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JUST A THOUGHT! DRINKING WATER is stopping you from growing??


I just figured out something horrible! Not even only thinking about breasts... but FLUORIDE is in our drinking water... the government is at fault. research people. its a poison that is killing us slowly!! Too many horrible side effects. Lower IQ... memory loss... depression.. causes cancer.. too much to write! Anywho Im posting here becauase some of the effects is also... low estrogen... interference with cell growth.. DNA damage... and attacks your pineal gland. We grew up with this stuff! its been damaging us from the very beginning. so of course things aren't gonna turn out right for us! Its been blocking our estrogen so around puberty, all of us got robbed from 2 beautiful blessings! (meaning our jugs jeje). Interference with cell growth.... hello???? blocking our breast from growing!! DNA damage... this one made me think. Now ive HEARD the in California (or united states shoot I forgot..) is where they are adding fluoride in our water supply.... Now... My grandma and mom are from Ecuador. my grandma has full (now drooping lol) C cups.. and my mom as well.
Now me? I can wear a training bra. what happened there? could it be that they had clean water supply and were able to grow properly? (btw my dads side of the family all have full breasts too.. they live in cuba and florida). So perhaps my DNA was damaged?? (hmm hopefully that made sense and I didn't sound dumb Tongue)
ANd now for the Pineal Gland... that gets damaged. which means... melatonin gets ruined!!!! Not only does our sleep get hurt by it but I recently discovered melatonin is suppose to help in growth!! AND for u hypnotizing ur breast ladies... Pineal gland is suppose to be nice n healthy so you can open up your mind more and meditate at much deeper level. So then you can get more in depth and tell your body to GROOOWW!!

SO what to do now? it will be expensive.... BUT. buy a water purifier. eat a VEGAN LIFESTYLE. (it will be harddd) meditate 20 mins a day. go out into nature atleast ONE hour everyday.

also I would suggest you drink lemon water everymorning.

Do this for 9 months (I know I know!) to detoxify of this ish!!

well thank the government for poisoning us!

Please share this info!! Not only on here but everywhere!! we need to stop the government!! fluoride is used for mind control! it is slowly killing us because we are over populated. Im not crazy! lol

hitler used fluoride to calm down his captives and it would be easier to control them :/ this stuff is also in ur toothpaste!!!!! (gotta get organic toothpaste too) even if you don't swallow it it gets soaked into the skin!!
THATS ANOTHER THING THAT OUTRAGES ME! its in our shower water... it SOAKS in our skin and is toxic! I used to love shower... used to love the water... now I cant even enjoy my baths!

OH and another thing... I believe if you go threw with drinking purified water, vegan diet, regular intense workouts, hypnosis, and spend time in nature... you wont need herbs! Your body will do everything for you with this. peace and love <3

Maybe but then wouldn't all the woman your age who live near you have that problem? If not I wouldn't think it was water or at least not only water I know some supplement s need to take with filter water does filtering it help?
I'm not sure going vegan will help in the breasts its normally lower in fats and proteins needed for growing breasts I'm not saying impossible but will be harder abidrew said before meat is necessary I don't like eat meat but I do drink milk and eat eggs and fish so I had no problems you say its hard for you to gain weight this is much more likely the problem do you know if you have any medical illness effecting your weight?

You are wrong on so many levels and in so many ways. You stated nothing but illuminati bandwagon arguments. You also have this appeal to nature thing going on as well. In fact the whole post is nothing but logical fallacy after logical fallacy veiled in illuminati propoganda.

Flouride we are given is not the flouride found in nature that's extremely harmful. That is actually flourine and it is extremely toxic even in small doses. You need to do more research on the chemical side rather than just listening to a bunch of propoganda put forth by illuminati conspiracy theorists. One little atom makes a world of difference.

You have other problems going on and it has nothing to do with Flouride. I'm just gonna link you to a site full of all the logical fallacies:
So far I observed burden of proof because you gave no links to actual sources, credible or not, appeal to nature, false cause, black-or-white, anecdotal. I could go on and on but I won't.

tl;dr Sources or you've got nothing.

Well, from someone whose parents ADDED fluoride to our drinking water growing up (was sold to prevent cavities) I do wonder about this as well. Since I was a teen I have had horrible back/neck/wrists/knee problems. They feel arthritic. I go to an acupuncturist and that helps a bit thankfully. I didn't learn a damn thing about fluoride being bad until several years ago. I also started using a shower filter again several months back and my hair feels great, my skin isn't getting a bumpy rash like it usually does, so......there could easily be a lot of truth in this. There are two sides to every story and then the truth, right?

Actually, the chloramines kill fish! This is a more stable form that is now being added to our water supply alongside flouride. I hear vit C neutralizes it. I have been wanting to start aquaponic gardening. SO Im learning loads here. If it kills our fishies, imagine what its doing to us.

@Kardashian, I feel truly sorry for you if you have not woken up to reality, these controlling groups do exist. Have you ever heard the term "New World Order?"Our president speaks about quite often. Martial Law is practically now in order so that will wipe out many of our American Rights from our constitution. Have you ever heard Ron Paul's speeches?
Think about the little things, like trying to get those wonderful breast enhancement herbs imported to one's country, it was never like that. Gun Rights being violated. Now talk about the feared one world government seems very likely as its constantly being referred to (opening up our borders, ridding the US dollar, being indebted to China will likely have them own our soil: our homes we thought we owned, now these shenanigans with Russia).

Pay attention and you will see our rights slowly being taken away from us every day. Think about the crap

The flouride/chloromines is very harmful on so many levels as it creates an environmental and biological IMBALANCE (this is what matters), especially now that so much of what we consume and what we are exposed to, it is in abundance. Not everyone's water is treated the same so your exposure may be not as bad as the next person. It kills the microbes in the soil and we need that for our nutrition.

(13-03-2014, 11:39)BonitaDDs Wrote:  Maybe but then wouldn't all the woman your age who live near you have that problem? If not I wouldn't think it was water or at least not only water I know some supplement s need to take with filter water does filtering it help?
I'm not sure going vegan will help in the breasts its normally lower in fats and proteins needed for growing breasts I'm not saying impossible but will be harder abidrew said before meat is necessary I don't like eat meat but I do drink milk and eat eggs and fish so I had no problems you say its hard for you to gain weight this is much more likely the problem do you know if you have any medical illness effecting your weight?

Hello Bonita Smile To me that's like asking "why did this person get cancer and that person didn't" people bodys just absorb things differently from others and cause different reactions. And I wasn't talking about age really I was pointing out that they lived in Ecuador most of their life (and through puberty) and I'm saying Ecuador probably had a cleaner water source that the government didn't tamper with so that's why they grew. Thanks for asking that question... Im very spiritual and I deeply believe in hypnosis and controlling your body so in MY opinion I think females should go on a vegan diet (and meditate) because it cleanses you spirituality and like I said, help you tell your body whos boss! But if you are not into hypnosis and whatever you do is working for you, then yes continue on eating health!

and no well.. Im not a stick figure I have kinda sorta thick legs and a little mountain on my back side... so Im sure Im not sick to where I can't gain weight yk? I have start over on my massages, haven't done them in forever Smile

(13-03-2014, 14:49)KardashianKurves Wrote:  You are wrong on so many levels and in so many ways. You stated nothing but illuminati bandwagon arguments. You also have this appeal to nature thing going on as well. In fact the whole post is nothing but logical fallacy after logical fallacy veiled in illuminati propoganda.

Flouride we are given is not the flouride found in nature that's extremely harmful. That is actually flourine and it is extremely toxic even in small doses. You need to do more research on the chemical side rather than just listening to a bunch of propoganda put forth by illuminati conspiracy theorists. One little atom makes a world of difference.

You have other problems going on and it has nothing to do with Flouride. I'm just gonna link you to a site full of all the logical fallacies:
So far I observed burden of proof because you gave no links to actual sources, credible or not, appeal to nature, false cause, black-or-white, anecdotal. I could go on and on but I won't.

tl;dr Sources or you've got nothing.

Thankyou so much for your reply! I always love debating over things because I get to look at both sides of the story. K well first of all from your website you provided I got this, "It is generally NOT safe to swallow toothpastes, rinses, or other products containing topical fluoride. In rare cases, some people may be overexposed to high concentrations of fluoride" Why would we want this in our water and toothpastes? We drink a ton of it, it absorbs into us when we shower, brush our teeth, and go swimming. Tooth paste bottles state "brush 2 times daily" and organic pastes doesn't give you a limit because its not bad for you. (ok guess that's just my opinion to why the organic toothpaste doesn't say that Tongue)

I know sounds like the illumanati and all that but
the government NEEDS control over us. They don't want a bunch of rebels and people questioning this and that and finding truths. and touching our water supply is the easiest way. some say we are the zombie apocalypse... the government doesn't want us having our own thoughts and rebelling. they want to keep us on an invisible leash.

We can't believe everything that's on the internet tho can we? What really makes sense to you, you absorb in the information and you live that way. I am just putting some information out there that Iv'e read that touched me and made sense to me. also adding some opinions. Either way, everyone can benefit from purifying their water Smile


(13-03-2014, 23:37)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Well, from someone whose parents ADDED fluoride to our drinking water growing up (was sold to prevent cavities) I do wonder about this as well. Since I was a teen I have had horrible back/neck/wrists/knee problems. They feel arthritic. I go to an acupuncturist and that helps a bit thankfully. I didn't learn a damn thing about fluoride being bad until several years ago. I also started using a shower filter again several months back and my hair feels great, my skin isn't getting a bumpy rash like it usually does, so......there could easily be a lot of truth in this. There are two sides to every story and then the truth, right?

Yep yep yep! its funny how its suppose to help teeth, yet weakens bones? If I'm not mistaken... which im not... teeth are bones! That's great! We installed a water filter years ago which was way too darn expensive sadly Sad we had to keep replacing the salt and ya just too pricey, it was connected throught the whole house. the water tasted amazing n refreshing yum! and my hair did feel soo different.
I will be saving up $$$ though cuz Im tired of this darn water!

(14-03-2014, 00:47)tibetan113 Wrote:  Actually, the chloramines kill fish! This is a more stable form that is now being added to our water supply alongside flouride. I hear vit C neutralizes it. I have been wanting to start aquaponic gardening. SO Im learning loads here. If it kills our fishies, imagine what its doing to us.

@Kardashian, I feel truly sorry for you if you have not woken up to reality, these controlling groups do exist. Have you ever heard the term "New World Order?"Our president speaks about quite often. Martial Law is practically now in order so that will wipe out many of our American Rights from our constitution. Have you ever heard Ron Paul's speeches?
Think about the little things, like trying to get those wonderful breast enhancement herbs imported to one's country, it was never like that. Gun Rights being violated. Now talk about the feared one world government seems very likely as its constantly being referred to (opening up our borders, ridding the US dollar, being indebted to China will likely have them own our soil: our homes we thought we owned, now these shenanigans with Russia).

Pay attention and you will see our rights slowly being taken away from us every day. Think about the crap

The flouride/chloromines is very harmful on so many levels as it creates an environmental and biological imbalance. It kills the microbes in the soil and we need that for our nutrition.

Yes people need to wake up so we can start a revolution! Its not fair them treating us like this. Every citizen is treated like just another chicken getting slaughtered at the slaughter house! smh

but I guess the government corruption is like religion.. you either believe in it or you don't *shrugs*

Fluoride CAUSES tooth decay!! There've been a number of studies between our country and others that DON'T use it, and THEY have fewer cavities than us!!
Fluoride comes from industrial waste from aluminum factories!! How lovely that we are drinking industrial waste!! Aluminum's not good for you, either. You really shouldn't cook with it or store food in it.
Fluoride also causes arthritis, hence your feeling older before your time. I hear it's irreversible, but I've also heard there's a substance called, Adia Clarity that you can put into your water that not only gets rid of ALL impurities, but, when you drink it, it purifies/detoxes your body, too!! It's made from black mica, or black gold.
The word, "government" comes from two words in Latin: Gubernati = control of, and Ment = the mind. So, government = control of the mind, or, mind control!!

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