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Hi all! I'm a boobie newbie :)


Hi All!!!

I am new to this forum, and I wish I new such a thing existed a long time ago, I would probably already have a nice rack by now Cool.

I had no idea such a thing as NBE was possible. To me the only possible way to get bigger breast was getting implants.

My story is kinda weird Rolleyes: I am now 27 (almost 28). When I was 17, I suffered of anorexia for almost a year. I lost something like 20 kilograms (around 40 pounds) in 3 months. It took me a certain time to accept to put on weight until i reached an acceptable level. Women in family are all curvy/thin, but with a tendancy to be pear shaped, which lead me to become anorexic in the first place. What I wanted was a smaller butt, but i wanted to keep some boobs. But of course you don't choose where the weight is lost! LOL I lost all my cleavage, and then started to loose the hips and butt fat, so even when I was super skinny, I still had that pear-shape figure. DANG! lol

I then put on weight on my recovery. And my weight stabilized around 48 kilos, and I was really happy. But during a spring break, I binge-ate and within a week, I put on 5 kilos. I remember mean girls commenting on how horrible I was for managing to put on 5 kilos within a week. To be honest, I couldn't believe it as well. My shape and figure changed in a week! I could not put some jeans on anymore like, overnight. It was pretty shocking and frightening. I was depressed, but my docs and common sense told me I was still within the thin/healthy range. Besides, despite what I ate, this time my weight remained stable at 53 kilos for over a decade. It was not until this year, that I put 6 more kilos on. A year trip to the US and a new stable Relationship (the couch potatoe, TV watching type) helped.

And when I think about it, I'm like I managed to put 20lbs on, and really just a few went to my bust, and I'm like -> Angry.

Besides, I have another condition that is attacking my feminity and that is hair loss Sad. Suppléments helps, but nothing huge. I have been diagnosed a vitamin D and iron defficiency, and I am currently supplementing for those.

A few weeks ago, I decided to go to an endocrinologist to have some blood tests done about the hair loss. I was suspecting some thyroid problems (as my mom have those). But they came back normal. He pointed out that my eostrogen was in the low range, but nothing spectacular. He thinks I have androgenetic alopecia, so he decided to put me on androcur, and an eostrogen gel (topical), to put my androgens on the low side (even though they were not abnormal). For 3 month to start, and then we'll see if I react well. I was wondering if any of you had been taking that medecine. It has a lot of bad reviews, but i decided i will try anyway, if it saves my hair, why not. I know synthesis hormones are not so good for your health, but if it can kick start the recovery, and then i'll try to shift to more natural solution.

For those who do not know, androcure, it is a progestative. Do you think it can help, or on the contrary, hinder my NBE? I've read some women complain about their breast shrinking, but some other put on weight, some feel like real women again, others feel at their worst... LOL . But I guess it is pretty much a trial and error thing LOL. But if any of you has experienced that type of medecine feel free to comment.

Also I would like to have your advice on my hormone levels. I've read so much different stuff i was not able to decide if they were definitely normal or not. My endo was not so sure either, since my cycle was a little messed up. My test were done on the 20th day of my cycle, instead of the 21st (what my endo wanted, but that error was not that important), and my period came a week late that time. I'm imagining he thinks I have mild symptoms of PCOS.

Progesterone: 3.41 ng/ml
Oestradiol: 54 pg/ml
Prolactine: 22 ng/ml

I have other values but I read those 3 were vey important. I'll keep searching, but in the meantime, if you have something helpful to point out, well I'm all ears!!

Thank you girls and good luck!

Oh and I almost forgot: My measurements are

Bust: 32-33 in
below bust:29 in
Waist: 25-26
Hips (OMG!! LOL):41/42

I'm actually trying to transform my complete self LOL, trying to regrow hair, slim down my waist and hips and enlarge my breast LOL. I'm hoping exercise and and a good regimen will help me succeed!!!

Looking forward to chatting with you girls <3

Hi Ms.GaGa, welcome to the forum! Smile

Your story sounds similar to mine. When I was 20, I suffered from a combination of anorexia and bulimia for almost three years. I lost 15 kg within a couple of months and then gained 10 kg etc. (up and down).

Also I too suffer from hair loss, since many years. But I won't take synthetic hormones and I read that Androcur is pretty strong! Think again about it if you really want to take it. Maybe you could try herbs first. I am taking EPO (evening primrose oil) and spearmint and it helps to slow down the shedding a bit.

As regards your test results: Do you have the reference values (the range) of the lab? They should be written beside your own values. E.g. my prolactin value was 13.8 ng/ml and the range of the lab is 3 - 18.6 ng/ml. If you don't have the lab values, then ask your doctor for them. What were your other values (e.g. Testosterone, DHEAS, TSH etc)?

You have a slim waist, I bet your figure is sexy already. If you gain more boobs, you will have the perfect hourglass figure. Good luck with your journey. Smile

Hi Peggy!

Thank you so much for your answer! I do have the normal values on the results, but I know that those can sometimes not be the norm for every one.

For exemple, for iron deficiency leading to hair loss, the normal range is between 12.5 and 150. But most women regrow hair only when they reach 70-100. So that's why I was asking, sometimes, some values are preferable. It is also the case with eostrogens. I read on one research that values around 80 were preferable, 60 on another... And mine is 55, so I don't know which one is reliable. So if anyone happens to have more information.... Smile LOL

Thank you for your compliment! I do think that my figure is sexier than when I was 17 LOL. I'm 2 kilos heavier than when I started my first diet, but I still feel thiner than when I was 17, I don't know why! Maybe I have more muscles than what I had then. I read muscles are heavier than fat in your body. In fact I read waaayy to much Big Grin. LOL

I know androcur is heavy dosed, but I'll try anyway, some women acknowledged it did wonders on their skin and hair, with no bothering side effect, so I'll try that and see how i react. If for some reason I don't react well I will stop it. My idea is to kick start the recovery and then progressively switch to natural treatments such as herbs.

Oh and you are very well proportionned! you have top model measurements!!! I'm kinda jealous lol

(28-03-2014, 16:38)Ms.GaGa Wrote:  Hi Peggy!

Thank you so much for your answer! I do have the normal values on the results, but I know that those can sometimes not be the norm for every one.

For exemple, for iron deficiency leading to hair loss, the normal range is between 12.5 and 150. But most women regrow hair only when they reach 70-100. So that's why I was asking, sometimes, some values are preferable.

Yes I know that iron resp. ferritin should be at least 70. My value was below 1.5 many years ago, I was almost anemic! But with iron tablets and patience I was able to get the value to 100. But I need to continue to take the iron tabs, otherwise it drops to below 60 within a few months...

(28-03-2014, 16:38)Ms.GaGa Wrote:  It is also the case with eostrogens. I read on one research that values around 80 were preferable, 60 on another... And mine is 55, so I don't know which one is reliable. So if anyone happens to have more information.... Smile LOL

Ok if this helps: My hormones were measured exactly one year ago (also because of the hair, lol) and the values were:

Estradiol: 115.0 pg/ml (range: 60 – 150)
Progesterone: 10.5 ng/ml (range: 0.72 – 17.8)

It was measured in luteal phase, 9 days later I got my period.

So yes your estradiol is low, but your progesterone is even lower!
Have you thought about it to use bioidentical PC (progesterone cream)?

(28-03-2014, 16:38)Ms.GaGa Wrote:  Thank you for your compliment! I do think that my figure is sexier than when I was 17 LOL. I'm 2 kilos heavier than when I started my first diet, but I still feel thiner than when I was 17, I don't know why! Maybe I have more muscles than what I had then. I read muscles are heavier than fat in your body. In fact I read waaayy to much Big Grin. LOL

I know androcur is heavy dosed, but I'll try anyway, some women acknowledged it did wonders on their skin and hair, with no bothering side effect, so I'll try that and see how i react. If for some reason I don't react well I will stop it. My idea is to kick start the recovery and then progressively switch to natural treatments such as herbs.

Oh and you are very well proportionned! you have top model measurements!!! I'm kinda jealous lol

Good luck with the androcur. I hope you won't have any side effects.
And thanks for the compliment. I need more boobs, then my figure will be good. Wink

Oh I have another test result from June 2013.
I received my period 12 days later, so the test was done 5 days too early. Dodgy That's the problem when your cycles are between 30-35 day long.

Anyway here is the result:

Estradiol: 84.68 pg/ml
Progesterone: 10.4 ng/ml

(28-03-2014, 17:33)peggy Wrote:  
(28-03-2014, 16:38)Ms.GaGa Wrote:  Hi Peggy!

Thank you so much for your answer! I do have the normal values on the results, but I know that those can sometimes not be the norm for every one.

For exemple, for iron deficiency leading to hair loss, the normal range is between 12.5 and 150. But most women regrow hair only when they reach 70-100. So that's why I was asking, sometimes, some values are preferable.

Yes I know that iron resp. ferritin should be at least 70. My value was below 1.5 many years ago, I was almost anemic! But with iron tablets and patience I was able to get the value to 100. But I need to continue to take the iron tabs, otherwise it drops to below 60 within a few months...

(28-03-2014, 16:38)Ms.GaGa Wrote:  It is also the case with eostrogens. I read on one research that values around 80 were preferable, 60 on another... And mine is 55, so I don't know which one is reliable. So if anyone happens to have more information.... Smile LOL

Ok if this helps: My hormones were measured exactly one year ago (also because of the hair, lol) and the values were:

Estradiol: 115.0 pg/ml (range: 60 – 150)
Progesterone: 10.5 ng/ml (range: 0.72 – 17.8)

It was measured in luteal phase, 9 days later I got my period.

So yes your estradiol is low, but your progesterone is even lower!
Have you thought about it to use bioidentical PC (progesterone cream)?

(28-03-2014, 16:38)Ms.GaGa Wrote:  Thank you for your compliment! I do think that my figure is sexier than when I was 17 LOL. I'm 2 kilos heavier than when I started my first diet, but I still feel thiner than when I was 17, I don't know why! Maybe I have more muscles than what I had then. I read muscles are heavier than fat in your body. In fact I read waaayy to much Big Grin. LOL

I know androcur is heavy dosed, but I'll try anyway, some women acknowledged it did wonders on their skin and hair, with no bothering side effect, so I'll try that and see how i react. If for some reason I don't react well I will stop it. My idea is to kick start the recovery and then progressively switch to natural treatments such as herbs.

Oh and you are very well proportionned! you have top model measurements!!! I'm kinda jealous lol

Good luck with the androcur. I hope you won't have any side effects.
And thanks for the compliment. I need more boobs, then my figure will be good. Wink

I was thinking about it, but I wasn't sure about my levels and I did not want to mess with them Smile I'll research that. Can you apply that to your breasts? LOL Because my oestrogen gel says it is not to be applied on cleavage LOL.

So Basically, I'm 27 but I have values that are perimenopausal? OMG HuhBig Grin


I read that you should not apply PC to your breasts. But some of the biological males of this forum do it. Not sure what to think about it...

What about your androgen values?

(28-03-2014, 17:51)peggy Wrote:  Oh I have another test result from June 2013.
I received my period 12 days later, so the test was done 5 days too early. Dodgy That's the problem when your cycles are between 30-35 day long.

Anyway here is the result:

Estradiol: 84.68 pg/ml
Progesterone: 10.4 ng/ml

So yeah, it looks like I'm quite on the low side! How old are you anyway? Smile

And thanks for the help!!!

I am 34 now (had birthday this month) but I still feel like 20-25. Wink

(28-03-2014, 17:58)peggy Wrote:  I read that you should not apply PC to your breasts. But some of the biological males of this forum do it. Not sure what to think about it...

What about your androgen values?

I was told they were normal!

I was only tested for DHEA, Delta 4Androstenidione and androstanedione gluconide (i do not know what they are lol): they are 1.8, 3.7, and 2.7 (withing the normal range apparently). He did not test me for testosterone and I regret that. But androcur should take care of that as well anyway.


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