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7 mths til Breast Aug surgery if can't get BO to work


Here is what I'm taking now:
AM empty stomach
3 Bovine Ovary @ 250mg = 750mg
1 chasteberry 400mg
1 sheep placenta @ 100mg
1 saw palmetto @540 mg
1 raw pituitary gland@80 mg
1 kelp @225 mcg
1 True Calm ™ amino acid blend (for anxiety)

I make a double batch of protein shake for breakfast and lunch that I put 1/4 tsp of optiMSM powder in (1000mg) but I'll work my way up to I think I read 6g or 4?

Then I take my regular vitamins
Fish oil
B complex

Before bed in PM on empty stomach
3 Bovine Ovary @ 250mg = 750mg
1 chasteberry 400mg
1 sheep placenta @ 100mg
1 saw palmetto @540 mg


And in response to your questions KardashianKurves:

I was already on 1,000mg BO and now 1,500.

I never had a problem with my temperature and now with taking tge kelp I'm so hot at night I know its not an issue.

Thank you, still taking Vitex. Do I have to continue indefinitely?

I do the John Lee online test and my answers have changed. I went from estrogen dominance to excess estrogen.

I don't want to start maca as my ass is already huge and I've gained weight on these pills and can't get it off.

Need to start noogling again.

I started msm and kelp and I have 48g of protein in my shakes which is tons more than my bowl of cereal and salad were giving me. Answers now point to excess estrogen so now what?

Thanks. I'm glad I cancelled.


This is exactly my body story! So good to read this post. I have A "boobs" if you call them that, I have had children, breast fed, have all my fat cells in the lower part of my body. I am overweight by about 7kg and still no weight goes onto my chest. I am getting ready to start bo but am worried about what to take. I am confused with all this info and am not keen on the acne I had through my teens and 20s returning...or with getting a fatter butt. I have started maca to balance hormones (1mth now). How did you feel starting out? What do you recommend? Have you had any growth yet? Good luck and thanks Smile

I am now 4.5 months in and still no growth but it's still early and I'm hopeful. I'm happy to report the hormone balancing is working (which pill I have no clue) because my face is clear!!! Oh and if anyone you know is TTC then chasteberry is for them. I wasn't having periods after endometrial ablation but after 5 months on it I'm starting to spot. Dammit! Ya know. But if it means I'll get some boobie then who cares.
Still loving my add 2 cup size bras.
Oh and I bought MSM powder and it tastes nasty. How do I get it down? Bleck! I'm not doing the protein shakes. I'm trying to lose weight and they weren't agreeing with my IBS. The more fruit or fiber I added, the more backed up I became. I'm using an app on my phone to track my food intake/count calories and its really working. Lost 6 lbs so far in a month. Smile

4.5 months. Is there usually growth in this time frame? Glad hormones are balanced. Are you still on the same combo of pills/ sups?

OK, my surgery WOULD HAVE been last week and I look nothing like I would have had I kept my surgery. I've been consistently on top of my pills
3 Bovine Ovary @ 250mg AM and PM (1,500 mg total)
1 chasteberry 400mg AM and PM (800mg total) (this has causes monthly spotting)
1 saw palmetto @540 mg AM and PM (1,080 mg total)
1 raw pituitary gland@80 mg AM (80 mg total)
1 kelp @225 mcg AM (225 mcg AM)
1 True Calm ™ amino acid blend (for anxiety) AM (still have anxiety)

I am just taking the pills, don't massage, don't noogle.

I stopped taking all my other vitamins, including the horrible tasting MSM as I stopped eating breakfast (Intermittent Fasting) Also stopped the protein shakes as the Whey was causing my face to explode with acne.

So my results thus far...nothing. I'm 31.5" underbust and 35.5" on bust. Is that a half inch growth or just inconsistency in how I measured before and now? I'm going with inconsistency as I've had the same measurements for months and months. I'm not stopping, in fact I just bought another 3 months of BO. Not giving up. Gonna give it a year.


I was taking swansons BO for 7months and had no change in size or shape, it just made my period more regular and if I took too much I had headaches, so my body did react, but not the way I hoped it will. but after I changed to BB they started growing. The measuring tape is still not changing, but I can clearly see that the shape is changing, the sides are rounding out. Maybe if you had no growth so many months, maybe you could also try another source of BO than generic. Many people reported they have grown on generic BO, but I did not and I gave it a decent try, so maybe it is the same for you..

(14-06-2015, 14:07)rateset Wrote:  I was taking swansons BO for 7months and had no change in size or shape, it just made my period more regular and if I took too much I had headaches, so my body did react, but not the way I hoped it will. but after I changed to BB they started growing. The measuring tape is still not changing, but I can clearly see that the shape is changing, the sides are rounding out. Maybe if you had no growth so many months, maybe you could also try another source of BO than generic. Many people reported they have grown on generic BO, but I did not and I gave it a decent try, so maybe it is the same for you..

I'm going to give it a full year. Shoot I've given it this long. I thought I read that it takes 6 months to year even on the BB site. I could be wrong but just the other night it seemed like they had gotten fuller. Could be wrong.

I was wrong, no growth yet. I have 3.5 months supply of BO left then I'm calling it a good try and giving up. That will be just over a year. It would be nice not taking a handful of pills every morning and night. I'm too chicken to go through with boob surgery so it's these pills work or I'm a member of the itty bitty titty committee for life. Shoot, I could be the president. These things have not changed much since I finally got them in puberty. Sad really. I got only the tiniest growth during breastfeeding and nada during both pregnancies.

LissaMac, being formerly a AA so much smaller than you are, I feel your pain. NBE TAKES TIME!!! I can't emphasize that enough, I've been doing it off and on for YEARS! You cannot expect to recreate puberty (which is what we are doing), a process that takes years and expect it to work super fast, and with cutting corners. You mentioned not massaging, not noogling... and you're doing a BO program without protein... sorry to say this, but that's cutting corners. I'm one of the ones that grew from a BO program, quite a bit actually. And it took TIME, persistence, patience, consistency, etc etc. I understand not wanting to do the protein shakes, then up your protein in your diet, that's what I did most the time. I would eat tons of tuna, peanut butter, meat in general, etc etc. You'd be surprised how much proteins are in food when you start measuring it all out. Start paying attention to the protein you already consume then just increase it to the amount needed. If you don't want to noogle that's fine, but massage is ESSENTIAL! Not only to grow but to shape, perk, etc. I'm now a 32D/34C depending on what I find in that brand of bra, and I'm 28 now and my guy tells me I have tits that look like an 18 year old. Why? Because I massage! Any successful person that has grown with NBE did so with massage in their routine. Those are just my thoughts though.

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