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Guide to Herbs/Noogleberry/Massage/Topicals/Detoxing


RolleyesNOTE: I personally don't advocate anyone trying any of the included without doing their research and at their own risk/discretion. These aren't my words, it is information copied from sources supplied over the internet much like other information supplied on here. Take from it what you will, information/studies/research changes all the time. Don't rely on the information here. Always consult your doctor and complete a hormone panel before you undertake any herbal programme.

That said, what a fascinating collection of all the common NBE practices!! I'l be reading this over and over Smile!!!

Herbal breast enhancement is without a doubt the most popular form of natural breast enhancement. And it’s nothing new – herbs have been used for health and beauty purposes for centuries.

You probably know that our ancestors relied on medicinal herbs to treat various diseases and promote health, but did you know that even in this day and age, most of the world relies on herbal medicine for their health? The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80% of the population of many Asian and African countries still use herbal medicine to this day for their primary health care.

herbal breast enhancement

And that’s not all – in 2001, researchers found 122 compounds used in modern medicine that were originally derived from “ethnomedical” plant sources. Some of the well-know pharmaceuticals that have a long history of use as herbal remedies include aspirin, quinine, and digitalis.

So How Does Herbal Breast Enhancement Work?
Okay, so herbs are clearly potent. But what does that mean for natural breast enhancement?

Well, the herbs used for natural breast enhancement work by targeting hormones. In other words, herbal breast enhancement works by increasing or decreasing levels of specific breast-growth-related hormones in your body through the use of herbs.

For example, the most popular breast enhancement herbs contain a variety of phyto-estrogens (plant-based estrogens), which are similar in composition and function to human estrogen. These phyto-estrogens supply your body with additional estrogen to promote breast growth.

But not all breast enhancement herbs are phyto-estrogenic. Some herbs, such saw palmetto, are useful in breast enhancement efforts not because of its phyto-estrogen content but for its role as an anti-androgen, helping to reduce excess testosterone in your body that can hinder breast growth if left unchecked.

Still other herbs, such as goat’s rue, increase prolactin, which causes enlargement of the mammary glands.

These various herbs act in concert to provide a hormonal boost that triggers breast growth as well as to balance hormonal levels to set the stage for growth.

Which Herbs are the Best for Breast Enhancement?
To be honest, there is no one herb that is the best for breast enhancement. That’s because breast enhancement herbs operate best synergistically – meaning that the combination of several herbs will have a greater effect than each of the herbs used separately.

The best way to go about herbal breast enhancement is to choose a handful of mastogenic herbs (herbs that naturally enlarge breasts) and “support” herbs (herbs that maintain overall hormonal health).

To get you started, here is a list of the most popular breast enhancement herbs.

The most potent breast enhancement herbs are:

Fenugreek: Fenugreek is probably the most well-known of the breast enhancement herbs – you’ll be hard-pressed to find a herbal breast enhancement product that doesn’t have it in its ingredients. That’s ’cause fenugreek seeds contain various phytoestrogens as well as diosgenin, both of which are known to have a mastogenic (breast enlarging) effect. Get it in capsule form or as a liquid extract.
Goat’s Rue: Goat’s Rue is a lesser known, yet effective, herb in natural breast enhancement. Whereas Fenugreek is both estrogenic and a galactagogue (stimulates prolactin, which promotes enlargement of mammary glands and lactation), Goat’s Rue is non-estrogenic and a much more powerful galactagogue. The increase in prolactin levels is beneficial for breast enlargement since it stimulates the development of mammary tissue. Get it in capsule form.
Fennel: Another popular breast enhancement herb, fennel is abundant in estrogenic compounds as well as phytonutrients that enhance breast growth. This herb has been used throughout history to enhance breast size as well as to promote milk production in nursing mothers. Get it in capsule form or as a liquid extract.
Red Clover:Red Clover contains four different phytoestrogens, including the compound genistein, which is thought to be particularly great for breast growth as it binds to estradiol receptors, which are associated with breast development. Get it in capsule form or as a liquid extract.
And you might also want to add some herbs that are very helpful for breast growth:

Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto is a well-known anti-androgen and is helpful in natural breast enhancement as it helps control excess testosterone, which can greatly hinder breast growth. It also has various phyto-nutrients that help stimulate breast tissue and it’s widely known as both an aphrodisiac and a cure for unwanted hair growth. Get it in capsule form or as a liquid extract.
Wild Yam: Wild Yam is another ingredient you’ll find in the majority of herbal breast enhancement products on the market. I don’t think it has direct breast enhancement benefits, but Wild Yam has long been known to be beneficial for overall reproductive health. Get it in capsule form or as a liquid extract.
Things You Should Know About Herbal Breast Enhancement
Herbal breast enhancement is a popular choice for many women because it’s an all-natural route.

And it’s true that herbs are 100% natural, but one thing you must keep in mind with herbal breast enhancement is that 100% natural does not equal 100% safe.

Herbs are potent. Many of them promote breast growth but some of them can also have undesired side effects, including mood swings and weight gain.

It’s for this reason that I recommend you start off with only a few herbs so that you can measure how your body reacts to each herb before adding on others. This way, if any of the herbs you are using causes side effects, you can easily single out which herb it is and get rid of it.

I also recommend that you start off on low doses of herbs. Keep in mind that the difference between a medicine and a poison is dosage and start off with a small amount of each herb. You can ramp up slowly.

How to Use Herbal Breast Enhancement for Maximum Breast Growth
Step 1. Start Small

When you’re first starting herbal breast enhancement, I highly recommend you start off with a small selection of breast enhancement herbs so you can better assess how your breasts (and body) react to them.

You can either choose your own or go with a herbal breast enhancement product that has a potent combination of herbs. The product I most recommend is Natureday’s Fullfillment Liquid Extract since you can take it both orally and mix it in with an oil or lotion to use topically as well. The Liquid Extract is a concentrated form of just 5 herbs: Fenugreek, Fennel, Saw Palmetto, Blessed Thistle, and Dong Quai.

Whether you decide to go with your own mix of herbs or with Natureday’s Liquid Extract, start off with low doses and work up from there ’til you get to the sweet spot of tender, slightly sore breasts (growing pains – yay!) with no unwanted side effects.

Step 2. Synergy is Key

I always say this, but I’ll say it again: synergy is KEY to any natural breast enhancement efforts. Each method is effective on its own, but it will be much more effective when combined with a few other methods.

Make sure you take advantage of synergy by combining herbal breast enhancement with other effective methods.

For example, if you decide to take herbs, don’t just take herbs orally – use an herbal breast enhancement cream or mix in an herbal liquid extract with an oil to make your own breast enhancement massage oil.

And don’t just stop there – make your herbal breast enhancement more effective by complementing it with breast massage and Noogleberry. That way, you’ll be stimulating breast growth externally while the herbs grow your breasts from within.

Step 3. Be Consistent and Take Measured Detox Breaks

Herbs are potent but they are not an overnight solution. Your body – and breasts – need time to adjust to the new hormones flowing through your body.

Once you choose the herbs you’ll be taking, stick to them! Give your body at least 3 months to measure changes.

After 3 months, I highly recommend stopping all herbs for a week, during which time you should take Milk Thistle to gently detox your system. After that week, you can start up on herbs again. This little break will help reset your system and make the herbs more effective.[i]

A Guide to Getting Bigger Breasts with Volufiline‎Thursday, ‎17
Most natural breast enhancement methods are hormonal and induce breast enlargement by increasing the levels of breast enhancing hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, or both.

These methods work remarkably well, but aren’t an option for women who would like to get bigger breasts but don’t want anything to impact their hormones. If you’re in this position, one of the best methods of breast enhancement is Volufiline.

What is Volufiline?
Volufiline is a trademarked ingredient that’s made from a combination of a plant extract known as sarsapogenin, which comes from the roots of Anemarrhenae asphodeloides (aka Zhi Mu) and hydrogenated polyisobutene, which is an oil-based excipient.

Sarsasapogenin interacts with fat cells and and triggers them to divide and grow. Hydrogenated polyisobutene increases the amount of fats stored.

volufiline for bigger breasts

These two ingredients work in perfect harmony to increase the amount of fatty tissue in the area where Volufiline is applied. The result is not a temporary swelling – it’s a permanent production of more fatty tissue.

How does Volufiline Help You Get Bigger Breasts?
The remarkable thing about Volufiline is that it is a non-hormonal substance that actually increases the development of fatty tissue.

It firms and enhances breasts through its unique lipo-filling action: producing more fat cells and storing them in the area where the cream is applied. And it’s good at its job – Volufiline has had several clinical studies conducted and been shown to successfully plump up various areas including hands, faces, breasts, and even the buttocks.

In vitro evaluations of Volufiline on 30 women aged 18 to 35 found that:

Cell volume increased over 22 times
Lipid storage increased more than 600%
Cell differentiation increased by more than 200%
Enlargement after 56 days reached as much as 8.4%
What I’ve found with Volufiline is that it works fastest for women who already have some fat on their breasts. This is probably because there are more fat cells to work with. Young, healthy women are also noted to have quicker results since their cells tend to multiply faster.

The Pros and Cons of Using Volufiline
Every product has its pros and cons. Here are those of using Volufiline for breast enhancement:


Non-hormonal. Volufiline is 100% non-hormonal and provides a great hormone-free method of natural breast enhancement.
Affordable. Volufiline products are very affordably priced, which is a huge plus in my book.
Great for Plumping. Volufiline is fantastic for plumping your breasts for a fuller, firmer look and I highly recommend this for women with deflated, sagging breasts to add overall volume to their breast area.
Nicely Scented. This might not sound like much, but if you’ve tried using the likes of fenugreek-based oils or creams, you’ll appreciate the fact that Volufiline-containing creams actually smell really, really pleasant.
Permanent. Volufiline works to increase fat cell production and storage, leading to permanent fatty tissue.

If takes time. Even in the in vitro evaluations, the results were measured after 56 (nearly two months) of use. Because Volufiline does not produce a temporary swelling, it takes time for it to stimulate fat cell production and store it in your breasts. Give it time to do its thing.
Fullness over Growth. Volufiline by itself is unlikely to increase your breasts by several cup sizes. It’s fantastic for boosting volume in your breasts for noticeably fuller, firmer, more voluptuous breasts but it is unlikely that you will increase more than a cup size even with continuous use.
Other Ingredients. Quite possibly the only problem I have with Volufiline is that it is near impossible to find a cream that is 100% pure Volufiline. I can understand why, but it’d be nice to find a concentrated extract, you know? If you know of one, please let me know!
How to Use Volufiline for Maximum Breast Growth
If you’re going to fork over your hard-earned money for some Volufiline products, don’t you want to maximize your breast growth?

Here are 3 tips to help you grow the most on Volufiline…

1. Heat is Your Friend

I always insist upon this for any kind of topical. Heat increases circulation and brings blood flow to your breasts. It also opens up your pores and allows the breast enhancement product to better absorb into your breast skin.

A heating pad is an easy way to heat your breasts prior to applying Volufiline cream. This one is my favorite, since it has a total of 6 heat settings so you can adjust according to your preference as well as a machine-washable microplush cover that’s comfortable and super easy to wash once you’ve used it a few times and have gotten some cream on it. Oh, if you have time, it’s nice to apply the heating pad before and after you apply your cream.

2. Massage

Breast enhancement massages are great for both breast enhancement and breast health. You’ll want to apply your Volufiline twice a day – make sure you massage at least once!

Tip: I highly recommend mixing a bit of your Volufiline cream with an oil of your choice to create a great breast enhancing massage oil.

3. Synergize

Synergy simply means that the combining two or more methods can have a combined effect greater than the sum of their individual effects.

This is so, so true in natural breast enhancement.

[i]Volufiline will do a great job plumping and filling out your breasts on its own but you’ll have much bigger results if you incorporate another method such as Noogleberry (also non-hormonal).

What are the Best Volufiline Creams?
There are quite a few products containing Volufiline, but there are just two creams I highly recommend. You can learn all about them here: The Best Volufiline creams.

How to Use the Noogleberry System to Get Bigger Breasts

The Noogleberry system is one of the most popular natural breast enhancement methods for years now. That’s no surprise since this method is completely natural, non-hormonal, and incredibly effective at both enlarging breasts as well as adding fullness and volume to sagging breasts.

Noogleberry also happens to be one of my favorite, tried-and-tested ways to get bigger breasts.

What I particularly love about Noogleberry is its ability to even out breast growth – I consistently used it to strategically fill in the tops of my breasts (which were dismally flat) as well as to plump up my left breast so as to make it the same size as my bigger, right breast.

It’s also really simple to use, as you can tell by how it looks. The Noogleberry system is pretty “primitive” looking – there are no fancy bells or whistles, just the bare bone tools of what you need to grow your breasts.

breast enhancement pump

The system is composed on two sturdy plastic domes that fit over each breast. The domes are attached to simple tubing that connects to a small hand-held pump.

How Does the Noogleberry Work?
To use the Noogleberry for bigger breasts, you simply place a sturdy, plastic dome over each breast and then pump the hand-held pump until you feel a gentle, suction pressure on your breasts. It is this pressure that, over time, induces breast growth.

How, you ask?

Well, Noogleberry is based on a scientifically proven method known as Tension Induced Tissue Growth, which shows that when sustained tension is applied to an area, the tissue in that area will grow to overcome the tension. The Noogleberry domes do just that by gently applying suction pressure and tension on your breasts, stretching your breasts gradually and inducing your breast glands and fat cells to expand little by little to fill in that space.

Who Can Use Noogleberry?
Anyone and everyone.

This is probably my favorite thing about the Noogleberry system. Since it’s non-hormonal, non-intrusive, and has no side effects, it can be safely used by women and men of all ages.

I will say, though, that Noogleberry is easier to use if you have at least a little cushion. I started off with abysmally small breasts and even worse, I had a very skinny torso with hardly any fat on my ribs and upper chest area. This lack of fat made it rather painful for me, with the Noogleberry cups digging into my bones whenever I increased the pulling tension. For people like me, I highly recommend getting some soft breast cups to cushion the pressure of the cups. Trust me – it’ll make the pumping a lot more pleasant.

What You Should Know About Noogleberry
You may be delighted to see that your breasts have swelled in the very first week of using it, but you’ll find that the swelling is sadly, temporary. It takes a few weeks to build real growth.

Give it time and soon you’ll have growth that’s there to stay.

Noogleberry Pros and Cons
Noogleberry PROS:

It works for pretty much anyone and everyone. Noogleberry is a best-selling natural enhancement product for a reason – pretty much anyone can use it and see growth with it. Sure, if you are really starting from nothing, it’ll be challenging in the first few weeks to attach the domes to your breasts and get them to stay on, but once you build up some tissue, you’ll be pumping with the best of ‘em!
Customer support and satisfation are top notch. Noogleberry’s creators are very active on breast enhancement forums as well as their own Noogleberry forum on which you’ll find a huge team of Noogleberry staff as well as very active, very pleased Noogleberry users who are only to happy to share their tips, experiences, as well as REAL progress pictures of the amazing transformations their breasts have undergone using Noogleberry.
So, very versatile. What I especially love about Noogleberry is its versatility. Unlike other natural breast enhancement methods, you can customize Noogleberry to your breasts. For example, I spent more time pumping my left breast (the smaller one) for months to even out my breasts. I also position the cups so they’re primarily over the tops of my breasts – an area that needed the most boost – which has helped round out and plump up my breasts tremendously.
Works well as a team. Since it is totally, 100% non-hormonal, Noogleberry is pretty much the only breast enhancement method that can be safely combined with any of the other methods of natural breast enhancement. In fact – whatever other method(s) you choose to go with, I strongly recommend you add the Noogleberry as well. It will maximize your breast growth more than using any of the other methods alone.
Cost effective and affordable. You can get the Noogleberry for $80 on Amazon and use it forever until you need to upgrade to bigger cups for your bigger breast size.
Noogleberry CONS:

Not as simple as popping a pill. Admittedly, the Noogleberry takes some work. It’s not something you can do at work or when you’re hanging out with friends so you’ll have to put aside a little bit of your time to do daily. I like to have it on while I’m watching TV or surfing the web. Half an hour and I’m done – not bad, methinks.
It takes time. Patience is a virtue when it comes to natural breast enhancement. You’ll be really excited the first few times you use the Noogleberry and see your breasts looking round and huge…but it will deflate back to its normal size in a few hours. Don’t get discouraged by this! The Noog takes some time to build up to permanent growth. Just think of the initial swelling as a sign of better, bigger things to come Smile
How to Use the Noogleberry for Maximum Breast Growth
The Noogleberry is a great, simple device that’s pretty comfortable to use…once you get the hang of it.

It’s easy enough, but it can be a little fussy for some people. Here are some tips on using the Noogleberry easily and comfortably from the get-go:

Contoured vs Regular: Noogleberry offers contoured cups as well as the regular cups. The contoured cups sound nice, but they’re a little more difficult to position. I recommend you start with the regular cups first.
Use Oil: The Noogleberry cups stay on better with a little oil in the mix and the oil also lessens the redness that occurs after pumping. Get thee some oil (you can even use make and use your own breast enhancement oil).
Posture is Key: Positioning the cups so that you get a flawless suction is easier with a straight back and shoulders back. Push your chest out a little as you position the cups in place. It can be a little difficult to keep the cups on your breast since you need one hand to pump with. What I do is position both cups on top of my breasts and then use the inside crook of my left elbow to “hold” my left cup in place my left hand to hold my right cup in place. Then, pump with your right hand.
The Right Tension. You want to pump until the cups feel tight on your breasts without being painful. Pain is not the point here. Tension is. Just pump maybe 4 – 5 times, until the cups feel firm on your breasts and stay in place without needing to be held up. You can leave it on just like that while you watch TV, read a book, do the dishes, etc., occasionally increasing the tension as you see fit – remember that tight tension is good but don’t make it painful!

breast enhancement massage

And the best part is that not only does this massage enlarge your breasts, but it comes with an array of other benefits as well:

A breast enhancement massage increases circulation to your breasts, allowing more blood and oxygen to reach your breasts to stimulate both breast growth and boost breast health.
The gentle stimulation that a breast enhancement massage provides improves breast tissue elasticity, thus encouraging firmer and fuller breasts. You’ll find that this stimulation has the long-term effect of improving the overall contours and shapes of your breasts, not just the size.
Breast massages gently stimulate lymph flow, helping to relieve toxin buildup and promote a healthy lymphatic system.
Regular breast enhancement massages do more than enlarge your breasts – they also make you more aware of your body and minute changes in your breasts. You’ll become more familiar with the shape and texture of your breasts and will be able to notice any changes in your breast tissue.
Did you know breast massage actually can make you feel happier? Studies measuring the effects of suckling and breast massage on oxytocin and prolactin secretion found that although breast massage does not have an effect on prolactin secretion, it does produce oxytocin – the happy, love chemical.
So how do you get started using breast enhancement massages for bigger breasts? Read on to find out the best ways to use a simple method to maximize your breast growth.

How to Get Bigger Breasts with Breast Enhancement Massages in 3 Easy Steps
I’ve tried a lot of breast enhancement massages in my time and the problem that I’ve had with most of them is that they are time-consuming and difficult to do.

After experimenting with a bunch of various massages, I’ve come up with this easy, 3-step breast enhancement massage that will take up no more than 15 minutes of your time and maximize your breast growth.

Step 1. Heat is Your FriendBig Grin

Heat is an often overlooked, yet important step of an effective breast enhancement massage. Heat increases circulation and brings blood flow to your breasts, setting the stage for the breast massage to do its work. The heat also opens up your pores and allows whatever breast enhancement substances you are using to better absorb into your breast skin.

If you are in a rush, I recommend using a heating pad for this first step. This one is my favorite, since it has a total of 6 heat settings so you can adjust according to your preference as well as a machine-washable microplush cover that’s comfortable and super easy to wash once you’ve used it a few times and have gotten your breast enhancement creams and serums on it.

If you have the time – try simply soaking in a hot bath for a little while to naturally heat your breasts before you get on with the massage. It warms as well as a heat pad and a bath tub relaxation is a lovely treat to give yourself anyway Smile

Step 2. Maximize Your Massage with a Breast-Enhancing Oil

The breast enhancement massage is so much better with an oil. The oil improves the feel of the massage and simultaneously protects your delicate breast skin from chafing and irritation.

So if you’re going to use an oil, why not make it an oil that has further breast enhancing powers?

To make your own breast-enhancing oil, combine an oil of your choice with the breast enhancing extract of your choice.

Recommended oils

Borage Oil. The perfect thickness to provide a bit of friction for your breast massage. Extremely moisturizing for your breasts. Also awesome to take orally – high omega-6 content and great for dry and acne-prone skin.
Evening Primrose Oil. Not as thick as borage oil and very absorbent – best mixed with a little bit of Vitamin E oil or EV Olive Oil. Very moisturizing. Also great to take orally as it’s known for balancing hormones and relieving PMS. You can even wear this oil on you face overnight Smile
Vitamin E Oil. Sticky and a little greasy-feeling, but Vitamin E oil is great for women with stretch marks who’d like to kill two birds with one stone.
Coconut Oil. Light and delicious smelling – perfect oil for women who want a lighter oil for massage. Also great for consuming as coconut oil contains the highest content of lauric acid on earth. What’s lauric acid good for? Heart health, weight loss, boosting your immune system, increasing metabolism and energy, as well as healthy thyroid function. Oh – coconut oil is a great oil to use when you’re going to be heading out right after your breast massage since the oil is light and doesn’t stain your clothes. It adds a nice scent, too Smile
EV Olive Oil. The one oil pretty much everyone has in their kitchen. Makes a lovely oil for breast massage.
Note: Both borage oil and evening primrose oil have the highest gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) content of all the known oils and have been shown to be helpful for those struggling with acne. Just FYI.

Once you’ve chosen the oil of your choice, get ready to mix it with a breast-enhancement extract. The extract you choose will depend on the internal breast enhancement method you’re using. For example – if you’re orally taking herbs, I recommend you choose an herbal breast enhancement extract to add to your oil. If you’re taking Pueraria Mirifica orally, I recommend a Pueraria extract. And if you’re taking Bovine Ovary, I recommend a strictly non-hormonal serum.

Recommend extracts:

Herbs. If you’re taking herbs orally, you have a few options for breast massage extracts. Fenugreek extract is a popular one – simply mix one drop of the fenugreek extract with enough oil for each breast and massage. Another option – and a product I personally love – is Natureday’s Fulfillment Liquid Extract. It’s a potent extract of breast enhancing herbs including fenugreek, saw palmetto, fennel, and dong quai. The stuff works wonderfully – you can read tons of real testimonials and view pictures on their website. Simply mix one drop of the extract with enough oil for each breast and massage. The upside to both these extracts is that they’re effective for breast growth but the downside of both extracts is that they smell. Like very potent maple syrup. If you want to avoid smelling of maple syrup, either do the massage at night and leave the stuff on while you sleep.
Pueraria Mirifica. If you’re taking PM orally, I recommend you do your breast enhancement massage with a little bit of the oil of your choice mixed with Ainterol’s Pueraria Mirifica Extract. Please keep in mind that extracts are the most potent form of plants and herbs and begin small. This stuff is powerful. I recommend starting out with just one drop of the PM extract for both breasts. You can work up to one drop for each breast if you experience no side effects and your menstruation is unaffected.
Volufiline. If you’re taking Bovine Ovary, you should not be using anything topical that can mess with your hormones. Your skin can and does absorb much of what you apply on it so you want to play it safe and use only breast-enhancing substances that are 100% free of hormones. The only option at this time is Volufiline, a trade-marked ingredient that works to increase the development of fatty tissue on the area it’s applied to. Volufiline is made from a combination of sarsapogenins and hydrogenated polyisobutene, which work together to interact with adipose (fat) cells and prompt them to divide, grow, and store the fat on your breasts. The result is not a temporary swelling, but a permanent increase of more fatty tissue. To massage using Volufiline, I recommend Slim Xtreme’s 3D Modeling Bust Serum. It’s very absorbent so mix it into the oil of your choice and massage away!
Now that you have your breast-enhancing oil mixture, let’s get to the massage…

Step 3. The Simplest Breast Enhancement Massage Ever

I’ve tried a lot of breast enhancement massages. I’ve even paid for professional breast massages (I know, it’s strange but they do exist). What I’ve found is that short, simple massages work better for breast growth than long, elaborate massages. Why? Simply because stimulation doesn’t need to be long nor elaborate in order to be effective and plus – you’ll be more inclined to actually do a short, simple massage than a long, arduous one.

Some additional tips for doing the Chi massage:

Doing 360 rotations for each breast goes quick – around 5 minutes – but if you do your arms get tired super quickly. I recommend you massage each breast with the opposite arm (right arm for left breast, left arm for right breast) since it’s easier on the arms and I think it provides better reach.
Add your own variations to the massage. you can always go slower. You can also add in squeezes and extra pressure as you see fit – it’s all up to you.
Swelling is expected with this massage. Soreness is more rare, but it does happen, especially if you’re breasts are already sore and tender from growing pains (from another method you’re using). Go gentle on those days. Remember that you don’t have to do this every single day – it’s okay to take a break.


Anti-Androgens. If you took a hormone test and are high in testosterone, it’s going to be helpful for you to take an anti-androgen to reduce your testosterone levels. Spearmint tea is an easy, delicious way to do this. Get it caffeine-free – caffeine is not helpful to breast growth.

Your breasts need good, nutritious food to grow. Making sure you give your body ample nutrition is one of the most important things you can do to maximize your breast growth. Consume plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. And super importantly – get enough protein! If you’re vegetarian, make sure you’re consuming protein-rich whole grains like quinoa and plenty of nuts.

Calcium. . I recommend taking a bio-available form of calcium instead – the best capsules are Rainbow Light’s Magnesium Calcium tablets since the minerals are bio-available (easy to absorb) and you get both the needed calcium as well as magnesium (which most of us are deficient in and which is crucial for healthy adrenal function – remember adrenals rule hormones).

Omega-3s. Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for a healthy body and hormonal balance. I absolutely recommend you incorporate omega-3s into your daily diet, especially if you’re recovering from estrogen dominance or any other form of hormonal imbalance. I particularly love this product by Garden of Life – it’s a great source of omega-3s and worth every penny.

Protein. Proteins are the building blocks of hormones. If you’re not getting enough protein in your diet, add on a protein supplement. They’re easy to blend into fruit smoothies and really, really help breast growth.

Note: Whey protein can cause acne breakouts in some people. If you’re one of those people, I strongly recommend hemp protein – the Nutiva brand is the best I’ve tried so far.

Keypoints! that I am taking away from this article..

Sources of xenoestrogens and the negative impact for us

Heat - prior to topicals and massage!

Volufiline - applying heat prior to using and being more patient allow adipose tissue time to grow!

Noogleberry - using the right type of oil as included in the article. Giving noogling appropriate time to gain results and not using too much pressure.

MOST IMPORTANT.. Taking regular 3 month detoxing BREAKS!


All these overburden our liver. If this happens our liver cant detox effectively, process and excrete excess hormones and is counterproductive to breast growth LET ALONE our general well being.

Oh my goodness, this thread is like your one stop shop for NBE practices/techniques! As usual, Ella, fantastic thread! I haven't even read 1/4 of it and I'm learning new things!

So much info on Volufiline that I didn't know. I feel like that's something I'd use after I reached my goal just to give my breasts a little bit of extra.


Ella thanks for taking the time to post this article. Smile
I read it completely and I think it has some good informations, but there is one important thing which is totally wrong and must be corrected:

Quote:Some recommend taking PM only during your menses. Some recommend taking PM only before the onset of menstruation. And still some recommend taking it every single day, regardless of your menstrual cycle.

The cycle that makes the most sense to me is to take it during your menstruation. Why? Simply because our natural estrogen levels are the highest when we menstruate. When your menstruation ends, your estrogen levels decrease and your progesterone levels increase. It just makes sense to follow the natural order of the body.

This is sooo wrong. Rolleyes

During the menstruation both estrogen and progesteron levels are LOW.
After the menstruation estrogen starts to rise and is at its highest right before ovulation. After ovulation is starts to drop.
Progesteron starts to rise after ovulation and is at its highest one week before menstruation.

[Image: apr2006_report_prog_02_big.jpg]

In my opinion PM should be taken from the third cycle day (it can cause cramps if you take it on cycle day 1 or 2) until 2 days before ovulation.
PC should be taken after ovulation 2 days before menstruation begins. Hope this helps. Smile

wow! That's great Ella! After reading it I went out and bought some spearmint tea!

(07-04-2014, 15:51)peggy Wrote:  Ella thanks for taking the time to post this article. Smile
I read it completely and I think it has some good informations, but there is one important thing which is totally wrong and must be corrected:

Quote:Some recommend taking PM only during your menses. Some recommend taking PM only before the onset of menstruation. And still some recommend taking it every single day, regardless of your menstrual cycle.

The cycle that makes the most sense to me is to take it during your menstruation. Why? Simply because our natural estrogen levels are the highest when we menstruate. When your menstruation ends, your estrogen levels decrease and your progesterone levels increase. It just makes sense to follow the natural order of the body.

This is sooo wrong. Rolleyes

During the menstruation both estrogen and progesteron levels are LOW.
After the menstruation estrogen starts to rise and is at its highest right before ovulation. After ovulation is starts to drop.
Progesteron starts to rise after ovulation and is at its highest one week before menstruation.

[Image: apr2006_report_prog_02_big.jpg]

In my opinion PM should be taken from the third cycle day (it can cause cramps if you take it on cycle day 1 or 2) until 2 days before ovulation.
PC should be taken after ovulation 2 days before menstruation begins. Hope this helps. Smile

Il try and find it now Peg and cut that section out Smile

(07-04-2014, 15:08)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Oh my goodness, this thread is like your one stop shop for NBE practices/techniques! As usual, Ella, fantastic thread! I haven't even read 1/4 of it and I'm learning new things!

So much info on Volufiline that I didn't know. I feel like that's something I'd use after I reached my goal just to give my breasts a little bit of extra.

I nearly fell asleep trying to highlight bits and bobs lol I cut and paste the whole article but it left out the videos and supporting pics, I still have to read the whole thing :s

Wow, you nearly fell asleep? That's dedication to the cause right there! Smile

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