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Luteal Swelling


Is luteal swelling a sign of an hormonal inbalance? I've just read it is caused by too much estrogen or less progesteron. Is that true?
I've experienced something strange last cycle. I always got luteal swelling. Up to an inch. But my luteal phase was too short (it should be about 12-16 days, but mine were about 9-10 days). My doctor told me that this could be a sign for less progesterone.
This cycle my luteal phase was 12 days long and I didn't got any luteal swelling, which is ok for me. Does that mean my hormones are balanced now? I listened to the Estrogen Boost from Sapien Med in folicular phase and Progesteron Boost in luteal phase.

(04-06-2014, 19:55)uhuccup Wrote:  Is luteal swelling a sign of an hormonal inbalance? I've just read it is caused by too much estrogen or less progesteron. Is that true?
I've experienced something strange last cycle. I always got luteal swelling. Up to an inch. But my luteal phase was too short (it should be about 12-16 days, but mine were about 9-10 days). My doctor told me that this could be a sign for less progesterone.
This cycle my luteal phase was 12 days long and I didn't got any luteal swelling, which is ok for me. Does that mean my hormones are balanced now? I listened to the Estrogen Boost from Sapien Med in folicular phase and Progesteron Boost in luteal phase.

Having seen this question and wondering myself as my last two cycles were pure bliss, I had no luteal swelling (or very little) but NO pain in my breasts and also no pain during my period and a lighter period which I haven't had since starting NBE. Heres a link Ive just found very interesting cause its not just one persons opinion.


Ok thanks a lot!
I'll ask my doc the next time.
#4 "Breast - premenstrual tenderness and swelling"

(12-06-2014, 07:49)lovely11 Wrote: "Breast - premenstrual tenderness and swelling"

Nice article.. I haven't understood everything because I'm not a native speaker, I'm german Tongue
But from what I've understood luteal swelling is caused by progesterin or estrogen.
I've just found an article from a health provider in which luteal swelling is mentioned as an sign of an imbalance of estrogen and progesterin.
But what imbalance exactly (too much estrogen/ less progesterin or the other way) has to be checked by an hormone test in the 2nd half of cycle.

I believe an imbalance of too much estrogen vs progesterone.
But you can be low in estrogen and still have an imbalance because you can have even less progesterone in comparison, like I do. Wink You have seen my test result so you know what I mean.

(12-06-2014, 18:23)peggy Wrote:  I believe an imbalance of too much estrogen vs progesterone.
But you can be low in estrogen and still have an imbalance because you can have even less progesterone in comparison, like I do. Wink You have seen my test result so you know what I mean.

Yes I know what you mean, peggy..
For me everything looks like I have less progesterone, but maybe it is balanced yet?
I wish I could afford an Saliva Test like you :-)

Progesterone is associated with the luteal phase.

The article was saying swelling during the luteal phase was growth and caused by progesterone. It said that swelling just before the luteal phase (mid cycle) was caused by estrogen.

Unfortunately it said Fibrocystic breast problems were hormonal.

I was thinking that progesterone caused luteal swelling. but The article seems to imply birth control pills, which are progestins, reduce swelling. Maybe I'm reading to much into it, and drawing a too early conclusion on something that isn't spelled out in that article.

It also implies that diuretics reduce swelling. First it says swelling is growth then implying a lot of it is water. Must be due to both. hmm, water.

(12-06-2014, 19:47)lovely11 Wrote:  I was thinking that progesterone caused luteal swelling. but The article seems to imply birth control pills, which are progestins, reduce swelling. Maybe I'm reading to much into it, and drawing a too early conclusion on something that isn't spelled out in that article.

It also implies that diuretics reduce swelling. First it says swelling is growth then implying a lot of it is water. Must be due to both. hmm, water.

I don't think swelling in luteal phase is growth .. I had it on the BC and until last month (I'm currently 7 months off the BC).. And I hadn't got any growth on the BC..
I think it implys water ..
All articles say something different. One says estrogen causes luteal swelling, another one that progesterone causes it and the others say it's an hormonal imbalance .. Difficult to decide whats true!

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