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BodyRocking's Baby Steps


As far as flexibility, try yoga. It's really the best way to become flexible. Even after one good session, you'll be sitting taller and touching your toes!

Rodney Yee's AM Yoga is my personal favourite. It's easy, especially for beginners, and really stretches your body without hurting you too much (which is really the most discouraging thing for most people). They probably have it at Target or Wal-Mart if you don't wanna order online.

I'll look into that ^_^. For now I'm just stretching in random positions to where I feel it, focusing on my legs mainly (where I'm least flexible- I think).

I listened to Steve's hypnosis last night, the first one was for breasts, and I think I woke up a few hours later and turned it off, so I'm pretty sure I got through it. I woke this morning and my breasts felt a bit sore (along with my muscles, lol) so I'm hoping I'm getting growing pains Big Grin!

** Goal: 60 grams of protein a day.

My lower body is so sore Big Grin, my breasts, not so much right now. My period just started though, so I'll wait for a few days when it's done to judge any growth :/. Sad that any changes I might get now may just be from that. Though, I haven't ever had much change in my breasts during my period... I wonder if this will have any bearing on my hypnosis...

I need a soak in hot water and epsom salts... I'm walking like a zombie.

I ended up skipping a day of anything, just got super busy. Oops.
Oh well, I'll just get back on track now.

Thinking of adding some kindof massage. Though nota super long one... Not sure about any oils, or if I should use Isosensuals lotion, or both.

I think at night I'll switch my MP3 player to just play breast enhancement songs... Just so I can attack that taget first.

Now for some randomness:
  • My back is breaking out :/, I'll have to take a hot shower, use my face wash, and scrub like crazy.
  • My period just ended, and I really don't think it changes my breast at all, what could think mean hormone-wise? I'm excessive in something, or defiencient?
  • Could hormones be altered by your diet alone? (On purpose, or accidentally?)
  • I need to get together my exercise moves. Butt & thighs, abs, and maybe arms?
  • I need to get back to stretching...
  • If hormones are altered by diet, should I try and add or take out something? To try and help out my boobs?
  • It seems protein is really good for NBE... I'm taking a bar every morning, and I get maybe 20-30 grams out of my diet, but I think I need more. I've kind of stopped eating a lot of meat...
  • A hair tip of mine, take small nail scissors, spend a good while (or short sessions) cutting off split ends. Section your hair out into little pieces, and start cutting.
  • I think I'm going to get some ebooks for ideas for things...
  • I think I have the wrong bra size! I may actually be a 32C! I'm not a 34B, I'm too big, but I'm not a 34C (anymore Sad I was once). But I think I may bea 32C!! So, if I am, my goal will be 32DD!! Big Grin Go big, or go home!
  • Should I take something for collagen?
  • Should I take Fish oil orally? Or use an Omega-3 oil or massage?
  • I think I'll tak about 10 minutes each day to sit and visualize breast growth, just an idea that came to me, can't hurt!
  • I want to get rid of my dark circles under my eyes.
  • I kind of wish I could get a slimmer face without losng weight, I'll have to look into it...
  • I'm trying to grow my hair longer.
  • Wih all the hypnosis/sounds for breast growth, it makes me wonder... Do you think the type of music you listen to cn change your breasts?

^_^ I'm out!

My breasts almost never change during my monthly, even now that I'm finally growing. So it's not necessarily bad, you'll just have to wait it out and see. Hormones can be altered by diet, MAINLY because a lot of food nowadays has added hormones in it (they like to give the animals hormones to get the most meat out of them). But there are also a lot of foods that have hormonal properties to them, so that could affect things as well. And 34B and 32C are the exact same size, although they are shaped slightly differently. So, if the 32 band fits you properly (without being too tight), then you're likely going to be BURSTING out of the 32C! (I'm a 32 band, but wear 34's since 32's are so hard to find. I've come to realize that if the band is too big, there will be slight gapping up top even when you should fit that size perfectly. So if you don't have gapping in the 34B, you're probably getting closer to being a 32D!) It doesn't make much sense at first, but try on bras and see how they fit. Even though I'm popping out of my 34D right now, there's still slight gapping up top where the 32DD I should wear would fit tightly all around. My friend works at Victoria's Secret and this is how she can tell if a girl's wearing the wrong bra.

For collagen, a lot of woen use it, and it might help, but you might also not need to try it yet; just wait 'til you see if other things are working or not. To increase collagen production, jiggle your boobs in the shower under warm and cold water! Sounds weird, but it also keeps them perky! Jiggle them like 20 seconds under hot water, then 10 seconds under cold water, switching back and forth for a few minutes. It's probably more effective than just massaging in the shower!

I like Fish oil orally, it's easy and helps with overall health. GREAT for achieving a toned, curvy female body! For under eye circles, I use Freeman Vita-K for Dark Circles. It's worked great for me, and worked a little bit for my friend, too (although her eye circles aren't nearly as bad as mine). You can get it at Wal-Mart and if you use it twice a day, it'll last a full month (don't be decieved by how small the bottle is! It doesn't take even a full pump to cover both under eye areas!) Also, try using cucumbers or tea bags once a week. They're great for dark circles, too!

To slim your face, you can try to find this on Amazon or something:
Face Up Face Massager
It's made by the same people that make the bust roller, I think. It's gotten great reviews, and is much better than any manual massage with your fingers. I plan on getting one soon. I love how it also has a snap-off massager for your chin so you don't get a double chin! I might get one for my mom, too. Lol I really hope this can help my face, because even though I turn 22 next month I still get mistaken for being under 18 because of my fat face. When I get carded at the liquor store, they spend forever looking at my ID to see if it's real or not!

Wow, what a long post, I apologize. ^^;

(19-08-2012, 22:09)Doll Wrote:  Wow, what a long post, I apologize. ^^;

Oh no! I like long posts Big Grin

Thank you!

(19-08-2012, 22:08)Doll Wrote:  And 34B and 32C are the exact same size, although they are shaped slightly differently. So, if the 32 band fits you properly (without being too tight), then you're likely going to be BURSTING out of the 32C! (I'm a 32 band, but wear 34's since 32's are so hard to find. I've come to realize that if the band is too big, there will be slight gapping up top even when you should fit that size perfectly. So if you don't have gapping in the 34B, you're probably getting closer to being a 32D!) It doesn't make much sense at first, but try on bras and see how they fit. Even though I'm popping out of my 34D right now, there's still slight gapping up top where the 32DD I should wear would fit tightly all around. My friend works at Victoria's Secret and this is how she can tell if a girl's wearing the wrong bra.
Oh!! Okay! I guess I'll have to just go try on 32 C's and D's until I find what fits Big Grin.
This probably is an odd question to ask, but is there a way to increase band size?
If 32's are harder to find, I think I'd rather be a 34... I just like 34's. I don't know XD.

I still want bigger breasts... I don't think I'll stop until they look big enough to me. I don't want to focus on my measurements, I want to focus on my clothes, and mirror ^_^.

(19-08-2012, 22:08)Doll Wrote:  For collagen, a lot of woen use it, and it might help, but you might also not need to try it yet; just wait 'til you see if other things are working or not. To increase collagen production, jiggle your boobs in the shower under warm and cold water! Sounds weird, but it also keeps them perky! Jiggle them like 20 seconds under hot water, then 10 seconds under cold water, switching back and forth for a few minutes. It's probably more effective than just massaging in the shower!

Lol! That does sound weird Tongue But if it works, it's not a huge process. So I'll do that every night!! Big Grin Thanks!
(19-08-2012, 22:08)Doll Wrote:  I like Fish oil orally, it's easy and helps with overall health. GREAT for achieving a toned, curvy female body! For under eye circles, I use Freeman Vita-K for Dark Circles. It's worked great for me, and worked a little bit for my friend, too (although her eye circles aren't nearly as bad as mine). You can get it at Wal-Mart and if you use it twice a day, it'll last a full month (don't be decieved by how small the bottle is! It doesn't take even a full pump to cover both under eye areas!) Also, try using cucumbers or tea bags once a week. They're great for dark circles, too!

Okay, so I'll use Fish Oil capsules Smile. Are there any brands I should be wary of? Or are there any certain ingredients that might be added that I don't want?
I can do the tea bags once a week, I'll do that the same days I exfoliate so I can keep track. I'll get that as soon as I can! Mine are partially hereditary, and I really want them to be completely gone, but I may end up needing makeup to hide them... :/ I hate them, thy make me look tired and just, how to put this... "drag my face down." Even if I look fine, they suck up all the attention and make me look tired and just look bad. I'll let you know how tea bags and the Vita-K go, thank you! ^_^ I've tried a different eye cream, but it didn't do anything except smell bad.

(19-08-2012, 22:08)Doll Wrote:  To slim your face, you can try to find this on Amazon or something:
Face Up Face Massager
It's made by the same people that make the bust roller, I think. It's gotten great reviews, and is much better than any manual massage with your fingers. I plan on getting one soon. I love how it also has a snap-off massager for your chin so you don't get a double chin! I might get one for my mom, too.
That looks interesting Smile With good reviews and not a crazy price, I'll go for it. I have a bit of chin fat -__- and a bit too much cheek that I could do without. I have a really short and sqaure face, so I guess it'll never be slim looking :/ but I think it'll still look better with less of the chubbiness.

I found this one too:

(19-08-2012, 22:08)Doll Wrote:  Lol I really hope this can help my face, because even though I turn 22 next month I still get mistaken for being under 18 because of my fat face. When I get carded at the liquor store, they spend forever looking at my ID to see if it's real or not!

Lol xD, that's horrible.I've been mistaken for a 12 year old >_< or much older than I am.
Hope this thing works for me ^_^.

Sorry for chopping up your post, it makes it easier for me to reply. . Smile


The juicer is on it's way!! It should be here within... the next two weeks I'd say. I'm getting together recipes, ones with fruits & veggies combined.

For now I'm going to get a protien shake (chocolate flavored, of course) so I can experiment with juices to use in it. Once I comfortable, I'll get Shakeology. That way I don't waste the expensive stuff ^_^.

I'm getting Fish Oil capsules/pills soon, within this week I think.

  • Isosensuals, once morning & night.
  • Steve G Jones- Breast Enlargement only, w/ the other CD I got, at night, at least once. (Want to add Binaural Beats to this too)
  • Jiggle breasts for about 20 seconds under hot water, then 10 seconds under cold water, switching back and forth for a few minutes-every night in the shower. For collagen production (Thanks Doll!)

  • Walk one mile every day
  • Random activites
  • Getting together muscle building move (for my butt, thighs, and abs)

I think I'm going to just switch to one program of hypnosis, so I don't get conflicting things, or worry about listening to all of them, and so my body can focus on the one technique being used.

So I'll be using my CD of hypnosis covered by sounds, because I can't sleep well hearing a voice.

Going to try massaging for days too, at night only. I want to use a mixture of Isosensuals and flaxseed oil at night, but I might just use this bottle of Vitam E Oil I found for now, if that will work too.

For exercise-- for right now, I think I'm just going to do the Hundred once or twice a day, and a different kind of crunch-type-move.
You lie on your back, stretch one leg out and point toes, and pll the other knee to your chest, keeping abs tight, switch leg positions, get boths knees to yu chest once for one rep. Do about 20-30 reps.
If that makes sense...

My eating has been getting out of control! D:

I think I'm going to make myself a diet plan (when & what to eat) so I won't go insane with random eating, overeating, etc.

Breakfast- Protein bar
Lunch- A sandwich, a bottle of water, and (?)
Snack- Protein shake? After doing moves.
Dinner- Whatever.

Sorry, putting things somewhere helps me out.

Think I'll start massage tonight.

Really want more in the upstairs department... :/

Did some moves:
  • The Hundred (& Fifty)-- I mean a total of 15 sets of ten seconds... Look up the hundred, then add an additional 5 reps.
  • Single Leg Stretch- Um... I think I did 15-20 reps.
  • Donkey Kick Deluxe (++Light Ankle weights) 20 reps each leg.
  • 30 seconds stretched each leg (Need to get better)

    Think I'll do that each day for now Smile.

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