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Starting my own NBE adventure


With the amazing help of the ever knowledgeable Isabelle, I have put together a new plan.

Day 25 - Day 4: 1 FG (610mg)
Day 5 - Day 17: 1,000mg PM + 1 SP (450mg)
Day 17 - Day 18: 500mg PM + 1 FG (610mg)
Day 19 - Day 20: 500mg PM + 2xFG (610mg)
Day 21 - Day 22: 500mg PM + 3xFG (610mg)
Day 23 - Day 24: 500mg + 4xFG (610mg)

Day 25 - Day 4: 1 FG (610mg)

Seems pretty simple, which is good 'cuz that means that I can keep on track with it. I'm already seeing some pretty awesome results, so that of course keeps me motivated. Boobs have been super sore ever since I started my program. Nipples are extremely sensitive, but not unbearably so.
I'm quite pleased with this PM that I have bought although it's 17 dollars for 45 500mg capsules. Might switch to Spiriporn at some point as their twenty dollar bottle of 120 caps would last much longer. Maybe after I reach my desired size, I might switch it up.

This is my first trial cycle with this program so it might change up a bit next month, we'll see.

Hi Run.Rabbit,

I too am following a chart Isbelle made for me like you wrote and it is working so far..

Awesome, I'm excited to see if I can finally completely fill out my 32Bs. I mean, they fit okay right now but there are tiny little gaps at the top which bothers me. Dodgy I want my pushup bra to give me really nice boobs! Not just kinda bigger boobs lol.

Also, I remember reading that you use a lotion with PM in it. I just ordered some PM serum from the same lady and I was wondering, do you cycle the topicals too? Or do you just use those throughout your cycle since they are targeted to the breast region only?

(25-08-2011, 22:31)Run.Rabbit Wrote:  Awesome, I'm excited to see if I can finally completely fill out my 32Bs. I mean, they fit okay right now but there are tiny little gaps at the top which bothers me. Dodgy I want my pushup bra to give me really nice boobs! Not just kinda bigger boobs lol.

Also, I remember reading that you use a lotion with PM in it. I just ordered some PM serum from the same lady and I was wondering, do you cycle the topicals too? Or do you just use those throughout your cycle since they are targeted to the breast region only?

Hi Run.Rabbit,

Not sure if your asking me this question, but the PM cream I used I think IMO doesnt work good but it could be my body too, I am thinking down the line buying extract and added it to an oil..I feel the PM cream I use isnt that strong, just my opinion.. I use ainterol cream..the only thing I like is that it makes them perky but doesnt stay that way..I am also thinking of getting a NB when I could afford too, but my most important problem is and I think is a big key is that I need to eat can be a combo of things that the cream may not be that effective on me..I think the serum would be better, let me know how it works..I was thinking of getting the spray..

No growth on the measuring tape (in fact I'm measuring about 33.5 right now, if I hold it snug and smush my nipples a bit since my breasts are kinda concial) but the difference is absolutely outstanding. They're absolutely, most definitely bigger. There's so much more to grab, they're filling out my bras better than they ever had, and they're really starting to round out. It's freakin' amazing and I'm ecstatic. I can only wait to see what cycle 2 brings. If I achieve the same growth this coming cycle as I did this cycle, I should fully fill a B by the end of it! And I hear that the 2nd cycle of PM is where things really start to get going. Big Grin

I think this plan Isabelle helped me make is really working nicely. Sometimes I'll get a bit of flushing on my chest, which I'm assuming is a sign of excess estrogen but I also flush really easily so I dunno. It's usually when I'm taking either 1000mg of PM or 500PM and 4x 610mg of FG. Either way, it fades away after a bit. Not too bad. Still have a couple pimples, nothing too bad at all and if I pop an SP they seem to get better drastically. I've also been lazy about washing my face at night so that doesn't help.

I think I'll stay on Isabelle's plan for me next month as well, I might end up axing the PM a little earlier in the cycle and just keep on FG. It all depends on if my skin gets any better or the flushing gets any worse.

Happy growing!

Hey Run.Rabbit,
CONGRATS on your growth. You sound super excited, I am so happy for you. I hope you reach your goal! Good Luck!

I have seen lots of users here are using PM with FG, but what is actually the purpose of FG??? Is it to make the swelling permanent or what? Because I have read that some that used PM alone without FG and still got results.
I would love to know.

I think FG just helps to supplement estrogen so that you're not on such a strong herb like PM all cycle. I'm sure PM would still work without it.

On that note, period came a day early. I was supposed to start my inactive pills today, but I got a surprise yesterday. I didn't take my last active pill and figured that I'd just go ahead and do 3 of my inactive days (because I want to move my cycle up a day). Still taking 1 FG a day. This period has been weird though, on this birth control my periods are always SUPER light and I've never had cramps before, pretty much in my life. This cycle, my period is moderate (I would consider heavy, most other people probably not) and I've had some cramps that are pretty unpleasant. I can only assume this is from PM since nothing else has ever affected my cycle. Should I drop the PM completely in the 2nd half and only take FG? Or do you guys think my body will even itself out by next cycle since this was only my first one? The only thing I really care about is that 1. Hopefully this doesn't mean that I'm ovulating, what with the heavier period and cramps and 2. That AF stops when I take my first active pill tomorrow night. I'll start PM again on Saturday....

Hm. Huh

I think you are getting too much of the PM.
Isn't heavy bleeding, cramping, a sign of estrogen dominance?
I took herbs 2 years ago, and I got heavier bleeding, my period lasted 10 days, and I had painful cramps. I stopped herbs shortly after that. I think i became estrogen dominant, but i did not know it at that time.

I think you shouldn't take PM during the 2nd half of your cycle and see if your periods improve. I know beachbumbythesea got really sick, headaches, nausea, she thought she was pregnant, but I think it was probably a sign of estrogen dominance?? I think she was taking like 3 pills a day or something like that.
I am not 100% sure though.
Try cutting out PM during luteal phase and see.
Keep us posted.Big Grin


I must be taking too much PM because I've started to have some really unpleasant GI tract issues. I Pm'ed Isabelle in hopes that she'll be able to help me tweak my routine.

I took one 500mg pill this morning and I think I'll just keep it at that for now. Perhaps take 500mg for the two weeks and no PM at all during luteal with just FG. Feeling kinda nauseous right now. Ugh.

Too bad, my progress was so inspiring. ): I just hope that I can keep growing on a low dose. I'm sure that I will...

Might have to switch to Siriporn. The lady I order my PM from only makes 500mg caps and 1,000mg might flat out be too much for me, even a couple cycles from now. All of the other benefits from PM are absolutely amazing though, I want to keep taking it even if not for the new boobies.

I had the same symptoms. Foolish me, I decided to up my Siriporn dose to 3 x 100gm on days 6-8 of my cycle, and what followed was a flurry of horrible symptoms: headache, nagging migraines, nausea, sensitivity to smell, sensitivity to the sun, diarrhea, and bladder infection. On the 9th, I went down to 2 x 100 mg, and still the adverse reactions stayed. On the 10th, I went down to 1 x 100 mg, and the migraines still won't go away. Day 11, I still had the residual migraine, and the symptoms finally went away on day 12. Horrible time!

The good news is, based on my temp charting (use LadyComp), the increased pm dose did not stop my ovulation. I had the thermal shift on day 15 which signalled the change to luteal phase, and on that day, I noticed increased noogling swelling and pains and tingles all day. All I'm doing from day 12 to now, day 20, is using the Robust and noogling, and I grew, which resembles the same pattern of growth that I had with taking Greenbush Kit#2. I grew on the second half of my cycle. This is my 2nd cycle of taking Siriporn pm, and indeed, the activity and growth is more noticeable. Like my breasts are buzzing and aching all the time.

Perhaps, it's really true; less is more. I'm thinking now that PM is really effective, but you have tread with its use carefully. If you find the right dose at the right time, growth is very, very possible.

About pm's other benefits, amazing. Shiny, silky hair, and glowing face, like the glow I had when I was pregnant or after an exercise.

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