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tibetan princess's program

Entering cycle *22(*4 mos for BO)

Today is my first 28 day cycle! The cramps are still kicking my ass.

I have a mild head ache and I think thats due to chelation of metals.

I ate a chunk of parsley once 3 wks ago and i had the worst headache. I am assuming it was a dislodge of metals, I had not had my whey so I think today is the same thing, no whey in time I should have had it.

Boobs feel like jelly, no gains, no losses so far.

I hadn't taken my dose of BO since the day before yesterday morning and that dose was lowered to 12 or 13 drops. So all of this week, I am to break from BO. I think the effects on my hormones are permanent now, meaning, my ovaries are producing much more hormones. I just need to up my progesterone. I put on my last dose of .25 progesterone today.

Topical PM massage and colon cleansing herbs are a must this week in the new cycle. I was so tempted to start taking PM internally but there's no way. I am going to be smart about it and patient.

I am ending my cycle today. I am taking my BO dose 15drops with some phytoblends of herbs like dongquai and cohosh with vitex and Yam about 7 drops. This will be my new combo and I will start this tonight. My temps are low 97.7 and I hear this is actually normal for foll phase so I am quite confused as to why 98.2 is imperative for growth all cycle long.

Using PM cream still and will resume the higher dose of topical cream.
No pains and no gains from this as I have been at it for 4 days with this tweaked version of my program. I am still chelating and have very mild headaches.

I have read cilantro and parsley are estrogen promoting. Maybe that is why my luteal phase wasn't so strong. I will quit taper off these in lut phase.



I am fitting into my Bcup bras again. My breasts are squishy with no firmness, I honestly feel like I shrunk abit. While my breasts grew a bit, the tops are the only ones and the bottoms have not grown, I am truly starting to feel like I have a slight tuber deformity as mentioned before but its more apparent now since they have grown abit.

Still very far apart and I am sadly still a B cup but at least a full one.At least I know my true size in follicular as there is absolutely no swelling or bloating from what I am taking. I haven't noogled in months so this is reassuring. So I am happy for that but my ass is got about a 1.5" on it leaving me bottom heavy.
Its apparent my adrenals arent making progesterone so I know this is an underlying issue.

I am getting obsessive over my waist now. I want to shrink that so I look more balanced. Having adrenal and thyroid issues is making this difficult. I have a short torso so this looks weird to me.

I think this PM cream is keeping me from growing any further but I am going to keep putting it on every single day give it a real good trial.

My current measurements are

33.34 Bust
24 waist
35 ass

Recap on what I am taking:

Alfalfa (glandular /chelation)
Parsley (glandular/chelation)
Cascara Sagrada (colon/liver)
B Vitamin 100 (3x daily)
Type I-III Collagen
30gms of extra protien (whey)
Omega 3.6.9's
kelp/iodide drops
Reactive iron
Adrenal glandulars
PM cream
Phyto blend tincture like vitex,WY,dandelion,fennel,Cohosh,Dong Quai etc.

So much, I know. I am taking my phyto blends the second week of foll. phase to see what happens. But its generally for lut phase.

I am going to be taking papaya for my waist and hopefully it helps with the bosoms.

On a side note, I have noticed my areolas have lightened up a shade in a half. I think its the placenta and PM topical cream.

My breasts are very pointed like ^^ its apparent I need progesterone badly!


I didn't know papaya affects the waist also. In what way? Am I being dumb!

I'm pretty new to this, in what way does temperture affect nbe? And what temp should we have?

(05-12-2012, 07:14 PM)pandappleluv Wrote:  I'm pretty new to this, in what way does temperture affect nbe? And what temp should we have?

apparently when taking BO, one's basal temperature should be at least 98.2 in order to grow.

I don't know why this number is so important for follicular phase when most healthy women have lower basals in follicular phase.

So taking 10 drops of phytos 3x daily along with my 20 drops of BO is too much. I expeienced bloating and aches in my ovaries. That was just one day!

So I am back to 15 BO with 5 phytos 3x a day and see how that goes. No pains in the breasts but they seem to be bloating.

Last night, I felt sharp pains in my right breast. I am happy they are responding again. I hope the PM cream does not disrupt any potential growth coming from the internals I am taking.

I went on that 85B site and loaded my measurements. It said I am a US 30C.

It is not surprising as I wear 32 B's and the band is a little large but the cup, I slightly overfill. So this makes sense.

Its too bad they don't make 30's in the U.S. In Japanese, I wear a 65 and even these are hard to find.

I thought about getting a goal bra but I think it will make me to hasty and anxious so I am holding off on that. I would rather buy a reward bra when that time comes.

I am going to take a vitex along with BO instead of the phyto blend i have. I think its giving me ED or the cascara sagrada is doing it with the bloating and cramping. Hard to tell but I will ditch the phytos and continue taking cascara and see if it lets up Just waiting for it to get here.

I am putting a cayenne capsule in my topical powder. See if this gets the blood going.


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