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Twister_Mama's Program

Thanks, Melody and soonenough. I am feeling better now; but the past week has been rough. I went to the doctor last Tuesday for my headache, and he prescribed an antibiotic cuz he says it's definitely some kind of sinus infection. Well, after I took my third dose, I broke out in a rash and a large itchy hive. So dang it, I'm allergic to the medication (penicillin derivative - big surprise). Sad So I had to stop it. Funny thing is, now my temp is back down to 97.9 F, instead of 99.0 F like it's been this whole past month. So it would seem that my higher temp was due to a low-grade fever from the sinus infection, and NOT my temp stabilizing to normal like I hoped! Sad Also, the antibiotic messed my stomach up BAD. It took all weekend for the effect those three pills had on me to go away. I have an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat doctor next Friday (May 27th) for my sinuses. My last doctor has NOT gotten back to me since last Thursday; so screw them! My headache is still as bad as ever. Sad

While I was still on my program (before my break), I was having TERRIBLE acne breakouts. The really big, deep, sore ones; especially along my jawline. That has since pretty much disappeared, THANK GOD! Now I'm having a breakout of those little tiny ones, mostly on my forehead. At least those go away quickly, and aren't as noticeable as the other ones were! I'm praying that resuming my program won't bring those other major zits back. That right there was probably a big sign that my hormones were totally out of whack. I don't recall my face being that bad last summer when I was having growth AT ALL. I think from now on, if I'm experiencing bad acne breakouts and my growth has stopped, I'll need to take a break. Maybe not for a whole month; but for a week or two to let my body go back to its version of "normal," and then resume the pills. Since I shouldn't take milk thistle anymore, I'm hoping that letting my body balance itself during a break will be sufficient enough. I don't think milk thistle is totally bad for everyone; but if taken in moderation, and with special attention paid to side effects, then people can avoid the problems I had with it. And I agree, ANY supplement you take, whether it's prescription or totally natural, has the potential to wreak havoc on your body. Every person's threshold is different; some people can tolerate huge quantities of something while someone else can't tolerate it at all. Do your research, and begin ANY new supplement SLOWLY. Smile

I do finally have an appointment with my OB/GYN for July 26th now. That was the *soonest* I could get in. Dodgy

I resumed my BB pills yesterday (Monday). I'm sure it's just a placebo effect, but my right breast has been aching more since yesterday. Wink I also started taking GABA at night, and one capsule of my HGH releaser, and one collagen tablet. And only one protein drink per day, instead of two. I'm trying to get around 25+ grams of protein for each of two meals per day; and my protein drink is 26 grams; so that is at least 75 grams of protein per day. I REALLY hope I get good growth like I did when I first started BB last June!

Aching signs is very, very good, but the acne breakouts are not good. I hope they clear up soon, and hoping that starting BB will give you the same results as the first time of taking it. I'll include you in my growing thoughts.

sounds like you have had a rough couple of weeks! Sad

Are you on DIM? I notice that works for me when I get a headache, or other signs of estrogen dominance.

Having such extreme changes to your body like extreme acne outbreaks definitely points towards an imbalance of hormones. I even started to get some minor acne towards the end of my last cycle (but took DIM and then it went away).

It seems like it's quite difficult to get the hormone balance right in your body so that growth can occur. If you are too dominant or not in a hormone that does seem to affect your growth. Last year when I first started NBE I had lots of peach fuzz hair growing on my body because I ate lots of sugary food and was too androgen dominant. After a few months of cutting out sugar, that has gone away. I notice that some girls on BO are still reporting no aches, no growth etc. I am wondering whether they experience symptoms of having too much or too little of certain hormones.

With detox, I'm a bit skeptical of 'detox products'. Having taken some detox products last year, all I ended up with was diarhorrea!!!! Surely just removing a substance from your body, drinking a reasonable amount of water, skin brushing, exercise should help your body detoxify. Sorry to hear you had such a bad time using milk thistle!

Good luck on the BB pills again. If you are getting estrogen dominance symptoms (see Dr Lee's hormone imbalance website), then DIM seems to work very well.

Also, what you can do is make a chart like on Excel, and put your cycle days down one column, then next to it write any symptoms you have had that day. If you do that for a month or two, you may notice at certain times of your cycle you experience certain symptoms. That coudl be a way of understanding the natural highs and lows of certain hormones in your cycle. For example, last year I kept a symptom chart for about 8 months, and it was fascinating to see how certain things happened at certain times of my cycle each cycle, like clockwork! One of them was about day 5 of my cycle I would always get weird splotch marks on my face. Anyhow, charting symptoms is recommended in the Dr Lee book that I've got, although his chart is pretty comprehensive and has cycle days, and then lists about 20 symptoms that you can tick if you've experienced.

(20-05-2011, 21:00)girlfriday29 Wrote:  sounds like you have had a rough couple of weeks! Sad

Are you on DIM? I notice that works for me when I get a headache, or other signs of estrogen dominance.

What is DIM?

Hope you get to feeling better soon Twister. It sounds like it's been rough. Smile

(25-05-2011, 13:31)MoK217 Wrote:  
(20-05-2011, 21:00)girlfriday29 Wrote:  sounds like you have had a rough couple of weeks! Sad

Are you on DIM? I notice that works for me when I get a headache, or other signs of estrogen dominance.

What is DIM?


I actually found DIM (Dindolymethane) mentioned when I looked up excess androgens, I believe it is something to help lower them..

Thanks everyone. My stomach is much better, but my headache pounds on. Sad I saw an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist last week, and had a CT scan done of my sinuses, and it showed that I do have some wicked infection going on it there. They prescribed another strong antibiotic, which made me extremely nauseated and dizzy, sweaty, lightheaded, and rapid heartbeat within 30 minutes of taking it. After the second pill, it was so bad I thought I was gonna faint; and of course, this was in the middle of my son's birthday party with a house full of guests. Sad That particular med had nasty, dangerous side effects like tendon rupture and liver damage and seizures and stuff anyway. SOOO, then the doctor got me on an antibiotic I have used in the past without any problems. The only thing is, this med takes a good three weeks to work for me (even though it's the double strength formula); so I'll be on this for a while. I've also been on strong prednisone to heal the inflammation. To date, my headache is still as bad as ever. I know it's the sinus infection and not hormones, cuz it started way back before I took my break; and it continued throughout my month break, and now two weeks into my resumed program. It's so hard to concentrate and get stuff done when your head is burning and pounding! Sigh.

I did take DIM earlier this year in hopes that it would clear up that terrible acne I had, but alas, it did not. Sad I think it's supposed to help convert "bad" estrogen into "good" estrogen. I took two DIMs a day for several weeks to give it a fair go. I was still taking the DIM for a couple weeks when my headache first started (before my break), so I know the headache is not caused from hormones this time. Although I DO get hormonal headaches from time to time. And I could never take BCP because it would give me a migraine that wouldn't go away.

Funny you mention charting symptoms, GF; I've been doing that for a few weeks now! I've been getting wicked hot flashes on occasion the past few days, so it'll be interesting to see if that happens again in a month. It's so hard to know what's causing symtoms for me now, with this stupid sinus infection causing my headache and my antibiotic making me queasy most of the day (no vomiting though). I'm a wreck, I think! Sad

I had slowly ramped up my HGH releaser capsules to my correct dose (3 capsules), according to the label. My headache got worse when I reached full dose, so for the past four days I haven't taken any of the HGH releaser to see if that was the cause; but my headache is still so, sooo bad, so I'll put the HGH releaser capsules back into my program. I'm still taking GABA at night, and two Neocell collagen I & III tablets per day (thinking of going up to three tablets though), and about 2000mg of MSM (will go up to 4000mg of that soon though). Unfortunately, I've been really bad about taking my protein drink. It's been like a week since I've had one. Blush I've been mega busy, because we just adopted two little puppies a week ago, sisters from the same litter. Big Grin They are 12 weeks old today, and they have required every second of my attention all week. They are Yorkshire Terrier/Bichon Frise mix. SUPER ADORABLE!

I've had mild aches in my breasts once in a while, but nothing much. There MIGHT be a teeny more fullness in the cleavage-wannabe area, but I'm not sure. I've measured myself several times, and I'm beyond disgusted. My under bust measurement is 29.75", and my across bust measurement is 32.75". I USED to have a 4" difference between the two measurements; now there's only a 3" difference! *crying* I don't know what I'm doing wrong. At this point, it seems apparent that BO has done all it can do for me, seeing as how I've had NO measurable growth since early last fall. When my supply of BB ends in August, I'm switching to PM. Either St. Herb or Siriporn, I haven't decided yet. I'm getting frustrated and discouraged. Maybe I'm just not meant to have breasts. Sad

On a slightly more positive note, I FINALLY found a bra that I actually fill! I found it online, at Lula Lu Petites. It's the Natasha Bra for US $56, in size 34AAA (yep, I lost an "A"). It's pretty, with lace and everything. And it's not padded; just a thin foam lining for modesty. And I actually fill it! So, I look really flat now under my clothes, but I can't stand wearing something that doesn't fit me. It makes me feel worse about myself. At least with this bra, I know my silhouette (what little there is) is ALL me. And that helps my self-esteem a little. Smile

Hey Twister_Mama,

Can I guess what antibiotic the first one was that made you feel like you where going to die.. amoxillin sp?.. I can not take that med.. it does what you explained and the doctor told me to stop asap.. when I did within hours the symptoms from the med. went away. I hate meds..Angry

I agree with beachbumbythesea, have you told your doctor that the medication makes you feel so weak ? Antibiotics frightens me, it can be dangerous, once my boyfriend got even more sick because of it and got a general mycosis infection.. It'd be better to be sure that the symptoms you have are normal. Wish you good luck.

Hi Twister_Mama,

Came in the forum and saw you being sick. Sad Have you tried alternative medicines instead of all the antibiotics? I would suggest you to check resveratrol taken together with olive leaf extract (liquid one is better). It is good antioxidant and help you to build your immune system unlike the antibiotics that will kill off all the good and bad bacterias in your body.

Get well soon!

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