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To cycle or not to cycle


Okay so I took ainterol PM 500mg this past follicular and now PC during my luteal. I got barely any growth sensation this past follicular so I was thinking of upping my dose; since I didn't experience any negative side effects. Question is should I up my dose while cycling or try and take 500mg throughout the cycle. Did anyone grow without cycling, who isn't on BCP and without it messing their cycle.

Any feedback would be much appreciated

Cycle without BC is best I think even though maybe its faster to not cycle I don't know I will be cycling this time when I get my order.

ah yea like Shakespeare too? haha
I made a thread with the same quote (= <3 is a link on how the legendary chiyomilk cycled

but there was another Japanese women who took PM through her whole cycle BUT she added other herbs to the mix , (you know what they say about mixing pm with other estro herbs! ...the plant hormones fight and numbers rather than potency prevail)

she took on her "low temp" I'm guessing is before period
black cohosh, pm, and chaste berry (high in progesterone)
both black-c and c-berry are good for pms because it helps with low progesterone?

so you could cycle your pc cream and herbs but keep taking pm throughout .....this means less risk of messing your cycle ..take your highest dose after your period for 8 days ......

you could try

(Phyto-progestins at good value
licorice powder (also anti-andro) , fennel seeds, turmeric are affordable spices you can use with your pm ..check it out on ebay or spice shows)

fg cycle
fg (is good for prolactin too and has human growth hormone effects VERY good for nbe)
feenugreek is a great spice for nbe I bought 500 grams for under 4£ (don't know the dollar version) ....seeing you can mix as a powder with water and it's so cheap why not take with your pm cream and see if it helps ........this spice is good value you don't have much to loose

you may even want to take hops I once bought 50 gs for under 5£ but sometimes you can get hops tea

Dose cycle
......another thing you could try is take a higher dose on the 7th day into your period then after 15 days go back to one a day...but on pms days take your pc cream and half of your pm pill
hope it helps <3
don't change your plan but add ...
add sheep or pig placenta
bovine ovary
massage with pm oil or even just almand oil I oncebought 200 ml for 3£
add pm cream ( I use this one bella bloom on ebay I have a threas on it ...I'm trying to review or "test it" out =p)

just up your dose , & see how it goes
there could be a chance your naturally low on estrogen if it isn't giving growth and you get no side effects in that case up your dose see how it goes c= and maybe out an anti testosterone like sp ?
do you know your hormone levels...getting your bloods done could help .........if you get side effects stop

........ohh yea another thing the same pm company do sprays to absorb into your bloodstream without going through your liver
sable I think it was and black pepper help with your ability to absorb

hopefully though you'll get better feedback from people who aren't just talking out of theory but out of practice........cycling and pm is new to me you see......I've been researching however
I just wanted to help out a fellow nbe'er ;D as I myself love being helped too.. ......good luck hope you get more experienced nbe feedback c=

Bonitta how come you're cycling this time? Are you off the BCP?

Rocketmelon thanks for the advise Smile I have tried SP and fenugreek already.
I'm thinking of just upping my dose next follicular to 1000mg, see how that goes. Then maybe the cycle after I can take 1000mg during follicular and 500mg during luteal with my PC. Guess only time will tell. Just want to go up a cup size by July since it's bikini season.

ahhhhhhhhhhhh I here you on that one for the beach!!!!!!1
good luck c= hope it works out for you <3
glad I could help a lil ;]

wss nt on BC pill i had injection but yes no birth control anymore I had too much of that.

(08-05-2014, 21:35)BonitaDDs Wrote:  wss nt on BC pill i had injection but yes no birth control anymore I had too much of that.

too much? yeh
I hate bc it gave me terrible side effects ,I only took it to help my hormones
like I just cried on the stuff for no reason, was meant to help my hormones ..but herbs didn't have the same effect they improved pms way better Huh snythetic hormones maybe?.........when I look back the doctor should have checked my bloods plus I was young at the time (I think it causes growth problems ;( in young ppl I'm such a short ass !!!!! xD) but it does run in the genes too xD
I think you can get other non herbal forms of contraception (besides condoms) ..these days ..IUD coil was it? just in-case you where interested ! =p

(08-05-2014, 21:59)rocketmelon Wrote:  
(08-05-2014, 21:35)BonitaDDs Wrote:  wss nt on BC pill i had injection but yes no birth control anymore I had too much of that.

too much? yeh
I hate bc it gave me terrible side effects ,I only took it to help my hormones
like I just cried on the stuff for no reason, was meant to help my hormones ..but herbs didn't have the same effect they improved pms way better Huh snythetic hormones maybe?.........when I look back the doctor should have checked my bloods plus I was young at the time (I think it causes growth problems ;( in young ppl I'm such a short ass !!!!! xD) but it does run in the genes too xD
I think you can get other non herbal forms of contraception (besides condoms) ..these days ..IUD coil was it? just in-case you where interested ! =p
Yes I would never mess with synthetic hormones like BC again they affected my mood, energy, bloating and they just aren't healthy.
I prefer condoms or just pulling out before finishing I am in a serious relationship so the risk of no BC is no problem.


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