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Twister_Mama's Program


Haven't been around here in awhile. I believe breaks can be a good thing since it allows our bodies to flush excess chemicals from ourselves.
I too know the problems of taking too many pills. Some days you feel like you are going to choke to death on them. I am thinking of starting a rotation system so that I still get these useful materials into my body. Just not all at once.
Glad to hear that you have regained your losses. Trial and error is unfortunately the only way to see what works for us individually.
Good growing.

Hey Andy! Smile Rotating through supplements - now THERE'S a good idea! I'd be really interested to see how that's working for you. And yeah, it does kinda suck that the only way to know what's working/not working for you is through trial and error. It's frustrating! Feels like wasted time. But on the positive side, if you can share your experiences with others, maybe it can help them make a more informed decision about what to add/not add to their own program. I know I certainly have learned a lot just from reading about others' experiences! (Thanks, everyone! Smile )

I think I've FINALLY got a winning combination for my program now. As I'm sitting here typing, I'm like in some pretty massive pain. Big Grin My chest is sticking out further under my shirt than it was a couple days ago; and they seem a little rounder. I'm actually starting to feel a little better about myself right now. Shy

i can totally relate to how if i look at my breast 3/4 view, they look fuller and stick out more. but straight on, they look the same. as far as measurements go, sometimes i measure smaller even though they look and feel larger. so i'm really starting think tape measure is not really that reliable.

i find myself accidentally bumping into my breasts with my arms too! lol. that NEVER happened before.

lled34aa - Yeah, accidentally bumping into them - isn't it great? Big Grin Keep up the good work! And the measuring tape can be really discouraging at times. Don't let it get you down! A lot of times, growth - like fullness - doesn't show up on the tape measure; but you can see and feel it. I try to refrain from measuring more often than once every couple weeks or so for that very reason. But one of these days, that new fullness will translate into another half inch or so on that blasted tape measure, lol. Smile

interesting about the 3/4 view, that was what I just wrote in my post today! I found the same thing, that when I look at my breasts front on, I'm like hmmmm, I can kindof see a bit more padding, rather than ribcage! But when I go on a diagonal I can see breast tissue in between the breasts which never existed before, plus I can see breast tissue on the bottom of my breasts which sticks out.

Great you have been having lots of pains TM! Hopefully this means another growth spurt is on it's way!!!!

Totally getting this feeling too!! Bumping into them is def a new feeling Smile

GF - I know what you mean about the new padding in between the breasts that wasn't there before! It's like, I'm getting "beefier" on the tops and insides of my breasts. I can see it at the 3/4 angle view for sure. And when I look down, they seem so big! Smile

Periwinkle - I am loving this new bumping into them feeling too! It feels kinda like it did if I'd brush them while wearing a padded bra; but only a lot more sensitive, cuz I'm not wearing any bra (not at home, anyway). It continues to amaze me every day! Big Grin

And it's also weird, cuz sometimes if I lean against something like the back of the couch or against the wall or something, I have to be careful not to squish them (that would hurt!). Before, I could lean up against anything, and I'd just be resting on my ribs or sternum, lol. This is all still so new to me, that it almost feels kinda "alien" to have these things on my chest that actually get in the way sometimes. Wink But I totally love it!

I'm still having pains every day, yay! I know they are bigger; I'll be brave and get out my measuring tape later. And I'll try not to cry if it shows the same measurement, or smaller. We all know how mean the tape measure can be ..... Rolleyes

I was thinking about the whole measuring thing and how wildly inaccurate it is. Have you ever seen these things at science museums or wherever, and it's a whole lot of nails side by side, and you can touch it with your hand and then you can see your hand mark in it as it pushes all the nails away. well I was thinking how cool would it be if there were a similar thing that you could put your breasts in, and then it could measure accurately how much they stuck out.
Does that make any sense? I can see it in my head! hehe Just need someone to invent it please!

Lol, GF, I know what item you're referring to, with the nails that you can make an impression of your hand or boob or whatever with! You can get those in toy stores too. I had gotten one for my kids last year, except it had plastic nails instead of metal ones. The plastic nails ended up getting bent and stufff, so we threw it out. It would be interesting if there was something like that you could measure your breasts with, and it had like little ruler lines on it that measured in millimeters or something; cuz ANY growth, even 1 mm, would be encouraging, you know? Big Grin

I'm still getting good pains every day. Right now, I'm having some sharper pains that sometimes feel like burning under my breasts, like that would-be fold area where your underboob meets your rib cage. The pains are even pulling along the sides of my rib cage; and it's worse on my smaller right side. Smile I hope that means something good! Occasionally over the past three or four days, my breasts have actually felt sore to touch; they like RARELY are sore to touch. Usually it's just deep aches. I'll take that as a positive sign!

I have measured myself every day for the past five days; usually just once a day, but sometimes twice a day. A couple times I got 34.25"; but mostly it says 34.5" or just a hair below that (like 34.4" or something). So I'm gonna officially say that I've finally gained back that half an inch I lost back in November. Big Grin And my breasts are definitely fuller and rounder than they were back before I lost that half an inch. Yay! I am still religiously taking every pill and every protein drink at the right times of the day, every day.

I just bought some green tea bags. I really like tea; and I had heard so many good things about green tea in particular. Does anyone think that if I had one cup of green tea every evening, would that negatively affect my program? It's decaffeinated, by the way, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep. Is green tea considered an herbal supplement? Because I would really hate to screw up my program now! My facial moisturizer has green tea in it, and that hasn't really had any impact on my program at all. I just don't really know a lot about the herbal side of NBE to know whether or not to be cautious about the use of green tea. Huh Anyone have any thoughts?

I hope everyone else is in pain too! Sounds horrible to say, but you know what I mean! Tongue

yay that's great about the pain!

No idea about green tea affecting breast growth... it's full of antioxidants if you buy proper green tea that's about all I know.

And I like the idea of being able to say whether you have grown 1 mm or 2 mm hehe. I grew a grand total of 3mm. woo hoo. lol I'd love there to be something that you could accurately measure you chest with! that would be great. Someone please invent it!!!!

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