blue (which I hate & will see if they can pink-en it up). So, good news is that insurance will cover me getting the vericose vein fixed. Plus it is painful sometimes. And that stupid vein has caused me a LOT of embarrassment, shame and problems with intimate times. I've ALWAYS been super scared to let a guy see my girly bits or go down there. And once I got comfortable enough with him to finally LET him, I can't relax and actually climax because I'm so paranoid. I know, it's crazy. But we're all our own worse critics.

So, since yours causes you pain, if you have insurance, they'll more than likely cover it. I've done a bunch of searching on those surgeries and I've seen that mentioned several times on the plastic surgeons websites.

Just a suggestion though, I would definitely bring along a few photos of what you'd like for yours to look like after the surgery. Also, I'd suggest that you find a plastic surgeon who specializes in those types of surgeries, instead of a plastic surgeon who does pretty much everything from ears to calf implants.

bmthx, I'm curious about if you have menstrual cycle irregularities or which staple foods you eat, so I can have an idea of which hormones do this. Green tea seems to lower tissue amounts, probably through caffeine and its hormonal properties. Someone will like what you have.

I found this one perfect:

If I could choose one this would be it its such a nice shape and colour.
Just the bits though I'm not into that she looks so young but that's probably why she was chosen for porn.

i can only view the picture that Missed Miss posted.
Is it normal to be that hairless?
Would this be done by laser hair removal or...?
Sorry please excuse my ignorance Smile

Haha I think everyone else didn't want to download vaginas to post can't you open links?
Probably laser or just waxed or shaved laser is great though your right adult women aren't naturally hairless haha
All vaginas are good as long as they are healthy though because that's most important.

(25-06-2014, 00:28)BonitaDDs Wrote:  If I could choose one this would be it its such a nice shape and colour.
Just the bits though I'm not into that she looks so young but that's probably why she was chosen for porn.
It's very pretty, Bonny!! :-) Nice pretty shade of pink. I'll take one of those, too!! Make it two, just in case I need a spare!

(25-06-2014, 02:39)hunni Wrote:  i can only view the picture that Missed Miss posted.
Is it normal to be that hairless?
Would this be done by laser hair removal or...?
Sorry please excuse my ignorance Smile

Kinda looks to me like she got waxed. However, I went skinny dipping with a girl (Jennifer) once who was a few months shy of turning 19 and she STILL had almost NO Jenny Fur!! This was 28 years ago, so, it's VERY doubtful she shaved it. It wasn't quite in vogue, yet.

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