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journey from a 34AA

They do look fuller!
Maybe going down a dome size was the right thing to do. I have been noogling with the CL domes for the last 4 months or so. I just recently realized that they are just too big and i am overpumping. I ordered the regular large a few days ago and I am currently pumping with my (cracked) M dome, when I fill those I will switch to large. I think a lot of people use domes that are still somewhat big for them, or at least that's what happened to me, I switched from M to CL and I think that was a big mistake, because the difference between those two domes is huge!
Good luck!

What brand/type of heating pad do you use? I've been looking for an electric one but haven't found one I'd be able to sleep with yet!


I bought my heating pad from Walgreens for $15-$20, and it has a suuuuper soft covering and is very flexible! I am able to sleep with it, if need be! It comes with 4 heat settings, as well.

I can't seem to find it online, but I would recommend looking there!

i also got my heating pad from walgreens. they're not the best, but i haven't found any better in that price range.

upon looking back at my progress (or lack there of), i realized that i was fuller back in july-october of last year. then i started experimenting with taking breaks from noogling/ noogling less. i was frustrated at the ring marks that wont go away. i also experimented with hops/maca/other brands of PM ect... well since november until now, my breasts have been slowly deflating! Angry i haven't been able to swell post noogling to 33" in the past few weeks!

4 days ago, i started noogling A LOT more. (3-5hrs a day). i found that i was able to retain swelling through the night. seeing how i think i've trained my breasts to respond to pumping much better now than a year ago, i decided to splurge and buy the brava sports system. i'm not sure how long i want to mess with my hormones (taking PM) anymore... i'm still thinking i'll take it for maybe another year, but i want to just switch to pumping. hopefully it will work for me. it's been a very long time since i had this much hope in NBE.

i would like to add that i'm feeling fine on PM. my hair is shiny and skin is clear for the most part. i have healthy libido while on PM. i'm just afraid of what might happen once i stop PM. once my body get used to PM, it might stop producing estrogen on its own. i don't know. still debating on this.

in the mean time, i'm noogling as much as i can, and am excited to get my brava system.

current supplements:

- 4 ST herb PM + 2 Siriporn PM (for 20 days, 10 days off)
- spearmint tea (around 3 tea bags a day)
- greenbush bust tea (1 a day... mainly because i have them and don't want to waste them. i don't think they do much).
- MSM (i don't think it does much for NBE. i'm taking it for my hair and eyelashes)
- whey protein
- cod liver oil
- i cook with coconut oil

i'm taking a break from goats rue. when i first started goats rue, it gave me lots of fullness and soreness in my breasts. but recently, even when i upped my dosage to over 4g a day for a week straight, i didn't feel any difference. it might be my body is immune to it, or the PM is neglecting the effect to GR. so i decided to take a break from GR for the time being.

can't wait for my brava system to arrive!

i don't plan on giving up on NG completely. Brava would be for night time pumping and NG for whenever time permits in the day time.

today is day 4 of my cycle but i'm not completely flat. i think it's because i've been noogling a lot more and i'm retaining the swelling.

when i swell via pumping, my boobs feel different than when i swell via herb/goat's rue. i remember when i started taking goat's rue, the swelling would almost hurt a bit... if i touch the girls, they feel sore. whereas with pumping, they're not sore nor do they hurt to squeeze... they just feel fuller and bouncier.

i've been trying to chase after that sore boobs feeling for months but it's just not happening. that's why i'm switching over to pumping.

i made bone broth soup yesterday. it is similar in benefits as chicken feet soup. i prefer to get my collagen this way as opposed to taking collagen pills. the pills seem to agitate my GI tract. 1 pot of bone broth soup usually last me a week.

starting difference between under bust measurement and bust : around 2.5"
current difference between under bust measurement and bust : around 4"


Thanks for the feedback about heating pads! I'm going to hold off on buying one for now though because my boyfriend and I are thinking about moving in together... and it'd be a little weird to sleep with a heating pad on while he's in the same bed... and i'm sure he wouldn't appreciate the extra layer between us... lol! Big Grin

Hi Lled, just wanted to wish you good luck with Brava! I look forward to reading about your experience with it. Can I ask where you got yours? I think I saw second-hand ones for a reduced price on E-bay. What size cups did you get?

I was thinking of buying a brava too as it's supposedly proven to work but I would have to spend like all my savings. Plus it works faster than NB right? I think I will try NB for now. How do you feel it's worked for you? I'm hoping half a cup size in 6 months with NB isn't unrealistic.

thanks luisa! i was contemplating about buying the Brava on ebay. but since the domes are so fragile, i don't like the idea of getting used ones. who knows how much life is left in the domes. also, if you didn't originally buy your Brava system from them directly, they wont let you buy accessories or extra domes later on. i know it's a lot of money, but i ended up buying from Brava directly. i figured i probably spent that much in NBE over the last year anyways. oh, and i got the narrow large domes with large bra. the Brava consultant told me if the domes or bra don't fit right, they'lll exchange them for me free of charge since i'm buying from them directly.

i tried snoogling last night but only lasted 1 hour. i have no idea how i'm going to be able to sleep with the brava every night for months on end! the brava takes about 2 weeks to arrive. in the mean time, i'm noogling as much as i can.


i don't think the brava works faster than NB. it all depends on how your body response to the stretched tissues. i spent the past days reading up on the old forum of women who used Brava. the ones that had success used the Brava for much longer than the 12 or 16 weeks as advertised. there were a couple of women that used Brava for 10-12 MONTHS!

i've been using the NG for almost 1.5 years. i was the fullest back in september/october of last year. i took a couple of 1 week breaks here and there since then and my boobs haven't been as full ever since. but i can't say for sure if this is due to NG or herbs... or me getting off of my thyroid medication.

i digress. point is, everyone response differently. you wont know until you try. if you read back at my old posts, it took me 4 months of NG just to begin to have a little bit of swelling. there were girls who grew in months, and also a handful of gals who didn't see any difference at all until after 1 year. the trend seems to be the smaller you are (the less breast tissues to expand), the longer and more difficult it will be for you to grow.

the reason why i decided to splurge on the Brava now is because logically it just makes more sense to me that the longer you put stress on the tissues, the better chances for growth. in fact, brava recommends wearing a MINIMUM of 8.5 hrs a day. and since brava has done clinical studies and NB has not, i'm more inclined to trust brava's recommendations.

there are girls on the NB forum that said they have better success with NG only once every few days, or taking breaks. i was skeptical when i read it. but out of desperation, i tried it anyways. needless to say, it lost all swelling and felt like i was starting from scratch. all of these experiences over the last 1.5 years of NBE has really made me very skeptical and critical when reading other people's experiences. there might have been other factors that were left out in their account of their progress. did they gain weight? did they measure the same exact way each time? are they still young enough that they would have grown that much naturally anyways? etc.

anyways, i think you should give NB a try first to see how your breasts response. Brava is such a big splurge. don't buy it unless you know exactly what you're getting in to. even with Brava, there isn't a 100% guarantee success.


Hi, I caught your post on another thread reguarding NB/Brava.

I came to check your program out a bit. Forgive me if I missed something.

I understand you have thyroid issues like me. How far have you looked into your situation. Are you just taking meds? Is it working out for you? What natural methods have you tried? Have you addressed your other glands such as hypothalomus, adrenals, pituitary?

These are so important when trying to balance your hormones out. Id say if NBE isnt working for you now, it may not work in the long run until these underlying issues have been healed. Forgive me as you probably already know this.

I am with you on nbe frustration at times as we thyroid patients grow the slowest.

Ive disvcovered that if my T Cells are imbalanced, I will have severe swelling in the face and wierd abdomen fat due to androgens. And my breasts will sag instead of grow. Thats just a tad bit of what I have experienced while trying nbe and not truly understanding what my body needs.
You may be completely different in your symptoms how ever, we have to remember how complexed our bodies are so I wish you success in what you try from here but please look into your whole glandular system. growing breasts takes time but shouldnt be this difficult.

Its like those with PCOS who dont get their periods and when they try everything, nothing works. It is a natural consistent occurrence in our bodies that should not be nearly impossible to make happen.
Just got to find out what the root issue-s are.

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