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itsjust4fun91's Program Page

Have you noticed any correlation with weight gain & breast growth. I know you have been very successful on BO and was looking for another opinion. I went on vacation 2 weeks ago and gained 6 lb. When I got back within a week I lost the weight and started my period. I had gained 1 inch in breast growth that stayed even after the weight loss & AF's visit. Cheryl said on another thread that she has noticed this same thing has happened to her in the past with weight gain. Just wondering if you've ever experienced this.

I noticed that it made it easier to gain weight, if I was eating wrong. I didn't have a problem with it until the holidays hit. I was not as active because of all the snow and I ate lots and lots of goodies way too often. This behavior is not unusual for me each holiday, just the first time it resulted in weight gain. Once the holidays passed and I was able to be active again, the weight came back off but most of the breast gain remained.


So I've had a very unusual month during my break from BB and thought I would do an update.

This past month I dropped the pills to take a break. I have been having a estrogen build up sensation which I thought might be contributing to my stall for months now. The last thing i expected was to end up with stronger breast pains than ever the week before my period. I also have seen an increase in size, but not sure if that is growth or swelling or weight gain. LOL.

When I became sick last month instead of having weight loss like most sick people do, I began gaining it and it's continued all month, which I just really can't figure out. I've gained 8 pounds in about 4 weeks and that's off the pills, so maybe it's a hormone thing. eek.

Anyway, My program this month has ben as follows

2 DIM in the morning
3 grape seed extract in the morning
4 VS#3 pills at night.
dab of progesterone cream at night
noogling 2 to 4 times a day depending on what's going on
That's it. pretty simple

Once my period starts I will resume my BO and see what happens, though I might possibly give it another month if it seems like my estrogen is still running rampant. My goal is to get it out of my system enough that when I start back, it will be like when I first started taking it and maybe get a good patch of growth.

My temp is still just blowing me away. I'm still soooo surprised that my body temp was just a matter of taking probiotics and getting the yeast under control. I went in to the doc a couple of weeks ago and even at the doctors office my temp was 98.4! Nice!
I'm still having great results with my IBS also from taking them.

I got some olive leaf extract, but have been a bit chicken on taking it since I'm on probiotics. I can't seem to find two people that agree on the same thing on combining them. LOL. Some say it will also kill off the probiotics and some say it doesn't kill off the good bacteria and they work well together. I wouldn't mind experimentting with the theories except that my probiotics are expensive since I have to take such a large amount for my IBS to stay under control, but the more I read about the OL the more I think it would benefit me with my psoriasis. At some point I'll have to make up my mind on what I'm going to do about it.


Mel, I had no problems with the Olive leaf...but we're all different. I'd start off really slow and see how your body handles it. I know how scary it is with ibs trying to maintain what works for you.

I could not be more thrilled with the results. I am maintaining a constant temperature is 98.4 to take kelp or the like. I am also having great results on my IBS. There are some amazing things.

Hi Mel,

I am curious on how's the DIM working for your body? I remember few months back that you mention it is not working kindly for your body.

It's working great for me in controlling estrogen symptoms. It just works so well that when I took it with my BB pills it stopped all tingles and swelling also.

I have noticed though that if I miss taking it, my symptoms come right back and fast, so I'm wondering if it only mask the symptoms of the estrogen, but doesn't help your body balance itself out.(Kind of like taking a pain reliever for a headache. It gets rid of it, but not the cause of the headache.) I've started adding my progesteron back in each day also to help get my levels back to normal on their own, but the dim is working great to keep me level while I do this. I've decided to extend my break from BB for awhile longer. I would like my system to be back at square one when I begin taking them again in hopes of it working as well as it did for me the first time I started taking them.

In the mean time, I've been noogling and am thrilled to say I'm finally beginning to see some results. November makes a year of noogling and I was such a slow responder to it that I didn't see any swelling until about June. Now I can say that I'm beginning to see a gradual increase in size from that swelling. It probably would have been sooner, but I kept having stuff come up where I would miss a weekend of noogling and have to start over again. My own fault though so what could I complain about. LOL.


Mel, have you tried just taking one DIM a day? It seems to have been just enough for me. I actually am having a normal cycle. Also, something else I was thinking about...taking the dim for just 21 days of the cycle...and going off during the last week, usually the growing time.
I might actually try that next cycle.
Good luck!

Super Boob used DIM-plus with dosage of 4 a day and she get crazy growing pain and ache on her breasts. I read what she wrote and tried 4 a day DIM-plus and I ended up growing right after my ovulation until my menses start roughly for around 14 days. Usually with 2 a day DIM I only grew few days before my menses begin. The soreness is very different from the soreness of taking 2 DIM. I only manage to try it on 1 month because I live in a warm country, taking 4 DIM push my temperature so high that my nose starts to bleed. Everything becomes fine when I lower to 2 a day.

I still have tingles and growing pain while on BB and 2 a day DIM. I have growing pain too. Wonder whether is our body that function differently? Hmmm!

Bellalily: What a great idea! I think I might just try it out. LOL! I feel like I am using my own body like a guinea pig. Big Grin

Last cycle I got sloppy and forgot to take the Dim during what would be the growth period. I didn't really think much of it since I was on a break from BB, but I did get major growth pains and swelling also, which surprised me. It didn't all stay, but it did bump me up just a small amount so there might be something to the whole stopping dim during the growth cycle. All I know is that when I was on it with
BB, I didn't have any tenderness or swelling that month.

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