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My Program... (:


Okay I have made my final decision: to definately NOT use BO. After the responses I got from fellow vegetarians I have decided that it's not worth breaking my vegetarianism over. I've bought a Noogleberry Smile but like mydreamisGcup I doubt I'll have much time to use it.

I might ask a doctor or herbologist or someone like that about how PM might affect me but I'm tempted to just go ahead and buy it anyway. Surely I'll find out for myself whether it's a mistake? If I have side effects, I'll stop taking it.

I had some swelling from 36" to 37" but it must have been luteal swelling as it didn't last. My boobs have changed shape though and they're definately looking fuller even though they're not measuring up. I drink an awful lot of fennel tea and I actually think that and massage alone has helped! But it may just be down to positive thinking Smile

I won £200 my first time playing Bingo yesterday! Big Grin (That's how I could afford a Noogleberry) and I'm going to invest in Wild Yam, SP and MSM. I'm getting far too excited about this to wait until I've lost weight, hehe. I'm just worried that if I lose weight afterwards or during it will conflict with my NBE :/ Someone said one of the most helpful things to NBE is cutting down sugar so if I go on a low sugar high protein diet then I could possibly lose weight while also having NBE success.

I would like to post some progress photos but my only access to a camera and a computer are by using my family's so I'm a bit worried about them finding loads of photos of my breasts and wondering what's going on. Still, it would make for an interesting conversation!

I remember way back, probably 2 years ago, when Brava was popular that some girls used Brava and lost weight but gained breasts at the same time. Some girls used Brava while loosing weight to keep them from loosing their weight from their breasts. So I suggest you use your noogleberry while loosing weight! I know finding time can be hard, just do as much as you can. On a plus side, it doesn't mess with your hormones or make you gain weight in places you don't want to and it happens so much quicker to girls that have had bigger breasts in the past.

I once used the progesterone only pill and it is the only pill that didn't "grow" my breasts. But we are all different, I really hope it works for you.

About your boyfriend, I would tell him about how you are feeling. You are supposed to feel like the prettiest girl in the world when you are with your boyfriend, if you don't feel good with him, what is the point.

I'm beginning to think what's the point myself :/ I wouldn't like to end a relationship rather than work it out but he keeps making things worse! I'm quite a closeted person when it comes to sharing how I feel but by bf has encouraged me to be open with him - and that's when our relationship started going downhill!

I really hope my progestogen only pill works. I'm not overly optimistic and if it doesn't work then I would like to change back to the combined pill but I very much doubt my Dr. will let me :'( however I read that the pill I'm taking, Cerazette, is the only POP that's really (err, chemically?) close to the combined pill. It can work in the same way for some people by stopping the egg from ripening. Fingers crossed I'm one of those people.

Ughh I measured myself again today which was a mistake. I've gone DOWN to 35". That's the smallest I've ever been. My right breast is also noticably bigger than my left breast which I know is supposed to be quite normal but it's not normal for me :/ On the plus side the massage has made them a nicer shape Smile

I think I'm getting another episode of depression and that is certainly not going to help with NBE. I get a lot more stressed than sad and tend to have the most random ailments physically manifest themselves. I used to take St Johns Wort for it but can't while on BCP as it reduces the effectiveness... Not that my boyfriend's going to get particularly lucky while I'm so down on him, so it might not hurt to take the herb anyway. I used to go to the Chinese Medical Centre when I had problems with my kidneys (TCM is SO much better than Western medicine. The Chinese are ingenius!) and they gave me tea for my depression too. It's amazing but I have absolutely no idea what's in it so I'm steering clear for the moment. By that I mean I'll probably be drinking 5 cups a day this time next week.

Can't wait for the Noogleberry to arrive Smile I also really like the word Noogleberry (just thought I'd throw that in).

Ooh forgot to add some good news. Massaging has made my under bust measurement go from 34" to 32"! So technically I've already gone up a cup size Wink I thought it was just that my rib cage had grown but apparently it was nothing that a bit o' massage can't sort out.

(13-06-2011, 16:42)gasolinerainbow Wrote:  Okay I have made my final decision: to definately NOT use BO. After the responses I got from fellow vegetarians I have decided that it's not worth breaking my vegetarianism over. I've bought a Noogleberry Smile but like mydreamisGcup I doubt I'll have much time to use it.

I might ask a doctor or herbologist or someone like that about how PM might affect me but I'm tempted to just go ahead and buy it anyway. Surely I'll find out for myself whether it's a mistake? If I have side effects, I'll stop taking it.

I had some swelling from 36" to 37" but it must have been luteal swelling as it didn't last. My boobs have changed shape though and they're definately looking fuller even though they're not measuring up. I drink an awful lot of fennel tea and I actually think that and massage alone has helped! But it may just be down to positive thinking Smile

I won £200 my first time playing Bingo yesterday! Big Grin (That's how I could afford a Noogleberry) and I'm going to invest in Wild Yam, SP and MSM. I'm getting far too excited about this to wait until I've lost weight, hehe. I'm just worried that if I lose weight afterwards or during it will conflict with my NBE :/ Someone said one of the most helpful things to NBE is cutting down sugar so if I go on a low sugar high protein diet then I could possibly lose weight while also having NBE success.

I would like to post some progress photos but my only access to a camera and a computer are by using my family's so I'm a bit worried about them finding loads of photos of my breasts and wondering what's going on. Still, it would make for an interesting conversation!

If you have a digital camera I think you can buy your own memory card, if so take the pictures save on memory card, when you take the card out and the pictures are on the camera too then delete them off the camera but you still have them on the card.. I think you can do that, if you can do that first download them to the computer (you can download them at anytime but you would have to put the card back into camera or you can use a portable device for the card without a camera, I think), once you download them and post them to the site then delete them out of the computer, yet you still have them on the card all the time, well now you will have them on the site too..I am pretty sure you can do this.. that way nothing is on the camera or computer just your own card. I believe they sell resonable priced cameras too.. but cards are cheap too.Wink Haha sounds like I have done this before ..yeap on my dad' computer now and I use his camera. He hardly uses the camera so it says with me, as of now I have before pics on there..

aaawww thats awesome news from the massaging x and try to keep keep possitive focus your mind on how good you will feel once you have that dream body your working on, i know pm helped me with depression but other things i can recommend you trying light exercise(even if its walking someones dog or waking up a hr early to take a walk) or gaba(amino acid) can be helpful for depression, sleep and anxiety
agreed though normal doctor perscription antidepressants allways made me feel even crappyer so i couldnt even eat or drag myself outa bed for days eeeww.
Also about your bf it could all be fine when your feeling more possitive cause alot of guys dont show their sensitive side alot especially younger men(i mean my bf allways takes the mick but now im well i know he loves me and is just teasing me) and when i was low i allways felt like no one understood which can be quite a lonely feeling but now im better i dont even understand why i was so sad so realistically how could have anyone else

Im on the progesteron injection depo provera. And its true at the moment while you have high estrogen and on new pill its possible for u to grow with just fennel tea because for now you have increase of progesterone and estrogen aswell as fennel for prolactin all useful boobee hormones Big Grin


I was on Paxil and I slowly reducted it and up to 2 weeks ago I stopped it cause I wanted to do herbs and such.. I was on it for anxiety but they say depression causes axiextyHuh anyway.. what I do is try to kept a positive thought (yeah it is hard sometimes) I find it works for me.. The herbs help me not sure which ones.. I started the GABA like MydreamisGcup mentioned.. it seems to keep.. anything I take works fast for me..well not the boobie growing ...grrrrrrr.. but only been doing it for 3 weeks and having to change it do to not having this and that... What worked for me to lost weight and I dont work out that much is cutting out sugar if not all (as much as possible) that includes sugary fresh fruits too.. and simple and complex carbs.. I eat very few complex carbs.. eat protein, veggies, and maybe 1-2 small serving of complex carbs.. but if you feel your going nuts and wanting them then have it but have a little just to kill the carving.

It sounds like you are getting things in order.. I think your making good choices.. take things one day at a time...really..I have learned to be in the moment.. Smile If you stress out then it will keep you from losing weight and gaining progress in alot of things your doing.. Trust me I have been there.. and being in the moment does work.

Talk laterBig Grin

ARGHHHH I just checked the status of my transaction with Noogleberry and it said it had been cancelled. I then checked my account and the money has been withdrawn. I checked my Paypal history and it seems that paypal froze the transaction after removing my money because they weren't sure my account was legit. I just had to do some security questions and a phone thing to confirm where I live and then Paypal completed the transaction HOWEVER it's already been cancelled by Noogleberry because (I think) they didn't receieve the money within the correct period of time. Who has my money??? Have I been conned??? I used the Noogleberry UK website and there was nothing fishy about it :/ ... and I was so excited Sad

Upon editing this post I have discovered that Noogleberry received my payment. They don't seem to be making any effort to sort it out. I think I was done.

And upon re-editing this post I have discovered that it was all Paypal's fault. Noogleberry were being just as active on their side of things as I was on mine to have the issue resolved Smile phew.

Oo oo oo just getting my first actual growing pains! Big Grin My breasts have been aching a bit from massaging but this is different, feels like puberty all over again. I've had an awful lot of fennel tea today, been massaging, listened to the rockmelon ringtone and that's all really so this is a good sign Big Grin or it could be the new bcp taking effect.

it should go back on your card or paypal account dont worry the good thing about paypal is if u dont recieve stuff u pay for u can report it then youll get your money back because noogleberry wont have postage proof

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