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Oily skin?


Hi everyone, i have developed a problem with oily skin and im not sure why. I have always had quite normal or even dry skin untill about 6 weeks ago, my whole complextion has changed as in my skin is really shiney lol i think i glow in the sunlight lol i have also developed some very tiny spots under my skin, i am using an exfoliator and skin cleanser for oily skin and a good quality moisturiser but they are not helping does anyone have any suggestions on what i could do about this. Just for people who dont know me on here, i am male but i now live fulltime as a women and i have had great results with NBE over the last 15 months, i thought id put that in as it might effect what i should use on my skin, umm i just dont know lol. Anyway thanks for reading everyone.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

hi cheryl,

i dont know if this will help you but thought id give my experience.. i have VERY oily skin and suffered with extreamly deep black heads, in fact they were not even like black heads they were just pools of crappy crap ebeded in my skin especially my cheeks,
my lupus i believe has something to do with it as it a condition that effects connective tissue... but i am not certain..

anyway, the ONLY things that contol my skin and keep the deep spots and white black heads at bay is isotrex gel.. its a chemical from vitamin a but its also prescription...

secondly (what i used untill i got my isotrex) is glycolic acid day and night cream and glycolic peels(at home with 30%)
the glycolic acid gave my skin a look that nothing (including isotrex) has ever given me, after a month using it, my skin looked like id some how got a tan but had never seen the light of day lol, practically perfect.

CHERYL, from what i know oily skin id young skin, and with the right treatment you can make your skin THICKER which will keep you looking young for many many years to come, ie, black people usually have quite thick skin hense the very few wrinkles oldies tend to have(if any)

haha hope im not scaring u hun????
im just very passionate about the face skin subject, i cant afford anything flashy or surgery so i just went for the best product that i could afford, and that was glycolic acid,

isotrex/retin a is clinically proven to reduce the signs of aging (tretinoin)

with oil skin, dont OVER clense or you will and up looking like an oil slick after a few hours, as your skin over compensates for all the oil you have stripped off it,

i have a trick that i also do... i exfoliate with salt and a mild cleanser, the dry..then i cover my face(inc lips) in a THICK moisteriser,,so that it looks like icing or thick cream on your face... then get the hair dryer and put the heat on your face for a while like some sort of spa treatment lol... keep the heat for 3 mins or so . thenwipe off the cream(dont wash) and alls done, you have put back the oil that you have taken away, so the skin should not produce much more, and your skin should feel lovely (if you do this before bed you wake up with soft nice skin)

use blotting paper if u want to cover up any oiling u may get during the day

oily skin=larger pores so if this continues then u may want to invest in something to help the clogging of the pores(the oilyer the skin usually the more clogged they can get if you dont take care.
isotrex uncloggs my pores and stops the production of so much sebum,, u should look in to this, it WILL reduce the oil, and make your skin clearer.

glycolic acid(peels) gently peels the skin top layer helping it to renew .
skin renews less fequently the older you , exfoliating also helps with renewing.

cheryl, b4 using the isotrex i could touch my face and it would look like id put my fingers in butter i just have a nice dewy glow

oh dear.. i hope i didnt write too much,, sorry...Blush

(30-03-2010, 23:31)Cheryl1989 Wrote:  Hi everyone, i have developed a problem with oily skin and im not sure why. I have always had quite normal or even dry skin untill about 6 weeks ago, my whole complextion has changed as in my skin is really shiney lol i think i glow in the sunlight lol i have also developed some very tiny spots under my skin, i am using an exfoliator and skin cleanser for oily skin and a good quality moisturiser but they are not helping does anyone have any suggestions on what i could do about this. Just for people who dont know me on here, i am male but i now live fulltime as a women and i have had great results with NBE over the last 15 months, i thought id put that in as it might effect what i should use on my skin, umm i just dont know lol. Anyway thanks for reading everyone.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

i beleive this is because of the extra oil production, your pores are clogging up, try glycolic acid day/night creams this may help(and a deep pore cleanse)... im sure others have some advise for you aswell

use a face wash with salicylic acid in it
use non-comedogenic moisteriser on the face
use a deep pore cleansing mask 1nce a week or so.. this may make you break out as the pores are being emptyed but at least the sebum will not be building up under deep under the surface making horrible black/white head bumps
use oil free foundation

kiss kissBig Grin

Hi Cheryl,

I suffer from oily skin when my hormone is out of place and I do get pimple skin from there too. There are 2 types of oily skin.

1) Oily on the inside and the surface
2) Oily on the inside but dry on the outside

Which one are you? If you are oily both on inside and out I will advise you to go off any EFA and EPA supplements you are in (if you are taking any). It will make it worst. Did you make a change in your beauty regime recently maybe few days or weeks before you start to have oily skin?

What you need is:
1) Milk cleanser (Night)
2) Cleanser - choose gel type cleanser (Morning and Night)
3) Cleansing tissue - if you use makeup
4) Toner (Anti-sebum or ph balance toner)
5) Moisturizer (ampoule, serum, gel like or anything that's not creamy as in white)
6) Tissue mask, clay mask are good....if you want something natural go for honey it helps to get rid of oil and bacteria too. (I mask my face everyday with tissue mask)

Scrub twice or thrice a week don't over do it though.

I love products from this website Choose those that contain hyaluronic acid. It is the best water-base moisture that's close to our skin moisture. The skin is oily because it has lack of water to clean itself. Hope this help...


Thanks Both for your replys, and some fantastic advice, i really dont know too much about these type of things or what to try. I think my hormone change has caused my skin to become oily but i have also just completed my hair removel on my face about 1 month ago so i dont know if this has caused oily skin. But thank you TeeTee for going into detail, the info you have given is like a godsend to me lol and crystalelle thank you also, i am oily on the inside and surface, around my nose and chin are the worst areas and the centre of my forehead but i am going to try a clay mask tonight and look into the products you have both suggested. So once again thank you both.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

It could be the hormones, or you skin could just be extra dry. Oily skin is usually occurs for those who's faces are extremely dry, so you face produces the oil to try and moisturize your face.
Are you using any toner or moisturizer? Do you exfoliate at all?
What product are you using? I actually really like Mariod Badescu products. This site →
Here is the oily skin products and page about it:
You can also take a test to see what sort of products they recommend. After your done with the test, put in your email and information, wait a couple of days and they will email with a coupon for free shipping or random things like get free mini versions of the items and whatnot.

I have to say that I love their Buffering Lotion and their Drying Lotion. They always work for me. I'm going to try out more of their products when I go back to visit in the US this summer.

Random review of their products.

You might want to look at skincare videos on youtube.
Example: (loves to the petrilude Heart)

Oh and I love to use this as a exfoliater. It cheap and easy to make at home. Bubz also did some good research. I highly recommend this facial scrub recipe.

I only got into the acne and face care because I started to wear more makeup.

As a side note, I'm not a professional for skin care. But I have done some research on it. Also everyone is different. Just like NBE varies on each person, skin care products may also vary.

Good luck with your skin.

I have also a this type of oily skin, After bathing it looks awesome but as the time passed they became so oily and dusty. I am using toner also for that and washing my skin with face wash twice in a day and with only water for 3 three times. Anyone has idea about this what can I for this?

My skin can get really oily and very quickly. I used all the special stuff like clearasil and even ex foliate and then I used Dove soap bar and it helped my skin a LOT.I am serious, it's only soap that I use and it prevents my skin getting so oily, I recommend you give it a try.

Searching to cure to oily skin as well. Been using clean and clear and it doesn't really help. My face feels clean afterward, but it still gets oily with time. I use so many blotting sheets it's ridic.

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