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Journey With BB


Your poor thing, you seem to be having lot's of ups and downs.

I hope your migraines have gone now that your back on your supplements.

With the protein drink, you need to get the ones with pure whey protein isolate and not whey protein isolate concentrate. If you get the concentrate or any other form of protein powders it can make you gain weight. I googled weight loss protein drinks and then picked the ones that had whey protein isolate. Also what I do is I eat completely normal except for I replace my lunch with the protein drink and banana.

I hope this helps.

Hi gettingthere,

Thank you so much for your concern and advice. Heart My migraine has subsided thank god for that. Smile I am taking Whey Protein Isolate from NOW. If you don't mind me asking what brand of protein powder are you taking?

My boobies fullness seems to come back again. I have tingles and blood rush on them. It started since yesterday. My cycle growth will be next week. I am ovulating today if it is on schedule. Is a good news for me that they are responding instead of sleeping and not moving. I didn't gain any weight since I started my protein last week.

I can only hope and pray that I will have measurable growth this time. Its been more than 2 months now.

I hope you do too. hopefully the tingles is a good sign.

The protein drink I get is called "Ripped" by Horleys. This is a section I copied;

Horleys Ripped Factors is an advanced Fat Loss Protein for Serious Trainers

Horleys Ripped Factors is now better than ever: more protein (using lean Whey Protein Isolate), less carbs, more fat loss ingredients including Citrimax, carnitine, caffeine and chromium plus superior absorption with Bioperine. THE best protein for helping you strip fat and preserve muscle when you’re training hard.
Horleys Ripped Factors Protein Features:
# Horleys Ice Protein Whey Technology – 100% Whey Protein Isolate, maximum natural BCAA content
# Boosted with hydrolysed isolate fractions for rapid and complete protein absorption
# C4 Fat Metaboliser Complex for multi-staged enhancement of lipid metabolism
# 17 vitamins and minerals plus Bioperine, a nutrient absorption enhancer
# Zero sugar, ultra low fat

I wanted to get the one offered by BB but postage was too much to Australia. Anyway keep us posted on your progress, it sorta feels like we're all in this together Shy

Thank you so much gettingthere. In my country we did have that brand of whey protein isolate. They sell it with those gym equipments. Why I didn't end up buying it? The seller ask me too many questions that I find them annoying, those questions is like telling me this product is not for me. Maybe I will look into them again. Thank you so much!! Hugs....
I just started a 25gram of protein for a continuous of 10 days. Today is the 22nd day of my cycle. My boobies tingles every now and then the whole of last week. The word tingles are too gentle to describe, it is harder than a tingle.

My cycle growth is starting any day now. I can already feel soreness underneath my breast. Love it love it! This month at least I didn't try to overdose myself like last month with the BB pills and stalling everything in the process. Waste the pills and time!! So is or good so far. So readers beware too much doesn't mean the best it will stop everything!

I am so afraid to pack in the pounds so when I see carbohydrates food I mentally label them as poison. LOL!! I don't want to put on weight then have to loose it later with my breast gone with it too. I separate my protein 2 times a day each time blended with 2 fruits. I eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and also meat (fish and chicken especially). I eat 2-3 spoons of rice in the afternoon. Eating like that makes other think of me as a small kitten. Meow!

Happy growing everyone!!

Good luck with your groth cycle. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this months will be a good one that sticks around!


Hi Mel,

Nice to see you are back. Thank you for your support. I am really grateful. Blush I am keeping my finger cross too. Last night I measured I have an increase of 3/4". The same extra measurement I gain and lost last cycle. I pray and pray and pray that God will let me keep it this time. LOL!! I am anxious, excited and scared at the same time. Emotional mess.


Keep in mind that there is no way to make certain you are placing the tape measurer in the same position each time you measure. That means not always getting an accurate measurement. I know i have measured and been ready to cuss thinking I lost size, but then measured again and it was back to normal. I wish there was a way to always get it right but there isn't.

Best of luck!


I totally agree with you Mel. Now days I make sure I measure in front of the mirror so that I can see the balance of the measuring tape on my left, right, front and back. Measuring for others can be very easy. I was in dress making class before measuring our own body can sometime be a bit of a pain. LOL!
I had my period for this cycle yesterday, 2 days early. A little cramp this time. I drank a cup of warm water with 4 tablespoon of sugar and it kill the cramp off within 15 minutes. Thank God!! I measured myself this morning and I am happy to find out that I only lost 1/4" from the total 3/4" I gain this time. This 1/2" is going to stay I hope cause I normally lost all my growth the 1st day of my cycle and today has been the 2nd day. I am also getting tingles during my period this is a little strange as I don't normally get anything when my period is here.

My protein intake is going back to 12gram. I am also doing a liver cleanse with milk thistle for 7 days and kidney cleanse with a product by E-Excel called Refresh started yesterday. I stopped all the supplements including BO this period of time except for the 8 billion of friendly bacteria by NOW I am taking.

I have psoriasis I hope it clear up in no time during this liver cleanse.

Happy growing everyone!!

Hi Crystalelle,

Just wanted to say I can relate to your story and am happy you posted your program on here. I would like to try BO once I get my hormones in check and feel physically up to it.
Did you keep your growth?? I really hope so.

I too have psoriasis (especially on my scalpSad) and was wondering if the milkthistle clears your psoriasis or do you also have to do the complete liver/gallbladder flush (with Epsom salt, olive oil, etc.).

Good luck on your program!!

Hi Esther85,

I manage to keep my growth this time around. It is not a lot but it is better than nothing.

Well about Psoriasis I use to have it bad on my legs and my waist. I use to wake up in the middle of the night and scratch myself like a monkey. LOL!! It is so bad that there was once I accidentally fell into a man-made lake (dirty water) the red spot on my skin starts to bleed without reason. I got cured completely when I did the liver and gallbladder flush by the book. I replace epsom salt with prune juice though can't imagine drinking something that might burden my kidney. LOL! Now is coming back probably due to the work I put on the liver. I am doing milk thistle, perhaps 3 months by now I will do the flush again.

Well I wish you well on your program too. Do a liver and gallbladder flush before you start. It really make a difference and drink plenty of water and a coconut a day while you are at it. It will help to clear off toxin and make sure you have pass motion everyday you don't want the toxin to cycle back into your body.


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