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Hey! Your story is so similar to mine except the fact I have no boobs at allDodgy and yours are lovely, really
In the rest I can say I was and am struggling with many of the problems you faced. Also I am older than you, I am 26.
I wanted to ask you how many caps of Vitex do you intend to take and which brand. Also how are you taking Maca? And last but not least, can you give me some examples of the food you eat? For me, my main issue is if I don't eat meat or any of this and only vegetables I will evaporate. I am really skinny already:-(
Thank you and good luck in your journey!

(28-04-2015, 15:03)Vio Wrote:  Hey! Your story is so similar to mine except the fact I have no boobs at allDodgy and yours are lovely, really
In the rest I can say I was and am struggling with many of the problems you faced. Also I am older than you, I am 26.
I wanted to ask you how many caps of Vitex do you intend to take and which brand. Also how are you taking Maca? And last but not least, can you give me some examples of the food you eat? For me, my main issue is if I don't eat meat or any of this and only vegetables I will evaporate. I am really skinny already:-(
Thank you and good luck in your journey!

Hi Vio! I know that feeling when you find someone who's problems relate to yours, ironically it's good. lol And thanks for the compliment, I won't tell "them" though 'cuz I don't want to spoil them or anything if you know what I mean. Tongue So first things first.
I got my vitex online from a Bio-Organic/Eco friendly company in my country (Romania)and it's in tincture form. I chose tincture because first of all alcohol preserves all the good things from plants better than anything in my opinion. And second,but as important as the first reason is that it goes straight into your bloodstream, and you get to enjoy the benefits waaay faster than by taking capsules. Here are some examples of why I prefer tinctures:
1. Dissolves MOST, if NOT ALL, of the Constituents in MOST Herbs.
NOTE: There are a FEW Herbs such as Lobelia, that you would use 50 parts - Alcohol (100 proof - 50%) & 50 parts - Organic RAW Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (i.e. - Bragg's 5%) to make a Tincture. And in the case of Dr. Schulze's SUPER TONIC, you would use 100 parts - Apple Cider Vinegar (5%) to make a Vinegar-based Tincture.
2. Makes the Mucous Membranes in the Mouth MORE Permeable, so that the Herbal Constituents can pass through and into the Bloodstream MORE EFFICIENTLY, BYPASSING your Digestive System!
3. INCREASES the Shelf Life of the Herbal Constituents up to 50 years or more!"
(here's the link : )
Also, "tinctures preserve the plant chemistry by locking the molecules of the plant in with the alcohol and as long as the cap is kept tight, these tinctures can be just as potent as they were when new for 100 years or more!
It's true that some nutrients don't get along with alcohol (for certain plants) and are absorbed in water or vinegar etc. that's why it's better to know for sure that the company knows what's doing and for those particular plants, many tinctures contain alcohol and water so that the tinctures contain the herb's full spectrum of active constituents. Same goes with teas, you might only get the nutrients that get along with water, but lose the ones that you get from alcohol+plant.
For an in depth understanding on tinctures, check out this link:

Ok I think I made myself clear. Rolleyes

I know I said I'll start taking Vitex on Monday but I figured it's best to wait until I get my period. Some people say that it's best to take it in your luteal phase some say it's good to take it everyday. But I'll just wait a few days.

As for Maca, I like to use the powder form. It should say on the package what dosage to take and how often. I like the powder one because I can put it in my juice along with the Vitex.

Now regarding my "diet" ( I don't like calling it diet ,it's just how everybody should eat in my opinion). Like I said, I like animals not for taste but for their awesomeness Tongue To make it short, I eat a lot of vegetables, watercress is my favorite! (it contains more vit. C than oranges , more calcium than milk, and more iron than spinach) awesome, right? I eat fruits. I juice a lot, I think it's a fantastic way of enjoying fruits and vegetables, I also like to put black pepper in my juice, it may sound weird but I'm going to blow your mind with this one :

"Piperine is a pungent compound found in the fruit of the plants in the Piperaceae family, the most famous member of which is Piper nigrum, black pepper.
Piperine is able to increase bioavilability of many substances through a number of mechanisms.
As an example, piperine can increase the bioavailability of the cancer, inflammation and infection fighter, curcumin, by twenty-fold.
In addition to its effects on bioavilability, piperine has many other actions in the body that include increasing beta-endorphins in the brain, acting as an anti-depressant, increasing serotonin production, boosting brain functioning, stimulating adrenal production, relieving pain and asthma symptoms, stimulating melanin production, decreasing ulcerations of the stomach, reducing stomach acid production, and coordinating digestive tract contractions. It is highly effective against colon cancer.

Those are just some of the many benefits you can get from consuming black pepper. Not so weird now, is it?

Trust me , if you're willing to accept the fact that ALL health related problems exist because of poor diet it's ALL going to get better, and you'll find out more and more things that you can do, and foods you can eat so that your health issues disappear. It's up to you,really. Have allergies? Eat your way out of it. Have acne? Same solution. Kidney stones? You guessed it. It is all possible if you eat more RAW foods and more organic. I try to eat raw as often as possible. Stop using vegetable oils. Just give it a search on google and you'll be surprised at what you'll find out. The best oil to use is coconut oil (cold pressed!). Although I don't use it for cooking because I don't fry things, I put it on everything I can. It's sooooo good!! I wash my face with it, I put it on my hair..on my body. It's amazing. You can even brush your teeth with it.

If you say you're skinny, you could try eating more honey and walnuts. I heard from my mother that it helps if you want to gain weight. And I've also seen it being recommended on the internet. Again.. look it up. The only healthy way of putting on weight that I can think of is eating more nuts and seeds.

I think that's all. Smile

ps: I'm posting my NBE program soon.

Oau..thanks so much for taking the time to post all these usefull information.
And now the funny part of this is that I am also from Ro. It's a great deal for me to give so much info about me because I am a bit paranoia, some time ago I put some pics and deleted them in a day because I freacked out. Don't ask me why :-) ) so I am even happier to have found someone from my country with the same goal because many times I have difficulties ino inding the right brands to use. For exemple, which coconut oil do you use?
I also have many issues about the food I eat, I sometimes feel that I am not buying the best vegetables or fruits although it's not from the supermarket. I have no ideea where did you find watercress...
I am trying to eat nuts but now I've got braces on and it's a bit hard. I tried to blend them.
The main idea is that I do think the same, that the food we eat can do so much more for us than we think.
Looking forward into reading more from you.

(28-04-2015, 18:38)Vio Wrote:  Oau..thanks so much for taking the time to post all these usefull information.
And now the funny part of this is that I am also from Ro. It's a great deal for me to give so much info about me because I am a bit paranoia, some time ago I put some pics and deleted them in a day because I freacked out. Don't ask me why :-) ) so I am even happier to have found someone from my country with the same goal because many times I have difficulties ino inding the right brands to use. For exemple, which coconut oil do you use?
I also have many issues about the food I eat, I sometimes feel that I am not buying the best vegetables or fruits although it's not from the supermarket. I have no ideea where did you find watercress...
I am trying to eat nuts but now I've got braces on and it's a bit hard. I tried to blend them.
The main idea is that I do think the same, that the food we eat can do so much more for us than we think.
Looking forward into reading more from you.
Hahaha, pai..salut! Smile) m-am gandit eu ca Vio suna prea Ro.
No need to ask you why , it's normal to feel that way. I wanted to delete the pics as well when I saw that nobody replied to the post, but now I'm ok.
Braces are not a problem really,it's even better to blend the nuts because you can make a cream or sauce with honey (could also add coconut oil to it, YUM!) maybe some cinnamon and sprinkle it on banana slices or something.Tongue Be creative. It's delicious,sweet and healthy. WhaatCool
You can find coconut oil online but it's a bit pricey. I found that the Solaris brand sells it and it's cold pressed and the thing is you can find it in any plafar.
Watercress is called untisor or creson in Ro. I grow my own. I found the seeds online. It's a bit hard to grow watercress (it'n not called "water"-cress for nothing) but you can easily grow gardencress (creson de gradina) indoors as microgreens. Don't know if you're familiar with the term or not but it's basically growing plants and eating them when they're babies. The majority of them grow in about one week, so you plant them and in a week you can eat them. You cut what you need and they grow back. Yup. That's another reason why it's best to grow it indoors. They also are have the most nutritional values when they're young. Here's a video:

I take our meeting as a good sign, maybe the universe got us together so we can grow boobs. lol
We need to find some Noogleberries asap Smile). I do believe that noogling would help! but it's hard to find it here. Ugh!

Oh, almost forgot. Here's the link for Vitex:
Check out their products, they are amazing! They also sell powdered Maca.

I also found some type of noogle :
but I don't know what to say , like what size are they? :'(

Yes I know all of these things you just told me. I definitely will not be putting something in my body without researching it first. I read about that, but there's no research saying it's not going to help you either. I'm willing to take the risk, my decision not yours. I've grown 0.5 inch on it and I'm happy with that. I wasnt intending to take it for longer than 3 months. Originally I was only going to do noogleberry and massage, but I got inflamed hair follicles and couldn't continue. So I didn't want to slow my growth so o decided to be on BO for a little while.

You shouldn't just assume I didn't do research on something before taking it. Just because I didn't research herbs doesn't mean I took BO without knowing any side effects or health concerns. I was only asking you a simple question if it would be ok to take herbs with BO since it does release other hormones and can be conflicting.

Another thought, BO is natural in fact, some cultures eat all of the parts of the cow, so it isn't unusual to some to eat the ovaries. And I get my BO from swansons which is a trusted brand and source their cattle from Argentina which practice good cattle standards. Of course anything supplemental you take is not even 100% safe including your herbs since they aren't FDA approved. In fact, most medications aren't even 100% safe even if they are FDA approved. anything you read on the internet isn't 100% true either. Fact is we all take risks and I will just choose what I want and you do what you want.

"Untisor" is more familiar to me. Creson not so much.. I will read into it.
About the noogleberry, I am not sure if it would work on me because I barely have some tissue. For you should be effective. This is why I am first handling the nutrition and health issue so that I can gain a base first.
But by all means do share if you find the NB in our country.
thanks and fast growing to you Wink

(29-04-2015, 02:16)sweets93 Wrote:  Yes I know all of these things you just told me. I definitely will not be putting something in my body without researching it first. I read about that, but there's no research saying it's not going to help you either. I'm willing to take the risk, my decision not yours. I've grown 0.5 inch on it and I'm happy with that. I wasnt intending to take it for longer than 3 months. Originally I was only going to do noogleberry and massage, but I got inflamed hair follicles and couldn't continue. So I didn't want to slow my growth so o decided to be on BO for a little while.

You shouldn't just assume I didn't do research on something before taking it. Just because I didn't research herbs doesn't mean I took BO without knowing any side effects or health concerns. I was only asking you a simple question if it would be ok to take herbs with BO since it does release other hormones and can be conflicting.

Another thought, BO is natural in fact, some cultures eat all of the parts of the cow, so it isn't unusual to some to eat the ovaries. And I get my BO from swansons which is a trusted brand and source their cattle from Argentina which practice good cattle standards. Of course anything supplemental you take is not even 100% safe including your herbs since they aren't FDA approved. In fact, most medications aren't even 100% safe even if they are FDA approved. anything you read on the internet isn't 100% true either. Fact is we all take risks and I will just choose what I want and you do what you want.

I'll have to quote myself on this one. " Not that it has anything to do with the fact that you're taking BO or not." "I'm not an expert, so I can't say that some of you might not really benefit from it." "If you say you've had good results from taking it ,then by all means do take it."

"I read about that, but there's no research saying it's not going to help you either." - I already said that.
"I'm willing to take the risk, my decision not yours." - I did say that if you've had good results, then "by all means do take it".
"BO is natural in fact, some cultures eat all of the parts of the cow, so it isn't unusual to some to eat the ovaries." - When did I mention that it's not natural? I know people eat animals. I've done it too until I understood that that's not the way my conscious or my body wants me to live.
I only did the research for you because I'm not intending to take it ever, I just took my time and read about it (I've also read about it before,but not for those purposes) because that's how I do things. I like being specific and clear. And I thought that maybe you would find something new about it. My intention was to make sure you'll not end up having health issues or anything. I did not assume you have no clue about it. That's absurd. But if this is your way of "handling" it, than fine. (I guess)

Oh..I wanna clear this one in particular: Of course anything supplemental you take is not even 100% safe including your herbs since they aren't FDA approved." heh.. how do I start. FDA stands for " Food and Drug Administration " it has NOTHING to do with plants and herbs. Plants/herbs fall into the dietary supplements category and I'm going to make is short because otherwise it's going to take me a loong time considering the fact that I'm sick of all these corporations.

"Under the food category there are dietary and herbal supplements but the FDA has declared that this category of foods cannot treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The FDA has narrowly defined that this classification of food can only nutritionally support (as a food) the structure or function of an organ or a system. The FDA mandates the only claim allowable for dietary supplements are called “Structure-Function Claims.” One might read one of these “allowable claims” somewhere... This substance/product/herb/vitamin nutritionally supports healthy cholesterol levels. (But if I already had normal cholesterol, why would I need to nutritionally support that?)
But, as soon as a dietary supplement actually CHANGES the function or structure of an organ or system (say, by lowering cholesterol) or actually treats a disease or condition like high cholesterol, or someone who sells the supplement claims (even truthfully) it can treat a disease or condition, in the eyes of the FDA, that supplement automatically and instantaneously transforms to a drug. Worse; the person or company selling it now becomes a criminal by selling a unlicensed and unapproved drug and faces civil and criminal charges, fines, and even incarceration.

Here’s a great example of how this is supposed to work. There is a long history of use by people on almost every continent that prunes are a great natural remedy to treat and cure mild to moderate constipation (a health condition). I’ll BET even those 3,000 BC Egyptians knew it too. But if a company selling dried prunes, prune juice, or capsules containing dried prune juice actually says that truthful statement in their marketing materials, on their food labels, on their website, or refers in any way to this long established traditional use of treating or curing a medical condition, that food product is instantly transformed into a drug in the eyes of the FDA. Now that company is selling an unlicensed drug and subject to criminal and civil prosecution. The product in the eyes of the FDA is “unsafe” since there are no double-blind placebo clinical trials proving the safety and efficacy of prunes being used to treat or cure constipation.

So now prunes are a drug because some company said there was a long history of use of using prunes for constipation. You should get a prescription from your doctor for prunes to treat your constipation. But wait, first someone (stupid) has to conduct millions of dollars of clinical drug trials to prove that prunes will treat your constipation (despite the fact a billion people already know that) before anyone can make that claim or a prune drug is approved and blessed by the FDA. Maybe we should have drug warning labels on prune juice that say people without constipation might get diarrhea if they consume too much? But prunes are already in nature and cannot be patented. Who is going to spend $10 million dollars or more in clinical trials to prove to the FDA what we already know if any and everyone can then sell prunes with the now FDA approved drug claim that it can be used to cure, treat and prevent a condition like constipation? You got it - no one will.

Here's the link, it's a GOOD read:

I can care less of these companies, there are hundreds of products that contain fluoride and SLS (sodium-lauryl-sulfate) and many many more other chemicals that do harm to your body.And apparently FDA doesn't do s**t. Fluoride lowers IQ, calcifies your pineal gland, acts like a magnet for harsh metals like mercury and lead, those go into your bloodstream. (I AM NOT ASSUMING that YOU might NOT know about those things, but this is an ONLINE site and many people can read this.) I just like to help people open their mind because I see how many are there that do not question a lot of things and have become used to rely on the government.
For some of you that might read this and get interested, here's a video on fluoride and some other interesting informations:

I just like speaking my mind that's all. My intention was not to offend you or huff your knowledge. But the opposite. You did say that we're here to HELP each other, and that's what I'm doing.
Did you really think that I could in anyway oblige you to not take BO or anything else? How could I do that anyway? Of course everybody does what they want but I like to believe that there are people that like getting informations ,even if they know things about that topic, I think of it as a puzzle. We just take pieces from one another and complete ours. But again, if this is your way of responding to my intention..fine. I can't do much,can I?
I hope you'll achieve your goals further. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

(29-04-2015, 08:01)Vio Wrote:  "Untisor" is more familiar to me. Creson not so much.. I will read into it.
About the noogleberry, I am not sure if it would work on me because I barely have some tissue. For you should be effective. This is why I am first handling the nutrition and health issue so that I can gain a base first.
But by all means do share if you find the NB in our country.
thanks and fast growing to you Wink

You're absolutely right. You definitely should look into your nutrition first (I think that nutrition and health problems are the same thingRolleyes ). The thing is that if you'll start taking supplements for breast growth considering you have more serious health issues, it's not going to do much. It's like your body is a site full of pipes and when you have a poor diet,and live in a polluted area with time those will start to get stuck so that no matter if you eat healthy from time to time or take supplements , nutrients can't be absorbed properly and "things" can't flow through those pipes. If you ask me, I say you should firs do a detox. Beets detox your liver, your liver is like the main filter in your body, so if what you consume is too harsh for your liver, it's going to slow down it's function. And you'll get sick. Plants that help your liver are:
Milk Thistle seed
Dandelion root
Parsley root
Gentian root

Foods that are also good for your liver:
Beets and beet tops
There are many people on the internet that write fantastic articles and provide you with proper information, you just need to look for them. I agree that many are garbage but I learned to classify them Smile After a while you start knowing the difference. But if you say that you have many health related problems in common with me then that means that our bodies work somehow similar. And what helps me might also help you. So feel free to ask me anything. Also if you find something that helps you, I would be more than thankful if you'd share.
I hope you'll figure it out soon. I'm also happy to help!

As I stated in a different post, my main problem I think is that I am not consistent in what I do. For example I started drinking a protein shake in the morning these days and I know that if I want results I will have to not get lazy.Unfortunately I tend to get lazy. I have days when I eat heathy and good food for my body but days when I eat the not the right stuff. And don't get me wrong, I don't eat fast food, don't drink soda, coffee, don't buy store foods, processed meats or sweets. But I knoe that is still not enough. And deep down I feel that if I want to see significant results that the changes should be bigger than just refusing a Big Mac or a glass of Coca Cola. I am starting to be more aware of what is doing harm to my body( years I thought that it was normal for me to be bloated like a ballon) but can't get to that moment when I say The end for ever. And although I don't want to blamr him, my boyfriend is a fan of traditional food. And you know that our traditional food is quite fatty and full of bad stuff. I tried to lure him with all sort of salads, raw desserts but my banana pancakes or no good for him. I am aware that I could just cook for him these kind of things and I could just make the choice to eat seperately but I also don't want to go banckrupt because let's face it, we spend a lot of money on food. I only could convince him to give up to all proccesed foods but he does not want to quit meat.
But my biggest problem I think is my sugar addiction. I ate all my life so much sugar and although I don't buy anymore the proccessed ones I still indulge myself with some home-made cakes or from the cafeteria. Which is still stuffed with sugar. I also ate a lot of pastry(God damn the " merdenele") but don't anymore.
For the liver cleanse, is the warm water glass with lemon in the morning efficient? What should I do more? I took many years BCP and I guess my liver is quite tired.

(29-04-2015, 13:25)Vio Wrote:  As I stated in a different post, my main problem I think is that I am not consistent in what I do. For example I started drinking a protein shake in the morning these days and I know that if I want results I will have to not get lazy.Unfortunately I tend to get lazy. I have days when I eat heathy and good food for my body but days when I eat the not the right stuff. And don't get me wrong, I don't eat fast food, don't drink soda, coffee, don't buy store foods, processed meats or sweets. But I knoe that is still not enough. And deep down I feel that if I want to see significant results that the changes should be bigger than just refusing a Big Mac or a glass of Coca Cola. I am starting to be more aware of what is doing harm to my body( years I thought that it was normal for me to be bloated like a ballon) but can't get to that moment when I say The end for ever. And although I don't want to blamr him, my boyfriend is a fan of traditional food. And you know that our traditional food is quite fatty and full of bad stuff. I tried to lure him with all sort of salads, raw desserts but my banana pancakes or no good for him. I am aware that I could just cook for him these kind of things and I could just make the choice to eat seperately but I also don't want to go banckrupt because let's face it, we spend a lot of money on food. I only could convince him to give up to all proccesed foods but he does not want to quit meat.
But my biggest problem I think is my sugar addiction. I ate all my life so much sugar and although I don't buy anymore the proccessed ones I still indulge myself with some home-made cakes or from the cafeteria. Which is still stuffed with sugar. I also ate a lot of pastry(God damn the " merdenele") but don't anymore.
For the liver cleanse, is the warm water glass with lemon in the morning efficient? What should I do more? I took many years BCP and I guess my liver is quite tired.

I am smiling. First of all not that it should matter to you or not but I am proud of you for willing to change those things in your life. It's so funny because I do see that we have so many things in common.(even the braces part, I am obsessed with getting braces but I can't at the moment, it's too expensive for me) I too was skinny and wanted to be more "fluffy" lol (although I had a big bottom my whole life,I know you do too, I read your thread) and about 1 year and a halfago I started this "marathon" of shoving fast foods and processed foods down my throat, protein shakes, name it. I won the gold medal! I was just getting out of a hard chapter in my life and because of all that stress it became impossible for me to gain weight. That's also the reason why I got skinny. So I "figured" that that was the way to do it. I remember I would get tired eating, because I ate all day. After a couple of months I started expanding I shall say, and I did gain a lot of weight but then I got this feeling that I need to cure my acne once and for all. I wasn't healthy at all by that time. And I saw that all those "legit" articles about how I could clear my acne were related to food. You said that for many years you got yourself into thinking that it is normal to "be bloated like a ballon" and oh god.... oh god I just can't explain this to you good enough. I was bloated ALL THE TIME. ALL! the time. I got sooooo tired of it and sometimes I would get so terribly bloated that I thought my stern would break. And it would hurt even if I tried to breath. With each breath I would get more bloated. I do understand you, really! So I figured I would cut some of the foods out and see if my acne would respond. And it did. Mostly after I stopped eating bread,pastry,flour..that stuff, and sugar. But I also had stomach problems. It was so bad!! So I started eating a lot of spinach, mushrooms, watercress, because I saw that I felt good when I ate those. And shortly after I gave up meat. I started schooling myself everyday. I also found out that I love doing this, and I understand those topics so fast. I now no longer use toothpaste, shampoo, bodywash products, soaps, lotions, acne creams, deodorants, hair products, I don't dye my hair anymore, I can't wait for my hair to grow long enough so I can cut the dyed part. I don't use foundations. Pretty much everything I eat, and put on my body is 100% natural. I use coconut oil as a lotion, as a face cream, as toothpaste, hair product, EVEN DEODORANT (it's great for unwanted odors) I wash my hair with handmade shampoos that I get from the site that I gave you the link to. (vitex one) They're 100% natural and they're absolutely wonderful. Same goes for the soap. So I fluctuated so fast from shoving those nasty things in my body to basically getting rid of everything that isn't natural. And of course. I lost that weight but now I can easily control my weight and I am not sick anymore. I suggest you taking Maca, it helps with gaining weight. Take maca along with the nuts and honey. I think you should see results. But try and get rid of those products. You have no idea how many things they can do. I still don't know A LOT of stuff. But that's why I said I'm prod of you, because you're willing to give it a try, as I did. And I want you to consider the fact that I did all of these things in less than a year. You can do it as well. In fact, everybody does. And yes! I know that we don't have that many opportunities here in our country and everything is expensive in comparison with what the gov. pays you. But you can succeed, you'll find a way. It is not food. It's a way of living. I want to give you some inspiration, because it worked for me. Give this lady some searches on google and you'll be blown away by what you'll find out about food and how taking care of yourself (natural ways) can change your life! Here:
She's 70+ years old now, she only eats raw food, and she gave up meat many years ago.
Enjoy your journey!

Quick edit: sorry, I skipped your question about the lemon juice. It's a very good way of detoxifying indeed but I would put it aside for a bit if you say you want to gain weight. Try the other options that I mentioned. And yes, BCP must have done a lot of bad things to your health. I'm a bit terrified of those,really..but anyway. I'm sure you'll get healthy soon. (:

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