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Lara's HRT & NBE


Who's calling me a troll? Not one who knows one bit about me. I don't look kindly being called such and having my entire existence and validity openly denied and bashed without anyone (??) having any issue about it. Why is that ok? Am I truly not woman enough to feel welcome here? Where are the lines drawn? Why is it ok that someone can keep on pouring shit on me indirectly? Do admins approve of that? If so, then its me who will be leaving because these childish games are starting to ROYALLY piss me off. Anyway, onto the fun part...

I had several days off of noogle as I was out of town on a date with someone. Someone who treated me so right, made no difference and made me feel like a queen. I've never had anyone take care of me and spoil me like that. Time off the shithole of internet was really needed and it seems I didn't really miss much. Anyway, I had great time, despite the weather being kinda chill I pranced around in just bikini and a dress all weekend. Finnish "summer" lol. Big Grin And I got such a traditional date gift, I've never had one like that before, she truly made my heart melt.

And about NBE progress, I'm having 23½ month measuring day soon, no idea what the tape will tell but I can feel I've got some more since a while back. Snapped a new pic some days back.


I'm sorry that there a some who are bashing you.  Yes, they don't know you.  I have much respect for you and value you advise.  Sending you a big hug.

Day 713

I'm less than two weeks away from hitting two years on HRT. I likely wont make some huge fanfare out of it, its just another milestone and there's a long road ahead. It seems I will reach some goals I set, but not all of it. My waist hasn't been shrinking on the pace I wished it to but I think I have lost some weight. Haven't stepped on a scale for a while.

I will soon conclude my prolactin experiement for a short while due to money, supplements are expensive. I will resume that as soon as I can. But in the meantime I have upped my BO dosage to 1000mg per day and Noogling is making massive difference. Also the other changes I've made during last +2 months are taking shape quite literally. Next thing to try out is estriol cream, its one of the few things that I've read might help with nipple development which I haven't yet tried out, so worth a test. My girlfriend wanted to help me out and bought me a new bra so there wont be the awkward time of not fitting anything at all. She picked a really cute one too, again from Bravissimo in UK. I will definitely show it once I get it, its in 36KK so going up on band but keeping the cup. According to reviews it should be a quite flaunting one.

So I'm going to drop a picture from yesterday morning, just for fun I added it to my timeline even though I'm still away from hitting two year mark and the difference is massive from just two weeks ago! I scale the pics the best I can so its pretty close on how things are and this is reflecting how my bra fits and all. I couldn't be happier. (Note that picture is taken in the morning, no swelling from noogle, the red marks near the centre of my chest are what the XXXL domes do, they appear to push really a lot in the areas of least fullness and this one's a new spot, I haven't had dome edge marks there before.)

How many are out there who end up wearing 36KK after two years on HRT and NBE? I don't know anyone else. The pace has been insane. If I would only have narrower and more projected shape I could say I'm happy, I'm there, these are my dream breasts. But nope, wide and shallow they are and I want more. And boob greed is very real thing. I'm nowhere near done yet. Btw, I'm still in Tanner four, not obvious in the picture as it was a bit cold but any time its warm enough my areolas get really puffy and project a whole lot.


I went for a walk yesterday wearing this stuff. I'm starting to really like my figure, the only thing bothering me is how to lose more fat from waist + lower back as I'm carrying a whole lot there. Direction is right but its been more about gaining hips, thighs and boobs rather than losing all the extra stuff. Working on it and its slowly but surely getting there. My dream is to get quite accentuated hourglass figure going and knowing my tiny waist being hidden under all that stuff, I know I can get there.

There's also a chance that I might get lipo and body contouring arranged. It just happens that my new lovely girlfriend is doing so well that she said she could help me out. So we figured to wait for another maybe six months and see how its going and then wonder should we get me a consultation for it. I would really love it as it would be certain and right here, right now kind of solution. I never thought I would ever have a chance for any cosmetic fix like that but if she wants to help me out, I'm gonna take it. Besides I want to please her, she adores me already but I said I want to be her goddess for real and if I can improve I will. Its giving me so much motivation that I'm doing this for her too. Hug 

I've been lazy with measuring, skipped last two days for it. But next one will be two year mark on HRT and I wont skip it. Difference is right there so I know the tape will tell a happy tale. Blush


Its Day 721, I'm one week in on higher dose of bovine ovary now and omg this is mind blowing! Also six days in on estriol cream and I think I'm onto something. Due to my girlfriend visiting, I've been doing less hours on noogle, I didn't take whole day off yesterday but I've been just doing less hours instead.

Regardless of that, my boobs are so puffy and feeling heavy and aching, did I mention they frigging ACHE. Especially late in the evening and its on its strongest when I get up in the morning. And nipples appear definitely bigger than before. I've taken few days off of Supple Nips as I ended up, nor surprisingly, blistering left nipple. But I'm ready to get back with them as soon as I finish this post, so all is good on that and I'm keeping at it, I want to learn if I can actually get to use them for real... Which means enough time put in it but my super delicate skin is the problem. Same as with Noogle really, I can't take hard core crazy hours which is key to this kind of stimulation, there's a steep learning curve on tolerance and that takes  patience which I'm often short of.

The experiment with BO is working out awesomely, I think this jump from 1000mg to 1500mg has a similar ddifference as what going from 400mg to 950mg did at the first time when I bumped it up. Same effects, heaviness, ache, areolas standing in such attention its crazy and my breast buds which have widened a lot feel more defined as if they're swollen. All this has been obvious growth symptom since the day one so I'm very optimistic. Also my 34KK bra is absolutely stuffed full, extender at the maximum setting, straps loosened and yet wires dig on, centre gore floats, straps dig in and everything leaves nasty deep red marks on me. So very timely to go up a size. I should get my new bra today or tomorrow. I'm excited as its the first balconette bra I've had for a long time and I love that style and its also super pretty and reviews were very promising about lot of side support and pushing boobs out a whole lot, one lady mentioned that she doesn't have the side boob problem any more as the bra is so good dealing with that. This is exactly what a good bra is for me as mine are so wide I want side support to bring out hidden projection which I have a whole lot.

My two years on HRT is closing in, its only nine days away and its making me think about so much... Its a milestone to reach for sure and I'm absolutely loving the changes I've got. Its a big deal, the direction things are going to is perfect. I'm even starting to get problems with jeans, when they fit over my butt really well, waist is loose and needs some tweaking to fit well. This is such a lovely problem, I don't mind. Big Grin This coming third year is going to make a big difference, I know it will. Not the least because I will likely get the body contouring arranged which will be a massive shortcut towards my dream body. I feel that I'm old enough to not wait much longer, I want to feel ready soon and I want to feel beautiful. The sort of beauty I'm after hasn't been truly allowed to me before in past life. It just didn't work out, my goth phase I think was closest to it and being able to live a lot as myself with past girlfriends, the ones who somehow sensed what was up with me and there were several. Interestingly when I started transitioning, a whole lot of people were not surprised in the slightest. I guess they're the ones who had been in the know about me for a long time.

I've been told so many times that the vibe I give out is so feminine there's no mistaking it. No surprise I guess because fixing my body hasn't changed my personality much, I'm still me. But it has made me realise how much of my outgoing talkative extrovert side was a facade. That was a character, learned behaviour meant to mask my personality. In hindsight it was all so useless. I wish I was born with a silver spoon of knowledge in my mouth. Had it been like that, I would have been ready and lived a correct youth already. But that's long gone now. My only regret, why didn't I do this so much earlier. No one ever told me its even possible, knowing wasn't enough as no one ever said I could make a real difference. There's a thing about beauty that has to do with this, I've dreamed of being beautiful, feeling it, being perceived as such since I was little kid. There are pictures of me from some family gathering from ages ago in which I'm wearing necklaces and such. My mother said that I had stated that I want to be pretty for the party and it wasn't a one time occurrence. I did it a lot. Much later on when I was really into metal/goth look, that was amazing as it allowed me to wear a whole lot of way more feminine stuff and feel pretty in a way. And the times with ex girlfriends when they made my hair and stuff, I so much loved it all.

I just feel now that I'm late for the party, how to feel beautiful in a body that's ageins, soon reaching forty years, a body which has testosterone damage in it, a body which feels too tall, wide and clumsy. And my face, I feel I look mundane and androgynous and my features are not the "blank canvas" type which can be painted to look like anything and anyone. Which I've noted to be a feature of women many perceive as conventionally attractive and beautiful. They're often very bland looking without all the bling and make up. I know many of them and I'm envious. Being able to transform looks what ever way they wish, I could give my left arm for that ability. This is part of the reason I have left nearly all social media. I just can't take it.... If I'm ever to feel beautiful in my body, I must build that up in real life where people are real and not this fake shit the internet is turning into. How much of "people" are virtual avatars and AI creations, bot accounts, filters, photoshop, makeup and cosmetic surgery? I predict in few years, most of them aren't real at all, but they're like NPC's in a real life Sims game the social media has turned into. I can't feel pretty in a world like that because I'm always ugly and mundane, shapeless and disgusting... In real life its all different. I'm not worse off and feel mostly fine. So screw it with internet. BN forums along with my tiny Discord server and friends I chat with is the only outlet for talking about all this from NBE to HRT to transition stuff and what else. I don't have anything else out there, I don't belong.

But omg this is too funny, we're having a really nice warm day which means there's no way I would wear some skinny jeans or long skirt or something. No way so I went to look for some shorts. Omg this is too funny, these used to fit last year. My weight hasn't changed but something else sure has shifted. When I got these years ago they were soo big they almost fell off and now I can't even get them over my butt. And I'm loving every bit of it, this kind of wardrobe malfuction is so called for. Yes please, I want more. Big Grin


Good morning Lara.  I'm so happy for you.  As far as the use of the supple nips start off in short time, i.e 30 minutes a day for a few days and then increase to around 45 minutes and do the slow increase until you get to the time that you want.  When I went back this is the process that I used because in the past I got the water blisters and had to let them heal.  The shorts, well it would seem that you had some good fat distribution.  Also the photos show you have a great looking butt and that you would look awesome in shorts.  I am impressed with your results and someday maybe I'll come close to your results.

(12-06-2023, 12:30)Mashtenn Wrote:  Good morning Lara.  I'm so happy for you.  As far as the use of the supple nips start off in short time, i.e 30 minutes a day for a few days and then increase to around 45 minutes and do the slow increase until you get to the time that you want.  When I went back this is the process that I used because in the past I got the water blisters and had to let them heal.  The shorts, well it would seem that you had some good fat distribution.  Also the photos show you have a great looking butt and that you would look awesome in shorts.  I am impressed with your results and someday maybe I'll come close to your results.

Supple nips really appear to have quite a learning curve to them and the suction can actually get harsh. I will need to try to limit the time a bit at first it seems. I should try to make it into a routine so it'll get easier. Big Grin

Yea, no fitting shorts for now, luckily I have really nice 3/4 length loose jeans for hot days. Awww thanks, fat distribution sure has changed so much. If I could only drop off the weight BO has helped me gain, I'm carrying way too much on my waist and back, I would so much love to see that stuff gone.

Higher bovine ovary dose and estriol cream are surely doing something amazing. I'm now eight days in and there's a definite growth spurt coming in. How long will it last, no idea, but its happening. Its been a while since I had changes coming in this fast. Noted today that my bikini top of all things makes me a cleavage without even trying. The material is very giving and I'm actually outgrowing this thing. So amazing, I think Tibetan Princess has the right idea about 1500mg BO being perfect dose.

New bra still on the way, I'm hoping to get it today but the post is kinda slow.


You definitely has some awesome cleavage.

I hit two years on HRT two days back yay. Hug 

It appears that upping my BO dosage and estriol cream was the right move. I'm noting some change with my nipples and there's definite growth spurt starting, similar change as I had before when I've gone on higher dosage on BO. I measured 200ccs bigger than a month ago, a month which was slower than usual but now its all picking up the pace again. Soreness especially during nights, heaviness, extremely puffy areolas, they've never been this big before. Still very obvious Tanner four mounds but they just keep on getting bigger. My bra is so tight I can't wait to get the new one. I'm going one up, same brand and model but in 36KK/P, so yet another Elomi Molly to go.

Noogling is working like a charm, I've never had this much centre fullness which seems to be what its giving the most right now. Great as that's where I've been missing a whole lot. I'm adding my year two timeline here and the start of the third, on wihch the pictures aren't scaled as that was a hassle. I had to downscale the last one a bit to make my boobs fit the frame, I'll try to avoid the problem by just slapping the pics next to each other and that's it. Getting them nicely comparable is very difficult but I'm trying my best.

For now I'll keep my program as it is as its working like charm, there's some experimental stuff I'm interested in, some other prolactin boosting herbs, DHEA cream and a very peculiar combination to boost nighttime HGH and IGF-1 I'm yet to try out. More on these later once its timely. I'm soon off to celebrate midsummer with my fiance & girlfriend so few days mostly offline enjoying peace and quiet. Hug

Here's the new timeline pics and another one just showing where I've ended up with my figure. I didn't measure everything, but I'm sure my thighs and hips have grown some more.  Big Grin 

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