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Twister_Mama's Program

That Alexandrian Technique is fascinating! So much info to take in. I'll have to research it some more! Smile

Holy cow, Anastasia! Cancer too? You sure have been through it all!!! Now every time I hear that Gloria Gaynor song "I Will Survive" I'll think of you. Big Grin I agree, doctors in the US tend to be self-serving. Pediatricians' lousy choices sent both of my kids to the hospital with life-threatening issues at one point (different times). This was after I continued to question the treatments they were recommending. And both of my kids had serious illnesses that were misdiagnosed by pediatricians. Angry Needless to say, my kids no longer see pediatricians. And they do not get immunized. If anything comes up with them health-wise (non-emergency), I do THOROUGH research on it FIRST; then I take them to a walk-in clinic. Most things I'm able to take care of myself at home WITHOUT a doctor's intervention. They are both very healthy now; get maybe one cold a year. They eat really healthy, take their vitamin C and multi-vitamins. My son's vitamins are a formulation made especially for those with Autism, since he has Autism. He's doing well. He's also been on the gluten-free/casein-free diet since last March; so about a year. He's come a long way! I am trying to find a Family Doctor for all of us though; so we don't always have to use the walk-in clinic and wait forever.

I actually have some MSM in my cupboard now. I was taking about 4,000-5,000mg of it per day back in the fall; but I was taking SOOO many pills back then that I really think my body wasn't able to fully absorb everything. So I stopped it all and just went basic on my program when I started it back up in December. I did think about adding it back in, though; maybe 1,000mg per day to start with. I think we also have some glucosamine & chondroitin supplements around here too. My husband took them for a while before we moved the last time to protect his knees from getting hurt like the last two times we moved before that.

I did take Saw Palmetto briefly last fall, a couple weeks I think; and my pains totally disappeared. Sad I think it doesn't mesh well with a BO program. I did try herbs twice in the past. First I tried Bloussant pills, which were a complete waste of time and money. They must've gotten sued or something, cuz like three years later I got a $50 check from them as part of a settlement. Tongue Then I tried Small Breast Solutions for a few months. Did everything to the letter, including zero caffeine; saw zero growth. Now, being older and wiser (and reading all the info on this forum) I realize that those commercial products were likely VERY weak. I don't even know what ingredients were in those pills. But as for individual herbs, like fenugreek, red clover, and saw palmetto, no I've never tried them together like that. I got so discouraged by my lack of results from those other pills that when I decided to give NBE ONE MORE TRY, I'd go with BB, since it wasn't herbal. I personally do think about what I might try in the future if I don't grow anymore; and I think I'd try PM. I know you'd have to take it for at least 6 months longer to keep any growth you achieved; but it's something I haven't tried yet! A lot of people have had good growth with it.

I did something on a whim yesterday. After reading in one of the archive threads on this forum about some hypnosis CD someone had gotten, and she claimed she grew like 2" in 3 weeks or something like that, I looked the guy up; Steve G. Jones. And his credentials seemed pretty impressive. He has a 60-day money back guarantee. So I went and bought the Breast Enlargement mp3. Blush It's designed to be listened to at bedtime. He says if you fall asleep during it, that's OK; cuz your ears are always "awake" and take in info even while you're asleep. Good thing too, cuz I fell asleep in the middle of the induction near the beginning, lol. Next thing I knew, I woke up and it was over. Tongue I think you need to do it every night for at least three weeks. Since it's done at bedtime, it fits into my schedule well; that's why I decided "Oh what the hell..." We'll see! Wink

Ugh some pediatricians are the worse!!! My nephew almost died because of one. He had a problem with his appendix and the dr kept misdiagnosing him, a few days later he almost died because it ruptured! The hospital said it was a miracle we got him there in time and asked why he wasn't tended to before it got this bad, we told them about the dr and they said "oh...him". It's so aggravating. Luckily my son has had good pediatricians. The one he had up until he was 3 before we moved, was very good, even believed in natural methods, I absolutely loved him as his dr. I referred my family to him for their kids.

I had a problem when I was a kid that so many dr's misdiagnosed, it's crazy. I had a rare eating disorder, it wasn't one where I thought I was fat and didn't eat, it was a chemical imbalance in the brain that caused all the food I ate to make me feel sick, it was like my brain was telling my body the food was poison pretty much, so then my body would act as if I had food poisoning everytime. If you've ever had food poisoning, imagine having it no matter what you eat. Of course being a kid and that happening, it made me not want to eat. I would fake eat so my mom would leave me alone. Finally one day I was home sick from school because she force feed me (her heart was in the right place) and I threw it all up and was sick. She had a dr appointment so took me with her. Her dr was about to retire he was in his 70's haha practicing a long time I know. He got on to her about her blood pressure and stress level, she said how she couldn't help it with what was going on with me, she was stressed. He told her to tell him what's been going on. She explained it all, explained how I had been to all these different doctors, went through all these tests, etc. And what they each diagnosed me with and how nothing has helped. He instantly knew what is was and what to prescribe me. I was prescribed two medicines. One to fix the chemical imbalance, the other for appetite. Within days I was eating my mom out of house and home! She had to slowly wean me off the appetite pills haha. I was eating more than an adult male!!! The dr said that if I hadn't came to him or been diagnosed soon, I would have died from malnutrition in 6 months at most.

I have had no choice with immunizations with my son, being in the military, in order for him to attend school, they are required. But I agree that sometimes I wonder about them. I haven't had a flu shot in years and I have not had the flu in years, coincidence? I think not. I can't wait until we get out where he and my hubby will have the option to not get them also. There are also "immunizations" they make it a requirement for military personnel to get, that no one else has to get, seems suspicious to me. It sounds to me like they are experimenting on them, and technically they can do that, being in the military makes them their property, sad I know. That's why I have fully supported my husband's decision to get out. But if you don't believe in immunizations, hopefully you can afford insurance and the taxes you will have to pay once obamacare is in place. From what I have been reading, obamacare... it will be a requirement to get immunizations with it, and if you don't want obamacare, you will not only have to pay for regular insurance, you will have to pay taxes to not use obamacare, makes absolutely no sense does it? This whole country is going to shit in my opinion.

On the supplements and NBE stuff... I think a low dose of MSM should be fine. I know how hard it is to take so many pills per day, right now I take 17 may be 18 if my temp changes. When I was on individual herbs I was taking I believe 26 per day? Something like that. On the hypnosis, I use to listen to some subliminal NBE MP3's I have, I would do the silent one on a repeat when sleeping, not sure if it helped lol but it doesn't hurt right? Hopefully it works for you!

That really stinks what happened to your nephew, and you when you were little. Thank God everything turned out OK! I've come to the realization that most doctors don't really care about you or your kids. Only YOU have your family's best interests in mind; and as mothers, we have our intuition to guide us. About the immunizations in the military, I remember reading somewhere that the soldiers who were suffering from "Gulf War Syndrome" back in the 90's were suffering the EXACT same symptoms that people who react badly to immunizations have. And military doctors kept calling it a "mysterious" illness. Mysterious, my butt!!! I really wouldn't be a bit surprised if there was some experimentation going on. After all I read about Chem Trails and airplanes, I am suspicious of everyone.

That obamacare thing you mentioned pisses me off and scares the hell outta me at the same time. I am hoping and praying that this B.S. doesn't get passed! I also recall hearing sometime last year that he wanted to get rid of the tax break people get from their home mortgages. Supreme stupidity. Way to boost the housing market! Angry

I have some subliminal message mp3's too. I got them last summer. Three of them are ocean sounds; the fourth one is silent. I used to fall asleep with the silent one on repeat. I don't know if it really helped or not; but thinking about it, I grew pretty good last summer when I listened to it. Once I stopped, growth slowed down. Could be a coincidence; but I don't know! It was creepy, if you turned the silent track all the way up, you could BARELY hear some indiscernible robot-sounding voice saying words you couldn't understand, lol. I'd turn it down just enough to the point that I couldn't hear that. Tongue The one I got yesterday is about 37 minutes. The guy's voice is so soothing. It relaxed me so much I fell asleep at the beginning. My breasts MIGHT be a teeny bit fuller today; could be wishful thinking though! I'm definitely gonna do this for at least a month. My brain could use some help convincing my boobs that they need to grow. Tongue I know how powerful the mind-body connection is; so I'm optimistic this may help.

I'm going to private message you about my take on the subjects you mentioned, don't want to piss people off more than I already do lol.

OK Smile

Last Wednesday I attempted to Noogle while sitting at my computer; and for some reason, it was a major struggle to keep the cups on. Sad I tried for an hour. The left one fell off about halfway into it; and I was so fed up with constantly having to put it back on I just left it off and kept working on my smaller right side. Well, when the hour was up I had lots of red dots, dang it! A couple were kinda bigger. I slathered on the dirty-socks-smelling arnica gel, and by Saturday they were pretty much gone. Then later that day (Wednesday), my right boob started aching and aching pretty bad. I figured, "Shoot, I broke my boob." Sad So I didn't think much of it. But that side is STILL aching right now! I tried to pass it off as deferred back pain; but it hurts no matter if I'm sitting, standing, lying down, bending over, etc. And today the left side is starting to ache like that a little too. So who knows; maybe it's growing pains! I hope so! I tend to feel quite achy after eating too, especially if the meal has a lot of protein. That right side is not any larger or anything; but I'll keep my fingers crossed!!! I doubt I'll do NB for awhile though, lol. Tongue

I've been listening to my hypnosis track every night as I fall asleep. I guess only time will tell if it helps! It certainly does relax me; I usually doze off a couple times during it. I try to imagine my breasts getting larger as often as I can throughout the day too.

I added one MSM capsule per day to my program, I think back on Tuesday last week. Starting tonight I will take one GABA capsule per night too, to help with relaxation. And I just started taking one DIM capsule per day too. I'll try it for a couple weeks and see if I notice any increased pains, or if my acne starts to calm down. I was considering taking a break and doing a milk thistle cleanse, but I'll give DIM a try first. I just really felt bummed about my lack of noticeable growth these past couple months over the weekend and felt I needed to change something. So I'll give the DIM a try! Actually, I am feeling some strange sensations today. Kinda like a feeling of heaviness; and my breasts are also a little tingly, like when you've been tensing up your muscles and then let them relax, and they feel a little weird and tingly. Like that.

I've gotten pretty lazy with my rotations and chest exercises the past several days; and as a result, the nice firmness and extra fullness I had is gone. Sad I've been so cold lately, and my hands have been FREEZING so my motivation to do rotations has gone away. I think if I could just manage to do some rotations twice a day, that would be better than nothing. And I'm gonna do both sides equally; last week I was doing mostly the right side only, and I was noticing that the LEFT side was looking larger! Argh!!! I don't know if this Chi business works on the opposite side or what; but in case it does, I'm just doing both sides from now on, lol.

I decided to just go ahead and order another 4 1/2 months' supply of BB pills. I hadn't heard back from Erika in like almost a week, and I was down to the last 6 days of my current supply. I knew my new pics weren't good enough to be on the site, and time was wasting! They should come in tomorrow, which is the last day of my current supply. Ahh, I really hope I have more growth during this spring and summer!!!

Yay for the achesTongue! Ugh spring and summer is the worst for me but hopefully I will have gained some boobage by June. It's awful to have to wear a padded bra under everything and see cleavage everywhere around you. At least in the winter everyone is covered up. Let's hope we both have growth by then.
I bought this top and it does a lovely job of covering up my smallness. I would totally recommend it.

I've browsed through your pages trying to find the answer to this but must be missing it. I was wondering how often and for how long you are pumping. I really had to bump mine up to get the noogleberry to work for me.


Okay on keeping the domes on for pump and hold, key is putting PLENTY of lotion on beforehand, and it sounds to me like you may have not used enough pressure on that side? And maybe too much on the other side? Also I sometimes have to reattach the pump and give it a few more pumps for it to stay the entire time. It could also be a leak in your dome, tubing or airlock (if you use one) if not could be leaking in the pump.

And haha I get sensations when eating protein too! Especially while drinking protein shakes, thought it was all in my head haha, thought... the protein cannot possibly be working that quickly!

As far as cleansing, exactly how long have you been on BO? I'd say take a break and cleanse every 6 months.

Sorry it's been so long. Blush As usual, things around here have been pretty crazy.

Thanks for the link to that top, Raw. It looks cute! Actually, I haven't even been in a VS store in like 10 years. I just browsed their site and saw that they have bras in size 34AA! Does anyone know if their bras tend to run small in the cups (I hope so!)??? There is a VS store in our mall like 10 minutes from my house. I may try to get out there soon and try on some bras. I'm sick of wearing bras that are way too big in the cups. Makes me feel worse, you know?

Actually, I like RARELY pump anymore. I just don't have time. Back during the fall, I pumped every night religiously for 1-2 hours for about 2 months straight. I'd pump while lying down right before bedtime, cuz for some reason that was the only way I could get good suction. I started out using the foam ring glued to the medium dome; then the last week or so I used it I was able to do it without the ring (I only did it on my smaller right side). Whatever "swelling" I got lasted maybe an hour. Obviously there was no permanent growth from that. After we moved, I lost my motivation to use NB since I had such limited results; and I'm too tired at night. So that's why I attempted to do it while just sitting here at my computer; if it worked, then I could try to fit it in sometime during the day. Alas, it didn't go so great. Sad I have the airlocks, but I don't use them (I need to stay connected to the pump since I lose suction so easily). I use the clamps. I will probably attempt to try it again, only this time using my cocoa butter lotion instead of my cocoa butter/vitamin e oil. I know NB is the only way to even out my breasts; my right side is a good cup size smaller than the left. Sad Sigh.

On the positive side, I have been experiencing tons of aches and pinchy pains and some new fullness! Big Grin I bought a bunch more breast enlargement hypnosis tracks from Steve G. Jones a couple weeks ago, and I've been listening to them every day and night without fail. I truly believe my mind was blocking any further growth. Unlike women who grew large during pregnancy or breastfeeding (I never grew during either of my pregnancies), or women who were larger before losing weight, I've never had breasts larger than they are now. So unfortunately, my mind really can't comprehend my body with larger breasts. So I've been listening to the hour-long Platinum recording every night as I fall asleep, and I have 5 different half-hour recordings I listen to throughout the day as I'm going about my business. I try to listen for at least a couple hours during the day. Also, recently I'm "pretending" I already have large breasts to kick-start my mind. I'll purposely hold my arms further away from my chest as if I have large breasts that are sticking out. When I bend over or walk down the stairs, I'll imagine I feel lots of movement and bounce (I have a really active imagination, lol; that's why hypnosis seems to be helping me). I'll say things to myself like "My boobs are so large that they get in the way when I'm folding laundry;" or "My boobs are so large that they get in the way when I load the dishwasher." And I'll tell myself that all the excess fat from my thighs, butt, and lower abdomen are moving up to my breasts. Sounds retarded, I know; but unless I can convince my mind that these things are happening, and that my breasts ARE larger, then any further progress will probably stop. So far, it definitely seems to be working! I felt a little extra padding on either side of my sternum a couple weeks ago, so I intentionally stopped all chi rotations and chest exercises for about 10 days just to make sure it was "real," since rotations and chest exercises can cause temporary padding there. It stayed. So a few days ago I resumed doing chi rotations a couple times a day. Right away I noticed that my breasts are DEFINITELY a lot fuller in my hands! Before, I had a lot less breast tissue; and my fingertips would always be overlapping at the center of my chest (which made the rotations awkward). Now, my fingertips don't even touch! It's such a strange, amazing feeling!!! My measurements have not changed yet; and I don't see much change in the mirror; but wow, I definitely feel it with my hands! And also when I look down at my chest, there is such a nice, defined roundness, even on my smaller right side. I'm starting to feel more feminine! Big Grin

I also started the chiyomilk massages about 6 days ago. I found them on the links in sharon_lee_family's program page. It focuses on clearing the lymph nodes, I noticed, instead of actually massaging breast tissue. I found right away the the lymph nodes above my right breast (under collar bone) were very sore. So I massaged them, and a couple days later the soreness was mostly gone. I seem to have something about my anatomy that likes to block those lymph nodes up though, cuz they still occasionally feel a little sore when I massage, although nowhere near what they felt like at the start. The nodes on my left side are never sore (the larger side); so hmmm ..... I've noticed increased aches in breasts since starting the chiyomilk massages, which is interesting since you aren't actually massaging your breasts. Will definitely keep it up!!!

And I added a couple other supplements about 6 days ago too. I had done tons of research on HGH (human growth hormone) releasers a while back; and I had posted a link on lostacres6's thread NBE users ages 55 and over a few weeks ago about it and a link to a site called GenF20 that sells HGH releaser capsules that I was considering. However, that site is kinda pricey. So when I placed yet another order from Swanson's a couple weeks ago, I noticed Swanson's has their own HGH releaser formula that was much more affordable. I'm sure GenF20's formula is probably better; but it's a lot more expensive. Swanson's dose for me is 3 capsules per day; but they say to start out at about 1/3 of that dose and slowly ramp it up. So I've only been taking one capsule per day for the past 6 days. Next week I'll take two; then the next week take three. Since I'm already 34 years old, I figure I could use the help! Wink

I also started taking two Neocell collagen type I & III tablets twice a day. No way I can do more than that! And I still have some collagen type II capsules left over that I'm taking too. At the very least, they might help my arthritis! I added them about 6 days ago too. I take vitamin c and vitamin e as well. I've been on one DIM capsule per day for about two and a half weeks now too; I think it may be helping my acne a bit.

SOOO, I'm taking a lot more supplements again, lol! But the changes I've started to notice over the past few weeks really did start when I got all those hypnosis tracks. I can't say for sure how much my recent supplements (HGH releaser, collagen) have been helping since I've only been on them like 6 days; but I plan on continuing to take everything for at least a month or two and see if I notice faster results. All I know is that something VERY good has been happening to my breasts lately; and it's wonderful! Big Grin

Sorry this was so long. If you made it all the way through, thanks! Blush

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