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I really, really need help.


(26-05-2014, 00:29)BonitaDDs Wrote:  What did you girls use to grow hair? My bf loves my crazy hair is a really strange texture it sort of seems to grow bigger than longer and really tangled never been longer than the top of my breasts.
But its like I brush its always frizzy and it sticks out at all kinds of unusual directions it grows fast(more than an inch roots a month after colouring, but falls out alot like almost a handfull per wash it allways is still thick though coffee rinse is reducing hair fall but if anyone has any ideas to get it less knotty or grow faster I'm interested.

Biotin is the most popular from what I've researched so I take that with MSM and calcium and I've got crazy growth. I have pretty dry hair because of my texture so I moisturize it often and use castor oil to seal in moisture.

(25-05-2014, 21:47)Blue Colleen Wrote:  
(24-05-2014, 02:20)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(24-05-2014, 01:05)Blue Colleen Wrote:  
(23-05-2014, 02:51)Missed Miss Wrote:  Thanks, Blue!! I DO try to be different!

Okay, but LOOK at who's thinking this way, saying no tits means your ugly. It's a bunch of little girls!!!! Most of whom are brainwashed by scrawny, anorexic/bulimic women pictured in magazines that are photoshopped to look even skinnier than they really are and to have MUCH bigger tits than they really do. They start out playing with a figurine that is VERY badly proportionate!! Her name is, Barbie!! They're taught to believe that THIS is perfection and what they SHOULD look like by the time they are 13 or 14. I just read yesterday about someone having done a Barbie to real life comparison. If Barbie was a real girl, she's have to be 7' 2" tall, her neck would be so skinny it couldn't possibly support her head, and her tits would give her curvature of the spine or at least make her a hunchback!
NO ONE says you HAVE to cave under the pressure of your supposed friends!! If they were REALLY your friends, they'd accept you no matter how you looked or dressed and no matter how big your tits are. In about 8 years, nobody this girl is now in school with will give a shit HOW big her tits are! It's called, maturation! All this self-imposed pressure will no longer exist!! Do your girlfriends REALLY tell you that you have to have bigger tits or you're nobody? If they do, tell THEM to make your tits bigger FOR you if it's that important!
When guys are that age, everything revolves around the size of their dick!! What can you POSSIBLY do to make it bigger?? NOTHING!! IF it's to get bigger, it'll do it by itself in its own time!! By the time they're 15 or 16, it no longer matters anymore!!
Like we've said here, y'all need to STOP wasting so much of your time and energy worrying about shit that you have NO control over and just let it happen as it happens!! Your tits will take of themselves!! What YOU need to take care of is your homework!
And, like I've said, ANY boy, and I mean ANY boy, that thinks you HAVE to have big tits to be worth it is NOT worth it!! Nobody says you HAVE to date someone if you don't want to. Date who you want WHEN you want!!

You mean men with troglodyte brains!! I see LOTS of what you'd call "plan-looking": women in my travels every day that I think are quite pretty!! I see people pictures of people, usually famous women, with no make-up on and the SCADS of comments about how ugly they look without make-up and, honestly, most often, I think they look even prettier without make-up!! ANYONE that'd call these women ugly is ABSOLUTELY PLASTIC and has been brainwashed into buying into the hype of what the magazine SAY beauty is!! You've all been hypnotized into believing this junk!! The sooner you all wake up and snap out of it and think for yourselves, the better off we'll all be!! When I was in college, I was MADLY in love with this INCREDIBLY beautiful girl that happened to be my best friend!! EVERY GUY on campus wanted to get into her sexy pants!!!! But, as far as she was concerned, she's fat and an ugly and NOBODY will EVER love her!! That image is self-projected!! Well, the entire time we were in college together she was ALWAYS dating SOMEONE!!!! Here's her picture. Does THAT look fat & ugly to you????

Most men think with their dicks, because that's what they've been taught to think with!! Look at how many have their priorities as: cars, football, beer and tits. I care almost NOTHING about cars, I HATE football and I think beer (and all other booze) should be made illegal and marijuana should be made legal. I do NOT smoke grass, but, look at how many people died from using that compared to how many died or were killed because of SOMEONE'S use of booze. Anyway, guys that think that way with those priorities are not the smartest monkeys! Are they? But you're willing to settle for that for the sake of love and you'll use your tits to get that love! It's a trade off! My tits for what passes for love? But, if you have no tits you can't HAVE love?? How cruel!!!! Again, I don't care how big a girl's tits are! I want someone that's got a brain in her head. Prettiness is a plus and, yeah, bigger tits are a plus, but, I've seen PLENTY of women with small tits that I think are very pretty (their tits, I mean). Cameron Diaz has small tits, Roseanne Barr has huge ones. Which would you prefer to be? Most guys would rather have Cameron!! How many of those guys are gay? I'm not gay, but I care more about a woman's personality and brains than the size of her tits. Besides, as we all here know, tits can be made bigger!! Besides, tits are ONLY there for decoration!! Not only flat-chested women, but even MEN can breast feed!! So, why have protruding tits if it's not needed for any function? Answer: Looks!! Attraction!!

No, when you reach adulthood, there'll BE no pressure to have bigger tits!! That's what little girls obsess over.

When I hear the word, "Woman", I think of someone with long hair, that is pretty and PREFERABLY has a nice body, but her having big tits is optional. I'd LOVE a very pretty girl, but I wouldn't mind at all if she was just average looking.

Hun, I SERIOUSLY DOUBT I'll EVER be an attractive woman!! Apparently, I don't even make an attractive guy!! I've only ever been with 3 women!! My first, after a few months of us being together, claimed she was just using me to make another guy jealous. My second, a year later, was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and I didn't know it. To this day, she still has NO recollection of us ever having sex!! And my third, 8 years later, after being together for 7 or 8 years, started cheating on me with a guy that picks through garbage and makes very strange art out of it!! I don't consider ANY of them to have been an actual girlfriend!!

Hun, you only THINK you need to "fix" things for guys to be attracted to you!! Chances are, if you DON'T fix it at ALL, you'll STILL get yourself a guy!!
Don't be so hard on yourself, hun. And, while you're at it, don't be so hard on your, so far, titless girlfriends!!

Take care!! :-)

Yeah you're right in some way... But I can't not "fix" it! You know, the more attractive boys do like bigger breasts.
And... I'm ashamed of this but I think I'll have to say...
There's a boy, from my school, that I like, since about 1 year ago or so. 2 months ago I asked my friend to tell him and guess what he said! "She's nice but no I would not kiss her or date her or whatever"! I'm practically the ONLY girl that likes him and he doesn't like. He's dated a lot of girls, VERY different from each other! There's that black one, the other one that looks like Snow White, then the fat blonde one, the skinny one... The list goes on. The ONLY thing I've noticed that ALL of them have BUT me is boobs! Not necessarily big ones, he's dated a girl with small breasts but they are still bigger than mine! I think that's why I am here after all. And the girls' personalities are WIDELY different too! This boy plays the electric guitar in a metal band and he's dated girls that HATE rock! And he KNOWS I like metal. But he won't even talk to me about his band! What he does with everybody!
I know I shouldn't like him, I know you'll say he's a jerk but I... I can't control it. He's just too perfect and I'm too submissive! /:

By the way sincerely neither the girl or you in the photo look bad. You kinda look like some illustrations of Jesus lol. You are not ugly, you probably just have an... Unattractive personality, and thats why you have never had a real girlfriend. And yeah for most women, personality is more important than looks. Sadly it's not a good personality! It's the assertiveness and confidence that attract a woman! That's why we like some of the jerks... What pisses me off!

And from what I've read in some of your threads, you seem to do want to be an attravtive woman. Even if you think it's not possible. But sincerely, it's totally possible! Grow boobs, use a corset, grow your head hair and shape your eyebrows and remove any other hair, do that surgery that turns a penis into a vagina, and that other surgery that makes your jaw smaller, bleach your hair blonde and paint your nails and you're done!
The more attractive boys are most likely plastic themselves! Maybe in half a dozen years you'll understand that looks are superficial.

That boy you like is a pubescent, horny kid!! The chances of any of you hitting gold the first time you date someone are slim to none. You're only JUST starting to figure out what you like in a mate. As they say, there's LOTS of fish in the ocean!! What you like today will most likely NOT be what you'll like in 8 or more years. There were a LOT of couples in Jr. High School when I was that age and you know how many of them are still together today? Probably very close to NONE! They were only 13 at the time and pretty much every one of them split up and dated other people NUMEROUS times over the next 6 years!
Okay, let's take your POV and flip it over. What do girls look for in a guy, especially 13 year olds. (I specify them, because the following is something that happened when I was 13.) In Jr, High, I met this girl named, Emily, and as SOON as I set eyes on her, I was MADLY in love with her!!!!!! And, it had NOTHING to do with her tits!! I think she was no more than a B cup all through high school. She had a stunningly GORGEOUS toothy smile, dark skin and very long dark hair!!!! I was SURE she was an Indian!!!! Turned out, she's Irish, like me!! And she was VERY sweet!!!! I loved her voice and the way she talked, too. No matter how madly I was in love with her, she'd NEVER even THINK of going out with me!!!! I'm pretty sure I made it VERY clear that day that I wanted her in the WORST way!!!! Not with words, but with actions! I sat next to her at lunch and no matter how much other people tried to talk me into moving so someone else could sit next to her, I REFUSED to move!!!! I'm pretty sure EVERYBODY in the entire school knew I was hot for Emily!! But, apparently, I didn't have what she was looking for!! Couldn't have been that she was looking for a guy with bigger tits!! To this day, I still have no clue why she'd never go out with me!!
Anyway, I'm SURE there's something else about you that this boy doesn't find attractive, not just your tits, but, even if it IS your tits, why would you want a guy that only sees you as a pair of tits?

Thank you!! Yeah, Jesus is another one I think I kinda look like. I also have a t-shirt with Todd Rundgren's picture on it and when I wear it people ask me if that's me on the shirt! Maybe that's why Todd seems to be scared of me every time I show up at his gigs! But then, the time I helped run sound for two of his shows, he had a guitarist with him, Jesse Gress, who, until I actually met and talked with Jesse later that night, I thought was Todd's brother because he looked just like Todd!!
I seriously don't think I have a bad personality, I've had quite few girl friends (friends that are girls) that have told me I'm a very nice and sweet guy, and, it was JENNIFER that introduced herself to ME one afternoon between classes and said that she saw me in the lunch room and thought to herself she really wanted to meet me!! She was 17 that day, soon to be 18 in about 2 weeks, and I had just turned 27 2 months before. I just can't seem to get girls to take me beyond the friend zone!!
Well, as you should've noticed in the picture, I already have long hair! It's half way down my back. I shaved it all off in protest in `89, but haven't cut it since!! And, 2 years before this picture was taken, I TRIED to colour my hair blonde, had it done professionally, and it came out a golden orange!! I don't think my hair CAN be taken to blonde!! As for the rest, I don't have the money to go through all of that. Donations anyone?

I'm not sure either why that girl wouldn't date you... Were you short? Shorter than her? It would probably have been the reason lol.
Or maybe she found you creepy. Did she let you sit next to her? Girls usually like boys that are confident, but still sweet, and funny.
But if the problem was your appearance, I can't really tell what exactly in your appearance. I find my crush extremely beautiful yet ALL my friends think he's ugly as ****!
And now that I'm thinking he may not like me for some other reason, I wear padded bras to school and I look bigger than I really am... Tho it looks different than other girl's breasts so maybe they all know I wear padded bras??? Idk. But I'm too quiet and extremely shy, even more when he's in the same room. But would this be reason to not date me? I act normally around my friends and people I know well...

Depends on what you consider short. I'm 6' 9". Is that short? She was only 5' 4". Mostly, I think she wouldn't date me because she was seeing one guy, but in love with another. Then, after she broke up with both of them, she started seeing ANOTHER guy!! But it's not just her that put me in the friend zone, ALL girls have me there!!

(25-05-2014, 22:05)lovedebbii Wrote:  
(25-05-2014, 21:47)Blue Colleen Wrote:  I'm not sure either why that girl wouldn't date you... Were you short? Shorter than her? It would probably have been the reason lol.
Or maybe she found you creepy. Did she let you sit next to her? Girls usually like boys that are confident, but still sweet, and funny.
But if the problem was your appearance, I can't really tell what exactly in your appearance. I find my crush extremely beautiful yet ALL my friends think he's ugly as ****!
And now that I'm thinking he may not like me for some other reason, I wear padded bras to school and I look bigger than I really am... Tho it looks different than other girl's breasts so maybe they all know I wear padded bras??? Idk. But I'm too quiet and extremely shy, even more when he's in the same room. But would this be reason to not date me? I act normally around my friends and people I know well...

I highly doubt that a guy won't like you because you wear padded bras. I like bras that are more non padded to lightly lined but that not the point lol. A lot of people like to date people they can talk to. Most guys won't approach if they think you're closed off and that's the kind of vibe most shy people emit and that can also be intimidating. If I like a guy I'll totally be myself around them and if they think I'm weird then they're not the one but I've only had one guy who thought that and we ended up becoming really close friends after I started dating his brother Tongue. I think girls overanalyze when it comes to guys they like and most guys just want a girl who's laid back and fun.

I can tell you this, if you're a REALLY good looking girl, like, really hot, y'know, like Debbii, guys will instantly think, "Look at her!! she's GORGEOUS!! She's got TONS of guys DRIPPING off her!!!! What chance do I have?????" So, they probably won't even bother!! In the meantime, I've heard that there's so many hot girls that can't get a date!!!! Why? Because guys are too scared/self-depreciating, to bother to ask her out!! Girls need to take the wheel sometimes!! If you see a guy you think you might like, go after him!! Chances are he's afraid of being turned down by you thinking you've already got a number of guys!!

(25-05-2014, 22:56)Blue Colleen Wrote:  
(25-05-2014, 02:39)Missed Miss Wrote:  I've heard coconut oil helps a lot, but I REALLY hate my hair feeling greasy!!

Coconut oil is usually used by people with dry and damaged hair, I've used it twice in my hair that isn't dry neither damaged and it made it super greasy!
There's a forum which I think you would like, the Long Hair Community. It has a lot of tips to make your hair longer and healthier. Since you haven't cut your hair since 89 I bet there are a lot of split ends! You should cut them!
Drink a lot of water & take vitamins & use shampoos with vitamins. Somehow putting vitamins directly in the scalp makes the hair grow like crazy!

I USED to have a lot of split ends, but hardly any, anymore.

1 inch a month is already very fast, but you could try those vitamins:
I take some of them, but I'm still trying to find the others. I started last week tho so I can't say if it is helping for me, but you can read other people's experiences in the link, since it's a thread.

Thanks I might add evening primrose oil I already get enough of others healthy fats proteins msm, some silica from horsetail tea I'm sure hair fall is my problem and the way it tangles up like its grown but won't come further down.
Ugh and last time I got it cut the hair dresser burnt it with straighteners because she did it on damp hair for me its bad I cut most of the damage out myself lucky with my hair type uneveness won't show but I was so annoyed since the only reason I wanted a cut was to get rid of my split ends.

(26-05-2014, 00:29)BonitaDDs Wrote:  What did you girls use to grow hair? My bf loves my crazy hair is a really strange texture it sort of seems to grow bigger than longer and really tangled never been longer than the top of my breasts.
But its like I brush its always frizzy and it sticks out at all kinds of unusual directions it grows fast(more than an inch roots a month after colouring, but falls out alot like almost a handfull per wash it allways is still thick though coffee rinse is reducing hair fall but if anyone has any ideas to get it less knotty or grow faster I'm interested.
Mine falls out a lot, too, when I wash it. I'm getting to the point where I'm not going to wash it anymore!! If it's gonna fall out anyway, it can take the damn dirt with it!!
I've heard having LOTS of sex can do wonders for all assets of your body, including your hair!! Guess that's why mine's not doing as great. I think, for as much good as sex does for you, doctors should give you prescriptions for it and, if you can't find someone to do it with, they should have government subsidized hookers specifically for medicinal purposes!! If you get a scrip for sex and can't find a date, you just go to the your local GSH and she'll take care of you!

(26-05-2014, 02:05)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(26-05-2014, 00:29)BonitaDDs Wrote:  What did you girls use to grow hair? My bf loves my crazy hair is a really strange texture it sort of seems to grow bigger than longer and really tangled never been longer than the top of my breasts.
But its like I brush its always frizzy and it sticks out at all kinds of unusual directions it grows fast(more than an inch roots a month after colouring, but falls out alot like almost a handfull per wash it allways is still thick though coffee rinse is reducing hair fall but if anyone has any ideas to get it less knotty or grow faster I'm interested.
Mine falls out a lot, too, when I wash it. I'm getting to the point where I'm not going to wash it anymore!! If it's gonna fall out anyway, it can take the damn dirt with it!!
I've heard having LOTS of sex can do wonders for all assets of your body, including your hair!! Guess that's why mine's not doing as great. I think, for as much good as sex does for you, doctors should give you prescriptions for it and, if you can't find someone to do it with, they should have government subsidized hookers specifically for medicinal purposes!! If you get a scrip for sex and can't find a date, you just go to the your local GSH and she'll take care of you!

Sex at least everyday says otherwise it tangles hair up more so probably more hair will fall out, I know sex is amazing for a lot of things i dont notice hair try rinsing with coffee( I add horsetail/nettle tea and a little vitamin e) after I think its working I used to come out of the shower with a handfull of hair after about 3 washes its much less and shinier you will smell like coffee but that's not so bad Its too soon to notice it longer yet though.

(26-05-2014, 02:19)BonitaDDs Wrote:  
(26-05-2014, 02:05)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(26-05-2014, 00:29)BonitaDDs Wrote:  What did you girls use to grow hair? My bf loves my crazy hair is a really strange texture it sort of seems to grow bigger than longer and really tangled never been longer than the top of my breasts.
But its like I brush its always frizzy and it sticks out at all kinds of unusual directions it grows fast(more than an inch roots a month after colouring, but falls out alot like almost a handfull per wash it allways is still thick though coffee rinse is reducing hair fall but if anyone has any ideas to get it less knotty or grow faster I'm interested.
Mine falls out a lot, too, when I wash it. I'm getting to the point where I'm not going to wash it anymore!! If it's gonna fall out anyway, it can take the damn dirt with it!!
I've heard having LOTS of sex can do wonders for all assets of your body, including your hair!! Guess that's why mine's not doing as great. I think, for as much good as sex does for you, doctors should give you prescriptions for it and, if you can't find someone to do it with, they should have government subsidized hookers specifically for medicinal purposes!! If you get a scrip for sex and can't find a date, you just go to the your local GSH and she'll take care of you!

Sex at least everyday says otherwise it tangles hair up more so probably more hair will fall out, I know sex is amazing for a lot of things i dont notice hair try rinsing with coffee( I add horsetail/nettle tea and a little vitamin e) after I think its working I used to come out of the shower with a handfull of hair after about 3 washes its much less and shinier you will smell like coffee but that's not so bad Its too soon to notice it longer yet though.

I don't even DRINK coffee and I have you telling me to rise my hair with it and a TS friend of mine tells me to shove it up my ass (enema)!!

If y'all are having issues with shedding hair try Nioxin cleanser and scalp therapy. Back in my eating disorder days I had really thin scraggly hair to the point where I had to get extensions so the bottom wouldn't be see through and when I started using it my hair stopped shedding almost completely.

(26-05-2014, 02:26)echapman Wrote:  If y'all are having issues with shedding hair try Nioxin cleanser and scalp therapy. Back in my eating disorder days I had really thin scraggly hair to the point where I had to get extensions so the bottom wouldn't be see through and when I started using it my hair stopped shedding almost completely.
Thanks for the advice! I'll look into it!

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