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4 Months, 2 Cups and Still Growing...


(07-07-2012, 01:21)Doll Wrote:  Thank you! As far as losing boobies from working out, that's a common myth. Yes, too much cardio will make you lose body fat, which will eventually come from your boobs and make them smaller. However, I mostly workout to build muscle, not burn fat. If you want to still do cardio, as long as you limit it to 20 minutes a day 3 days out of the week, you should be fine. If you're too scared for that even, don't even bother, and just lift weights and such.

Thank you for youre reply Smile i was so scared to lose the boobies that I didn't want to work out to hard for my butt. But you are the living prove that those 2 can work together ^^
I'm gonna try it, I would love to end this journey with AND bigger boobies AND a bigger butt!

Good luck again!!!

Good luck! Anything's possible once you learn the proper way to go about it. Smile

Just measured myself. Exactly 36 inches. Holy crap, I'm still growing.

This is the first month I haven't lost ANY growth after my monthly. Surprisingly, it is also the first month I've gone for 5 whole days of NO PILLS during the start of my period (last month I stopped for 3 days).

Maybe taking a short break each month really is helping me to grow even faster. I guess I'll see how my body responds each month. If the same thing continues to happen, I think I may have stumbled upon the greatest growing secret! I found the idea in the forum archives, but no one seems to do this anymore. I'm glad at least that I took a chance on trying it.

I'm sure you've noticed that your program is a lot like Isabelle's original program. It's the one she got most of her results from, even though she's started doing something more complicated now and she's still growing. What cups size are you now? This makes me wonder if Maca is actually great for BE. I know from reading BHM that it usually doesn't do that much for boobies when taken all on it's own. I kinda wish you and Isabelle would stop using it for a while just so I could compare the growth rates before and after, and find out if maca really is the magic secret. I know that neither of you will of course, because your programs are going waaay to well Tongue

How is your friend doing with PC and how is your booty project going? I'm really inspired by your results, but I think I might be estrogen dominant and/or a non-producer of 8-pn. I'm a little jealous but excited for you Big Grin

(18-07-2012, 02:08)mochaccino Wrote:  I'm sure you've noticed that your program is a lot like Isabelle's original program. It's the one she got most of her results from, even though she's started doing something more complicated now and she's still growing. What cups size are you now? This makes me wonder if Maca is actually great for BE. I know from reading BHM that it usually doesn't do that much for boobies when taken all on it's own. I kinda wish you and Isabelle would stop using it for a while just so I could compare the growth rates before and after, and find out if maca really is the magic secret. I know that neither of you will of course, because your programs are going waaay to well Tongue

How is your friend doing with PC and how is your booty project going? I'm really inspired by your results, but I think I might be estrogen dominant and/or a non-producer of 8-pn. I'm a little jealous but excited for you Big Grin

Lol Funny enough, I actually haven't been on Maca for about a month now. I wasn't seeing enough results with it, only acne. But I'm still seeing great growth in both my bust and my booty. I think along with estrogen deficiency, I also have a LOT of extra testosterone naturally...which actually explains my very wide shoulders, body hair and man-face, not to mention the fact that I've always felt so awkward as/hated being a female. :/ So while dropping it hasn't affected me, I'm not sure how it'll effect most other women.

I didn't know my program was like her original one. No wonder it's working so well. Lol

My friend's PC isn't doing so well, just because she's getting over a terrible infection that had her throwing up for two weeks, every day. So she lost a lot of weight, as well as boob. I guess we won't know how well it works for her until she gains back what she lost!

And my booty's still growing. I'm close to 41" now. I guess in this aspect I'm glad I have EXTREMELY high testosterone, because I've gained so much in such a short period of time even though I haven't been lifting weights. :3 I'm gaining just as fast without the maca as I was even taking 1,500mgs a day. Although, if I weren't T-heavy, my shoulders wouldn't be so wide and I wouldn't need such a large bum to begin with (my shoulders really do make everything look so small still, I guess that's why I plan to go so much further than everyone else). Even with my hips at almost 41", they're still not as wide as my shoulders...

I now measure 36" across the bust. Which means I've gained a full inch this month (so far). Still waiting for my stomach to shrink some more, though.


I'm thinking of adding Hops to my program and I was wondering why you're taking Maca... is it for butt growth?

(20-07-2012, 03:45)Brilaw Wrote:  Doll,

I'm thinking of adding Hops to my program and I was wondering why you're taking Maca... is it for butt growth?

I WAS taking maca, but I stopped about a month ago. I was taking it for butt growth, but apparently it also helps prevent you from stalling with NBE. However, since I am definitely not stalling anytime soon, I'm not too worried about it. I wasn't seeing much growth from the maca, just acne. Now that I'm off of it, I'm growing just as fast (I have naturally high testosterone). Still, most women taking maca for butt growth take it thinking it'll be a miracle, but in reality it doesn't help too much more than going without it. More myth than miracle. :/

Good news! I'm pretty sure I'm a small 32DDD now. If I stuff my boobs into my bra properly, both my nips hang out. I need to try on bras today, but I don't know where to go to try on such large sizes other than VS (can't afford it right now). I'll probably end up buying a 34DD somewhere cheap, since I'll probably outgrow that soon, too.

Sheesh, congrats on your continued growth!!Tongue

As for maca's butt growing power being a myth, I totally disagree. Before I started NBE I used maca to gain weight.. I took it for 3 months and gained about 8 − 10 lbs. It went mainly to my butt and thighs. But my stomach also grew too. I stopped taking it to start NBE but I kept gaining weight. Think maca was still in my system or maybe just I had gotten used to eating the way I did on maca, ALOT. And I loved to eat before maca, but I just couldn't gain weight. For a while I weighed 114 (the same weight I had in 7th grade) even though I was in college. Anyway I gained about 20 lbs. Went from about 118 − 136lbs. Think my hormones finally kicked in and I gained some hips too Big Grin I think maca only works if you eat a bunch while taking it. I still have some gelatinized maca powder sitting in my refrigerator. I love that stuff.

(20-07-2012, 19:28)Brilaw Wrote:  Sheesh, congrats on your continued growth!!Tongue

As for maca's butt growing power being a myth, I totally disagree. Before I started NBE I used maca to gain weight.. I took it for 3 months and gained about 8 − 10 lbs. It went mainly to my butt and thighs. But my stomach also grew too. I stopped taking it to start NBE but I kept gaining weight. Think maca was still in my system or maybe just I had gotten used to eating the way I did on maca, ALOT. And I loved to eat before maca, but I just couldn't gain weight. For a while I weighed 114 (the same weight I had in 7th grade) even though I was in college. Anyway I gained about 20 lbs. Went from about 118 − 136lbs. Think my hormones finally kicked in and I gained some hips too Big Grin I think maca only works if you eat a bunch while taking it. I still have some gelatinized maca powder sitting in my refrigerator. I love that stuff.

Thank you!

Congrats with the maca, glad it worked for you! However, it does not work how you think it does. Most women think maca works by putting fat in your booty. Actually, it shapes and grows your booty by increasing testosterone, which increases muscle growth. A side effect of maca IS increased appetite (probably from the raise in T), but this won't put it in your butt (LOL). The only thing that will put fat in your butt is GENETICS.

I think maca works especially well on black women BECAUSE it helps with weight gain, and they are much more likely to put weight in their hips/butt. However, if you were to gain weight without maca, that means it will still go to your butt (but if you have trouble getting over 115lbs like me, maca will sometimes be the only way to put on that weight).

You're lucky that genetics put your weight gain there, and it probably also built up the muscles under your fat a little bit from walking around every day, but I'm afraid maca just does not work by moving fat cells to your butt. I gained weight while on maca, and because of my genetics, it ONLY went to my stomach and under my chin. :/ I fell under the same idea, that maca worked by putting fat in good places, but truth of the matter is, nothing will work like that. You can't tell your body where to put on fat just as you can't tell it where to take it off (although fish oil and such are completely different methods).


I'm a full 34D now. My friends are astonished, because I still don't look it (probably my bone structure). I think I might stop at 32DDD, but I may just go for a little bit more fullness than I have now and stop. I'm still not sure how modest/busty I want to look. :/ I'll see how far another month of NBE gets me and judge from there.

Hey Doll,

I think genetics my play a part in maca's butt growing powers Tongue but even if genetics don't favor your butt maca can still work for you. I know most people think Black women all have big butts but its not true for every one. All of the women in my family have small butts (with the exception of my twin and one cousin Dodgy), but nice hips. I was not surprised when maca widen/rounded my hips because as you said genetics is the main determinant of fat distribution. Like you I had a hard time getting over 114lbs (from 12 y.o and I weighed that up until last year). But you can't just take maca and not excercise (heavy lifting and resistance training). I think what helped my butt grow was maca helping me to put weight on and build muscle by doing workouts for my lower body. How long did you take maca?

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