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b00biel0ve's Experiments & Program


I've decided to put an end to being on this Candida Diet - it's been effective in that it has increased my temperatures to a consistent 97.3 from mid 95s. I know I should probably keep going to wait for it to get to 98 but it has been very hard to stay on it, and also a hassle for those around me (I completed two months of this diet). I never ended up sticking to my intention of greater dosages of coconut oil and Pau D'Arco...

I shall continue to monitor my temperatures for the rest of my cycle and if it's still in the 97s, I'll put myself back on the rest of my Bountiful Breast supplements. (Girls! My growth on BB from the end of last/beginning of this year stayed! I think there were talks about the growth going away for some people if you took less than the 3 months suggested in the one go?)

I'll also re-measure before I begin 3 months of BB, and start using the Hypnosis Talks and start my Twice Daily massages again as the weather is warming up! I'm excited!

Happy Growing Multiple A sisters!! Smile

Last month, I measured a pretty consistent temperature of 97.3 every morning but this last week, it's been unsteady, dropping to 96.8 or 96.9 (maybe due to the beginning of my cycle). I hope this isn't a slow reaction to my quitting the Candida diet - my tongue looks better due to twice daily brushing but two huge white bumps and a general spread at the back where I can't brush persist.

I've decided to keep monitoring this but will continue on with my journey onto larger breasts.

I also did the online tests recommended on these forums for Adrenal Fatigue as it is said there is a link between this and Candida. So I'm taking the Herbs of Gold "Stress-Ease Adrenal Support" tablets for the next month. This will hopefully help with raising the Temperature and keeping it stable.

The last time I measured, in May,
Under Breast = 32"
Across Bust = 36"
Cup Size = AA

Last week,
Under Breast = 32.25"
Across Bust = 35"

Unfortunately, it seems I may have lost some of my precious little boobage but I think I've lost some weight overall. Despite this minor disappointment, I will start on a new course of massage and hypnosis for the next 30 days.

Chiyomilk Massages - twice a day
I generally try to keep to her method but sometimes, I like to just squeeze and smooth for the circulation.

On the plus side, I've been following the tips for Adrenal Fatigue, sleeping earlier and until 9am in the morning. As a result, and also by taking the supplement, my temperature reached 98 this morning! Which it hasn't done as far as I have known it! Let's hope it lasts the cycle. I've also been taking licorice tea with coconut oil.

Note that temperatures have slowly risen and stabilised but I'm not sure whether it's because of the Adrenal Support Pills or because it's the 2nd half of my cycle, where I read last night that most women will exhibit higher temperatures.

Day 01 - ?
Day 02 - 96.8
Day 03 - 97.3
Day 04 - 97.0 (Started Adrenal Support Pills)
Day 05 - 96.8
Day 06 - 97.2
Day 07 - 96.9
Day 08 - 97.3
Day 09 - 97.0
Day 10 - 96.9
Day 11 - 96.9 (7 Days of Adrenal Support Pills)
Day 12 - 96.9
Day 13 - 97.3
Day 14 - 97.1
Day 15 - 97.7
Day 16 - 98.0
Day 17 - 98.0
Day 18 - 98.0 (14 Days of Adrenal Support Pills)
Day 19 - 98.0
Day 20 - 97.8
Day 21 - 98.0
Day 22 - 97.9
Day 23 - 97.8
Day 24 - 97.8
Day 25 - 97.8 (21 Days of Adrenal Support Pills)
Day 26 - 97.3 (What is this sudden dip in temperature?)
Day 27 - 97.8

As I massage my breasts throughout the past month, I've also noticed that there is more breast tissue than at the beginning of the month, when I re-started the massage routine.

So I gave the Rockmelon Ringtone a try for the 10 days, 20 times a day. I also continued massages twice daily and my new measurements are now:

Above Breast = 35"
Across Bust = 35.5"
Under Breast = 31"

I guess the measurements just show a shifting in shape.
I don't think I can calculate cup size based on these measurements because my Above Breast is similar to my Across Breast size. I still don't fit into an A cup. Here are 2 pictures - front view.


I used a different phone camera and compressed the pictures so it looks different from previous pics - it seems to make me look like I have some redness across my body. Oh well!

Disappointed to see that compared with my photos in May, I have obviously lost some size. I guess this proves that the results of Massage are not permanent. I think I need to look further into using products...Still monitoring Temperature for BB - hoping to get on it again. Really would like to use it for a whole year and see what happens.

Here are 2 more photos to show the size of my breasts.


Continued use of Adrenal Support Pills - this may be why I can see my temperatures doing much better this month around. I even managed to get up to the 98.2 degrees required for Bountiful Breast and break the barrier, reaching 98.4! Hmmm - but how do I keep it up high? Maybe another month on Adrenal Support Pills?

Day 01 - 97.8
Day 02 - 97.3
Day 03 - 97.5
Day 04 - 96.8
Day 05 - 97.2
Day 06 - 97.3
Day 07 - 96.9
Day 08 - 96.8
Day 09 - 96.9
Day 10 - 97.2
Day 11 - 96.9
Day 12 - 97.5
Day 13 - 97.2
Day 14 - 96.3
Day 15 - 97.2
Day 16 - 97.8
Day 17 - 97.5
Day 18 - 97.8
Day 19 - 97.8
Day 20 - 97.8
Day 21 - 98.0
Day 22 - 98.4
Day 23 - 98.2
Day 24 - 98.3
Day 25 - 97.8
Day 26 - 98.0
Day 27 - 97.9
Day 28 - 97.8
Day 29 - ?

I haven't been massaging...just been researching a lot.

Congrats on the temp increase!

Here's a suggestion sort of from first hand experience, cardio or general working out does raise your body temp and increases circulation, but my point is when I was running a lot even if I skipped a couple days I wouldn't need a jacket in buildings as much. I've never really monitored my temp yet I'm usually below average. Just one suggestion, it might not be the most NBE friendly though...

Also along with the adrenal support maybe capsaicin pills or one of the amino acids is know to help... I think L-tyrosine? I'm not 100% on that but it's an idea or something to look into.

Best of luck, you've done great already!

(18-11-2012, 17:36)kmgator Wrote:  Congrats on the temp increase!

Here's a suggestion sort of from first hand experience, cardio or general working out does raise your body temp and increases circulation, but my point is when I was running a lot even if I skipped a couple days I wouldn't need a jacket in buildings as much. I've never really monitored my temp yet I'm usually below average. Just one suggestion, it might not be the most NBE friendly though...

Also along with the adrenal support maybe capsaicin pills or one of the amino acids is know to help... I think L-tyrosine? I'm not 100% on that but it's an idea or something to look into.

Best of luck, you've done great already!

L tyrosine is for T4/T3 conversion(thyroid). A good B vitamin and adrenal tissue glandular can work for most adrenal issues.


Hi Girls,

Thanks for your feedback! I'm always happy to hear from others on my postings - sometimes, I wonder if anyone reads what I write!

kmgator - capsaicin as in Cayenne Pepper? I did try that for a month together with Olive Leaf extract back in May. I think I was using it more as a means to get rid of my Candida but it didn't clear it. Thanks for the reminder though! I will definitely get back to it after I try a couple more things.

I started taking a really strong Probiotic (been on it for 9 nights including tonight). Even after the first hour, I felt a difference and after the first night of sleep, it felt as if a huge fog had lifted. I no longer wake up feeling tired! This is why I'm unsure whether it's the Candida that made me feel like I did or the Adrenal Fatigue, or perhaps, both. The white bumps are still there at the very back of my tongue, near my throat, but I think overall, better. Additionally, I bought the Swisse Yeast Care tablets (which are made up of a few different anti-Candida herbs!) so I'll take them soon.

Good call on the L-Tyrosine! That's what the Bountiful Breast people recommend to lift the temperature - that and Kelp. And of course for the reason tibetin113 says - to help with conversion of T4 to T3.

tibetin113 - Adrenal Glandulars are hard to obtain here in Australia but thanks for the suggestion for Vitamin B! I'll have to work out where in my day I can take it as I take Spirulina and MSM in the morning. Maybe when I finish this 2nd bottle of Adrenal Support pills, I'll substitute that with Vitamin B.

PS I have noticed in my Adrenal Support Pills that Tyrosine is one of the ingredients!!

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