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My plan for butt growth(plz tell me it's good)


Pueraria Mirifica(500-1,000 mg)and cycle it.
L-Tyrosine(so it won't go to my boobs)
Pueraria Mirifica Extract
Emu oil
Cypress extract(for circulation)
and I'll mix the above ingredients into the Eveline Creme.
I'm also trying to loose you think this would help me keep my 40 inch thighs while I loose my waist and upper half?I want to get to the measurements 34-25-43(currently 37-30-40)

Why would l-tyrosine keep the PM from affecting your breasts?

(21-06-2014, 23:09)prettylily Wrote:  Why would l-tyrosine keep the PM from affecting your breasts?
Its an anti-prolactin.This is the thread I learned about it from

The link is restricted access, but that's pretty interesting that it would prevent breast growth. I know that some members who took bovine ovary also supplemented with l-tyrosine. Huh

Oh sorry about that!Ill post it...its by lil_lisa from BHM but shes also a member here too:

How to Make Sure Your Herbs / Supplements Go to your Butt and not your Boobs


Having a hard time growing your butt because your boobs are super big and they keep sucking up the body types herbs making your boobs even more bigger but not your butt?

Prolactin is a hormone dat increasez swellin in your breastz and when your breastz swell they expand and help make room for more tissue 2 grow. Swellin in your breastz is not what U want when U are tryin to grow your butt. Prolactin does not benefit da growth of your butt at all only da breastz. When U have too much prolactin in your body or if U take prolactin herbz dis increases da changes greatly dat da phytoestrogenz U are takin will go to your breastz because your breast tissue is expandin a lot and your body will recognize dis and want to send some of da phytoestrogenz (pueraria mirifica, aguaje, red clover, etc) to your breastz instead of your butt

If U help your body control where da phytoestrogenz are going better da more da phytoestrogenz will go to your butt and not your boobz. Da key is to decrease your prolactin so dat your breastz don't swell and dat gives your butt a stronger chance dat it will take in da phytoestrogenz and not your boobz

Anti-Prolacin Supplements


L-Tyrosine is an amino acid (a part of protein) dat blockz prolactin production. As I've explained prolactin makez your breastz expand and if U block dat it will help ensure dat your phytoestrogen herbz will go to your butt fat and not your breast tissue. L-Tyrosine is in BBB and now I understand why. But BBB has so little it won't be effective.

I will look more into it but from what I found readin da labelz of L-Tyrosine supplementz it is best 2 take at night and between 500-1,500mg a day


I now understand why they put dis in BBB. Watercress is an anti-prolactin so dat helpz ensure dat da other ingredientz of BBB go to your butt and not your breastz. Da only problem with BBB is dat U are getting so little of every ingredient dat itz not enough to work. U would have to take about 10 pillz of dat stuff a day to get real resultz and dat is way too expensive. Watercress can be found in most grocery storez or Asian supermarketz (U can also buy it as a supplement if your marketz fail 2 have it). It is also said dat watercress will help with breast growth as well although so far what I have found da only thing dat watercress has is an anti-prolactin (counter productive for breast growth) and an anti-estrogen (counter productive for breast growth. Watercress could help with breast growth if U have too much estrogen, if U are estrogen dominant then da anti-estrogen of watercress will bring your levelz down to a level where growth can occur. Watercress helpz to clean out estrogen from da body so temporarily it helpz with breast enhancement because it is riding da body of excess estrogen and makin better use of it. Dis is why when takin watercress U must make sure your phytoestrogen is strong enough to battle da anti-estrogen properties of it so dat U only benefit from it'z anti-prolactin benefitz. Takin watercress will make sure dat your breastz don't swell so dat more of da phytoestrogen U take will go to your butt and not your boobz.

I will do more research later but from da supplmentz I read anywhere between 1,000-2,000mg a day is what is recommended for watercress.

Vitex (Chaste Berry)

inhibitz prolactin but also increasez progesterone so dis one is sort of tricky. If U take vitex remember it has phytoprogestin (plant progesterone) and if your hormonez are balanced dat is counter productive to increasin your butt. Your butt is skin, fat, and muscle. Progesterone increasez da growth of breast tissue (not breast fat) and has no benefit for increasin fat anywhere on your body (popular diet pillz contain phytoprogestinz to weaken estrogen to help burn fat in estrogen-sensitive fat areaz like your thighz, hipz, butt, and breastz so progesterone is counter produtive to addin fat to your hipz, butt, and thighz). So if U try Vitex as your anti-prolactin then U need to make sure dat your phytoestrogen is dominating and is stronger than da phytoprogestin in Vitex. Although in the Wikipedia article I read it said that in lower dosages vitex mildly increases prolactin and in higher doses decreases prolactin so dat meanz U would have a lot of progesterone in your system as well which meanz U would have to take pueraria mirifica or aguaje as your phytoestrogen otherwise it won't be strong enough to combat da phytoprogestin. Remember, for da butt U only need phytoestrogen to add fat to your butt.

From what I read on supplement bottles anywhere between 200-600mg of Vitex everyday is what is recommended.


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