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Twister_Mama's Program


TM, You probably have mentioned this before. But what are you using for your lotion when Nooging? What are you using when you overpump? I use aloa Vera, but am curious as to what you use for skin repair?

Hi Andy, I use Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil w/ Vitamin E for Noogling (I checked, and there's no mineral oil in it - I heard that was bad for your skin?). It smells like chocolate! Big Grin And when I get the little red dots or whatever, I use B&T Arniflora Arnica Gel (from Swanson's). That's some pretty good stuff right there - red dots/bruising fades in like half the time. Smile

what is the MSM for?
i am still on the process of formulating my own program

yes BB i heard is good but i think its pricy for me because i wana take it for long term.

they say if i get UB i should also buy pituitary which is in BB

and looks like im noogling soon :p

HI Brielle
Check out this link and look at post #9. Further in the post after GABA. MSM is mentioned. I hope this info helps you a bit.

Hey Andy, thanks for posting that link! Smile I remembered reading somewhere how MSM was helpful to NBE, but as usual, I couldn't remember WHERE I read it. Very nice explanation in that post! Makes me wanna add GABA now.

So Brielle, I take it you finally ordered your NB? Wink Good luck with getting a program set up!!! It's exciting when you start!!!

Hi TM.
I try.

remember to take it easy when you first start using your Noog. It is easy to get over excited and and overpump when you first start. I would look in the pumping section here and read up on the threads there. The noogleberry forum has a thread started by anastaia for just this purpose. As someone who has gotten carried away seeing the breast expand. I have overpumped once or twice.
Slow and consistent is the key, drink plenty or water, use a good skin care product with vitamin e, and massage before and after can be beneficial.
Good luck.

thanks i will keep that in mind Big Grin

about the MSM yes i have seen they say they got growth with it
but also some gained weight?

the others got pimples- theyre not supposed to thouggh.its supposed to clear out skin lol

hope i dont gain weight
its the reason why i stopped the herbs.

so ill be taking like 1000 mg MSM. hmmm
the GABA i havent learned about yet

(02-10-2010, 16:34)Andy Wrote:  Hi TM.
I try.

remember to take it easy when you first start using your Noog. It is easy to get over excited and and overpump when you first start. I would look in the pumping section here and read up on the threads there. The noogleberry forum has a thread started by anastaia for just this purpose. As someone who has gotten carried away seeing the breast expand. I have overpumped once or twice.
Slow and consistent is the key, drink plenty or water, use a good skin care product with vitamin e, and massage before and after can be beneficial.
Good luck.

Whoa, I don't remember reading that others gained weight from MSM? That would NOT be good. I'm actually OK with my weight now, and I don't want to gain anymore. So I'll keep a close eye on my weight! I've read that Maca can make your butt bigger; but that may have been if you were taking like two capsules a day? That's why I'm sticking with only one Maca per day. I got enough "junk in my trunk!" As far as pimples go, unfortunately I've had acne since I was like 13, so I guess I wouldn't know if MSM contributes or not. Although my pimples are MUCH better than they were six months ago! Just a couple, instead of LOTS.

I managed to take 4000mg of MSM yesterday, and last night I had some soreness in my breasts, mostly in the right side (smaller one). The kind of soreness that is tender to touch. I also had lots of wicked deep aches late Friday and most of Saturday. I'll try to take 4000mg of MSM every day, if I can remember. I can't be for sure that the MSM is what caused all those pains, since I'm also taking so many other supplements and protein with my BB that's supposed to help with growth; but I'm gonna keep it up! (Unless I gain weight.)

My measurements have been pretty steady at 34 1/4-1/2" for the past week or two. But they definitely are a little fuller, especially the "underboob" area on my right side. That side is almost totally caught up to my left one now. Smile I'm still doing little squeezes here and there throughout the day. I've noticed increased pains and fullness since I started doing this.

I've had some pretty bad itching on my right side lately. Enough that I kinda have to turn away and give it a quick scratch. Tongue That's a good sign, right???

And I noticed yesterday that my breasts seemed "fatter." Kinda like how I imagine they might look if I gained another 15 pounds or so. My scale is in storage right now, since we moved like 6 weeks ago; and I was afraid the "fatness" might mean I was gaining weight (see my last post). So when I was at my parent's house today, I used their scale. They have one of those medical balance-beam scales, just like mine that's in storage. I weighed myself, and I was 123 1/2. And that was after eating a full Burger King dinner. Tongue So yay, I haven't gained weight! I'm still exactly what I've been all summer. So the extra "fatness" in my breasts may actually be real "breast fat" in there! As opposed to "overall, whole-body, weight-gain fat." Since my butt and waist and thighs are still the same. When I go braless during the day at home, I'm not so "pointy" sticking out through my shirt; it's a more pronounced, rounded "sticking out" now. Smile When I look down, the little "valley" (my cleavage wannabe) is getting deeper.

I'm still only Noogling my right side. But it's very close to the size of my left one now, 24 hours after Noogling; so starting next week, I think I'll start doing both sides together. That'll be interesting, trying to figure out how to do that ... Wink

Also noticed that my temperature seems to be around 98.4 when I get up in the morning, and get up to around 98.9 in the afternoon and evening. Not bad, considering I was always in the mid-97's my whole life. Smile

I also caved and ordered some GABA from Swanson's with my latest order. I thought I read somewhere that if you're over 30, it might be beneficial to take GABA, since your growth hormone levels start dropping after 30. And also, I guess you're supposed to take Vitamin C with it, for maximum effectiveness? Good thing I already ordered some of that, too! And I also read that exercising boosts the production of growth hormones; and since GABA is best taken at bedtime (due to its "relaxing" nature), it's recommended you do a little light exercising before bed. So I'll try to make sure I do some of my Easy Curves chest exercises before bed too. I'm like taking EVERYTHING I've read about that can help with NBE! I'm up to 28 pills a day now, minus the GABA which I haven't received yet. Tongue Fortunately, my Vitamin C is a powder, which I can mix in applesauce or something. It's the 100% buffered kind, so it won't bother my stomach. I have to drink two full 12-oz glasses of water to get all my pills down, twice a day; plus a glass here and there for my BB pills and my MSM pills; not to mention the 8-oz I mix with my protein powder, twice a day. That's like over 80-oz of water a day, minus what I drink with my meals. So all that water and pills fill me up so much I'm no longer hungry; and I gotta pee all the time. Blush But, it's helping to grow boobs, so for short-term it's totally worth it to me!!! Big Grin

*Note: I'm sure keeping up a routine like this long-term (i.e., 5+ years or so) could possibly lead to kidney damage; so when I reach my goal, I will definitely stop almost all of the pills and the protein drinks. Hopefully I'll reach my goal in 1-1.5 years; if not, taking a break for a few months and then starting up again might be a good idea. Let the body rest and recouperate!

@ twister mama: your dedidace amazes! i wish you luck my friend!

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