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I really, really need help.


okay. i'm 13, and i'm a 32A. i've started my period, i've had pubic hair (crotch, happy trail, and underarm) for a year now. my majority of my family is a 34C, or bigger.

all of my friends have big boobs, and shop at VS, and look really nice. then there's me. i've been wondering if there's anything i can do to make my breasts go up, only one size. everybody says, "you're stuck with what you've got." but, i don't believe it.
and with summer right around the corner, i want to be able fill out my bikini!
thanks. -morgan

OH! i don't want to buy anything, my mom would KIIIILL me if she found out i was doing this.

You are 13. You have PLENTY of time to grow breasts. Some girls are late bloomers, you could even end up blossoming when your in your late teens or early 20's.

32A is perfectly normal for your age. This is something you should not be worrying about. All you can do right now is massage them with a good lotion. Anything else would be dangerous for your body as you are to young. You are going through puberty and you would mess up your hormones.

I understand you wanting to look nice in a bikini, but its not healthy to sexualize yourself at such a young age. Trust me, there is way more to life.
Talk to your mom about it. Have her help you find a nice bikini that fits you.

Dont let your friends breast size bother you. You want people to like you for who you are, not the size of your breast.

(11-03-2013, 04:51)usehername Wrote:  You are 13. You have PLENTY of time to grow breasts. Some girls are late bloomers, you could even end up blossoming when your in your late teens or early 20's.

32A is perfectly normal for your age. This is something you should not be worrying about. All you can do right now is massage them with a good lotion. Anything else would be dangerous for your body as you are to young. You are going through puberty and you would mess up your hormones.

I understand you wanting to look nice in a bikini, but its not healthy to sexualize yourself at such a young age. Trust me, there is way more to life.
Talk to your mom about it. Have her help you find a nice bikini that fits you.

Dont let your friends breast size bother you. You want people to like you for who you are, not the size of your breast.

i'm not trying to sexualize myself. i'm not trying to impress guys, i want this to feel confident about myself. and i just don't understand how i can have started my period, have hair, and not have any sort of chest. Sad


(11-03-2013, 05:12)missmorgan Wrote:  
(11-03-2013, 04:51)usehername Wrote:  You are 13. You have PLENTY of time to grow breasts. Some girls are late bloomers, you could even end up blossoming when your in your late teens or early 20's.

32A is perfectly normal for your age. This is something you should not be worrying about. All you can do right now is massage them with a good lotion. Anything else would be dangerous for your body as you are to young. You are going through puberty and you would mess up your hormones.

I understand you wanting to look nice in a bikini, but its not healthy to sexualize yourself at such a young age. Trust me, there is way more to life.
Talk to your mom about it. Have her help you find a nice bikini that fits you.

Dont let your friends breast size bother you. You want people to like you for who you are, not the size of your breast.

i'm not trying to sexualize myself. i'm not trying to impress guys, i want this to feel confident about myself. and i just don't understand how i can have started my period, have hair, and not have any sort of chest. Sad
Please know it is common to not have chest yet with pubic hair with being a year into menses. This does not determine breast size, only nutrition does. I wish young girls would enjoy being kids. Please stick with massage (if you must )and a good diet. They will come in when they come in. Please dont do anything stupid by using herbs or you can spark off extreme sensitivity and end up with macromastia. Many young women actually have this and dont know it with today's. Gmo foods. Be grateful you dont have this now.

;You still certainly develop this. Your. Freinds may be wearing padded bras. Their breasts may be large but at this age, they can wind up with a form of macromastia a few years from now and need a reduction in their twenties. Macromastia is very scary and quite unattractive being naked in the mirror. I had a friend who had it and she was an e by 7/8th grade. In a shirt, she looked fine but naked was quite scary. Large and sagging with humungous birthing areolas. Too much growth too soon is not a good thing. You cannot choose your size or when they come in.


(11-03-2013, 05:12)missmorgan Wrote:  
(11-03-2013, 04:51)usehername Wrote:  You are 13. You have PLENTY of time to grow breasts. Some girls are late bloomers, you could even end up blossoming when your in your late teens or early 20's.

32A is perfectly normal for your age. This is something you should not be worrying about. All you can do right now is massage them with a good lotion. Anything else would be dangerous for your body as you are to young. You are going through puberty and you would mess up your hormones.

I understand you wanting to look nice in a bikini, but its not healthy to sexualize yourself at such a young age. Trust me, there is way more to life.
Talk to your mom about it. Have her help you find a nice bikini that fits you.

Dont let your friends breast size bother you. You want people to like you for who you are, not the size of your breast.

i'm not trying to sexualize myself. i'm not trying to impress guys, i want this to feel confident about myself. and i just don't understand how i can have started my period, have hair, and not have any sort of chest. Sad
Please know it is common to not have chest yet with pubic hair with being a year into menses. This does not determine breast size, only nutrition does. I wish young girls would enjoy being kids. Please stick with massage and a good diet. They will come in when they come in. Please dont do anything stupid by using herbs or you can spark off extreme sensitivity and end up with macromastia. Many young women actually have this and dont know it with today's. Gmo foods. Be grateful you dont have this now. You still certainly develop this. Your. Freinds may be wearing padded bras. Their breasts may be large but at this age, they can wind up with a form of macromastia a few years from now and need a reduction in their twenties. Macromastia is very scary and quite unattractive being naked in the mirror. I had a friend who had it and she was an e by 7/8th grade. In a shirt, she looked fine but naked was quite scary. Large and sagging with humungous birthing areolas. Too much growth too soon is not a good thing. You cannot choose your size or when they come in.


I think you should try some new designs of bras which are very comfortable in use and easily available in market . I think wire free bras are best for you breasts and provide you a comfortable time to spend .I think its best for you to use these bras with your new dresses .What you think about it .

You are 13 I would not be worrying about your bra size just yet. They still have plenty of time to grow. Some people just take longer then others. For the summer just find cute bras that fit you, and just enjoy your body. Smile

Oh hey. So you're someone like me! Greetings.
I'm 14, and I understand you. But gods, when I was 13 and had my period I was still like an AAA cup. Just NOW, after 1 year since my first period and 6 months into (inconsistent) NBE, I am a 32A.
There are plenty of things you CAN do, but, as everyone here said, DON'T DO HERBS. It could only make things worse.
Now, to what you CAN do. Massage. Use this massage here Using flax seed oil. You won't really grow 1 cup size in 1 month, but if you really massage your breasts EVERY day, twice, 300 runs, with flax seed oil, you might get close to that.
Try to have good blood flow to your breasts always. Don't wear tight or push up bras (you can use a looser padded bra tho) and don't wear it more than 12 hours a day, and never to sleep. Try the dry skin brushing massage also.
Be careful with your diet. You shouldn't eat too little. If you're skinny, gain some weight. A BMI of 20 or above is good for breast growth, and when you gain weight some fat will go to your breasts anyway.
Drink plenty of water, and be on a good multivitamin.
You could try subliminals and hypnosis, but I doubt that they work.
Also, try to nicely ask your mom for a Noogleberry later. Maybe next year. Or after.
And wait. You probably won't grow what you want until summer. EVERYONE here who is in NBE has to wait MONTHS or even YEARS to get to the size that they want.

Wow. I don't want to take your problems lightly or anything but I'm just surprised. I only started to be aware of my boobs like a year ago. Other than that, boobs were just something there to separate us from the boys.

You will grow, I mean 32A for a 13 year old is good! I got my period when I was 12 but had no boobs whatsoever till I was 14 and when I was 16 I was a 32C. Then in my late teens I went back to being 34B.

Sweetie the only thing you should be thinking about doing this upcoming month and summer is to have fun. Trust me, when you're in your mid teens and all the years after that, you will be doing plenty of obsessing over the way you look. Till you eventually grow out of it and accept yourself. Don't start this at an early age, just live your life as care free as possible. Don't even think about boys, boobs or anythinggg at this age because trust me nothing good comes from that!

Times like these I really wish this board enforced age restrictions.

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