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Time to Wake up Y'all, Seriously


Your point about some of the smartest people not knowing how to spell is irrelevant. My dad has dyslexia and he is very smart. Can't spell for shite. So i know exactly what you mean. But she new how to spell correctly. Its the fact that she chose not to (hence what I wrote below in bold).

"You sure type about a lot of "stuff" you think pertains to my view of what is really happening in the world. Your choice of spelling is just as offensive. I can't take you seriously."

Again, I find that offensive. Just like I would find it offensive if someone who spoke clearly chose to speak with a fake impediment.
I shamed her for her choice not handicap.

Also. I never insinuated being queen or lord of grammar. She def lost me on it though .But what did it for me was 9/11 topic she brought up. If you didn't serve during that time or had anything to do with it other than watch the horrid footage on tv, don't bother bringing it up.

That's where she did it for me.

Totally agree with you tibet and I don't think you're a conspicay theorist. I think it seems like the u.s is behind on the times.(which I mean about gmo not being labeled and so forth) I know in some European countries label and even banned GMO products.

Also for the arguement of GMO not being all that bad. Then the same arguement can said for pedicides usage for edible plants/fruits/veggies. There are many people that say it's not have that much affect on people. Although some studies are saying other raise.

A lot of things I would say are like misadvertised because of the large companies (not necesarily the govenment) One example, In the 70's The trans fats was thought to be good for you, but nowdays it's shown to raises the LDL (badcholesterol) and decrease the good HDL. Oh but here's another thing, there's a few new studies saying trans fat from meat isn't all that bad. That's why there are diets like the paleo and keto diet. Which favor red meats. (Which a lot of people say is super bad for you), but then there's the arguement of the green house gasses produced by the animals...

Anyways sorry for going off topic.. was trying to put some examples out there lol...

Might be a bit off topic, but I'm also disgusted with how most mas

s produced products has high. frutose corn syrup.

(01-04-2013, 17:00)iluvrain Wrote:  Totally agree with you tibet and I don't think you're a conspicay theorist. I think it seems like the u.s is behind on the times.(which I mean about gmo not being labeled and so forth) I know in some European countries label and even banned GMO products.

Also for the arguement of GMO not being all that bad. Then the same arguement can said for pedicides usage for edible plants/fruits/veggies. There are many people that say it's not have that much affect on people. Although some studies are saying other raise.

A lot of things I would say are like misadvertised because of the large companies (not necesarily the govenment) One example, In the 70's The trans fats was thought to be good for you, but nowdays it's shown to raises the LDL (badcholesterol) and decrease the good HDL. Oh but here's another thing, there's a few new studies saying trans fat from meat isn't all that bad. That's why there are diets like the paleo and keto diet. Which favor red meats. (Which a lot of people say is super bad for you), but then there's the arguement of the green house gasses produced by the animals...

Anyways sorry for going off topic.. was trying to put some examples out there lol...

Might be a bit off topic, but I'm also disgusted with how most mas

s produced products has high. frutose corn syrup.

Agreed! Something is indeed going on with those FEMA camps they are building. There is a rumor going around about an excessive large order for coffins purchased by our U.S. government! They are getting ready for something...

I love me some raw red meat and fish. I am thinking of doing half raw/cooked diet to lose this carbo face.


Whoa I come back and there are not one, but two posts for me! I feel special Wink

Anyway, I think you were perhaps hung up a bit too much on one thing that I said. My fault for trying to be brief and to the point, and in result not being descriptive enough for the sake of clarity. Therefore, I will address this a little more elaborately, and then move on to what is the more important issue at hand (at least, in my opinion). I am writing again not to get the last word, as I am sure you will respond to this, and certainly not to win an disagreement... I am writing again because I see you did not understand what I was trying to say.

(31-03-2013, 17:53)tibetan113 Wrote:  Yes. Its misspelt and I can admit. Totally my error. Its my handicap which is why I could never butcher words purposely. You will eventually forget the proper spelling of words with such a bad and lazy habit. I personally find it offensive. So this is different than someone not knowing how to write. This person chose to debate with bad grammar. Would you write this way in the real world? Probably not and why? Because people won't take you seriously. So why make it a habit in the first place?

I am pretty sure I addressed this already in the last paragraph of my last post, to which I have not seen you respond at all so perhaps you did not see it...? The answers to these questions would be: 1) no, I would not write this way in the real world or in any world 2) because, even if I wanted to, I am not familiar with it, and it is not of my culture, so my idea of what is communicable is different than what is considered acceptable by those of her culture. Now being brought up the way I was brought up, as I am sure you were, this would be unacceptable to use for communicating, but in her subculture, who knows what her perceptions of the world around her are, and what she was taught, and what her experiences are. Ultimately it is her choice, but we make our choices based on what we know, and what we know is determined by what our experiences are. These are more than likely the reasons why she made a habit of it (because it works in her environment and culture/subculture), and why she chose to write this way to you. I am sure she thought nothing of it and probably would be surprised to find out that it had offended you.

(31-03-2013, 18:14)tibetan113 Wrote:  Your point about some of the smartest people not knowing how to spell is irrelevant. My dad has dyslexia and he is very smart. Can't spell for shite. So i know exactly what you mean. But she new how to spell correctly. Its the fact that she chose not to.

In my first post I addressed the issue by demonstrating that a person's knowledge of a subject (not necessarily the "smartest people" btw, as my example was my family members who are very knowledgeable but I could never say they are the smartest people Tongue) is not relevant to how a person presents themselves in any manner, is, well, just that. This is exactly what I said: "How old someone is, how they talk, and/or write is very irrelevant to what they know, as much as you'd like to think it is." So, this point was in fact relevant when you can see that this was the point that I was making. It is true that a person's knowledge of a subject is not relevant to how they present themselves. My family members were only examples.

(31-03-2013, 18:14)tibetan113 Wrote:  Again, I find that offensive. Just like I would find it offensive if someone who spoke clearly chose to speak with a fake impediment.
I shamed her for her choice not handicap.

Again, please read my last post. I believe that it is cultural, and in no way did she do anything wrong to offend YOU.

But, in addition to my last post, I will say this: the point here is that it mainly seems to come down to is that you were personally offended by it, which you mentioned a few times in your last posts. Taking things less personally--as it clearly has nothing to do with you besides the fact that she was addressing you--will probably make your life much easier. I used to take things very personally, and myself still struggle with it from time to time, so I completely understand how you are feeling. Just remember that it is her choice, and as long as she is not doing wrong to someone, it is not wrong, and it most likely has more to do with cultural differences than it is disrespect of you. I say it is cultural because, as I mentioned earlier, she was exposed to it and probably surrounded by it... (as I know I couldn't write that way even if I chose to! So it is not 100% driven by choice and choice alone).

(31-03-2013, 18:14)tibetan113 Wrote:  Also. I never insinuated being queen or lord of grammar. She def lost me on it though .But what did it for me was 9/11 topic she brought up. If you didn't serve during that time or had anything to do with it other than watch the horrid footage on tv, don't bother bringing it up.

That's where she did it for me.

I never said that you claimed to be. You may have forgotten that I actually never addressed that first post of mine to YOU. There was a reason for that (I was addressing multiple people). Also, if you read the context in which I wrote it, you can see that I never said anyone thought they were, as I only said "UNLESS you are the lord or queen of grammar, you really have no right to talk..." which is saying the opposite of what you thought you read (if I may explain, it means you obviously are not, and you have no right to say anything about someone's faults). That was, again, in my first post when I was taking your offense to be of bad grammar and bad spelling, and not of writing style. Therefore, your apparent need to defend yourself is not necessary, really, as I never said or insinuated that you made such a claim. I am sorry that you were feeling that way.

Finally, this is for EVERYONE: I would love to see less nasty, cutting, sarcastic comments on this forum, if we can try. I see us as a sisterhood of support and camaraderie and would like it to stay that way Smile This was the original and primary reason for my first post. As you may notice, I did not address anyone in particular, which means I was addressing EVERYONE and also the negative digs about age and grammar were only examples. There were many more, and it just needs to stop. I have seen it on other threads as well, and I just decided to finally speak up. That's all.

Please go on to continue the original topic of this thread, as it is an interesting topic of debate! But please everyone, with respect to your breastnexus sisters....

(02-04-2013, 22:42)timarie Wrote:  Whoa I come back and there are not one, but two posts for me! I feel special Wink

Anyway, I think you were perhaps hung up a bit too much on one thing that I said. My fault for trying to be brief and to the point, and in result not being descriptive enough for the sake of clarity. Therefore, I will address this a little more elaborately, and then move on to what is the more important issue at hand (at least, in my opinion). I am writing again not to get the last word, as I am sure you will respond to this, and certainly not to win an disagreement... I am writing again because I see you did not understand what I was trying to say.

(31-03-2013, 17:53)tibetan113 Wrote:  Yes. Its misspelt and I can admit. Totally my error. Its my handicap which is why I could never butcher words purposely. You will eventually forget the proper spelling of words with such a bad and lazy habit. I personally find it offensive. So this is different than someone not knowing how to write. This person chose to debate with bad grammar. Would you write this way in the real world? Probably not and why? Because people won't take you seriously. So why make it a habit in the first place?

I am pretty sure I addressed this already in the last paragraph of my last post, to which I have not seen you respond at all so perhaps you did not see it...? The answers to these questions would be: 1) no, I would not write this way in the real world or in any world 2) because, even if I wanted to, I am not familiar with it, and it is not of my culture, so my idea of what is communicable is different than what is considered acceptable by those of her culture. Now being brought up the way I was brought up, as I am sure you were, this would be unacceptable to use for communicating, but in her subculture, who knows what her perceptions of the world around her are, and what she was taught, and what her experiences are. Ultimately it is her choice, but we make our choices based on what we know, and what we know is determined by what our experiences are. These are more than likely the reasons why she made a habit of it (because it works in her environment and culture/subculture), and why she chose to write this way to you. I am sure she thought nothing of it and probably would be surprised to find out that it had offended you.

(31-03-2013, 18:14)tibetan113 Wrote:  Your point about some of the smartest people not knowing how to spell is irrelevant. My dad has dyslexia and he is very smart. Can't spell for shite. So i know exactly what you mean. But she knew how to spell correctly. Its the fact that she chose not to.

In my first post I addressed the issue by demonstrating that a person's knowledge of a subject (not necessarily the "smartest people" btw, as my example was my family members who are very knowledgeable but I could never say they are the smartest people Tongue) is not relevant to how a person presents themselves in any manner, is, well, just that. This is exactly what I said: "How old someone is, how they talk, and/or write is very irrelevant to what they know, as much as you'd like to think it is." So, this point was in fact relevant when you can see that this was the point that I was making. It is true that a person's knowledge of a subject is not relevant to how they present themselves. My family members were only examples.

(31-03-2013, 18:14)tibetan113 Wrote:  Again, I find that offensive. Just like I would find it offensive if someone who spoke clearly chose to speak with a fake impediment.
I shamed her for her choice not handicap.

Again, please read my last post. I believe that it is cultural, and in no way did she do anything wrong to offend YOU.

But, in addition to my last post, I will say this: the point here is that it mainly seems to come down to is that you were personally offended by it, which you mentioned a few times in your last posts. Taking things less personally--as it clearly has nothing to do with you besides the fact that she was addressing you--will probably make your life much easier. I used to take things very personally, and myself still struggle with it from time to time, so I completely understand how you are feeling. Just remember that it is her choice, and as long as she is not doing wrong to someone, it is not wrong, and it most likely has more to do with cultural differences than it is disrespect of you. I say it is cultural because, as I mentioned earlier, she was exposed to it and probably surrounded by it... (as I know I couldn't write that way even if I chose to! So it is not 100% driven by choice and choice alone).

(31-03-2013, 18:14)tibetan113 Wrote:  Also. I never insinuated being queen or lord of grammar. She def lost me on it though .But what did it for me was 9/11 topic she brought up. If you didn't serve during that time or had anything to do with it other than watch the horrid footage on tv, don't bother bringing it up.

That's where she did it for me.

I never said that you claimed to be. You may have forgotten that I actually never addressed that first post of mine to YOU. There was a reason for that (I was addressing multiple people). Also, if you read the context in which I wrote it, you can see that I never said anyone thought they were, as I only said "UNLESS you are the lord or queen of grammar, you really have no right to talk..." which is saying the opposite of what you thought you read (if I may explain, it means you obviously are not, and you have no right to say anything about someone's faults). That was, again, in my first post when I was taking your offense to be of bad grammar and bad spelling, and not of writing style. Therefore, your apparent need to defend yourself is not necessary, really, as I never said or insinuated that you made such a claim. I am sorry that you were feeling that way.

Finally, this is for EVERYONE: I would love to see less nasty, cutting, sarcastic comments on this forum, if we can try. I see us as a sisterhood of support and camaraderie and would like it to stay that way Smile This was the original and primary reason for my first post. As you may notice, I did not address anyone in particular, which means I was addressing EVERYONE and also the negative digs about age and grammar were only examples. There were many more, and it just needs to stop. I have seen it on other threads as well, and I just decided to finally speak up. That's all.

Please go on to continue the original topic of this thread, as it is an interesting topic of debate! But please everyone, with respect to your breastnexus sisters....

Thanks for clarifying those little points... I understand clearly.

The subculture thing you speak of reminds me of a time when the people were trying to make "ebonics" recognized. What an awful situation the United States would be along with the school systems if it were.

When you said this:
"Just remember that it is her choice, and as long as she is not doing wrong to someone, it is not wrong, and it most likely has more to do with cultural differences than it is disrespect of you. I say it is cultural because, as I mentioned earlier, she was exposed to it and probably surrounded by it... (as I know I couldn't write that way even if I chose to! So it is not 100% driven by choice and choice alone)."

Surely, she isn't physically harming anyone, but its a disservice to herself in the long run just like the once possible ebonics situation. Just curious, what culture do you think this is from? Obviously, no one can speak for her but her. which you probably care more about it all than she or I. No matter what, I am not upset, offended by you or feel I need to get the last word in.

I can admit, it get lazy when I am typing on my razor cell, but I try not to make it too much of a bad habit. I already said it was the 9/11 issue that did it for me.

So what you said about debating should be about what a person knows in the subject matter rather than their cultural ways of communicating is true. It seems we agree on that. But in this case, she didn't know much about the subject matter, as I mentioned before:

1.) her choice of diction in text (though offensive and annoying). 2.) her lack of knowledge about the 9/11 situation (the point where I tuned her out). I realized I couldn't debate with her on any gov. subject. Smile

It seems you assumed(at first) that she was being torn down just for the way she spoke. Yep, I laughed and made fun of the way she wrote with comments along with others. But that is the only thing you were on about. I think you know now, it was more than that, at least for me anyway.

But I get your overall vibe, we could be nicer to each other.
The bashing needs to stop. I personally only have one person on here that continually rubs me (and of course not surprising, a few others the wrong way). I can't promise I'll stop calling her out on her BS, but I can at least laugh about it and have learned to ignore most of her posts.

Good evening Timarie and everyone else Smile


(31-03-2013, 18:14)tibetan113 Wrote:  Your point about some of the smartest people not knowing how to spell is irrelevant. My dad has dyslexia and he is very smart. Can't spell for shite. So i know exactly what you mean. But she new how to spell correctly. Its the fact that she chose not to (hence what I wrote below in bold).

"You sure type about a lot of "stuff" you think pertains to my view of what is really happening in the world. Your choice of spelling is just as offensive. I can't take you seriously."

Again, I find that offensive. Just like I would find it offensive if someone who spoke clearly chose to speak with a fake impediment.
I shamed her for her choice not handicap.

Also. I never insinuated being queen or lord of grammar. She def lost me on it though .But what did it for me was 9/11 topic she brought up. If you didn't serve during that time or had anything to do with it other than watch the horrid footage on tv, don't bother bringing it up.

That's where she did it for me.
The way lil Lisa typed was unbearable for me to read. If she needs to abbreviate all the time, as in dat, instead of that, I can kinda understand, but why put z on the end of words instead of s? And all the other errors that didn't save time that just looked like it was from someone on drugs. What's the point of that? Was it to look hip hop cool or something? Nup, can't take people seriously who are debating a serious subject who deliberately destroy the English language.

Tests have shown that GMO food has adversely affected the health of animals it's been tested on. Vaccines shot into the blood stream full of the preservatives mercury and aluminium, and dead virus pus disrupt and assault the immune system and can cause autoimmune disease, cancer, and dementia etc. The number now given to children is over the top. This stuff will ruin humanity eventually. 1 in 50 kids now are on the autism spectrum. EMFs are entering their brains in the womb, mother's intestinal flora are often wreaked by over use of antibiotics, and babies are shot up with 24 vaccines in about 12 months. Some get brain damage along with their digestive disorders.
The White House for decades has eaten all organic food, but passes laws to allow GMO, hormones, chemical & heavily pesticide ridden food.
The world is controlled by a small number of mega rich families, who control the government by lobbying and pay-offs. They own evil Monsanto and instigated corporate control of food production. You just have to follow the money. Western countries' mass produced factory farming and the demise of local farmers, is producing the worst food on the planet.
I know Bill Gates loves vaccines and is spreading their use throughout the third world, instead of financing projects to provide clean water and sustainable farming and sanitation, which is what really controls disease. Not shooting people up with unnatural poison, to continue living in crap conditions.
I must look more into the NWO I'm hearing about and learn why they want to destroy humans.
Yes I know we're off topic here, although it's connected to our freedom to buy herbs, but I wanted to support Tibetin.

(07-04-2013, 13:37)goldy Wrote:  The way lil Lisa typed was unbearable for me to read. If she needs to abbreviate all the time, as in dat, instead of that, I can kinda understand, but why put z on the end of words instead of s? And all the other errors that didn't save time that just looked like it was from someone on drugs. What's the point of that? Was it to look hip hop cool or something? Nup, can't take people seriously who are debating a serious subject who deliberately destroy the English language.

The point that is really not debatable here is that her typing style is irrelevant to the topic at hand. If people cannot read it, then they should just respond with a "Hey would you mind writing that differently so that I may understand what you are trying to say?" or even "I don't agree with what you wrote at all, and if you could write differently so that it would be easier for me to understand you next time, I would appreciate it. It was difficult for me to follow" (note that these phrases are all non-emotionally-driven and true to the point trying to be addressed, without being rude)... or just don't respond to it at all if you don't understand it. The point is to be a respectful person, and to stay on topic. The tone in the thread was over-the-top, and it was not just about lilLisa, she was just one example. I don't know how many times I can say that without actually pointing out the other things, I feel like this is the only one which has been focused on because it is the only one whom people feel like they can defend their "right" to be rude about. Digs were being shot all over the place, at multiple people, back and forth. When people let their emotions carry them away, they will shoot out irrelevant digs to the people who they disagree with who they feel are "against" them. The point is to not let disagreement make you emotional. Now please go back to staying on the topic of discussion and leave negative irrelevant comments out of it.

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