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JUST A THOUGHT! DRINKING WATER is stopping you from growing??


(14-03-2014, 01:58)Missed Miss Wrote:  Fluoride CAUSES tooth decay!! There've been a number of studies between our country and others that DON'T use it, and THEY have fewer cavities than us!!
Fluoride comes from industrial waste from aluminum factories!! How lovely that we are drinking industrial waste!! Aluminum's not good for you, either. You really shouldn't cook with it or store food in it.
Fluoride also causes arthritis, hence your feeling older before your time. I hear it's irreversible, but I've also heard there's a substance called, Adia Clarity that you can put into your water that not only gets rid of ALL impurities, but, when you drink it, it purifies/detoxes your body, too!! It's made from black mica, or black gold.
The word, "government" comes from two words in Latin: Gubernati = control of, and Ment = the mind. So, government = control of the mind, or, mind control!!

I will say this much about my fluoride consumption: I've only had one teeny cavity in my life!

(14-03-2014, 01:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  
(13-03-2014, 14:49)KardashianKurves Wrote:  You are wrong on so many levels and in so many ways. You stated nothing but illuminati bandwagon arguments. You also have this appeal to nature thing going on as well. In fact the whole post is nothing but logical fallacy after logical fallacy veiled in illuminati propoganda.

Flouride we are given is not the flouride found in nature that's extremely harmful. That is actually flourine and it is extremely toxic even in small doses. You need to do more research on the chemical side rather than just listening to a bunch of propoganda put forth by illuminati conspiracy theorists. One little atom makes a world of difference.

You have other problems going on and it has nothing to do with Flouride. I'm just gonna link you to a site full of all the logical fallacies:
So far I observed burden of proof because you gave no links to actual sources, credible or not, appeal to nature, false cause, black-or-white, anecdotal. I could go on and on but I won't.

tl;dr Sources or you've got nothing.

Thankyou so much for your reply! I always love debating over things because I get to look at both sides of the story. K well first of all from your website you provided I got this, "It is generally NOT safe to swallow toothpastes, rinses, or other products containing topical fluoride. In rare cases, some people may be overexposed to high concentrations of fluoride" Why would we want this in our water and toothpastes? We drink a ton of it, it absorbs into us when we shower, brush our teeth, and go swimming. Tooth paste bottles state "brush 2 times daily" and organic pastes doesn't give you a limit because its not bad for you. (ok guess that's just my opinion to why the organic toothpaste doesn't say that Tongue)

I know sounds like the illumanati and all that but
the government NEEDS control over us. They don't want a bunch of rebels and people questioning this and that and finding truths. and touching our water supply is the easiest way. some say we are the zombie apocalypse... the government doesn't want us having our own thoughts and rebelling. they want to keep us on an invisible leash.

We can't believe everything that's on the internet tho can we? What really makes sense to you, you absorb in the information and you live that way. I am just putting some information out there that Iv'e read that touched me and made sense to me. also adding some opinions. Either way, everyone can benefit from purifying their water Smile

Alright, there are loads of people who have replied, and it's late so I'll end with this. As someone who has inside intel, very high security clearance in the American government type intel, like Department of Homeland Security, I can walk onto Plum Island with out a problem type security clearance and intel, and does get the inside scoop on most things as far as bioterrorism and a few other things, I can tell you that the government only keeps stupid people blind. I would say more but I can't for obvious security reasons. Honestly, they do. The government can only control people as much as you allow them. The problem is the masses are too blind to see it.

Flouride can be bad if swallowed because it will build up in the system and cause bone damage over years. Think of it, they are trying to give us the most healthy dose they can between drinking water and toothpaste, without causing harm, if we start taking too much by swallowing toothpaste 3 times a day and drinking 12 glasses of water daily on top of it we'd be having too much and too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It even says RARE CASES. You know what else is a rare case? Liver damage from taking herbs in high doses, yet we all do it and seem to be fine. You also can't say that we absorb it through our skin because from what I read the molecules of the traces of flouride are not small enough for transdermal absorption, but it's late so I don't want to go looking deeper. After all it's talking about swallowing all this stuff, not touching it, is it not? If touching it was so bad then every geologist would be wearing thick as heck gloves and a million other safety precautions but they don't. It's good for younger children especially as far as teeth go. Flouride in water is not needed but beneficial to younger children, even so bone damage later in life is not going to cause your growth to be stunted or anything else. This is something that can be found with a quick google search. Too much of a good thing and all that. But the flouride is no worse than the untreated water you can get in some parts of the world, and if you make the water too pure it can cause just as many problems. Distilled water for example isn't really safe to drink. The two times a day is the suggested minimum for healthy teeth, the ideal amount would be between 3-5 times daily but most people brush too hard and are actually brushing away enamel which is why they don't suggest it more. Properly brushing though a dentist will always recommend more than twice daily.

And flouride has nothing to do with zombies for people. Zombie people is because idiots actually choose between red or blue when they are both the same exact thing because they are afraid to go any other way. It's the militarization of our government and police force. It has nothing to do with being drugged and everything to do with us literally just being stupid. That's it. This was everywhere because I am very tired but I think I got my point across. From someone who actually gets to talk to scientists and people high up on the rung in the government and spend time with them and can walk into places without a problem because of security clearances, I can promise you that the government isn't trying to make you sheeple, people are just so dumb they don't know how to stop being sheeple and so the government takes advantage of it.

(14-03-2014, 03:39)KardashianKurves Wrote:  
(14-03-2014, 01:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  
(13-03-2014, 14:49)KardashianKurves Wrote:  You are wrong on so many levels and in so many ways. You stated nothing but illuminati bandwagon arguments. You also have this appeal to nature thing going on as well. In fact the whole post is nothing but logical fallacy after logical fallacy veiled in illuminati propoganda.

Flouride we are given is not the flouride found in nature that's extremely harmful. That is actually flourine and it is extremely toxic even in small doses. You need to do more research on the chemical side rather than just listening to a bunch of propoganda put forth by illuminati conspiracy theorists. One little atom makes a world of difference.

You have other problems going on and it has nothing to do with Flouride. I'm just gonna link you to a site full of all the logical fallacies:
So far I observed burden of proof because you gave no links to actual sources, credible or not, appeal to nature, false cause, black-or-white, anecdotal. I could go on and on but I won't.

tl;dr Sources or you've got nothing.

Thankyou so much for your reply! I always love debating over things because I get to look at both sides of the story. K well first of all from your website you provided I got this, "It is generally NOT safe to swallow toothpastes, rinses, or other products containing topical fluoride. In rare cases, some people may be overexposed to high concentrations of fluoride" Why would we want this in our water and toothpastes? We drink a ton of it, it absorbs into us when we shower, brush our teeth, and go swimming. Tooth paste bottles state "brush 2 times daily" and organic pastes doesn't give you a limit because its not bad for you. (ok guess that's just my opinion to why the organic toothpaste doesn't say that Tongue)

I know sounds like the illumanati and all that but
the government NEEDS control over us. They don't want a bunch of rebels and people questioning this and that and finding truths. and touching our water supply is the easiest way. some say we are the zombie apocalypse... the government doesn't want us having our own thoughts and rebelling. they want to keep us on an invisible leash.

We can't believe everything that's on the internet tho can we? What really makes sense to you, you absorb in the information and you live that way. I am just putting some information out there that Iv'e read that touched me and made sense to me. also adding some opinions. Either way, everyone can benefit from purifying their water Smile

Alright, there are loads of people who have replied, and it's late so I'll end with this. As someone who has inside intel, very high security clearance in the American government type intel, like Department of Homeland Security, I can walk onto Plum Island with out a problem type security clearance and intel, and does get the inside scoop on most things as far as bioterrorism and a few other things, I can tell you that the government only keeps stupid people blind. I would say more but I can't for obvious security reasons. Honestly, they do. The government can only control people as much as you allow them. The problem is the masses are too blind to see it.

Flouride can be bad if swallowed because it will build up in the system and cause bone damage over years. Think of it, they are trying to give us the most healthy dose they can between drinking water and toothpaste, without causing harm, if we start taking too much by swallowing toothpaste 3 times a day and drinking 12 glasses of water daily on top of it we'd be having too much and too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It even says RARE CASES. You know what else is a rare case? Liver damage from taking herbs in high doses, yet we all do it and seem to be fine. You also can't say that we absorb it through our skin because from what I read the molecules of the traces of flouride are not small enough for transdermal absorption, but it's late so I don't want to go looking deeper. After all it's talking about swallowing all this stuff, not touching it, is it not? If touching it was so bad then every geologist would be wearing thick as heck gloves and a million other safety precautions but they don't. It's good for younger children especially as far as teeth go. Flouride in water is not needed but beneficial to younger children, even so bone damage later in life is not going to cause your growth to be stunted or anything else. This is something that can be found with a quick google search. Too much of a good thing and all that. But the flouride is no worse than the untreated water you can get in some parts of the world, and if you make the water too pure it can cause just as many problems. Distilled water for example isn't really safe to drink. The two times a day is the suggested minimum for healthy teeth, the ideal amount would be between 3-5 times daily but most people brush too hard and are actually brushing away enamel which is why they don't suggest it more. Properly brushing though a dentist will always recommend more than twice daily.

And flouride has nothing to do with zombies for people. Zombie people is because idiots actually choose between red or blue when they are both the same exact thing because they are afraid to go any other way. It's the militarization of our government and police force. It has nothing to do with being drugged and everything to do with us literally just being stupid. That's it. This was everywhere because I am very tired but I think I got my point across. From someone who actually gets to talk to scientists and people high up on the rung in the government and spend time with them and can walk into places without a problem because of security clearances, I can promise you that the government isn't trying to make you sheeple, people are just so dumb they don't know how to stop being sheeple and so the government takes advantage of it.

Hmmm....I do wonder how much "insider information" of any confidentiality you could possibly be receiving though. I'm assuming one of your parents work for the gov't?

I too have a friend whose father was high up there as well. My friend didn't even know what his dad did! It was TOP secret. Anytime he'd try to bring it up to his dad, when they'd be lounging around drunk, he'd change the subject. Agents would occasionally just "pop" in as well at their house, just to check up on him. My point is, I'm sure you're getting the scoop on some things, but anything that the public should not know is NOT going to be told to you, possibly not even the scientists you're speaking with. Things are sealed TIGHT at the top or it's THEIR ass.

(14-03-2014, 19:41)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(14-03-2014, 03:39)KardashianKurves Wrote:  
(14-03-2014, 01:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  
(13-03-2014, 14:49)KardashianKurves Wrote:  You are wrong on so many levels and in so many ways. You stated nothing but illuminati bandwagon arguments. You also have this appeal to nature thing going on as well. In fact the whole post is nothing but logical fallacy after logical fallacy veiled in illuminati propoganda.

Flouride we are given is not the flouride found in nature that's extremely harmful. That is actually flourine and it is extremely toxic even in small doses. You need to do more research on the chemical side rather than just listening to a bunch of propoganda put forth by illuminati conspiracy theorists. One little atom makes a world of difference.

You have other problems going on and it has nothing to do with Flouride. I'm just gonna link you to a site full of all the logical fallacies:
So far I observed burden of proof because you gave no links to actual sources, credible or not, appeal to nature, false cause, black-or-white, anecdotal. I could go on and on but I won't.

tl;dr Sources or you've got nothing.

Thankyou so much for your reply! I always love debating over things because I get to look at both sides of the story. K well first of all from your website you provided I got this, "It is generally NOT safe to swallow toothpastes, rinses, or other products containing topical fluoride. In rare cases, some people may be overexposed to high concentrations of fluoride" Why would we want this in our water and toothpastes? We drink a ton of it, it absorbs into us when we shower, brush our teeth, and go swimming. Tooth paste bottles state "brush 2 times daily" and organic pastes doesn't give you a limit because its not bad for you. (ok guess that's just my opinion to why the organic toothpaste doesn't say that Tongue)

I know sounds like the illumanati and all that but
the government NEEDS control over us. They don't want a bunch of rebels and people questioning this and that and finding truths. and touching our water supply is the easiest way. some say we are the zombie apocalypse... the government doesn't want us having our own thoughts and rebelling. they want to keep us on an invisible leash.

We can't believe everything that's on the internet tho can we? What really makes sense to you, you absorb in the information and you live that way. I am just putting some information out there that Iv'e read that touched me and made sense to me. also adding some opinions. Either way, everyone can benefit from purifying their water Smile

Alright, there are loads of people who have replied, and it's late so I'll end with this. As someone who has inside intel, very high security clearance in the American government type intel, like Department of Homeland Security, I can walk onto Plum Island with out a problem type security clearance and intel, and does get the inside scoop on most things as far as bioterrorism and a few other things, I can tell you that the government only keeps stupid people blind. I would say more but I can't for obvious security reasons. Honestly, they do. The government can only control people as much as you allow them. The problem is the masses are too blind to see it.

Flouride can be bad if swallowed because it will build up in the system and cause bone damage over years. Think of it, they are trying to give us the most healthy dose they can between drinking water and toothpaste, without causing harm, if we start taking too much by swallowing toothpaste 3 times a day and drinking 12 glasses of water daily on top of it we'd be having too much and too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It even says RARE CASES. You know what else is a rare case? Liver damage from taking herbs in high doses, yet we all do it and seem to be fine. You also can't say that we absorb it through our skin because from what I read the molecules of the traces of flouride are not small enough for transdermal absorption, but it's late so I don't want to go looking deeper. After all it's talking about swallowing all this stuff, not touching it, is it not? If touching it was so bad then every geologist would be wearing thick as heck gloves and a million other safety precautions but they don't. It's good for younger children especially as far as teeth go. Flouride in water is not needed but beneficial to younger children, even so bone damage later in life is not going to cause your growth to be stunted or anything else. This is something that can be found with a quick google search. Too much of a good thing and all that. But the flouride is no worse than the untreated water you can get in some parts of the world, and if you make the water too pure it can cause just as many problems. Distilled water for example isn't really safe to drink. The two times a day is the suggested minimum for healthy teeth, the ideal amount would be between 3-5 times daily but most people brush too hard and are actually brushing away enamel which is why they don't suggest it more. Properly brushing though a dentist will always recommend more than twice daily.

And flouride has nothing to do with zombies for people. Zombie people is because idiots actually choose between red or blue when they are both the same exact thing because they are afraid to go any other way. It's the militarization of our government and police force. It has nothing to do with being drugged and everything to do with us literally just being stupid. That's it. This was everywhere because I am very tired but I think I got my point across. From someone who actually gets to talk to scientists and people high up on the rung in the government and spend time with them and can walk into places without a problem because of security clearances, I can promise you that the government isn't trying to make you sheeple, people are just so dumb they don't know how to stop being sheeple and so the government takes advantage of it.

Hmmm....I do wonder how much "insider information" of any confidentiality you could possibly be receiving though. I'm assuming one of your parents work for the gov't?

I too have a friend whose father was high up there as well. My friend didn't even know what his dad did! It was TOP secret. Anytime he'd try to bring it up to his dad, when they'd be lounging around drunk, he'd change the subject. Agents would occasionally just "pop" in as well at their house, just to check up on him. My point is, I'm sure you're getting the scoop on some things, but anything that the public should not know is NOT going to be told to you, possibly not even the scientists you're speaking with. Things are sealed TIGHT at the top or it's THEIR ass.

I agree Jen. Also, I imagine you wouldn't even dare expose on a forum that you have high clearance than the average person. So why even say anything. I would have guessed the same, someone in your family does work that requires clearance.

Even if it is you that has higher than "secret" clearance, you are still only on a need to know basis unless you are on that "job" and certified in someway to speak on the subject matter.
Its like saying, "I know, because of all of MD specialists I talk to say so; yada, yada, yada etc."
Many of these so called specialists are taught out of the books, "Facts of B.S." because the curables found in plant materials are non patent-able in their current form. There's no money in the medical feild if they are taught to actually cure people. So instead, they are specifically taught to "treat" these "diseases" that are infact most often times an acute or chronic condition that can be cured. Of course, this is from my experience in the military as a pharmacy tech.

As far as choromines and flourides are concerned. Its moreso the vapor and inhaling it and yes, it does affect the skin even if its true that its not small enough to enter. Inhalation/exposure to the vapor is worse than drinking it (from what I have researched) and if this is true, absolutely yes, it can be harmful. They can easily ozonate the water and use reverse osmosis. L.A. County was doing this for a while and still may. And it would kill all the microbes and parasites. Its cheap to create O3, You wouldnt need flouride or chloromines. This is my problem with our government. Stupid-shit solutions like this. O3 does not damage the environment and neither does Co2 from all of our asses living on this earth, so why do they want to blame it on us and why all this talk of depopulation?

"I can tell you that the government only keeps stupid people blind."
What on earth is this supposed to mean?
And this:
" I can promise you that the government isn't trying to make you sheeple, people are just so dumb they don't know how to stop being sheeple and so the government takes advantage of it."

So if you are calling us sheeple, how does the government take advantage of us? I'd love to know from your more knowledgeable perspective. Honestly, please tell us.

(14-03-2014, 03:39)KardashianKurves Wrote:  
(14-03-2014, 01:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  
(13-03-2014, 14:49)KardashianKurves Wrote:  You are wrong on so many levels and in so many ways. You stated nothing but illuminati bandwagon arguments. You also have this appeal to nature thing going on as well. In fact the whole post is nothing but logical fallacy after logical fallacy veiled in illuminati propoganda.

Flouride we are given is not the flouride found in nature that's extremely harmful. That is actually flourine and it is extremely toxic even in small doses. You need to do more research on the chemical side rather than just listening to a bunch of propoganda put forth by illuminati conspiracy theorists. One little atom makes a world of difference.

You have other problems going on and it has nothing to do with Flouride. I'm just gonna link you to a site full of all the logical fallacies:
So far I observed burden of proof because you gave no links to actual sources, credible or not, appeal to nature, false cause, black-or-white, anecdotal. I could go on and on but I won't.

tl;dr Sources or you've got nothing.

Thankyou so much for your reply! I always love debating over things because I get to look at both sides of the story. K well first of all from your website you provided I got this, "It is generally NOT safe to swallow toothpastes, rinses, or other products containing topical fluoride. In rare cases, some people may be overexposed to high concentrations of fluoride" Why would we want this in our water and toothpastes? We drink a ton of it, it absorbs into us when we shower, brush our teeth, and go swimming. Tooth paste bottles state "brush 2 times daily" and organic pastes doesn't give you a limit because its not bad for you. (ok guess that's just my opinion to why the organic toothpaste doesn't say that Tongue)

I know sounds like the illumanati and all that but
the government NEEDS control over us. They don't want a bunch of rebels and people questioning this and that and finding truths. and touching our water supply is the easiest way. some say we are the zombie apocalypse... the government doesn't want us having our own thoughts and rebelling. they want to keep us on an invisible leash.

We can't believe everything that's on the internet tho can we? What really makes sense to you, you absorb in the information and you live that way. I am just putting some information out there that Iv'e read that touched me and made sense to me. also adding some opinions. Either way, everyone can benefit from purifying their water Smile

Alright, there are loads of people who have replied, and it's late so I'll end with this. As someone who has inside intel, very high security clearance in the American government type intel, like Department of Homeland Security, I can walk onto Plum Island with out a problem type security clearance and intel, and does get the inside scoop on most things as far as bioterrorism and a few other things, I can tell you that the government only keeps stupid people blind. I would say more but I can't for obvious security reasons. Honestly, they do. The government can only control people as much as you allow them. The problem is the masses are too blind to see it.

Flouride can be bad if swallowed because it will build up in the system and cause bone damage over years. Think of it, they are trying to give us the most healthy dose they can between drinking water and toothpaste, without causing harm, if we start taking too much by swallowing toothpaste 3 times a day and drinking 12 glasses of water daily on top of it we'd be having too much and too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It even says RARE CASES. You know what else is a rare case? Liver damage from taking herbs in high doses, yet we all do it and seem to be fine. You also can't say that we absorb it through our skin because from what I read the molecules of the traces of flouride are not small enough for transdermal absorption, but it's late so I don't want to go looking deeper. After all it's talking about swallowing all this stuff, not touching it, is it not? If touching it was so bad then every geologist would be wearing thick as heck gloves and a million other safety precautions but they don't. It's good for younger children especially as far as teeth go. Flouride in water is not needed but beneficial to younger children, even so bone damage later in life is not going to cause your growth to be stunted or anything else. This is something that can be found with a quick google search. Too much of a good thing and all that. But the flouride is no worse than the untreated water you can get in some parts of the world, and if you make the water too pure it can cause just as many problems. Distilled water for example isn't really safe to drink. The two times a day is the suggested minimum for healthy teeth, the ideal amount would be between 3-5 times daily but most people brush too hard and are actually brushing away enamel which is why they don't suggest it more. Properly brushing though a dentist will always recommend more than twice daily.

And flouride has nothing to do with zombies for people. Zombie people is because idiots actually choose between red or blue when they are both the same exact thing because they are afraid to go any other way. It's the militarization of our government and police force. It has nothing to do with being drugged and everything to do with us literally just being stupid. That's it. This was everywhere because I am very tired but I think I got my point across. From someone who actually gets to talk to scientists and people high up on the rung in the government and spend time with them and can walk into places without a problem because of security clearances, I can promise you that the government isn't trying to make you sheeple, people are just so dumb they don't know how to stop being sheeple and so the government takes advantage of it.

I'm with Jennifer and tibetan on this one,

What does sharing security clearance credentials have to do with flouride. What's the number one rule of fight club?.......Exactly, the principle remains!.

Or loose lips sink ships!!!

Everyone who's ever served or is in a position of trust knows you never discuss topics about high level clearance subjects, I really question the rationale to disclose such info.

Now this has become less about fluoride and needs bumped to another section, what message are we sending for a teenage poster to follow.

(14-03-2014, 23:30)tibetan113 Wrote:  I agree Jen. Also, I imagine you wouldn't even dare expose on a forum that you have high clearance than the average person. So why even say anything. I would have guessed the same, someone in your family does work that requires clearance.
Exactly! IF you have such high clearance, WHY would you even RISK blowing your cover on a very public website?
(14-03-2014, 23:30)tibetan113 Wrote:  @Kardashian,
This is my problem with our government. Stupid-shit solutions like this. O3 does not damage the environment and neither does Co2 from all of our asses living on this earth, so why do they want to blame it on us and why all this talk of depopulation?
Have you ever heard of the Georgia guide stones? They VERY plainly say that they want the population DRAMATICALLY reduced, supposedly to help the environment. `Scuse me!!!! Aren't WE just as much a part of the environment as any other living thing????
(14-03-2014, 23:30)tibetan113 Wrote:  "I can tell you that the government only keeps stupid people blind."
What on earth is this supposed to mean?
Basically, it means that they don't enlighten ANYONE. If you're stupid, as far as they're concerned, you'll STAY stupid. That's how they want us and it would go against them to make us smarter, tell us what's really going on.
(14-03-2014, 23:30)tibetan113 Wrote:  And this:
" I can promise you that the government isn't trying to make you sheeple, people are just so dumb they don't know how to stop being sheeple and so the government takes advantage of it."
It mostly means what it says. I CAN'T say they AREN'T TRYING to MAKE us stupid, the dumber they can make us (ever hear of, "No child left behind"?), the more they can get away with right under our noses. And, I have seen SO much INCREDIBLE stupidity in the past 20 years, it looks like their plans are working! As long as your goals are beer, football, sex, money, and what passes for entertainment today, you play right into their plans!
Yesterday, I saw a piece about how they were going to show pictures of Osama bin Laden's bullet riddled body and, the reason they never did before now was because, after he "was killed", 2 members of seal Team Six pumped another 100 bullets into his body. In the comments section below, EVERY comment I saw COMPLETELY believed that they shot and killed him a few years ago!! It doesn't matter that it was reported that they never actually did that, or that he was already dead of kidney failure in JULY of 2001!!!! The sheople will CONTINUE to believe WHATEVER they want to believe, no matter HOW much proof you stick right under their noses!!
THAT'S pretty much what that means.

Wow thanks for all the replies haha I love reading information..

and I am still having an issue with water lol :/ everytime I look at a water bottle I just get angry and I feel horrible when I drink it cause I feel like they're winning and getting what they want!!! >Sad

(15-03-2014, 08:36)AthenaGirl Wrote:  Wow thanks for all the replies haha I love reading information..

and I am still having an issue with water lol :/ everytime I look at a water bottle I just get angry and I feel horrible when I drink it cause I feel like they're winning and getting what they want!!! >Sad

I almost feel the same way when I see the chemtrails in the sky!
All we have to do is band together and stand up to them!

Lol! Looks like you have a case of water resentment!

(15-03-2014, 08:36)AthenaGirl Wrote:  Wow thanks for all the replies haha I love reading information..

and I am still having an issue with water lol :/ everytime I look at a water bottle I just get angry and I feel horrible when I drink it cause I feel like they're winning and getting what they want!!! >Sad


(16-03-2014, 02:34)tibetan113 Wrote:  Lol! Looks like you have a case of water resentment!

(15-03-2014, 08:36)AthenaGirl Wrote:  Wow thanks for all the replies haha I love reading information..

and I am still having an issue with water lol :/ everytime I look at a water bottle I just get angry and I feel horrible when I drink it cause I feel like they're winning and getting what they want!!! >Sad

I am!!! lol. Im a health freak... so I love to drink water. all day everyday every second I could and everytime I did I would think of the benefits of water... but now... its just not cool lol

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