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Maca Journey Buddies!!


It may have been that I took it on an empty stomach. I had been taking raw maca for past two weeks here and there with no problems. I didnt know about roasting. Apparently Peruvians never eat raw maca themselves.. they always cook it before ingesting.

Well Ruch let's hope you have learnt your lesson with this one, so you don't do the same mistake again, I think it's best and safe to investigate something before you decide to start on it, so you will know what exactly you are/ will be dealing with.

I'm taking 1000 mg of maca every day because it comes in my protein powder.

I've had some booty gains the last week or two, but it really is more due to focusing my workouts on that area. Maca probably just supports the gains. I'm not sure if I can attribute it to booby gains, either, because of all the other stuff I'm doing. It probably doesn't hurt, though!

Has anyone tried maca extract?Do you know a recommended dose?Also a good maca extract brand?

Hey buddies
Tomorrow will be two weeks full since i've been on mac. Before I started I was 62,5 kg and yesterday I weighed 64,7Big Grin and I still want to gain some more. I started with 1 tsp a day and as i started with my gym workout I added 2 tsp,taking 1& half before gym and the other 1&half after my workout. Oh well, I still took naps during the day, have an increased appetite and my breasts have had a bit of increase, whether or not I massaged or not, but I ain't seeing more gains as I have expected (butt & hips)Huh I'm wondering if this could be because of my workout, maybe its too intense... should I increase my dosage in order to receive and see more gains? I'm really lost hereHuh please help guys, could 1tsp of maca have the same effect on someone who is active as on one who is not? does someone who is active need to take a higher dose to get the same benefit?

One unpleasant thing, I'm starting to get breakoutsSad and I'm not sure if using BC and maca at the same time is idealHuh I was using it and stopped when i started maca, should I go back on it?

Today I'm not on maca, I feel pretty much the same as when I have taken it, the hunger,need for a nap, and just more breakoutsSad I don't want to stop maca, please help me on how to get more from it

(09-09-2014, 17:31)Boobattraction Wrote:  Hey buddies
Tomorrow will be two weeks full since i've been on mac. Before I started I was 62,5 kg and yesterday I weighed 64,7Big Grin and I still want to gain some more. I started with 1 tsp a day and as i started with my gym workout I added 2 tsp,taking 1& half before gym and the other 1&half after my workout. Oh well, I still took naps during the day, have an increased appetite and my breasts have had a bit of increase, whether or not I massaged or not, but I ain't seeing more gains as I have expected (butt & hips)Huh I'm wondering if this could be because of my workout, maybe its too intense... should I increase my dosage in order to receive and see more gains? I'm really lost hereHuh please help guys, could 1tsp of maca have the same effect on someone who is active as on one who is not? does someone who is active need to take a higher dose to get the same benefit?

One unpleasant thing, I'm starting to get breakoutsSad and I'm not sure if using BC and maca at the same time is idealHuh I was using it and stopped when i started maca, should I go back on it?

Today I'm not on maca, I feel pretty much the same as when I have taken it, the hunger,need for a nap, and just more breakoutsSad I don't want to stop maca, please help me on how to get more from it

You're doing great! Congrats!! Some people start seeing results in 2 weeks, some people start seeing results in a month. So, you're doing good! In order to help you with your dosage questions, tell me if you're taking gelatinized or raw and what brand so we can look up the dosage label.

As far as workouts go, intense is the way to go in order to gain muscle the fastest, as long as by "intense" you mean heavy weights and not intense cardio. Cardio should be very limited since you're trying to put on weight, and if you warm up on a stationary bike for 5 minutes before each weight-intense exercise, you might want to skip any other cardio for the time being. Once you've added the weight you want, then you can add 20 minute runs 2-3 times a week, as long as you eat MORE calories on those days so the cardio burns the calories and not your body fat or muscle gains.

Low reps, high weight is the way to go. Once you've been working out for about 2 weeks, you can go heavier. Best way to build fast is to make the weight heavy enough to where you can only do 6-8 reps in good form. If you can do more than that, you need to add more weight. FORM IS EVERYTHING though, so make sure you're doing each exercise correctly and planting the weight in your heels, not your toes.

5 pounds (2.27 kg) of gain in just 2 weeks is AWESOME!!! Keep it up! What you're doing is obviously working for you, so don't mess with it. Unfortunately you can't go from flat butt to Kim Kardashian in just 2 weeks, gains take time, and you are DEFINITELY doing it right!

Also, you mentioned not being on maca ONE day and feeling the same. It takes a few days for maca to build up in your system enough to start doing its job, so it would take at LEAST a few days of NOT taking it in order for it to start leaving your system & for you to not feel the effects anymore. When I took a break, I felt different after about 3-4 days.

As far a the breakouts go, this is what helped me (I didn't have big zits, but I had those MANY smaller bumps that could be squeezed, but I tried not to). I bought Dickinsons Witch Hazel and applied that morning & night. I also dry brushed my face, neck, chest & back, as well as the rest of my body, before taking a shower. And exfoliation is your best friend. Try the "aspirin facial". You literally dissolve 2 cheap aspirin pills to make a paste, apply it, then rinse off 10 min later. It works wonders! Google search "aspirin facial"

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure you're drinking enough water. Just straight water. If you're lifting heavy, you need to be drinking more than the typical person, and since you're taking an herb (or herbs), you need to drink even more! I weigh about 105lbs right now and drink about 80-90oz of water a day because I lift heavy & take herbs. If I were you, I'd get a liter-sized bottle and drink 4 to 5 liters of water a day. That will also help clear your skin

Thnx Charlie G, I feel much better now and really encouragedBig Grin
For starters, I take raw maca(baked) Navitas certified organic. My workout consists mainly of weight lifting and I wish I can lift more and I see that coming, since starting on maca, I have increased a bit of weights, though I need to check my form time and again. I will definitely minimize cardio because like I said I still need more gains
As for water I normally take 2 & half ltrs, but I haven been on track lately I have to admitSad What do you think about BC and maca at the same time please? I can't seem to find anything that answers that exactly on the netHuh

Yeah!! You're doing awesome!! I'd be so excited if I were gaining at that rate Smile But I literally JUST started everything back up and I'm still ramping up on the maca. Hopefully I can get to gain 5 lbs every 2 weeks! Heck, just look at body builder websites, even they say that 3lbs a week is usually the max a heavy lifter & gainer can add without steroids, so you're doing amazing!!

I would definitely drink more water. The typical person needs 1/2 their body weight in ounces of water a day (so if you weigh 140lbs, you need 70 oz of water a day). Now, heavy lifters and people who exercise regularly need more than that, and people who take herbs need even more than that so they don't overload the liver. You weigh 64.7 kg, which is 142.6 lbs., which means if you WEREN'T exercising regularly or taking herbs, you'd need about 71 oz of water a day. That's just below what you're drinking now. 2 and a half liters is about 84 oz. So, you definitely need more water. Try bumping it up to 3 and a half to 4 liters a day. The easiest way to do this is to drink a liter and a half to two liters right before, during & right after your workouts, then one liter in the morning & one in the evening.

Another thing that will really help you is to up your protein intake! If you can't see yourself eating more hard boiled eggs or chicken, then get some whey protein isolate & just add it to your after workout shakes. You can also add it to milk at night too. It's just extra protein, and the whey isolate kind is the best I've used. Other kinds make me (and other people) bloat pretty bad! Also, make sure you eat a small meal of protein & carbs OR just a protein bar about 30 min before lifting, and a protein shake within 30 min after lifting. Eating 60% of your daily calories within 2 hours of lifting is ideal- it will give you sustained energy all day and really helps build muscle & gain weight since during that time, your body is a fat burning machine, we want it burning food instead of our fat & muscle Smile

And now that you've been working out for a couple of weeks, do air squats on your non-lift days. Just do 5 sets of 15 reps of squats at home with no weights on the days you don't exercise.

When you do squats (at home and at the gym with weights, make sure to keep your core tight, so take a breath, squat down, lift up, then breathe out and repeat.) Explosive lifts are also best for gaining muscle. So, squat down nice and steady, dig that weight into your heels, stick your butt out and act like you're going to sit down, then quickly explode up and squeeze your butt at the top. What I do at the gym is stick one of those medicine balls behind me on the ground and when I dip down and stick my butt out, I barely touch that ball with my butt, then explode up.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of BC at all. It's really bad for women, so I'd say just avoid it anyway. I've read many times that maca actually blocks that type of synthetic estrogen, which would mean that it would make the BC ineffective. I've read that maca makes BC ineffective separate from the last comment as well. I know that you CAN take progesterone with maca & it's fine, so maybe talk to your dr about a progesterone-only birth control if you really want to be on birth control Smile

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