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Please help me improve my current program (not getting results) - pics included



I’m not a doctor, but I myself and others I know have had success with using Maca to regulate our menstrual cycles.  I had amenorrhea for years, I didn’t even get my first until just before I turned 18, even then it was only light spotting.  

I know some find success with enhancing curves using maca, I’ve never experienced that and have taken 1+ TB off and on for years.  It gives energy as well, so don’t take at night.  I often add it to my morning smoothies, even though my cycle is like clockwork (or was before bc, went off it last cycle after 3 months of using, and got my period but it was 2 days early, have been taking daily now to make sure cycle good, will know in a couple weeks.

I had an employee with alopecia who hadn’t had her period in years, a month of taking 2 TB of maca a day and she got her period and kept getting it every month after, she stopped taking maca bc she hoped her period would stop again (lol) but it kept coming every month.

Maca balances hormone levels on the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis - the pituitary gland stimulates the ovaries and adrenal glands produce the estrogen/progesterone/etc that the body needs, maca helps regulate that.  

Some studies show maca boosts DHEA & lowers cortisol too, DHEA is also responsible for our hormones & levels of DHEA lower with age - starting in our 20s.  Cortisol is the stress hormone, and can lead to fat in our organs (might be why my employee lost weight on maca).

DIM is also used for balancing estrogen levels - particularly reducing “bad” and clearing out “extra.”

Every body is different & how we respond is different.  Some women here have amazing results with herbs, others use BO and others like MissMadScientist had great success with flax/soy/milk.  

The most important is to know where you’re at, then balance hormones, and keep monitoring them while using things that modify them.

I’m currently taking a pituitary glandular to support my thyroid while doing all these things.  I have a thread on here too if you’re curious about my program.  

I started off intense - with MissMadScientist’s BO program (BO/MK677/HMB/etc).  I did see growth.

I do know protein is important to provide amino acids (the building blocks) for the new tissue we’re creating.  You’d said vegetarian, so perhaps try a whey protein.

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