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KarmaKola's (Chaotic Mess of a) Program


[undefined=undefined]I finally figured I should stop being a lurker, and actually post something. I found this site about 5 years ago, and have been doing my best to absorb all the information I can. Thanks to all you wonderful people for sharing such valuable resources. You guys are awesome. Smile[/undefined]

Stats and stuff:
Aprox. Measurements: Over: 35" Under: 33" W: 29 H:37
Bust: Tuberous, somewhere around a 34A, underboob is lacking and bras don't like me. Left is smaller and has half the amount of tissue compared to the right, but a bit more fat.
One child, have breastfed.
On BC.
Have never had hormones tested, but would guess that E and P are a bit on the low side, while T is a bit higher.
I work in a moderately stressful enviroment, wouldn't be surprised if that had some impact. Cortisol is kind of a jerk.

Fancy Program: (Started 3 months ago)

UB x 3 pills (If I can ever remember the 3rd that is)
Vitex x 400mg (Added this in a month ago)
PC x occasionally during luteal, no bad effects yet.
I also take Omega 369, MSM+VitC and Kelp. And protein shakes everywhere. :/
Massage/Noogle whenever there is time...usually massage.

So far the growth has been more in shape than inches, but that is alot better than nothing. :3
One day there will be pictures.


I found this site when I was 18, and finally got around to trying NBE at 22. Before having a child my boobs were basically all nipple (something like I had no idea there was anything wrong with them, just though they were small.

After trying to breastfeed, and having a low milk supply, I realized that there was something wrong. I was lucky enough that they grew slightly during pregnancy, and I was able to make some milk, to be able to feed with supplementation. The milk took forever to dry up too for some reason, like 2 years. Huh

After snooping around the forums for a while, I came across BO, and the wonderful Noogleberry. I was ridiculously excited when I started getting a bit more underboob.
When I stared taking BO, I took it with kelp and added maca 2 months in. Turns out maca and stomach ulcers (or maybe it's just meSad) don't mix well. Had to stop everything to figure out what was wrong, and let the damn thing heal up. Didn't start back again for about 6 months.
My roomates/daughter do me no favors for using the Noogleberry either.Tongue

So a brief update:

I ran out of UB, and decided to take a different route for now. While I did see improvement in shape while taking it, I wasn't able to take it properly (I have way too many digestive issues, so protein intake was not great. Stupid stomach.)

After taking vitex for 3 months, I experienced a more feminine fat re-distribution.My breasts didn't change much, but I did start getting some soreness in the luteal phase. My stomach and waist shrank a bit, and my hips, bum and to a smaller extent my thighs grew. Not a bad effect for someone with a board like figure. My skin also seemed a bit better.
However, I noticed some more negative side effects into the 3rd month; slightly more irritable/getting right pissed about small things, an increase in bloating, and increasingly worse lower GI issues. I stopped taking Vitex because I was unable to get off of work within my health food stores hours, and within 4-5 days, I felt back to my regular self, and digestive issues lessened.
I plan to revist Vitex again, but for as long as I work at mt current job, I can't trade my sanity for a womans figure...

I have switch to flaxseed and coconut oil for breast massage. So far so good, a small increase in firmness and shape, but not lower pole size. D:

I have been reading a whole lot into tuberous breasts, trying to find the answer for them being the way they are.
I have focus massage on trying to loosen the "skin envelope" (heh) in the lower pole. I can feel the difference in room between the two breasts, kinda cool.

I have also decided to take my program towards trying to grow tissue, by taking goat's rue (have yet to order it) and fenugrek, blessed thistle and alfalfa, plus adding in spearmint tea to help with mild excess androgens. Another awesome benefit is that almost everything in the program help my stomach and digestive system.

I 'm gonna attempt to upload some pics, unfortunately my home is pretty cold (damn minus 40c weather and crappilly sealed windows), and thus diamond cutters. Their shape appears okay when like this, but when warm appear quite tuberous.

So while I have still not been able to get a hold of Goat's Rue and Alfalfa yet, I have started Fenugrek and Blessed Thistle (about 2400mg/day for both). I realized I have yet to look up proper dosage for NBE, just been vaguely following the bottle. Definitely helps digestion.

I had also begun to drink Spearmint tea, at a cup a day, but I am staring to think I am somewhat sensitive to herb's effects and/or hormone fluctuations. Sorry If this is TMI, but spearmint tea caused my libido to pull a Houdini. Will still be drinking it, though less frequently, because it tastes awesome.
I have had the same effect with Saw Palmetto, but it onset quicker and a single dose was more than enough to mess me up for a week.
I'm starting to think my hormones have become a bit more balanced, atleast the androgens.

Last part of tiny update, I have lost a bit of weight over the last two months, and my bust measurements are basically the same (lost an inch off of the underbust). Sweet deal, usually any fat stored around the boobs are the first to go for me.

I wish you good luck with your program. Smile

Peggy; Thanks! Good luck to you too!

So I have finally ordered/received all my herbs! Only took me forever. Program looks something like this (I occasionally end up taking different amounts, all of the inconsistency):

Alfalfa: 2g-4g
Goats Rue: 1g
Fenugreek: 2440mg
Dong Quai: 1695 mg
Blessed Thistle: 2340mg
Spearmint Tea: 2-3 times a week
Maca: 2-3 times a week (After addressing the majority of my stomach issues, it seems the ulcer I had healed or something. I got curious one day, since I had like 2 bottles of maca kicking around that couldn't take, and went screw it, I will try again. No violent stomach pain!)

Kelp: 150-300mg
L-Tyrosine: 500mg
Omega-3: 2g
Vit C: 1g
Zinc: 2-3 time a week
Digestive Enzymes

I'm happy that swallowing a fistful of pills does not get to me. :3

I ended up running out of what I had been taking previously and did a Milk Thistle run. Boobs responded surprisingly well to this break. I gained a bit of weight, 3ish pounds, then lost it about two weeks after, with some surprisingly remaining on the boobs. Sweet deal.

I have also decided to bite the bullet and get hormones tested soon. (Although I live in Canada, I don't actually have a doctor, and trying to convince walk-in clinics to just test hormones for shits and grins doesn't work well.)

I feel as if my hormones have become way more balanced in the last two years, but estrogen feels low-ish. I know that estrogen is not recommend for tuberous breasts, but I feel that I may need to incorporate it or find a way to sensitize myself to it. My uterus seems to be doing fine with what I have (cycles have never been too wonky, sometimes short (21 days)), but the rest of my body, not so much. On the other hand I may just need more progesterone. Who knows?

Happy boobie growing to all.


So, it's about the 2-3 week mark for this new program. Nothing much to note, just a sight increase in firmness.

Excited Learning:
I did some more reading up on all the herbs I've been taking (I know I should have gone a bit more in-depth research-wise before swallowing fistfuls of random plant matter, but...whooops.) First off, herbs are amazing and I am very grateful my introduction to this site sparked my interest in them. Everything I am taking seems to have a double effect/benefitBig Grin. Aside from the obvious boob help, they are also massively helping with digestion and all of my lovely digestive track issues, helping improve circulation, providing additional nutrients and subtly helping hormones even out, and much more.

Seriously, plants are amazing. <3

(01-03-2014, 05:26)KarmaKola Wrote:  So, it's about the 2-3 week mark for this new program. Nothing much to note, just a sight increase in firmness.

Excited Learning:
I did some more reading up on all the herbs I've been taking (I know I should have gone a bit more in-depth research-wise before swallowing fistfulsBlush of random plant matter, but...whooops.) First off, herbs are amazing and I am very grateful my introduction to this site sparked my interest in them. Everything I am taking seems to have a double effect/benefitBig Grin. Aside from the obvious boob help, they are also massively helping with digestion and all of my lovely digestive track issues, helping improve circulation, providing additional nutrients and subtly helping hormones even out, and much more.

Seriously, plants are amazing. <3

Welcome to NBE Smile I think we are guilty of going mad at start Sad
FG + FN will certainly help with digestive issues ( me too ) stress reductio ( me too ) .

Is there a reason why you do the spearmint tea only 2-3 times a week?

Also, good luck on your program!

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated this. That's what I get for being a lurker by nature.

myboobs; Haha, I'm not even that new to this, I think I just kept the crazy. :3 (Thanks for the welcoming though.)

blessedbreasts; I couldn't drink it daily, as within about 3 days I noticed my (physical) libido died, and I started getting pretty grumpy. Turns out the BCP I was on also acted as an anti-androgen, which may have explained it.

So on to the actual update (WARNING: WALL o' TEXT):
So as kinda mentioned above, my BCP (Yasmin) was having an interesting impact on my progress. I only learned this when I decided to switch to the mini-pill, and had some drastic changes....
While following the aforementioned NBE plan I had, I noticed a bit of glandular tissue growth, and interestingly, fat storage. Yasmin, acting as both an anti-androgen and additional (albeit, fake) estrogen gave me some interesting effects while on it for about 5-6 months. The herbs I was taking may have also helped.

Good Effects:
-Little to no acne, clearest looking skin I've had in 3 years
-Way slower body hair growth and a reduction of hair in a few areas (treasure trail, less peach fuzz on face). Also, body hair was way softer.
-Thicker hair on head, less oil production over all (had to start using conditioner, but was amazing for skin)
-Massive change in body fat storage. Weight moved from stomach to hips, butt and chest. Smaller waist. Face also stored more chubb and I looked younger and healthier.
-I didn't see much of an issue with moods while on it. Felt a whole helluava lot feminine, which kinda weirded me out. (So used to being more masculine looking\feeling)

Bad effects: (Sorry if a bit TMI)
-Random moderate bleeding every other pack of pills, starting at the second week of actives (week after withdrawal bleeding), wouldn't stop unless I stopped taking them. Could have been due to herbs though.
-Physical sex drive destroyed (My brain was up for it, but my body would not respond. Super frustrating) Super dry and prone to damage down there too.
-Increase in social anxiety, but decrease in overall anxiety. (Was scared to interact with people I knew, but less issues going out to places with lots of people, interacting with cashiers, ect)

So anyways, in the week break before I switched over to the minipill, I also stopped donq quai and maca, since I don't trust mucking around with hormones as much with the new pill. I got super emotional and anxious out of no where, had a panic attack and blew a shift at work.
As soon as I started Micronor, with all it majestic (once again, sadly, fake) progesterone, I was suddenly super calm, no anxiety at all. Downside is, this pill acts as an androgen as well.
In the period of 2ish weeks, my fat went back to it's normal distrubution. No weight gain or loss. Blurg.
Measurements went from ~B36.5\UB31 W28\H39 to 36\32 30\36.
I kept the tissue growth in my boobs, which was thankfully what had accounted for most of their growth. I also gained muscle out of no where.
Also, (again sorry if TMI) libido came back full force, dryness issue almost gone. Woot! The one bonus....

So after all this I got to thinking (I think I smell something burning...) about where my hormones are. (I can no longer afford to get saliva testing due to job change; less money, but less stress). I'm thinking estrogen\androgen ratio is out of whack, either I make too many androgens (possibly due to insulin resistance, I do way better on a diet close to Paleo) or my estrogen is kinda low and the androgens are dominant.
I feel that there may be a connection between high androgen ratio and tuberous breasts, in some, but not all cases. Elevated androgens during puberty seems to be the culprit. Seems to try to develop the chest more like a males, especially if the issue onsets early. (I was a furry beast at 7-8 years old) It's worth noting that a portion of (older) males trying to grow breasts have tuberous growth, or a deficiency of lower poles, and some females with PCOS, atleast from what little info I've found. Huh Internet why you make this difficult. (Please please please don't take this as anything but a theory.)

So as an experiment, I decided to see if spearmint tea and\or PM might help. Currently only drinking tea, kinda worried about the impact of PM on progesterone only birth control, I know I would have to take them at the same time to maintain the stability of hormones, but unsure if there will be any other impact.
So far, spearmint tea is still a bit strong for me to use every day, so it's every other. Noticed a slight change in the body fat, a bit's back on the hips, and waist is 1" smaller. (36\31.5 29\37)

(If you actually made it all the way down here, I think I owe you a unicorn. That's alot of text.))Tongue

Every time my body does stuff like this it just end up teaching me more about how awesome herbs are, how complex the endocrine system is and how a slight deviance from the balance can mess up so many things. And teaches me how important research is.Big Grin

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