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Time to BO!


Yes, PM is very strong. I'm only on 500mg. Its messed me up Last cycle along with progesterone herbs. I think I made a birth control, lol! I think I grew 1/2 to 1 cup. I think it just takes the right dose. Though I'm going to give it 6 full months and see.
I believe any glandulars taken enlarge that specific organ based on Internet research. I think I was taking no more than 750mg. I think if you are growing on it, don't raise just yet. 100mg may do its job, though raising it to 1250 mg may be ideal.

Good luck! my gut told me you will be successful with it.

What do you mean the glandulars enlarge that specific organ? So my ovaries would grow on BO? Also do you now about pcos and if taking BO could affect this for the worst?


(10-04-2015, 13:23)AquaA Wrote:  Second day of my 3rd cycle of BO. First cycle was 32 days and the second one was 30 days. I hope this means my body has adapted and I'm back to my usual 30 days cycle.
Now on to boobie progress. I measure at 36.5 across bust, 34 over bust and 28 under bust. So it's half an inch of progress. Still not sure if it's swelling or growth but this is the first time I measure this much! YAY!
My boobs also look definitely bigger, more under and sideboob growth, the center is still the same. I'm obviously growing outwards and not inwards but I think over time when im done with outward growth, inward and more projection will start.
BO is definitely the right thing for me, only downside is that I had my old horrible pre-NBE cramps back.

Program for this cycle
April cycle

Day 1-16 (follicular)
Green tea
Protein shake
250mg Swansons raw glandular BO (didn't receive it yet)
250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
1000mg Vitamin C
Magnesium, B complex

250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
Green tea

500mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
Whey protein shake

Day 16-30 (Luteal)
Same as follicular but with the addition of PC and SP 320mg

wow! another growth spurt. you're doing amazingly well on all your programs in terms of growth. what's exactly is swanson's raw glandular? i'm currently taking swanson's raw ovarian and pitituary glandular. have i been taking the wrong things all this time?

I'm taking 250 of swansons raw multi glandular and 1000mg of BO.
PM was one program that did not work for me at all, in terms of everything but I too agree that BO is definitely the right program for me in terms of growth and everything else. I love it! I'm expecting with BO slow, gradual and steady growth. Only have enough supply for 5 more cycles though, Im traveling to a place where i wont be able to purchase more for a while so might take a detox break for 2 cycles then start again for 5 more cycles, so that id give it a full year to see maximum growth with no side effects (ovary enlargement, yikes)

(02-02-2015, 21:08)AquaA Wrote:  I still didn't receive my supplements but I'm supposed to get them any second now. My period is due tomorrow or after so hopefully I receive it by then. Best time for an Aquarian to start a new serious program is in Aquarius season!

February cycle
Day 1-4 (period)
3 Milk thistle
3 Dim plus
6000mg MSM
And one day of juicing

Day 5-16 (follicular)
Green tea
Protein shake
250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
1000mg Vitamin C
Magnesium, B complex
1000mg CLA

250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
1000mg CLA
Green tea

250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
Whey protein shake
1000mg CLA

Day 16-30 (Luteal)
Same as follicular but with the addition of PC

(Total per day 6000mg MSM, 2250mg Bovine collagen, 750mg BO, 3000mg CLA)

Current: bust 35.5/36 inches, butt 39 inches & waist 25 inches.
Target from BO: bust 40 inches, butt 40/41 inches & waist 24 inches.

Massage twice a day with coconut oil while listening to rocketmelon ringtone or any other subliminal. I use affirmations and talk to my cells throughout the day.
I do heavy weight lifting x3 (aiming to build a bigger booty) and do cardio once a week. Green tea, CLA and a better diet for a flat stomach. BO is for boobs and butt.
I also take a tsp coconut oil for thyroid and overall health benefits.
You want a bust that is 40 inches wow
What cupsize would that be
I hope you do achieve it tho

I seem to measure less, 36 bust and 39 butt but I haven't been eating much and I'm on my 8th day of follicular so I'm at my smallest right now. I'm pretty sure I got shallow breasts because I look so much smaller than other people with my measurements and I look BIG with a bra but tiny without. I know I will grow to the size I want but I'm just a bit frustrated and feeling down right now.

I know how you feel!. I'm very wide set looking large in a bra but I have very little meat on bottoms! I look smaller than my size. I wish my areolas were up higher.

It's very annoying. I do best with bras that have a tiny bit of padding in the bottoms of the cup . I swear I'm missing 1/4 to half a cup Of what should be on my chest but just isn't there due to a mild congenital deformity.

Day 12 of my 4th cycle on BO.
I measure at 37inches on a good day yet some days 36.5 inches. I will take the boob fluctuation as a good sign especially that they've been feeling very sensitive and itchy.
I will up my dose to 1250mg by the end of this cycle, hopefully by then I will be at a solid 37inches and maybe more. An inch in 3 cycles is good, BO program works slower than my previous ones but again my dosage has been moderate and steady so I wont be discouraged.
I'm happy that the bottom and sides seem fuller and my boobs are getting wider in preparation for further growth. Hoping next step would be filling the middle and more bottom growth.
I think one of the main differences of bovine vs herbs is that the shape really changes and the development is more visual than anything else. I have so much more breast tissue now, I think thats why I keep thinking I've got shallow breasts because when I have a bra on and it scoops all the breast tissue I look so much bigger. I'm beginning to understand that its just newly formed breast tissue that needs time to grow.

Hi Aqua, why you've deleted all of your growth pictures ??
Can you update just one before and after pic? Pics inspire a lot !
By the way, congrats !! You've grown a lot.

First off, I wanna apologize to all the beautiful members that have DM'ed me with questions, Im sorry I didn't get around to answering but I've got my finals right now so barely have time to update my program.

Program of 5th cycle on BO (10 days in already)

upped my BO to 1250mg a day
(I upped it a week before the end of the 4th cycle, my boobs swelled so much and it hasnt gone down. I'm counting it as growth. I measure at 37 inches, most growth has been on the side and lower and more protrusion)

1000mg of gelatinized NOW Maca
(wouldnt recommend the brand, not potent enough but I wanna finish the bottle)

1000mg Vitamin C
30mg of zinc

*My msm and collagen ran out but will try and buy more if I get the time. Btw, Ive been getting laser removal sessions for the past 6 months now and I got to say it has given me amazing results so far. Im pretty hairless everywhere and it takes atleast a month before I see one hair growing, which for a person as hair as me is a miracle lol
I dont think BO, fenugreek or MACA impacted my body hair growth in any negative way.

PS: I decided that I wont be adding anymore pictures, sorry to disappoint but I'm just more comfortable this way.
Happy growing beautiful people and blessed Ramadan to those fasting Smile

I gotta say I LOVE BO! I think it has completely regulated my hormones. I don't pms, i don't bloat, my cycles are very regular. My face doesn't break out in luteal anymore. My skin isn't even oily like before and has a healthy glow to it.

I'm going to take a week off after this cycle to detox, will take dandelion root and milk thistle then will start back again with the same dosage. Maybe 2 cycles in I will increase the dosage to 1500mg a day. I will be on BO for 5 more cycles (10cycles in total). I really hope I achieve the growth I want with it, 3 more inches then Im stopping NBE (thats if i don't get anymore boobie greedy). Even though Ive only gained a little over an inch in 4 cycles but the shape has changed so much and I'm growing in the correct way.

I'm very happy and grateful to have achieved almost 6 inches in a year and a half. Even though I honestly expected to look bigger but its because the media programmed me to believe that woman sizes and breasts look in a specific way. True breast sizes and natural looking breasts are a whole different thing. Cant wait for more growth!

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