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BELLA PM .. is it necissery to use 3 pills a day = 900 mg ???


i thought using 900 mg of PM is quit too much, is there anyone who used 300 PM of Bella's and grew?

Definitely too much! Bella is quite irresponsible. In Japan they took Pm
caps off the shelf because of too many problems and complaints.

Irresponsible MFGS!


(27-03-2010, 16:42)carlaa1124 Wrote:  Definitely too much! Bella is quite irresponsible. In Japan they took Pm
caps off the shelf because of too many problems and complaints.

Irresponsible MFGS!


then how much i should use? each cap is like 300 mg
will i see results using 300 mg? or 600 mg?


it all depends what works for you, start at 1 300mg pill twice a day and work up from there, if you feel nothing then go up, but give it time

it depends on your body,
i used to take 300mgs twice a day 5 years ago and now i take 1200mgs so like i said its all about your body, and bodys change.

make sure the pm is pure, pm doesnt have to be expensive to work either like some companys like you to believe

breast enlargement is only a side effect .. which is why your body can become used to it and the breast enlargemnet no longer happens... i wanted to keep the breast enlargement so had to take more to get it..

pm is supposed to be used as a sort of youth pill, anti aging, nice hair etc

thank you TeeTee i Appreciate your input Smile
so you said you're taking now 1200 mg of PM, is it that your body got used to 600 mg? or you wasnt seeying results thats why u ramped up ?
thanks again ^_^

Hi Marcella

Tee's is absolutely incorrect! Not all PM is equal. Sounds to me that Tee is using the cheapest junk she can buy.

The problem with wild PM you never know exacty what you got.

Women using higher doses of higher quality Pm.....may use 4 kotex/day/
8 to 10 days of menstruation, headaches, anxiety, listfulness, depression, acne etc.

Using 1200mg of PM is a bad idea unless it is absolute junk. In that case it will not make much of a difference.

There is a linear relationship between dosage and breast size......topicals have been documented to work much better than pills with no side effects and you will probably save money on KOTEX


Hi Carlaa,

I am wondering what kind of PM is not junk? I have seen your posts on here and I am not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish on this forum. I don't want to cause any problems or anything I just really would like to know what kind of PM, you think people should be taking, because you have said several times you are a PM scholar.

I don't want to receive any rude or cynical remarks from you, I just want some facts and information. The only thing people can do is trial and error because no one really knows forsure how much or what brand they should take. I will admit I know nothing about PM, just what I have read from PM sellers.

I would really like for you to say much more about PM besides that other sellers are wrong. If I should not buy from them then who should I buy from? That is really what I want to know and also why should I buy from them?

The scientist who has done the most work on PM and who is the patentee for this herbal preparation indicated that good results were had from his test subjects on 400 mg/day and the results werea bit better on 800 mg/day but it was effective in only 80% of the test subjects. All you can do is try, and if there is no effect after a while, you may be one who isn't effected by PM. There are 29 cultivars of PM and the amount of phytoestrogen varies with year, cultivation and species of plant. Since these products are not controlled by the FDA, there is no way of telling what concentration is really in the caps. Even standard supplements and vitamins that can be bought in any drugstore are often found to lacking in the quantities stated so trial and error is about all one can do in NBE.
The creams are effective ONLY in helping the skin stretch a bit--not for growing anything other than credit card debt. The reason that they have been suggested to work together is clear--the skin needs to be stretched but massage or noogling may be more efficient and less costly i the long run.

As you might know PM is the most potent of herbs when it comes to NBE. I personally use PM before at very low dosage of 100mg per day through F-Cup cookies. I took this twice. 1st time when I took it for more than 3 months I got absolutely nothing chewing all those cookies. I stop for many months and then do a liver flush and then went back to the cookies. Guess what the tingles and aches are so obvious.

I will advice PM users to do a liver flush or cleanse (milk thistle) before you start it, else you need to have high dosage just to create the aches, tingles or to get it work. 2nd go on a low dosage but separate it into 2 times a day so that the herb will constantly be in your body.

I actually posted in one of the link about side effects of high dosage in PM. The most acceptable amount is 200mg - 400mg. More than that is a big 'NO-NO' it can cause you to lost body calcium. Try starting 50-100mg twice a day after you clean up your liver. If your liver is heavy with estrogen or even phyto-estrogen it is going to be difficult to get the low dosage work.

More is not always better. Happy growing!

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