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10th week progress so far...


Brava Update
November 12 2009 at 2:33 AM miriam41 (Login miriam41)


Well I have almost reached 10 weeks with Brava. I am only doing one breast at a time (because of a back issue) so it is easy to tell my progress because I can compare it to the other breast. I can only wear the system 10-11 hours and I use a Smart box. I started with a small (tired looking) A cup but now after 12 hours with the domes off I have a nice medium A which feels fuller and thicker than the other breast. I would be happy if it stayed that way but I know that there is a certain amount of further growth loss after you stop the system. I plan on going for another 4 weeks which should help but at some point I have to stop this breast and start on the other. If I get results on the one side I think the next cycle will feel easier. My Brava coach said you shouldn't lose more than 10% after you stop the system but that seems overly optimistic. Is anyone else getting results? How much growth loss have people experienced after they stopped the system? I have read back posts and it seems to vary. I would be very depressed if I lost it all and if that is a possibility than I will just extend my program. Also, I managed to take my 12th anniversary weekend with my husband even though I am involved in this Brava craziness. He is very supportive and we kept our fun to the daylight hours!

Author Reply
(Login carjam6) Re: Brava Update November 17 2009, 12:09 PM

Just wanted to congratulate you on your journey and, although I've only begun myself, I want to encourage you to continue. It looks like sticking with it will pay off for you (and your husband lol).

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Brava Update November 18 2009, 12:07 AM

That's great you finished your first round. Ever thought of supplementing with the Noogleberry in between sessions? Some girls do and they do well using both systems.


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(Login miriam41) Re: Brava Update November 19 2009, 2:22 AM

From what I have read Noogleberry may be a useful addition to Brava but my Brava seems to take up all of my available home hours. I still have 4 weeks to go because I am going to do 14 weeks total. I just hope I don't lose all of my growth when I stop. I will just have to hope for the best!

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Beautiful Journey
(Login beautifuljourney) Brava and noogleberry combo November 22 2009, 8:43 AM

I've done Brava in the past and am glad I did. I lived in England then and could commit to the 10 hours. In fact I could average 12 hours then. I have lost quite a lot of weight since and with the weight my boobs, so I've tried herbs for at least half a year and they didn't help.

I've recently (ca 2 weeks ago) started using Brava again, but only during the night and I usually sleep 7 hours or less. I've also started using Noogleberry. I hope that the combo will result in growth.

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(no login) my brava experience November 24 2009, 1:28 PM

I'm in my second cycle with brava. The first one I did for 29 weeks. I was 32 inches at burst to start with. When I stopped at 29 weeks, I was 34 inches after 12 hours of no wearing. However, the next 6 month without wearing brava and it dropped to 33inches and stablized.
If I were you, I would go on to 20 weeks if all possible. The hardest time to me is around Thanksgiving and Christmas time when there are so many late night activities and peoples around you and little private times. After this, it's much easier for me to continue.
Good luck to you.


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(Login miriam41) Re: Brava Update November 29 2009, 1:51 PM

Thanks, this feedback is very helpful. I think I am going to extend my program. Based on what I read it doesn't seem like 14 weeks is enough (especially for all this trouble) Once you are up to 10 weeks and the growth starts its hard to think about having to do it again. Also, I am getting greedy, I see some growth but I want more! The 6 month stabilization period is interesting, the lady at Brava told me all of my swelling would be gone in a week but everyone here says the stabilization period goes on for much longer.

I agree with what you said about the holidays being difficult with Brava. I was traveling in the car last night on a 10 hour drive to get home and I made my husband pull over at 8pm to put the Brava on - I still managed 12 hours even though I was on a highway!


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(no login) Re: Brava Update December 1 2009, 3:32 AM

You surely have a very supportive husband. Mine would never pull over on the road for me. Matter of fact, He kept asking me when I'm going to stop wearing these gigantic things.
The stablize time may not be 6 month. I just happened to stop wearing for 6 months because of going out of the country in the spring time and again in the summer. But definately not one week! I remember I was so glad the first a few weeks after stopping them and the measurement was 34. I thought I have gained 2 inches. Well, one inch is better than nothing. So here I am doing the second round...

Good luck.


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(Login Annettee) Re: Brava Update December 7 2009, 3:59 AM

Jennifer, when did you start noticing the decrease? I heard you see it in 2 weeks.

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(no login) Re: Brava Update December 10 2009, 3:08 AM

The first 2 weeks I paid close attention. I remembered it was 34.5 when I first stopped. Then within the first week or two it dropped to 34. I believe it gradully decreased to 33 over a few months. Anyhow, I still gained one inch. I'm ok with it.


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(Login Annettee) Re: Brava Update December 10 2009, 5:58 PM

Did you lose any weight? I'm asking these questions because I'm in my 42nd week, I have gained 2 inches. I went from 31 to 33. I'm afraid of stoping, I don't know what I'm going to end up with.

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(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Brava Update December 11 2009, 4:45 PM

just keep on doing it as long as you can...I will for as long as my husband will stand it (he hates the domes and can't wait until I'm done). I have done this since February last year and I only have 1-1,5" after 12 hours - absolutely not much but more than I had a year ago! Here's to perseverance and lots of growth to keep! ; )

(Login Annettee) Re: Brava Update December 12 2009, 4:21 AM

Thanks, I think I'm going to stop for one week starting Dec. 31 just to see what is going to happen ( and because of the holidays).

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Brava Update December 21 2009, 3:31 AM

Hi, All!

Wow, I thought I was the only one who was still wearing these domes. I am now longer than a year. I started in November of 2008 and I have not missed a night yet. I, too, am very afraid to stop wearing them. When you start with just skin over ribs, it is frightening to think of deflating all the way back to that. I have been the same weight all my life, am very thin, and now 5 years past menopause so I am working with an old lady's body! I started with basically 30 under the breast and not even 31 over! I didn't put the tape measure over the nipple because after nursing three children, that would be a big added bonus but in reality, a nipple that sticks out a foot is NOT breast tissue. So, I was flat, flat and flat. Now, after 12-14 hours off, I measure 33" over. From the side, it still looks like nothing, and my ribs still stick out almost as much as my breasts, but there is a little bit of tissue there. I also started taking Greenbush herbs and again just added Goat's Rue to the mix since it is reputed to actually grow breast tissue. I want to keep with the herbs since I know I eventually have to stop the domes, at least for a short while. Plus, my skin is getting really irritated no matter what I try to put on to soothe it.

Tonight I just noticed that one of my domes has a split in it. I actually didn't even know we could still add to this forum. I was actually going back to find the post I put on about repairing domes with silicone to figure out what my husband had bought! I am in for a dome repair right now and I am terrified they are going to start leaking before I have a chance to order more.

So......lets all stay in touch here cause we all need each others support!

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(no login) Re: Brava Update December 22 2009, 12:52 AM

sad to say this but, brava decreased my volume after not wearing them.
ended up with only increased size nipple and i hate myself more...
any other options have you guys tried that you guys can seriously help me?
i'm really desperate.

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(Login kiagirl) Re: Brava Update December 27 2009, 9:59 PM

I have never heard of that happening--but maybe you should check the forum for other forms of NBE that may work for you. There are so many options out there! Good luck! Smile

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(no login) Re: Brava Update December 31 2009, 4:00 PM


I'm so sorry to hear about your experience! How long did you do the Brava for? Please don't hate your breasts - after all they are a part of you and God made all of you beautiful!! Small breasts or not : ) I hope that you will find something that will help you get the size that you're happy with - don't give up!! What else have you tried?


I am SOOO happy for you!!! 2 inches after 12-14 hours?! Well done!! I remember you saying that you'd be thrilled with 1"...of course I know that you want even more now (that's how it works!) but I'm so happy that your persistance has paid off!

I might be the slowest brava grower in the world...In Feb, I have done 1 year, and I'm still at 1" after 12 hours...I'll just keep on going for as long as my husband can stand it. With the swelling I feel great, I don't want to be without that....

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(no login) Is this Brava Bra actually working March 15 2010, 10:28 AM

Hi gals, well I sport a tiny but perky size 36AA breast, and I am busy researching this Brava Bra idea. But reading through these responses, I am not so sure this product actually works!!! 10 months is a long time, especially when Brava says 10 weeks! Any one got positive results out there please, within at least 12 weeks and then of course no reducing back to original size? This is not a small investment in finance or time, so I would hate to be dissapointed )o;

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(no login) Re: Brava Update May 2 2010, 4:33 AM

i used the system for about 4 months. i had great swelling, but my breasts would deflate within an hour of taking off the domes. i stopped using the system because i noticed i would get less swelling every day, and the domes didn't seem to seal well. 8 months after discontinuing the system, i still have horrible scaring around my breasts and they are the same size they were before. i think they may sag a bit more now.

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(Login alexandra-aaa-2) Re: Brava Update May 2 2010, 3:09 PM

I'm curious....did you use only the smartbox pressure, or did you increase pressure?

I've read on noogleberry forums how people use BRAVA domes with either a hand pump or another airlock system to increase the pressure and swelling. Permanent growth with BRAVA is not a result of large amounts of swelling, but of the slow sustained (smaller) swelling created by only the smartbox pressure. (From what I understand about noogleberry, the swelling it creates is temporary as well - or at least most of it is. There may be long term retention, but in relation to the short term swelling, it is far less.)

Using BRAVA pre-fat transfer surgery is different however. Then you are trying to achieve maximum swelling in order to have more room to transfer the lipo'd fat into. And even then, the increased pressure is used in a cycling fashion with the smartbox. The BRAVA coaches are very clear on telling you NEVER to use increased pressure outside of surgery prep.

It would certainly achieve great temporary swelling, but your permanent growth would never match that swelling. Therefore, you would inevitably end up with stretched, saggy (unfilled) skin when all is said and done.

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(no login) Re: Brava Update May 4 2010, 1:09 AM

i used only the smartbox pressure. the alarm was very reliable for waking me up if i lost the seal. i don't know why the results didn't last for me. i'm very slim and i've never had children. i was an A cup when i started and i'm an A cup now.
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Brava Update - by admin - 16-08-2010, 08:53
RE: 10th week progress so far... - by admin - 13-03-2011, 12:25
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RE: 10th week progress so far... - by admin - 12-03-2011, 10:54
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