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4 Months, 2 Cups and Still Growing...


(26-07-2012, 19:37)Alicia Wrote:  Hi Doll! You said you take a break for a few days when your period comes, right? Do you take Milk Thistle those days? Or nothing at all?

Oh and I can't wait to see how the bust roller works for you Big Grin
(I think I'll end up buying one myself Tongue )

I actually usually don't take anything, but since this makes three months since my last cleanse, I'll be taking Milk Thistle to get it all out of my system. However, even without taking anything, I can "feel" the hormones leaving my body in that short amount of time, at least enough to know it's a good "mini-cleanse". The hormones are helping balance my mood, and I always start to get really moody around the 4th day of my break. I imagine taking Milk Thistle at the same time will make things much worse. ^^; (It got pretty bad when I did my ten day full body cleanse!)

I'm hoping the massager works wonders! It was so cheap, I just had to try it. I'm just hoping it isn't so cheap it falls apart. ^^; I'm so sick of massaging with my hands. It should be getting here today or tomorrow, I'll let you guys know how it works. Smile

mochaccino Wrote:Have you noticed that there seem to be a huge amount people taking inspiration from your program lately (and maybe also Ashley's program and Isabelle's old program)? With so many people doing such similar programs, in a few months we'll know if this works for most women. I don't know why I'm still so interested now that I've decided to go the PM route, but it would be so awesome if such a simple, inexpensive program worked for a reasonable percentage of women. I like this turn toward simplicity Big Grin Just a year ago, I bet that maybe only 10% of the herbal programs had 5 or less supplements. You're a trendsetter! Tongue

Really? I always thought people started off this simple, it just seems like too much to try a million different things at once. ^^; I'm so glad I could inspire people! Who would have thought! I hope a lot of people can get results from such a simple program.

When I first started, I thought things had to be so complex, that NBE would practically be a lifestyle change. I'm so surprised that I can see such great results even though I still smoke and haven't been eating anything as of late. I always thought I'd have to eat things like chicken feet soup and drink herbal teas and could never look at a can of soda again! On the contrary, I haven't changed my diet too much at all and I've actually been losing body fat and gaining breast!

I have noticed *some* people keep copying everything I say or do, without ever giving me a "thank you" or even acknowledging it, and instead just acting like they just "knew" it all along to gain popularity. But those people know who they are and they know that I know, so whatever. I'll still take it as praise. Wink

I've upped my dose of MSM to 3,000mgs a day. Turns out, as big a difference as it was making on my joints, it still isn't enough for me to feel normal, and I still can't complete a lot of raised leg ab exercises. Sad I'll take this dose for another week or so, then up it if necessary. If 4,000mgs a day doesn't help me, I'll have to try another joint supplement that contains MSM.

I'm almost at 36.5". Slowly but surely. I'll probably lose some after my cleanse coming up, but hopefully not too much (I know I'll gain it back right away, but any loss is disappointing).

I massaged last night with a fenugreek capsule mixed in with some lotion. The fenugreek is pretty grainy like everyone says, so I think once I get the flaxseed oil and massage with that, I'll only add the fenugreek at night time so I can wash it off before starting the day.

I've also discovered A-AKG. It looks much more promising than L-Arginine. I'll probably mix the rest of my L-Arginine capsules into my oil for massage and buy this stuff for workouts (I bought L-Arginine months ago at the start of my journey, used them twice and realized how obnoxious it was to take 5 pills at a time for something that won't speed up results that much ^^; ) If this stuff really works like the reviews say it does, I'll be able to grow muscle even faster, too! (Which means bigger butt!)

I'll let you guys know if it works out.

(27-07-2012, 22:54)Doll Wrote:  I actually usually don't take anything, but since this makes three months since my last cleanse, I'll be taking Milk Thistle to get it all out of my system. However, even without taking anything, I can "feel" the hormones leaving my body in that short amount of time, at least enough to know it's a good "mini-cleanse". The hormones are helping balance my mood, and I always start to get really moody around the 4th day of my break. I imagine taking Milk Thistle at the same time will make things much worse. ^^; (It got pretty bad when I did my ten day full body cleanse!)

I'm hoping the massager works wonders! It was so cheap, I just had to try it. I'm just hoping it isn't so cheap it falls apart. ^^; I'm so sick of massaging with my hands. It should be getting here today or tomorrow, I'll let you guys know how it works. Smile

Ah I see! I asked because I remember you said resting a few days in the beginning of each cycle helped you grow (sorry if I've misquoted), so I thought perhaps it was the phytoestrogen in Milk Thistle what helped. But if you haven't used MT it must be that your estrogen receptors got cleared and resensitized I guess!
Last month I took a break and although I was planning to take MT I decided not to, in order to get totally clear of phytoestrogens. But perhaps the estrogenic component of MT isn't powerful enough and is swept away by its own cleansing effect¿?? I recall a thread by a user who had grown during her break while taking MT, but I can't find it now (I've activated my "investigator mode" you see lol)

I can totally relate to what you say about getting moody! During my break I was quite ok but I had a couple of very violent explosions lol, I didn't recognize myself!

Oooh and I increased my MSM dose to 3 grams too, like you recommended hehe. Still no change in my hip injury but if it does something for my boobs it'll be great Big Grin I hope 4g works for you!

Big Grin I'm so glad I found these forums was getting discouraged about trying NBE since so many say it doesn't work....but not anymore! I'm in!

I started 11 days ago with fenugreek 3720mg/day and saw palmetto berries 1740mg/day, I massage morning and night with flaxseed oil and do chiyomilk massage when I remember Sad.

So far I can c a difference in shape due to massage I'm sure.
Some funny sensation in boobies, sometimes uncomfortable to lay on tummy, hopefully that means they are growing!!
I will start progesterone cream in a few days. Thanks for placing your program ladies I'm sooo glad I found you!!!

(28-07-2012, 16:01)Alicia Wrote:  Ah I see! I asked because I remember you said resting a few days in the beginning of each cycle helped you grow (sorry if I've misquoted), so I thought perhaps it was the phytoestrogen in Milk Thistle what helped. But if you haven't used MT it must be that your estrogen receptors got cleared and resensitized I guess!
Last month I took a break and although I was planning to take MT I decided not to, in order to get totally clear of phytoestrogens. But perhaps the estrogenic component of MT isn't powerful enough and is swept away by its own cleansing effect¿?? I recall a thread by a user who had grown during her break while taking MT, but I can't find it now (I've activated my "investigator mode" you see lol)

I can totally relate to what you say about getting moody! During my break I was quite ok but I had a couple of very violent explosions lol, I didn't recognize myself!

Oooh and I increased my MSM dose to 3 grams too, like you recommended hehe. Still no change in my hip injury but if it does something for my boobs it'll be great Big Grin I hope 4g works for you!

Lol I've noticed you're really looking into stuff lately!! To be honest, I didn't even realize Milk Thistle was a phytoestrogen at first, just knew that everyone here usually cleanses with it and I already have some in my house. ^^; Since I'm *somehow* not losing growth from my breaks even though my hormonal changes are telling me the hormones are being flushed out, maybe I will actually grow on my breaks with the Milk Thistle! That would be fantastic! Big Grin Once I get off my break, too, I'm gonna switch hops for red clover again (perfect timing, I literally run out of hops today and start my cleanse tomorrow!). I think the rc will be better for my growth, and it'll be good switching off of hops for a little bit, anyway.

I'm hoping 4g works for me, but I'm skeptical. I guess I'll start on 4g once I finish my break.

nisse Wrote:I'm so glad I found these forums was getting discouraged about trying NBE since so many say it doesn't work....but not anymore! I'm in!

I started 11 days ago with fenugreek 3720mg/day and saw palmetto berries 1740mg/day, I massage morning and night with flaxseed oil and do chiyomilk massage when I remember Sad.

So far I can c a difference in shape due to massage I'm sure.
Some funny sensation in boobies, sometimes uncomfortable to lay on tummy, hopefully that means they are growing!!
I will start progesterone cream in a few days. Thanks for placing your program ladies I'm sooo glad I found you!!!

I'm so glad you changed your mind! Too many bad NBE reviews come from either people who don't stick with it or people who don't know how to properly do it. But those who are determined enough will find a way to make it happen! Welcome aboard!

You're taking a lot of Fenugreek, especially for someone just starting out. At my highest dose, I take about 3,000mgs a day. You should try to start out around 1,500 or 2,000mgs a day, then slowly ramp up, each week adding an extra pill until you feel results. You may not even feel results, but for a beginner, I'd say stay around 3,000mgs if need-be and wait a month or two on that dose to see if you should be taking more.

I've never tried the saw palmetto berries, I've always wondered how well they work compared to the saw palmetto I normally use. ^^; Sounds like you have a good plan already, and you seem to know how to start off. You should really try adding hops or red clover. You don't have a phyto-estrogen, which, even if you're estrogen dominant, might still help.

If you try hops, Isabelle always suggests using Menohops for about two weeks, then switching to hops after that, so it can be properly used by the body. Also, hops should be taken with a light meal. Taken without a meal, it will act more as an anti-androgen (like Saw Palmetto). If taken with food, it will become more of a phyto-estrogen. Red clover I believe is both a phyto-estrogen and phyto-progesterone, so you may not want to take it if you also plan on using PC.

Also, when shopping for a PC, make sure you don't use a phyto-estrogen progesterone cream, made from soy or other herbs. The body can't use it as progesterone properly, and will not give you great results at all (if any). Look for something that says USP grade progesterone in the ingredients (not from soy). This is the one my friend just started using from Vitamin Shoppe. It's too early to tell as far as real growth, but she got HUGE swelling from it the first week she used it.

Make SURE you know how to use PC. Improper use can harm your body and mess up your cycle. You use it two weeks out of the month (I think you use it the second half of your cycle, that's what she's doing). Apply it to your breasts, although mostly to the very tops of your chest and under your arms (it will get best absorbed there). Apply it there for about two or three days, and then for the next two or three days, apply it to your inner elbow or your wrist (somewhere vain-y). If you just constantly apply it to your breasts, your progesterone receptors will fill up fast and your body won't be able to absorb and use the progesterone. Not only will you not see growth, but it will be a huge waste of money. Sad You only need about a dime-size amount, applying it once a day (always best to apply at night).

Usually, however, PC is used if other methods don't work. If you think you may be feeling some kind of growth already, don't worry about the PC and just try the herbs for about three months before adding it. Sensations could mean growth is on the horizon! Good luck, glad you're giving NBE a shot!

Holy cow my last post was long...

Anywho, it seems I've lost some growth since earlier this week. Weird, because I've added Flaxseed oil (mixed with fenugreek and L-arginine) to my massage and have gained fullness. :/ Maybe it's because I've started cleansing. I hate that I'll be cleansing for 5 days with Milk Thistle, to really get it all out of my system. I'm probably going to lose quite a bit of growth, but as long as I gain it back afterwards...(I'm trying to be optimistic here...)

And my bust massager STILL isn't here yet...frowny face Sad

Thanks for the tips, when I looked around for info I read that for fenugreek to work for breast growth you should take atleast 3000mg but not anymore than 5000mg but seeing your results that obviously isn't true, mmmm, I will knock down the fenugreek dosage specially since there is a special lil smell now Huh, using brand Solray(I think).

As far as the saw palmetto, I didn't realize that it said berries till I got home, took while on my monthly and it helped so much I normally have horrid cramps and am a waterfall, but not this time! I figured it was the saw palmetto so we will c how that works.

I thought of red clover but don't know much about it.

I have taken pc before the gyn said it seemed that Maybe I wasnt producing enough progesterone so they gave me progesterone pills, I didn't like the idea of fake progesterone so I went on the pc but stopped because of acne, I was taking it longer than two weeks aswell so I will give it a try if the acne comes back then forget it! No pc for me!

I hope my boobs grow!! Lol

(30-07-2012, 18:02)Doll Wrote:  Holy cow my last post was long...

Anywho, it seems I've lost some growth since earlier this week. Weird, because I've added Flaxseed oil (mixed with fenugreek and L-arginine) to my massage and have gained fullness. :/ Maybe it's because I've started cleansing. I hate that I'll be cleansing for 5 days with Milk Thistle, to really get it all out of my system. I'm probably going to lose quite a bit of growth, but as long as I gain it back afterwards...(I'm trying to be optimistic here...)

And my bust massager STILL isn't here yet...frowny face Sad

Ugh!! Thats what I'm afraid of.....when I stop all this how can I prevent the shrinking?

Compliment for your results! Are fantastic!

Do you take 6 capusles of fenugreek and Saw Palmetto daily?
The Fenugreek from Vitamin Shoppe is 610MG and the Saw Palmetto 540 so is correct?

Thank you!!

(30-07-2012, 20:37)nisse Wrote:  Ugh!! Thats what I'm afraid of.....when I stop all this how can I prevent the shrinking?

I may have to try the SP berries next time! I always almost grab those by mistake, maybe I should specifically look for them next time!

Red clover is great because it is Phytoestrogen AND Progesterone. Most people either use hops or red clover, but I'm trying the red clover again for now and seeing if that works better for me. Many women love the results they get from it, it's definitely worth a try!

Shrinking will probably occur occasionally, which I think mine is right now. But if you keep on the herbs and massage, eventually it will become permanent. Most women seem to continue at their full dose for a while after obtaining their full results, then slowly cut back to once a day, then once every other day, etc., until they're off the herbs completely. They say the results are completely permanent that way, although it usually takes about a year of maintenance herbs to keep it.

jessicaa Wrote:Hello!!
Compliment for your results! Are fantastic!

Do you take 6 capusles of fenugreek and Saw Palmetto daily?
The Fenugreek from Vitamin Shoppe is 610MG and the Saw Palmetto 540 so is correct?

Thank you!!

Thank you very much! I actually only take 4 fenugreek a day and 6 saw palmetto. It's different for everyone depending on what their body needs, but those lower doses seem to work great for my body.

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