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Periwinkle12's program

My plan is to do a cleanse while taking milk thistle for a month.

Should I add DIM for a month too as a 3rd precaution to get rid of estrogen buildup?

Switching to Swanson's generic BO after completing my 6th month of UB.

UB has 540mg and is taken 3 times a day, so that's 1620mg of BO a day. Roughly 20$ a month.

The generic BO has 350mg a pill so I would take 4 or 5 a day. Maybe 4 the first month and then 5 the months afterwards. So that would be 5$ a bottle 10$ a month.

Might add MSM back into the equation, because I have a bottle of it leftover from when I was doing the herb route.

The journey for boobs persists lol. I won't have big boobs for the summer, but maybe next summer.

Yes, I added DIM to my program cleanse.

Thanks GB. I'll definitely add it in with my cleanse. Where do you purchase yours?

I buy all my supplements for my NBE program from iherb, plus you get to see the rating/reviews:

Thanks again! I'm excited for my month of cleansing. I ordered everything but the DIM (will be getting it shortly) and will start after I'm done with my last bottle of UB.

Feeling sharp pains in my left boob. 5/10. I hope I get growth!

It's the last day of April and I haven't gotten my period. This month has been crazy and I think stress has caused my period to hide lol. My body and breasts are sore so maybe it'll pay me a visit bright and early on May 1st. Who knows.

Just read a list of estrogen dominant symptoms and the ones that stood out for me were diarrhea before period, back pain, and a sensation in ears that makes you feel like a fly or bug is in your ear. Now for about a year I have been having that bug in my ear feeling. I have this thing with my ears where they must be cleaned all the time (2-3xs a week) but I am often freaked out by what I think is a bug somehow crawling in my ear without me noticing. Every time I tell my mom or friend about it I get the same lecture of "there is no bug in your ear if there was you'd have to go to the doctor because it would lay eggs in your ears but that is not the case for you" etc. But every so often I am freaked out and running pounding on my ear (one time leading to bleeding lol) when I feel like there is a bug in there. I realize this is a crazy story I'm laughing while typing but that symptom rang to close to home. Is this a coincidence? I also have back pain that I constantly complain about daily and rub bengay on it at least once a day. Zina mentioned as thought the culprit was pituitary and around the same time I quit pituitary and my back got better for about a week but then the pain came back.

Are you having tinnitus that is like ringing in the ear. When I was researching about health issue related to heavy metal I came across few facts regarding heavy metal poisoning such as mercury poisoning which can link to tinnitus. You can try google it. If you really have it then perhaps you can try a heavy metal detox kit which is available in iherb.

Thanks for the info crystalelle, but no not ringing. Just buzzing. It's weird I know haha.

My whole body cleanse and swansons BO came, now I'm waiting on DIM to arrive.

I was going to do a post on Friday when it would have marked my one month cleanse, but I am choosing to write now to bring your attention to milk thistle. I know twister mama ( I think it was her? correct me if I am mistaken) has already spoken about her reaction to it, but I wanted to tell mine.

I did a 10 day whole body cleanse along with DIM and milk thistle 3 times a day. Felt pains in breast usually about 10-20 minutes after taking DIM with food.

Today, I took a milk thistle and I felt weird about 30 minutes after doing so. It felt like the pill got stuck in my throat and I started having chest pain. About 2 hours later my voice got very hoarse despite me drinking tons of water and trying to clear my throat. I have all these hives on my body and my lips are swollen with bumps on the inside. I don't know if the pill busted before reaching my stomach and it is causing me to have some type of allergic reaction or maybe taking it for a month straight has caused my body to hate milk thistle. I am in pain and I have no voice. If I am not feeling better by tomorrow I may just go to the doctor.

I was planning on doing the cleanse for two months so I could start generic B.O. A couple days shy of a month will do. I have decided to not start generic B.O. until sometime in August or September. Quite frankly, I am tired of taking pills and perhaps my body is too with this latest debacle I am experiencing.

I'm sure I'll be lurking around the forum reading up on people's programs and topics in the B.O. thread, but I won't be updating my program for awhile because I won't be taking anything.

Hope everyone has a fun and productive booby growing summer.



hi periwinkle. what you described sounds like an allergic reaction. I had a similar experience when I took an antibiotic once.

I'm a bit skeptical of the whole detox thing. Unless you really don't look after your body, i.e. you eat bad foods, lots of sugars, you are fat, and you never exercise, then your body should be able to get rid of toxins, and the like without any aide. Exercise, sweat, dry skin brushing, drink water, limit sugars and all refined foods, that should be sufficient.

I don't know why you need to wait for two months to detox. I think a month should be adequate if you are in a generally healthy state.

If you are finding you get estrogen dominant symptoms, then taking DIM will help when you start on generic BO. Start on a low dose like 1,000mg of BO, then slowly up it.

I don't think your body is tired of taking pills. Sounds like the main problem was with the Milk thistle. In saying that, maybe being on generic BO will allow you to play around with the dosage more, and that will allow you to work out a good dosage based on aches and pains or something like that?

Girlfriday29, thanks for the advice. I will definitely be ramping up slow on my generic B.O. when I start up with my program again.

I noticed today that I have been taking UB instead of my hair, nails, and skin pills. I have had the shits for about two weeks and decided to check all my supplements and found out I was accidentally taking UB. I put UB in a previous emptied out bottle of the other pills but ripped off the label to signify it was UB and not hair, nails, skin pills. But I forgot which bottle was which and in my rushed daily morning routine I was just grabbing pills from the 1st bottle I saw.

So now that I have corrected the issue hopefully I can stop running to the bathroom. I was a little shocked though because I don't remember UB making me poop a lot before, but it has been awhile since I have taken them so maybe they did and I just dealt with it...

As I was making this update I decided to check my inventory of B.O. pills and I have 2 bottles of SW raw adrenal glandular and 2 bottles of pituitary, but it is supposed to be 4 bottles of B.O. I ordered them in the beginning of the summer and not really reading the bottles just threw them in my closet when I got them. Ugh annoyed. I am so consumed in heavy thought constantly that I seem to not catch things right away when they are wrong. I'll see if Swanson's will be nice enough to exchange the pituitary for B.O., but doubt it, don't have the receipt.

I don't know when I'll return to my program. I guess the beginning of September. Feel very outta loop with everyone's program. I used to stalk this website daily lol. Will have to catch up soon.

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