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Is it possible to grow your breast the way you want?


I find myself growing more towards sagging breast, which I absolutely hate, I can't stand my breast !!! Is there a way to stop this, to somehow control the way your breasts are growing? I really need some help !!! I want more fulness on the upper part of my breasts, how do I get this ? Is it even possible ? HuhHuhHuh

hey this could be gravity .......genetics....or .......I heard bras effect growth ? do you ever see those women in the rain forest ? never wore a bra ..boobs done to there toes? good bra ! is a good investment even for posture and self esteem c;

okie I think exercise can perk them up some chest exercises

l-arginine in creams will help lift them
Hyaluronic-Acid will help too (placenta based creams contain this organically with collagen and stem cells as bonus)
massage upward...try fat brushing pushing fat into different places (meh worth a shot)?

I'm sorry if this doesn't help ;( trying to think of advise
here are examples of creams you could try or powders you could add you your lotions you use already good luck c=

this this facey ass stuff .....L-argininnnne ;]
I've heard of people using this amino acid in their lotions ...just add it in powder form save money

ohhhhh this has volu...thingy (helps with growth) but also on contains hysdro acid ..very good your skin

this one is priceir but still 10% Hyaluronic Acid

or go nuts make your own =p

It could be possible. From this, it says 'progesterone receptor' activation (by progesterone or a progesterone mimic) causes side branching or width of the breast. So an herb that acts like progesterone or causes a progesterone increase might be it. My guess is something from the cabbage family.

A hormone that actives 'Estrogen Receptor Alpha' (by estrogen or something that acts like estrogen) causes elongation, which it seems you said you didn't want. Density is caused by activating the 'prolactin receptor' which is stimulated by prolactin or something that mimics prolactin.

(18-05-2014, 05:19)lovely11 Wrote:  It could be possible. From this, it says 'progesterone receptor' activation (by progesterone or a progesterone mimic) causes side branching or width of the breast. So an herb that acts like progesterone or causes a progesterone increase might be it. My guess is something from the cabbage family.

A hormone that actives 'Estrogen Receptor Alpha' (by estrogen or something that acts like estrogen) causes elongation, which it seems you said you didn't want. Density is caused by activating the 'prolactin receptor' which is stimulated by prolactin or something that mimics prolactin.

thanx very interesting c= I DID NOT KNOWTHIS xD
progesterone is good for female libido I'm noticing too xD

licorice root,
fennel seeds ..
and yucca
pc is good though for estrogen dominance symptoms


fenugreek seed
fennel seed
goat's rue
black cumin seed
caraway seed
blessed thistle

With your post, it clicked, that perhaps what if prolactins can also used for expressing milk. Hops acts like progesterone and estrogen, and it increases prolactin. Also, hops affects the cycle, (probably increasing the luteal phase?). I'll reexamine chasteberry's effects. says diosgenin (contained in fenugreek and wild yam) increase "terminal end bud differentiation " interpreted as maturation.

(18-05-2014, 17:48)lovely11 Wrote:  With your post, it clicked, that perhaps what if prolactins can also used for expressing milk. Hops acts like progesterone and estrogen, and it increases prolactin. Also, hops affects the cycle, (probably increasing the luteal phase?). I'll reexamine chasteberry's effects. says diosgenin (contained in fenugreek and wild yam) increase "terminal end bud differentiation " interpreted as maturation.

aw thanx ;] .for duh info ....will yeh I think thats the theory blessed thistle (is high in prolactin) and it's primary use is to help breast feeding mothers....fg and goats rue too ....some people noggling with these herbs have lactated with no baby so your porb right xD
yeh actually I heard hops has a lil progest in it too large amounts it increase levels pretty big cause it's 1/4 the same amount as in fennel seeds!..and yes hops is very estrogenic in large amounts ...I even here like pm it should be cycled or dampened down with weak estros kike soya ...and yup I heard people saying it messed with their cycle ;[
mmhm I've experienced increased luteal phrase on high estro herbs ...although now I cycle better and got to know herbs since this site. I take hops now too on lucteal phrase, I take it now with lots of fennel seeds and damaina for high progest this really helped and got rid of pms mood swings too and my cycle was great this month (compared to no fennel seeds last month .-.) ..I've also started ginger which is meant to encourage your period to come quicker

hey check out this chart lotus gave me doesn't have chasteberry but it has a lot of affordable spices (bloodroot is very high in progest but apparently I'm hearing toxic?!) might help a lil c=

From looking up bloodroot, it looks very toxic, so it should be completely avoided. The wikipedia page says by topical application it destroys cells (that can't be helpful anyways).
On the chart, pennyroyal can be deadly if too much is taken, so avoid it completely.

Chart 6 looks interesting, it is about diosgenin and progesterone responses, but it is about breast cancer cells. There are few herbs that inhibit breast cancer cells, and promote healthy growth. It'd be better to isolate effects on healthy cells. I don't know what to make of the data on it.

So that chart is indexed but inaccessible through pubmed. The full study is accessible a click away from the chart Lotus gave you. There's two types of estrogen receptors, and ER-alpha is in the breast (ER-beta generally isn't), some in the ER chart don't interact with ER-alpha.

Here's a working research project, most claims in it can be verified by the reference by the number.

(18-05-2014, 20:59)lovely11 Wrote:  From looking up bloodroot, it looks very toxic, so it should be completely avoided. The wikipedia page says by topical application it destroys cells (that can't be helpful anyways).
On the chart, pennyroyal can be deadly if too much is taken, so avoid it completely.

Chart 6 looks interesting, it is about diosgenin and progesterone responses, but it is about breast cancer cells. There are few herbs that inhibit breast cancer cells, and promote healthy growth. It'd be better to isolate effects on healthy cells. I don't know what to make of the data on it.

So that chart is indexed but inaccessible through pubmed. The full study is accessible a click away from the chart Lotus gave you. There's two types of estrogen receptors, and ER-alpha is in the breast (ER-beta generally isn't), some in the ER chart don't interact with ER-alpha.

Here's a working research project, most claims in it can be verified by the reference by the number.

thanx this link is good
good idea some of the herbs used nbe are ant-cancer mainly the plant based stuff I'm noticing but the fungi in hops sounds a lil "uh-oh ;/" (the fungi they mentioned is sometimes in hops) better watch meh doses then xD.. the soy looks like even though a weak estro looks like it helps thats why in Asia there is less breast cancer to eat high amount of ant-cancer cell foods then while doing nbe and never over dose one food or herb =/

I looked this up...awkward moment when blootroot is one the list ......wait till wiki hear about this says it helps treating tumors but it likely still is toxic ..kind of like rhubarb you have to cook it to eat it ..(according to raw vegans than means it was not meant to be ate in the first place xD haha) I guess anything is bad in high doses ...seeds and "herbs" are really just food with interesting chemistry but then again there are so much plants poisonous to humans =/ I think I'll stay away from that bloodroot just incase xD I'm happy with the humble fennel seeds ..I wonder it seeds are better to take than roots they are more likely found in a primates diet?
.. there are dose regulations on certain foods already? even highly healthy ones ..but since you showing this I will be more careful with the hops ..the fungi is estrogenic but need make sure I'm eating plenty of plant based foods ..but it's kool that hops is ant-cancer

check this out! xD

and check this out to put you off cooking to solve toxic issues ..

thank you for the link..... tables really helps me understand it ..cause that R-E Exx E32 h-4 letter stuff ..right over my head ._.
shatavarin is one I'd not heard of them
=3 gonna add this to my favs xD ..interesting peony root shouldn't be taking 1-7..during menstruation..huh must write this all down ;3

I also here sp can raise cholesterol in high doses!
its not good that herbal breast pills aren't made to warn this to people

(18-05-2014, 23:46)rocketmelon Wrote:  thanx this link is good
good idea some of the herbs used nbe are ant-cancer mainly the plant based stuff I'm noticing but the fungi in hops sounds a lil "uh-oh ;/" (the fungi they mentioned is sometimes in hops) better watch meh doses then xD.. the soy looks like even though a weak estro looks like it helps thats why in Asia there is less breast cancer to eat high amount of ant-cancer cell foods then while doing nbe and never over dose one food or herb =/
(18-05-2014, 23:46)rocketmelon Wrote:  [if] seeds are better to take than roots they are more likely found in a primates diet?
.. there are dose regulations on certain foods already? even highly healthy ones ..but since you showing this I will be more careful with the hops ..the fungi is estrogenic but need make sure I'm eating plenty of plant based foods ..but it's kool that hops is ant-cancer

check this out! xD

I missed that part in the review, but then it says, there was no indication of that fungus contaminating certain hops products to her knowledge. Soy and that particular fungus have conflicting effects on cancer, in some instances they are preventative, in others they promote it. There are alternatives of foods to broccoli (family) that have its ingredients. I saw the video of the vegan woman who looks young, before, it's still interesting. Different plant parts can be different, a potato can be eaten after being cooked, but its sprouts or leaves can't.

(20-05-2014, 03:25)lovely11 Wrote:  
(18-05-2014, 23:46)rocketmelon Wrote:  thanx this link is good
good idea some of the herbs used nbe are ant-cancer mainly the plant based stuff I'm noticing but the fungi in hops sounds a lil "uh-oh ;/" (the fungi they mentioned is sometimes in hops) better watch meh doses then xD.. the soy looks like even though a weak estro looks like it helps thats why in Asia there is less breast cancer to eat high amount of ant-cancer cell foods then while doing nbe and never over dose one food or herb =/
(18-05-2014, 23:46)rocketmelon Wrote:  [if] seeds are better to take than roots they are more likely found in a primates diet?
.. there are dose regulations on certain foods already? even highly healthy ones ..but since you showing this I will be more careful with the hops ..the fungi is estrogenic but need make sure I'm eating plenty of plant based foods ..but it's kool that hops is ant-cancer

check this out! xD

I missed that part in the review, but then it says, there was no indication of that fungus contaminating certain hops products to her knowledge. Soy and that particular fungus have conflicting effects on cancer, in some instances they are preventative, in others they promote it. There are alternatives of foods to broccoli (family) that have its ingredients. I saw the video of the vegan woman who looks young, before, it's still interesting. Different plant parts can be different, a potato can be eaten after being cooked, but its sprouts or leaves can't.

yeh it's cool isn't it ! seeing theres two raw vegan success stories it says a lot
oh good ...maybe its only some hops contains it could only be fermented hops in the beer industry causing the fungi so I may be safe ;]
yeh thats interesting isn't it? I've heard some some of the herbs used to treat cancer can evoke symptoms in different people..people with polytheistic ovary's ..I think it was... I guess it's a chemistry thing ...balance and moderation and eating organic plant based foods that are eatable and eating a high raw plant base diet that is varied would probably make eating most of these foods safe...a lot of them would be safer than sugar and refined stuff ...(but like you said about eating foods only cooked or only certain parts, they still have poisonous substances) I don't know I'm not as knowledgeable as you yet ;] but whatever you eat can have good and bad points
well the they often say to "rotate your greens" .....I think ...?
mhm I've heard of people trying to eat raw potato I don't think it turned out good ..wouldn't taste good either xD

it's interesting that raw vegan had a history of breast cancer and she said if she relied on her gene pool she would be dead ....she grows a whole lot of stuff though! noni berry, all these super foods! she grows a few herbs too like ginger and stevia...but she eats all these foods in moderation so I think your right in many ways of being careful with herbs ...when you treat food like enchantments over medication or proper nutrition and sustenance like with nbe you can become unbalanced .....the healthiest way to nbe would to be mimic puberty in the right balance and maintain general good health ...also there a meant to be xestrogons or something ..which must be why they always recommend the "detox" before messing with hormones ..I don't know enough about it though
but still it's pretty interesting c; ..luckily breast cancer doesn't run in my family but if it did it's nice to think that women kept healthy even though many in her family died from it ...I think shes the best experiment or example we could use to proof the low fat raw vegan diet to the modern health industry Big Grin

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