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I really, really need help.


(22-05-2014, 03:05)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(11-03-2013, 05:12)missmorgan Wrote:  
(11-03-2013, 04:51)usehername Wrote:  You are 13. You have PLENTY of time to grow breasts. Some girls are late bloomers, you could even end up blossoming when your in your late teens or early 20's.

32A is perfectly normal for your age. This is something you should not be worrying about. All you can do right now is massage them with a good lotion. Anything else would be dangerous for your body as you are to young. You are going through puberty and you would mess up your hormones.

I understand you wanting to look nice in a bikini, but its not healthy to sexualize yourself at such a young age. Trust me, there is way more to life.
Talk to your mom about it. Have her help you find a nice bikini that fits you.

Dont let your friends breast size bother you. You want people to like you for who you are, not the size of your breast.

i'm not trying to sexualize myself. i'm not trying to impress guys, i want this to feel confident about myself. and i just don't understand how i can have started my period, have hair, and not have any sort of chest. Sad
Darlin', it's called, NATURE. If EVERYBODY sprouted the twins at the exact same age and grew to the exact same size, there'd be no point in doing it at all! EVERYBODY goes through different phases of puberty at a different time!! It's just that in a lot of cases it LOOKS like most of us are doing it at the exact same time!! Back in the `50's, girl didn't start growing tits until they were 13, or so, and didn't start getting their periods until they were almost 16! If your girlfriends are putting you down for having fried eggs at 13 instead of the B or C cups they supposedly all APPEAR to have (I'll bet a number of them stuff!!), tell them about my friend, Gen, who was a D cup by the time she was 13!! Or my friend, Liz, who was a DD by the time she was 12!!!! See how insignificant that makes THEM feel!!!! I've also heard of girls needing bras by the time they were 7!!!!
Right now, you, AND your friends, are KIDS!!!! ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!!!! WHAT'S the big rush in growing up? And, to this day, I STILL can't see the correlation between confidence and have big tits!! You CREATE your confidence!!!! You don't rely on various assets of your physiognomy give it TO you!! What you NEED to do is just live your life, chill cool, be YOURSELF, NOT your other girlfriends!! And just let nature take its course! Chances are EXTREMELY good that by the time you get out of high school, you'll have nice hefty rack to sport around in, and, if you don't, it REALLY doesn't matter!! They're just TITS!! Tits don't make you more or less of a woman; YOU do!! Trust me, there's LOTS of guys out there that PREFER girls with a bit less in their bra!! Some guys don't even CARE what size the twins are!! They're only interested in YOU!! And, THAT'S the kind of guy you should be going after, anyway!!!! They love YOU, NOT the kind of car you drive, the kind of clothes you wear, the way you wear make-up or do your hair, the kind of house you live in, how much money you have or how big your tits are, they care about YOU!!!! :-) I'm tellin' ya RIGHT NOW, hun, THAT is worth MORE than ALL the gold (or tits) in the world!!!!!!
Come back in 10 years if they haven't ballooned up the way you think they should've. THEN we can help ya!!
Take care, hun!! And JUST be YOU and have FUN being a kid!! :-)

MM I don't even NEED to read your username or see your picture to KNOW that it's YOUR post!!! Lol!! You have a VERY characteristic way of writing!!!

You are right that since she's a 32A in the onset of menstruation, she's likely to be a 32C or even 32D until the end of high school. But what you don't understand is that the pressure is already there. As she said ALL her girl friends have boobs at this age, and it's the same with me here. The pressure to have boobs too is too big! People NOTICE our flat chests. And even unconsciously, they like us less because of it. Both boys and girls. It is already proved by science that attractive people are more liked, it is called the attractiveness halo. So, the pressure to be attractive is too big, and mostly for women.

I don't know if you know, but men (with regular male brains at least) only notice a woman's perdonality, intelligence etc, IF he finds her sexually attractive! So a guy that loves you for who you are and don't care about your tits, or physical appearance in general, is likely GAY (that has happened to me before. The only guy who has ever liked me was gay .-.) Men are very visual, they care a lot about how things look like (not only men... I'm very visual too, but most men are)

So when we reach adulthood the pressure to have big tits will be even greater! What do you think about when you hear the word "woman"? Exactly! Big tits, big ass, long legs, pretty face, long hair! But FAR from ALL women are like that. You say you want to be a woman but what you actually mean is that you want to be an ATTRACTIVE woman. And not all women are beautiful! There are a lot of me's out there! And we MUST try to "fix it" if we ever want men to care about us!

Thanks, Blue!! I DO try to be different!

Okay, but LOOK at who's thinking this way, saying no tits means your ugly. It's a bunch of little girls!!!! Most of whom are brainwashed by scrawny, anorexic/bulimic women pictured in magazines that are photoshopped to look even skinnier than they really are and to have MUCH bigger tits than they really do. They start out playing with a figurine that is VERY badly proportionate!! Her name is, Barbie!! They're taught to believe that THIS is perfection and what they SHOULD look like by the time they are 13 or 14. I just read yesterday about someone having done a Barbie to real life comparison. If Barbie was a real girl, she's have to be 7' 2" tall, her neck would be so skinny it couldn't possibly support her head, and her tits would give her curvature of the spine or at least make her a hunchback!
NO ONE says you HAVE to cave under the pressure of your supposed friends!! If they were REALLY your friends, they'd accept you no matter how you looked or dressed and no matter how big your tits are. In about 8 years, nobody this girl is now in school with will give a shit HOW big her tits are! It's called, maturation! All this self-imposed pressure will no longer exist!! Do your girlfriends REALLY tell you that you have to have bigger tits or you're nobody? If they do, tell THEM to make your tits bigger FOR you if it's that important!
When guys are that age, everything revolves around the size of their dick!! What can you POSSIBLY do to make it bigger?? NOTHING!! IF it's to get bigger, it'll do it by itself in its own time!! By the time they're 15 or 16, it no longer matters anymore!!
Like we've said here, y'all need to STOP wasting so much of your time and energy worrying about shit that you have NO control over and just let it happen as it happens!! Your tits will take of themselves!! What YOU need to take care of is your homework!
And, like I've said, ANY boy, and I mean ANY boy, that thinks you HAVE to have big tits to be worth it is NOT worth it!! Nobody says you HAVE to date someone if you don't want to. Date who you want WHEN you want!!

You mean men with troglodyte brains!! I see LOTS of what you'd call "plan-looking": women in my travels every day that I think are quite pretty!! I see people pictures of people, usually famous women, with no make-up on and the SCADS of comments about how ugly they look without make-up and, honestly, most often, I think they look even prettier without make-up!! ANYONE that'd call these women ugly is ABSOLUTELY PLASTIC and has been brainwashed into buying into the hype of what the magazine SAY beauty is!! You've all been hypnotized into believing this junk!! The sooner you all wake up and snap out of it and think for yourselves, the better off we'll all be!! When I was in college, I was MADLY in love with this INCREDIBLY beautiful girl that happened to be my best friend!! EVERY GUY on campus wanted to get into her sexy pants!!!! But, as far as she was concerned, she's fat and an ugly and NOBODY will EVER love her!! That image is self-projected!! Well, the entire time we were in college together she was ALWAYS dating SOMEONE!!!! Here's her picture.     Does THAT look fat & ugly to you????

Most men think with their dicks, because that's what they've been taught to think with!! Look at how many have their priorities as: cars, football, beer and tits. I care almost NOTHING about cars, I HATE football and I think beer (and all other booze) should be made illegal and marijuana should be made legal. I do NOT smoke grass, but, look at how many people died from using that compared to how many died or were killed because of SOMEONE'S use of booze. Anyway, guys that think that way with those priorities are not the smartest monkeys! Are they? But you're willing to settle for that for the sake of love and you'll use your tits to get that love! It's a trade off! My tits for what passes for love? But, if you have no tits you can't HAVE love?? How cruel!!!! Again, I don't care how big a girl's tits are! I want someone that's got a brain in her head. Prettiness is a plus and, yeah, bigger tits are a plus, but, I've seen PLENTY of women with small tits that I think are very pretty (their tits, I mean). Cameron Diaz has small tits, Roseanne Barr has huge ones. Which would you prefer to be? Most guys would rather have Cameron!! How many of those guys are gay? I'm not gay, but I care more about a woman's personality and brains than the size of her tits. Besides, as we all here know, tits can be made bigger!! Besides, tits are ONLY there for decoration!! Not only flat-chested women, but even MEN can breast feed!! So, why have protruding tits if it's not needed for any function? Answer: Looks!! Attraction!!

No, when you reach adulthood, there'll BE no pressure to have bigger tits!! That's what little girls obsess over.

When I hear the word, "Woman", I think of someone with long hair, that is pretty and PREFERABLY has a nice body, but her having big tits is optional. I'd LOVE a very pretty girl, but I wouldn't mind at all if she was just average looking.

Hun, I SERIOUSLY DOUBT I'll EVER be an attractive woman!! Apparently, I don't even make an attractive guy!! I've only ever been with 3 women!! My first, after a few months of us being together, claimed she was just using me to make another guy jealous. My second, a year later, was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and I didn't know it. To this day, she still has NO recollection of us ever having sex!! And my third, 8 years later, after being together for 7 or 8 years, started cheating on me with a guy that picks through garbage and makes very strange art out of it!! I don't consider ANY of them to have been an actual girlfriend!!

Hun, you only THINK you need to "fix" things for guys to be attracted to you!! Chances are, if you DON'T fix it at ALL, you'll STILL get yourself a guy!!
Don't be so hard on yourself, hun. And, while you're at it, don't be so hard on your, so far, titless girlfriends!!

Take care!! :-)

Beautiful pic missed miss is it you and the girl?
I think I'm more worried and insecure about my personality than body because sometimes I can be very shy or quiet which is very awkward in some situations I know my body is nice to look at even though I'm not thin.

Thanks MM, for you input. I am kinda surprised by some of the stuff on this thread sometimes! I guess there are those moments in life when what we are experiencing is like a really bad script from a made for guys movie, but thankfully, I really do think there is quite a good variety of humans walking around the planet. I actually have literally been shocked to get in on people's inner life and discover what they found attractive in life and people, for example. It is a guarantee, that it is absolutely varied! Hahaha! Maybe we just all need to watch a little less television. Anyway, as we get older, thankfully, we will mostly have a bigger vision of the world around us and get to speak to people truthfully, as they admit that although society has tried, it has not succeeded in indoctrinating us all! Hallelujah. I am trying to imagine going through all this effort just to please some other human and possibly an ingrate at that. Sometimes it helps to think beyond the moment and out of the fishbowl. I wasn't born yesterday, but I started wising up early, thank goodness. It's pitiful how people torture themselves. All this work for some people who may not actually bring joy or more than superficial compliments, like another passing fancy to my life!
Hellz To The Naw!! Glad I have my eyes open, some. As if there isn't enough of a history of slavery, still to this day, in this world and it's like people are looking for ways to trap themselves further. Goodness. God bless us all! I like freedom so much, sometimes I kinda forget about NBE, lol. When I encounter people's (including myself) driving themselves crazy with certain types of slavery (I happen to have experienced some OCD in my life, too. Maybe a little too much hand-washing or wanting to fill a top a certain way when I'm having a dance party in my apartment on a fun lazy afternoon Smile, I've just gotten to the point where I may seriously or nonchalantly ask, "So, uh, you've been doing that thing. How's that working for ya?" Guess how many people have said, "It works great!" or "It makes my life better?" Kinda seems like zero. I have seen where for example the media is a big influence, but it seems like people forget the morale of the story in the same media where they make it obvious that, for example, all this mental/emotional/spiritual slavery ends badly and isn't worth it. Remember? It's all there, y'all! Helps me to remember to laugh with myself, too. Pshew. Oh, my. Good luck, my dear lovlies. Please remember this next time you need to hear it or remember or know it! Know this, I love You!
PS: BonitaDD, I too, can be quite shy. I was quite the mouse when I was pretty young. It's true sometimes I wanna be on stage singing karaoke, hehehe, and other times, Nu-uhn. Lol!
Thin? Reminds me of some of my favorite people. Hehehe. I have all kinds of people I love and that I find attractive. My best friend teased me about being a chubby chaser, (cause she is a beautiful big woman, whom I have partially lost to a tall handsome, sweet man even though I saw her first! Smile When I met my mate, he was worried about being overweight. And he was serious! I was like, "Huh?! I don't get it. You're kidding! You are hot, man!" This thread is a reminder that we have got to monitor the game of pretend "mind-reader" that our minds use to mess with us, sometimes. I don't know exactly what is even attractive about that to people. I guess maybe people are so afraid of being disappointed, we sometimes walk and talk ourselves like zombies, into disappointment.
Seriously, though, I send y'all some happy waves. I hope we all get away from the (pardon) bubetube & celebrity mags sometime and take a walk in Nature. Cosmo and fashion mags can have some interesting material in them. Haha. That was hard to even say, but anyway, when I apparently had nothing better and checked them out, it just makes me wonder if people, or sheeople are really that desperate. "What's hot!" for example. And then if people do those things, their lives will be better just because People magazine said that suchandsuch did it!? The same people in the next issue discussing their rehab & family problems?! Seriously?! I suppose that sometimes, obvious is not really obvious. Who are the crazy or evil masterminds behind these nefarious practices anyway. I think it may be us! In a way, we encourage it. What if we just, Didn'T!?
Big, warm hugz y'all!

Big breast does not make a person attractive. Nice round breast can be quite alluring but all boobs are just sacks of fat and their only purpose is to give nurishment to newborn babies, which I think is one of the most beautiful purposes the female body can have. But it doesn't matter what size they are because 32A's have fed children just as well as 32D's. Boobs does not make a person attractive and I know this because there are plenty of men and woman who have wanted to get in my pants even at my smallest cups.

It's true that with the laws of attraction at hand most men will not initially hit on a person if they don't find that person attractive but plenty have come to find a person attractive or fallen in love with them after getting to know them

And we all have preferences there's nothing wrong with that but just because a guy doesn't prefer the way you look doesn't make you ugly in any way

It's hard to love yourself in a world where we are though to hate and be ashamed of what we are but we at least have to try if not to put our own minds at ease then to show the younger generation that there is no need to torture themselves like that

You shouldn't feel like you have to change your appearance just to find a person because all that eventually fades and you're only left with you inner beauty which has a lot more effect than any outer beauty.

(23-05-2014, 09:39)BonitaDDs Wrote:  Beautiful pic missed miss is it you and the girl?
I think I'm more worried and insecure about my personality than body because sometimes I can be very shy or quiet which is very awkward in some situations I know my body is nice to look at even though I'm not thin.

Thank you! Yes, that's me with Jennifer in my back yard near the pool. We went skinny dipping in the pool later that night.
I'm usually pretty shy, too, in a public setting, I'm usually the quiet Beatle, or Harpo Marx, but, I think what you need to do is find something that flips your switch on and brings YOU out to play. One thing for me is music. Certain songs, and there are a LOT of them, just get my blood pumping and my happiness gear goes into motion at top speed and I no longer have that shyness problem anymore....for a while. I guess it's kinda like how some people become extremely boisterous only when they're drunk. Being on stage can do it for me, too. Especially if we've just played a very good gig!! Once the music's been over for an hour or so or once the show's over and we're on our way back home, the quiet Beatle comes back out gradually more and more.
One thing you should remember, though, Bonita is that, when you walk into a room full of people you've never met before, they have NO idea what you're really like, so, at that point, you CAN be very out-going towards them, as if you're somebody else. Pretend you ARE someone else, someone quite exuberant!! You just might find that it suits you and you'll stop being so shy! ;-) And the people you already know will probably welcome the change! Just have fun!!!! :-P

(23-05-2014, 19:28)lovedebbii Wrote:  Big breast does not make a person attractive. Nice round breast can be quite alluring but all boobs are just sacks of fat and their only purpose is to give nurishment to newborn babies, which I think is one of the most beautiful purposes the female body can have. But it doesn't matter what size they are because 32A's have fed children just as well as 32D's. Boobs does not make a person attractive and I know this because there are plenty of men and woman who have wanted to get in my pants even at my smallest cups.

It's true that with the laws of attraction at hand most men will not initially hit on a person if they don't find that person attractive but plenty have come to find a person attractive or fallen in love with them after getting to know them

And we all have preferences there's nothing wrong with that but just because a guy doesn't prefer the way you look doesn't make you ugly in any way

It's hard to love yourself in a world where we are though to hate and be ashamed of what we are but we at least have to try if not to put our own minds at ease then to show the younger generation that there is no need to torture themselves like that

You shouldn't feel like you have to change your appearance just to find a person because all that eventually fades and you're only left with you inner beauty which has a lot more effect than any outer beauty.

"Big breasts do not make a person more attractive" That's simply not true. Seriously, have you ever researched this? 
Go to the bottom of this page, #1:
Scroll down to body attractiveness
And no one even needs to research to know this. Seriously. Why the hell would A LOT women pay the thousands of dollars for a breast augmentation surgery if it didn't make them more attractive??!?!?!??? They enjoy the back pain?????? Seriously. Seriously. Just google "attractive women" and count in your right hand fingers the flat chested women you see in the first thousand of photos. 
Well you don't even need to do that. Just read some 9gag comments, in ANY post. There is ALWAYS something related to big boobs. 

I get it, i was once a 13 year old girl myself.


SHE'S 13!

There's NOTHING about a 13 year old that is fully developed let alone breasts. It's painful to see kids as young as this already so conscious and insecure of their bodies.

I can't/won't offer anything to encourage or feed that kind of insecurity. There's inherently nothing wrong with having small breasts. It's not something she really needs help with. That's a seriously fucked up message to be giving to a 13 yr old.

(23-05-2014, 10:02)char Wrote:  Thanks MM, for you input. I am kinda surprised by some of the stuff on this thread sometimes! I guess there are those moments in life when what we are experiencing is like a really bad script from a made for guys movie, but thankfully, I really do think there is quite a good variety of humans walking around the planet. I actually have literally been shocked to get in on people's inner life and discover what they found attractive in life and people, for example. It is a guarantee, that it is absolutely varied! Hahaha! Maybe we just all need to watch a little less television. Anyway, as we get older, thankfully, we will mostly have a bigger vision of the world around us and get to speak to people truthfully, as they admit that although society has tried, it has not succeeded in indoctrinating us all! Hallelujah. I am trying to imagine going through all this effort just to please some other human and possibly an ingrate at that. Sometimes it helps to think beyond the moment and out of the fishbowl. I wasn't born yesterday, but I started wising up early, thank goodness. It's pitiful how people torture themselves. All this work for some people who may not actually bring joy or more than superficial compliments, like another passing fancy to my life!
Hellz To The Naw!! Glad I have my eyes open, some. As if there isn't enough of a history of slavery, still to this day, in this world and it's like people are looking for ways to trap themselves further. Goodness. God bless us all! I like freedom so much, sometimes I kinda forget about NBE, lol. When I encounter people's (including myself) driving themselves crazy with certain types of slavery (I happen to have experienced some OCD in my life, too. Maybe a little too much hand-washing or wanting to fill a top a certain way when I'm having a dance party in my apartment on a fun lazy afternoon Smile, I've just gotten to the point where I may seriously or nonchalantly ask, "So, uh, you've been doing that thing. How's that working for ya?" Guess how many people have said, "It works great!" or "It makes my life better?" Kinda seems like zero. I have seen where for example the media is a big influence, but it seems like people forget the morale of the story in the same media where they make it obvious that, for example, all this mental/emotional/spiritual slavery ends badly and isn't worth it. Remember? It's all there, y'all! Helps me to remember to laugh with myself, too. Pshew. Oh, my. Good luck, my dear lovlies. Please remember this next time you need to hear it or remember or know it! Know this, I love You!
PS: BonitaDD, I too, can be quite shy. I was quite the mouse when I was pretty young. It's true sometimes I wanna be on stage singing karaoke, hehehe, and other times, Nu-uhn. Lol!
Thin? Reminds me of some of my favorite people. Hehehe. I have all kinds of people I love and that I find attractive. My best friend teased me about being a chubby chaser, (cause she is a beautiful big woman, whom I have partially lost to a tall handsome, sweet man even though I saw her first! Smile When I met my mate, he was worried about being overweight. And he was serious! I was like, "Huh?! I don't get it. You're kidding! You are hot, man!" This thread is a reminder that we have got to monitor the game of pretend "mind-reader" that our minds use to mess with us, sometimes. I don't know exactly what is even attractive about that to people. I guess maybe people are so afraid of being disappointed, we sometimes walk and talk ourselves like zombies, into disappointment.
Seriously, though, I send y'all some happy waves. I hope we all get away from the (pardon) bubetube & celebrity mags sometime and take a walk in Nature. Cosmo and fashion mags can have some interesting material in them. Haha. That was hard to even say, but anyway, when I apparently had nothing better and checked them out, it just makes me wonder if people, or sheeople are really that desperate. "What's hot!" for example. And then if people do those things, their lives will be better just because People magazine said that suchandsuch did it!? The same people in the next issue discussing their rehab & family problems?! Seriously?! I suppose that sometimes, obvious is not really obvious. Who are the crazy or evil masterminds behind these nefarious practices anyway. I think it may be us! In a way, we encourage it. What if we just, Didn'T!?
Big, warm hugz y'all!

Oh, yeah!! There's a LOT of nice people all over this flat earth, problem is, you pretty much have to FIND them!!

I think we need to watch a LOT less t.v.!!!! 99% of it is either pure shit or flat out lies anyway!! Video games are taking away our sociality, too!! I keep thinking of how, when I was a kid, there were ALWAYS LOTS of us outside playing in the streets and having fun!! These days, I REALLY MISS the sound of kids playing on the streets!! We'd play Kickball, Release, Frisbee, Dodgeball, Murderball, or we'd go exploring a few caves nearby, or just go out riding bikes.. If there was a new house being built, we'd take over the sand pile and build roadways and tunnels in it and run our Hot Wheels through them. Sometimes we'd have a yard full in the pool. There was almost always SOMETHING going on outside!! These days, I'm lucky if I even see so much as a few little kids quietly riding by on their bikes!!

Like Rick Nelson sang: You can't please everyone, so you gotta please yourself!!

I know!! You CAN'T live your life the way some bullshit scandal rag TELLS you live. Live YOUR life YOUR way!!!! As long as you aren't hurting anybody!! The more people that take their own lives into their OWN hands instead of allowing Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton TELL them how to live, the more FREE people we'll have in the world and happier those people will be that they are doing it THEIR way, and the more powerful we'll ALL be BECAUSE of it!!!!

Well, Char, I could tell you who a lot of the masterminds are, but, it'd be a VERY long reply!! We aren't really the ones MAKING it happen, we're just the ones LETTING it happen!!!! :-( Same said magazines drive the less intelligent to blindly follow the piper into the mouse trap as if we think THAT'S what we're SUPPOSED to do and if we DON'T, we won't be able to hang out with the cool kids anymore!! Before you now it, they ARE trapped and looking for a way out or just happily following the program because that's what they're TOLD to do!!

Thanks for the hugs!!!! When I was in college with Jennifer and the others that were in the school's art club, we had a tiny little office on the third floor of this mansion (two beds would've taken up ALL the floor space!!) and we made it a rule that EVERYTIME someone came in or out of the office, hugs were shared all around by everyone that was in the room!! Wouldn't it be a much nicer planet if we ALL did that everywhere!!!!

Peace, love and music to you ALL!!!! (The ethos of Woodstock!!)


Missed Miss, you have AMAZING eyes, they are so beautiful. Smile

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