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Fenugreek, maca and vitex.. Help!

(02-05-2014, 06:19 AM)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Sigh... I'm so jealous of you! I can never get a boyfriend. I always just get stares and furtive glances and shy smiles. No one ever approaches me.

But enough about my problems... he sounds lovely, complimenting your intellect and sense of humor. Good luck to you both. Smile And good luck with your "urges" lol. PM is some powerful stuff!

BB are you putting yourself out there? when they look and smile, do you smile back? You have to show them you're interested (if you are) and not shy away. Also, guys are attracted to confidence so you gotta be more confident and if you like someone, heck, approach HIM! or just give him a few seductive glances and when he catches you looking, smile then turn your head while smiling, to show him that you're interest but want him to approach you.

My boobs are smaller right now and quite saggy BUT extremely sore and randomly gets firm then squishy... kinda makes me frustrated and makes me feel so small chested... Doesnt help that my cousin yesterday said that I have small boobs, i feel like im back to being a B.. all the Cs look so much bigger than me, even tho 32C fits me better but im still not convinced im a C, i feel smaller..
Update on my skin situation, im having mild breakouts and my skin is becoming extremely oily! pretty sure its because of the PM... sucks that the spearmint capsules isn't making any effect yet

I... don't do any of that. *frantically takes notes* Thank you for the advice!

I can't believe your cousin said that! And careful with the spearmint... I actually got MORE acne with it! Angry

(22-04-2014, 02:08 AM)AquaArab Wrote:  
(22-04-2014, 01:44 AM)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Sorry about the faster hair growth! I know all about being hairy. Dodgy Always start low and then work your way up. Go with the 500 mg first and then whenever you think you're comfortable with it go up to 1,000 mg, and so on and so forth.

The one i got is 1000mg and i cant get a lower one... will just start off with that dose but will take it every other day for atleast a month then see what happens. It seems you need extremely high doses for it to help your breast growth, honestly too much of anything scares me and those numbers definitely scare me. To working up to 2000mg but thats it, hoping it will help PM be more efficient. How much are you taking BB? And did it contribute to your growth?

(02-05-2014, 09:52 PM)AquaArab Wrote:  
(02-05-2014, 06:19 AM)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Sigh... I'm so jealous of you! I can never get a boyfriend. I always just get stares and furtive glances and shy smiles. No one ever approaches me.

But enough about my problems... he sounds lovely, complimenting your intellect and sense of humor. Good luck to you both. Smile And good luck with your "urges" lol. PM is some powerful stuff!

BB are you putting yourself out there? when they look and smile, do you smile back? You have to show them you're interested (if you are) and not shy away. Also, guys are attracted to confidence so you gotta be more confident and if you like someone, heck, approach HIM! or just give him a few seductive glances and when he catches you looking, smile then turn your head while smiling, to show him that you're interest but want him to approach you.

My boobs are smaller right now and quite saggy BUT extremely sore and randomly gets firm then squishy... kinda makes me frustrated and makes me feel so small chested... Doesnt help that my cousin yesterday said that I have small boobs, i feel like im back to being a B.. all the Cs look so much bigger than me, even tho 32C fits me better but im still not convinced im a C, i feel smaller..
Update on my skin situation, im having mild breakouts and my skin is becoming extremely oily! pretty sure its because of the PM... sucks that the spearmint capsules isn't making any effect yet

Aaww I'm sure they aren't much small sometimes I look at mine even and feel small I think you cousin is jealous because you no way have small breasts if they are small compared to hers that's no your problem you probably have a nicer body or a prettier face. Be positive yes pm is good for hair so I guess it could start greasy try some spearmint like blessedbreast said see if it helps.
I like your man advice haha but I think I must normally attract douchebags well I always try to avoid eye contact alone in public if I catch someone's eyes at me like that looking I give them a 'wtf' look but they still come try to talk follow me around.
I prefer to be in public with my man I feel safer then the looks are funny he shows me the men with their mouths open ignoring their angry wives. What ever I wear however I look I don't understand, once I heard looking at an hourglass figure was like drugs for men I think maybe its true.
So if you have advice to keep them away please.

Haha Bonitta I actually do have a lot of advice on that. Guys approach me on daily basis but a lot of them are creeps. I've learnt that most of the guys that approach me are shallow assholes but the ones that get out of their way to actually get to know me, getting to know my friends first to meet me etc. Those are the good guys. I'm a weirdo magnet but as my ex used to say, hot girls attract all kinds of men ESPECIALLY assholes. Which in fact an asshole he was too!
Ok so always avoid eye contact or walk in a very snobby-I'm way out of all your leagues- way. If someone approaches you, tell them you're not interested and turn your head the other way or walk away. Honestly sometimes I laugh out loud when it's someone I'm obviously way out of his league and he walks over with the arrogance of the world (usually because he's loaded), those piss me off so I laugh then let my face fall and say definitely not interested.

Bonitta I have a question about PM. I'm cycling and I took 500mg the past follicular, should I up my dose? I barely got any tingles or growth sensations. I didn't have any side effects either so I'm guessing it agrees with my body. Should I start taking 1000mg of PM and 3000 msm next follicular phase?

Yes try 1000mg which brand do you take ainterol?
I tried 1000mg stalled then went back down to 500mg and grew a lot but I didn't cycle I will cycle this time when my order arrives nbe is addictive I want huge boobs.
Thanks for the advice but they can be persistent yh and sometimes dangerous like I have had a drink drugged three times all times I was lucky but its very disturbing.

Be careful with your drinks, I got a couple friends that had that happening. I'm super paranoid about that so I take extra care. I got guys following me home and some even blocking my way trying to make me take their number, others threatening me... That's what I meant by attracting creeps!

Yeah I'm taking ainterol, how did you know that 1000mg stalled you? Should I stick to 500mg for another cycle to see if il grow with that or should I just up the dose since that's what's recommended.
I can't really related to you situation since I didn't get the results I want yet so once I get it, will let you know if it's as addictive for me hehe
Is there anything else you did other than taking msm with PM, did noogling help?
Any advise would be very appreciated Smile

(27-04-2014, 07:45 PM)AquaArab Wrote:  Been taking PM 500mg for the past 5 days, will keep taking it till day 14. I know my body has started to respond because I've been SUPER HORNY I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything but fantasies. I also started taking 1000mg of MSM,450mg of spearmint tea, calcium, vitamin C and B complex. I've lost the amazing skin glow I had from SP, which sucks! I'm experiencing mild breakouts but I think that's the result of my week long dandelion root and milk thistle detox.

Ok so exciting news! I met a great guy, still not completely over my ex but I'm definitely getting there. The more time I spend with this guy the more I realize how much I didn't connect with my ex. Honestly, the only reason I thought I loved my ex was because of how much I was attracted to him, so I might've mistaken lust for love. The good part is that the new guy called me "hot curvey", he's always praising my intellect and sense of humor... Almost thought he wasn't attracted to me because he never complemented me then today he randomly says that.

How exciting! Plus it'll be even more exciting to start a NEW relationship with your NEW and hot(ter) body!

(07-05-2014, 05:36 PM)AquaArab Wrote:  Be careful with your drinks, I got a couple friends that had that happening. I'm super paranoid about that so I take extra care. I got guys following me home and some even blocking my way trying to make me take their number, others threatening me... That's what I meant by attracting creeps!

Yeah I'm taking ainterol, how did you know that 1000mg stalled you? Should I stick to 500mg for another cycle to see if il grow with that or should I just up the dose since that's what's recommended.
I can't really related to you situation since I didn't get the results I want yet so once I get it, will let you know if it's as addictive for me hehe
Is there anything else you did other than taking msm with PM, did noogling help?
Any advise would be very appreciated :)
I understand all of that happens to me and more haha why do we attract these men wish i knew even men who are nice normal to everyone else creepy to me.
I finally found a good one though :)
Yes ainterol is a favourite here well I didn't cycle pm so its different and after trying 1000mg and dropping back to half i had fast growth straight away. Trying 1000mg should be OK maybe better for cycling.

Jenniferlove yeah it's really exciting, I feel sexier and more confident. He's going away for 2 months on business so I'm hoping I grow a lot by the time he gets back.. That would be a nice surprise, right? Hehe
I ordered my kangzhu pump and will start pumping, won't just rely on herbs. Really hope I get good results like you Smile

Bonitta, we just have to hang in there and when we find a good guy that isn't a creep, we have to hold on to him!
I will up my dose next cycle and see what happens. I'm not on BCP so I can't take it all months, worried it would mess up my cycle if I do take it all month or that it would make me estrogen dominant.

It seems natural PC is much weaker than the synthetic one. When I applied the synthetic for 3 luteals, I got no swelling, no cramps and no PMS. Now I'm on my second luteal that I've switched to natural PC, I get no swelling, no cramps but I do PMS. My PMS is much better than it used to be pre-NBE but I've already cried 3 times today. I'm super emotional and the slightest thing upsets me... Oh and the cravings! I literally have 6 meals a day haha my period is still due in 9 days.

If I didn't have the same symptoms last luteal before I started using PM, I would've thought that PM is making me estrogen dominant. Should I use more PC? I'm using 2/3 teaspoon twice a day, maybe that's not enough for someone with low progesterone?

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