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Butt exercises
October 29 2009 at 3:51 AM Waxingmoon - One more question (Login eyeball123)


Hi Waxingmoon,

Thank you for ur previous reply - sorry for the trouble, but i have one more question. what kind of exercises did u do and recommend to achieve the caboose?
Also, is it more important to focus on reps or weights to gain size?

Thank you a million times!

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(Login xxbabygurlxx) Re: Butt exercises November 4 2009, 10:44 PM


I use to have the same problem u did, i'm so naturally flat! ughh!

so what u need to do is first increase your protein intake. Weight training is a must!!! The squat bar should be your new best friend. Trying doing one legged squats, pushing up on your heel and squeezing your glutes when you go back up. Normal squats for me personally didnt do anything.

Do lots of set and heavy weight eventually! Work your way up.!!

PM should also make your hips wider which is good too!

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(Login aerie84) Re: Butt exercises November 5 2009, 4:06 AM

Hello girls...

I have been taking alot of courses in weight training and a very common misconception is that extra protein will build muscle. This is very untrue. Did you know that the daily reccommended protein intake for a woman of 23years would be 46grams? a piece of chicken the size of a deck of cards is 21gms of protein(3oz.)!a little increase is needed for those who are very active (for example, athletes).


THE ONLY WAY TO BUILD MUSCLE IS LOTS OF HARD WORK AND RESISTANCE TRAINING. THE higher the weights, the faster you'll build up, but make sure you have enough time for recovery between workouts.

get 45%-65% of your daily kcals from carbs
20-30% from fat
10-15% from protein

eat nutritous foods LOW in saturated fat and exercise .....ALOT

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(Login aerie84) Re: Butt exercises November 5 2009, 4:43 AM

and yes, the squat is by FAR the BEST butt building workout of all time..

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(Login xxbabygurlxx) Re: Butt exercises November 5 2009, 10:59 AM

^^ not everyone can have chicken everyday. I find protein shakes convient and more effective. But its true tho too much protein can be stored as fat.

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Butt exercises November 5 2009, 1:30 PM

Hi Eyeball,

Sorry I didn't see this the first time through, but now that it has floated to the top again let me respond.

Yes, squats can build the seat muscle, but they are also hard on the knees. Slightly better is the leg press machine at the gym which allows you some variation in foot placement.

You can build just as much muscle with high repetitions at lower weights as you can with low repetitions at higher weights - the difference is that it takes a little more time to build with the high rep/lower weight but it is also much safer. Think of doing 3 sets of 20 reps - give yourself at least one day of rest - two would be better and then do it again. Work out this muscle area no more than 3 times a week.

Instead of squats you can also do leg sweeps. For this you lie with your lower leg bent and slowly sweep your upper leg back. Keep your abs pulled in tight and prevent your low back from arching. As your leg sweeps back, bend you knee and act like you want to put your foot on your head (don't actually do that - it may look good in cirque de soleil, but you don't have to contort to do this well).

This method will really help to build the upper part of the seat muscle and pull everything up high. I do a lot of these and it is one of the reasons that people notice my backside - it sits up high and proud.

As far as protein - yes, too much is not going to help but the amount Aerie listed is the minimal amount of protein necessary for a person. 10 - 15% protein is for those who are minimally active or sedentary.

If you are trying to grow muscle it is recommended that you increase your protein to 25 - 30% of your diet. And the amount you need varies depending on your height and your activity level. For example a person who consumes 2000 calories a day would need to eat 150 grams of protein a day to equal 30% and 75 grams of protein to equal 15%.

One of the worst things you can do when you are trying to grow muscle is limit your protein intake. You should consume protein within 1 hour after you work out and do your best to eat 4 - 6 meals per day.

Your body can only digest about 30 grams of protein every 3 hours. You will need to divide your protein amount into 30 grams or less for each meal.

Protein drinks are excellent but make sure they are egg or whey protein. These forms are absorbed and utilized by the body much better than other forms.

If you do the right type of exercise, rest at least 24 hours between sessions, sleep 7 - 10 hours per night and most importantly - eat protein within 1 hours of your workout and at sufficient amounts during the day, you will grow muscle.

Best wishes,

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(Login eyeball123) Re: Butt exercises November 8 2009, 12:06 AM

Ooh thanks girls!! This is such valuable info! So i heard that if i do weight training, i shouldn't so cardio because i was told that they basically negate each other - is that true? Sad

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(no login) Re: Butt exercises November 8 2009, 4:33 AM

in my knowledge cardio will give you a lean muscle and weight lifting will increase muscle mass, you can do cardio if you like along w/ weight lifting just don't do it both everyday or in the same day, but i'm not a fitness professional, it's just my opinion

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(Login DancingArianFlame)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Butt exercises November 8 2009, 1:09 PM

Send me an email and i can send you something that will show you how. Smile its not magical or anything like that it just tells you everything you need to know.

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(no login) Re: Butt exercises November 8 2009, 5:24 PM

Thanks Ladies! So my plan is to do lunges and squats 3 days a week, and in between do cardio. Also, right after I work out I will take geletinized maca every day (probably 6 pills). This is all to get the nice big caboose, and hopefully i end up with 40 inches like waxingmoon did! Smile

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(Login eyeball123) Re: Butt exercises November 8 2009, 5:28 PM

Oh thank you soo much for this great info! So here is my plan for a round full caboose. I will do butt workouts 3 times a week, then do cardio the rest of the days, take maca pills just after i am done working out (i am planning to take 6 maca pills after each workout session), and hopefully i end up with a 40 incher like waxingmoon! Smile I wonder how long it takes in average for a woman to grow an inch around her butt aread (again i know everyone's bodies are diff so that maybe a stupid thing to wonder about).


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(Login aerie84) Re: Butt exercises November 9 2009, 1:56 AM

it is very easy to consume way more protein than one needs...especially if you live in US. Protein doesnt come from just meat you know. actually, 9 out of 10 americans consume ABOVE their recommended intake of protein, and then include protein shakes into their diets...

sedentary and active are terms taken lightly....

keep in mind protein is only used for rebuilding tissues etc. but we really dont use that much everyday...

and...protein is never used as energy. carbs are. Protein is used as energy after about an hour of INTENSE training and working out...Im saying at least 70% of your maximal oxygenm intake...meaning you really gotta be working it.. so if your working out for a half an hour a day, doing MOSTLY ANAEROBIC dont need that much protein. about 15-20% of your daily calories is sufficient..if you go above that level of workout, then an increase in protein would be beneficial.

i suggest recording a food journal over 3 days and average out how much protein you get. You'd be surprised.

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(Login lemonvanilla) Re: Butt exercises November 9 2009, 3:46 AM

Well if you eat too much of anything, it doesn't matter if it is protein, carbs, fats, sugars, or starches etc.. it will be stored in your body as fat. Just watch your caloric intake and you should be fine Wink))

If you desire a large caboose (lol) you could start doing those exercises you see athletic women with large butts doing. For example: sprinting, running, weight lifting, and so on, the butt is the largest muscle in the body....MUSCLE is the key word..... I wanted thinner thighs so I stopped my old routine and did what I saw skinny legged girls doing. I've lost about 2-3 inches on 'em Smile

I know you can do it if you want it, because I watched an old friend do millions of squats and achieve a round booty so it is highly possible Smile

Good luck !

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(Login Dory505) Re: Butt exercises November 10 2009, 9:35 AM

I have read somewhere that Squats and lunges only tones the butt but makes the thigs bigger!! so Donkey Kicks would be the answer to grow the butt only??

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(Login sara30500) Re: Butt exercises November 10 2009, 10:03 PM

Do you have any pic or vide0s of this method? As my English is not that good, do not understand your method. Thanks a million.

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Butt exercises November 15 2009, 3:31 PM

Hi Sara,

Sorry, I don't have a video that shows what I was describing. If I run across something I will post it.


We agree on several points, but not on the issue that people are already getting enough protein. I don't know where your information is coming from, but based on the nutritional counseling I provide to my clients I can tell you that the majority of them consume approximately half of what they need for protein each day.

Sure, plants also have protein, but not all protein is the same. Proteins are rated by what is known as 'Biologic Value' - what this evaluates is how much of a protein contained in a food is actually usable by our body. In other words how much can we digest and absorb a protein.

The protein with the highest biological value is eggs. 100% of egg protein is digested and absorbed and used by our body.

Rice protein biological value is about 55%. That means that you only are able to digest and absorb and use 55% of the protein you get from rice.

If you were to eat 10 grams of egg protein then your body gets 10 grams of protein. If you were to eat 10 grams of rice protein your body gets only 5.5 grams of that protein.

A food diary is a great way to evaluate what you are doing. I do complex evaluations of peoples diet diaries. Most of the time the person has about 10 - 12% protien, 45 - 60% carbs and 30 - 40% fat - that is not ideal at all.

Your body uses protein for many essential biological processes. You need protein to create muscle, immune cells, blood cells, hormones, skin, hair, nails, - it is a long list. These are cells that need to be created every day and having an insufficient amount of protein can create unfortunate problems.

A common scenario of people who start to work out without increasing protein is that they come down with a cold or flu. Both muscle cells and immune cells compete for the protein and if the muscle cells win out - guess what - the immune cell did not get build - hello illness...

Guess what happens if you take in 'too much' protein? Basically your body will convert it to carbohydrates for fuel or convert it to fat for storage.

I am not an advocate of eating only protein or eating protein in excess - I am however an advocate of making sure that protein needs are sufficient for what we are doing.

Don't assume you are eating enough protein. Don't just count the number of grams of protein and think that some random number is going to be enough. Protein should be at the proper ratio for your total calories per day.

Remember if you are eating 2000 calories per day that would mean you would need a minimum of 75 grams of protein to equal 15% protein and a maximum of 150 grams of protein to equal 30% protein.

If you consume 1500 calories per day that would mean you would need a minimum of 56 grams of protein (15%) and maximum 112 grams of protein (30%).

As I said, I am offering advice based on what I deal with on a routine basis when I counsel people on improving their nutrition. Almost everyone is below the 15% protein.

There are plenty of websites out there that can help you figure out your numbers. Just Google Nutrition Data and you will find a great site.

Best wishes,

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(Login DancingArianFlame)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Butt exercises November 15 2009, 5:17 PM

even if an excersise does just tone your butt, it will still lift it and make it rounder so it will look bigger.

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(Login lemonvanilla) Re: Butt exercises November 23 2009, 6:55 AM

Well all I can say is that I have a very very large tight back end. Men go crazy over it. When I work out I do anywhere from 50-100 cross-fit lunges paired with 45lb squats. If you'd like Ill post a picture Wink

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(Login eyeball123) Re: Butt exercises November 28 2009, 4:55 AM

Please post a picture - i have hear soo many stories and yet i have yet to find a picture of someone who actually has legitimate results..

Thank you!

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(Login eyeball123) Re: Butt exercises December 3 2009, 2:38 PM

A before and after picture would be great. but i will take an after if that is all you have Smile

Thank you soooo much!

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(no login) Re: Butt exercises December 3 2009, 4:08 PM

To acheive fast results, the Squats, Lunges and Deadlifts are the way to go.

Avoid any machine assisted exercises as this is not your natural range of motion.

Search around and ask any bodybuilder and the answer is that the Squats and the Deadlifts are the BEST workouts EVER. Anything else mentioned will only help a little and is not going to get you to your results anywhere as fast as these will. Plus, I personally find them wimpy Smile

You can find some deadlift videos on youtube.

Source: Currently weight training with a personal trainer & nutritionist.

To build muscle mass you need to do higher weights and lower reps. Don't let anyone tell you that "you're a woman and shouldn't lift heavy" THis is total B.S.! We can be just as strong and if we learn the proper form of these powerful exercises, you will prevent injury.
As women, we can't easily bulk up as a man can. It would take steroids to look like that!


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(Login nicolee22) Re: Butt exercises December 4 2009, 5:13 AM

I've been watching these butt threads in this forum 4 about a month now.. and I'm sold.. I've done my research on other sites and I'm gonna do what waxingmoon 2 get my butt bigger (same maca powder, butt exercise) but the only thing is that for the protein shake, I just got the Boost drink lol.. I saw the soy protein shakes and stuff but I've heard bad things about soy.. and the other 1 waxingmoon mentioned was wheat germ (something like that) I sww that 1 also but that 1 sounds like its just going 2 make my whole body buff (eww)..
I just want 2 put on A LITTLE weight back there..
Will it be ok if I just use Boost as the protein?
I'm thinking about just taking the maca with other foods (I.e.yogurt) and still doing my butt exercise almost every day (no boost).

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(Login nicolee22) Re: Butt exercises December 6 2009, 8:37 PM

And are the kickback exercise (on all 4s kicking back keeping your leg bent) with 10lbs ankle weights going 2 make my butt less jiggly or hard or anything? Because I do not want 2 have a big muscle butt that's stationary.. my butt jiggles enough (not too much, not too little) and I would hate 2 be doing these butt exercises and lose my jigglyness. =/

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(Login eyeball123) thanks!! December 8 2009, 5:03 PM

Thanks sooo much everyone! This is really helping. i am taking maca and have been doing squats!! My butt is sooo soreeee!!

still waiting for pictures from lemonvanilla - hehe

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(no login) BIGGER BUTT February 6 2010, 4:59 PM


Im very small and am trying to gain weight. I take one beneclaorie in my banana smoothie everyday. I've gained 3lbs in on week. Benecalorie is a flavorless 1.5 ounce supplement with 330 calories and 7 grams of protein. As for the bigger butt I have Denise Austins Buns and thigs workout dvd. Its a good routine for the butt and legs and they are short exercises so it requires little time. You can get it on'm here for breast enhancement too. I just figure since I'm so small gaining weight could also help in the boobie area since breats are made up of fat. Just a suggestion to all on the butt topic. I'll keep ya posted.

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(no login) Re: Butt exercises February 7 2010, 8:49 PM

I used to be a pretty skrawny little girl until i stated working out. I did some good workouts for my butt and all of a sudden everyone noticed. Everyone was talking about my butt and asking where it came from HAHA! So my point is that it's possible and it might be easier than you think if you work for it. I'm not a fitness expert but i researched alot of different excersizes and I think this is the best way to achieve a nice booty:
Your gonna wana start by just trying different excersizes like the ones I'll list below. See which ones you like/enjoy doing and feel are working for you. If you have trouble doing a certain excersize right or don't feel one is working for you then don't bother with it. Just because it worked for someone else doesn't mean it will for you so just experiment with different ones.

1)The first move is the squatt (of course), but there are different ways you can do it. I like to do the standard squatts (Feet shoulder width apart) doing 10-15reps and 5 sets with low weight. Then I do pile squatts where I spread my legs much further apart and squatt down deep. I do the same amount of reps/sets as the regular squatts, but without weight.(You might not need to use weight but if you want to start out light). Another way to squatt is to squatt down and jump as you come up. If the regular squatts don't give you results they should if you add weight or if you jump in between.

2)The next kind of excersize is deadlifts. I don't use weights everytime I do this, but when I do it's very light. I sometimes do the regular dead lifts where I bend forward and bend my kness, and make sure to contract my muscles as I come up. I usually do 4sets of 15. Sometimes I do the same excersize without bending my knees. This excersize will work your lower back as well so I don't do it as often. And my favorite is the single leg deadlift where you shift your weight to one leg and bend forward, lifts your other leg behind you and keeping both legs straight.(You will want weight for this one.) This excersize is harder bcause you need to consentrate to keep your balance.

3)The next type of excersize involve getting down on all fours. Donkey kicks are a great move for your butt and there are a few different ways to workout in this position. For the donkey kicks you want to really contract as you kick up behind you twards the ceilling. I like to pull my leg in twards my chest after i kick. I do 4 sets of 20reps. (10 on each leg) In this same position you can do another great excersize where you lift one leg behing you parellel to the floor and your oposite arm. You really wana extend your leg, then pull your leg in twards your chest before switching to the other leg. Adding in fire hydrants is a great way to make either of these excersizes better. You take your bent leg and lift it out beside you (simular to a dog at a fire hydrant. I like to do them before i kick up for my donkey kicks or before lifting my leg in the secound excersize.

4)Now we can stand back up for some leg lifting excersizes. I like to do standing side leg lifts to work my legs and a little of my butt from a different angle. I only do 2 sets of 15(this one does more for legs). I like to do standing leg lifts on a balance board. You wana extand your leg out before you lift and keep your core tight. Doing this excersize elevated and not touching down in between helps the butt get more of a workout without bulking your hamstrings. I like to do 4sets of 12 on each leg.

5) Briges are another way to work you butt. They aren't as powerful at bulking up as squatts obviously but they are great for shaping ans keeping cellulite at bay. You can do some regular bridges or try keeping one leg straight up for the whole time and then switch legs. Another way is to lift up into a bridge and lift one leg straighten it out bring it back in and then switch legs all while staying a bridge position.

Sorry if some of these are hard to understand. I think you can find videos online to see how some of these are done. I'd recomend trying to combine an excersize in each group i have above and doing the ones you think work for you best. Definatly make sure to do squatts if you don't have time to do a few different excersizes. I get bored if i only do one excersize so i like to switch it up and i feel like i get better results when i do a combinations of different excersizes. Hope these tips are helpful. Good luck to everyone!

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(Login Dory505) Re: Butt exercises February 9 2010, 8:20 AM

i wish to find butt enlarging workout that doesnt grow the thighs~~!! :S

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(no login) Re: Butt exercises February 9 2010, 7:34 PM

Hey dory, I have a great excersize for slimming your thighs. It's called an outer leg press. you laydown on your back and lift your legs so your feet point to the ceilling. Then you slowly spread your legs wide out to the side, and slowly bring them back up. I do 2 sets of 10. I posted the butt workout above and I don't have bulky legs so maybe you could try some of those excersizes without useing weights. Good luck!

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(Login eyeball123) Re: Butt exercises February 11 2010, 10:28 PM

Thank you for the amazing information Taylor - I will use the routine that you described and let you know how it goes Smile

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(no login) Re: Butt exercises February 14 2010, 3:11 PM

Your very welcome! I hope you get the results your looking for! I think you'll enjoy some of those excersizes. That excersize waxingmoon posted looks like a good one i might try. I'm a runner so I don't like useing weights cuz it kills me trying to run the day after a good butt workout haha. Exercizes with weights like the squatts and deadlifts will probably get you results fastest so I like consentrating on those and rotating in the other excersizes to compliment it. You might find the excersizes not challeging enough without weight so if you can handle adding some weights than i say go for it! Good luck!

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(Login Dory505) Re: Butt exercises February 17 2010, 12:07 PM

Thank you taylor!! i'll be doing that one for a month atleast i hope i can lose 3 inches X_X Big Grin

(no login) Re: Butt exercises February 24 2010, 10:09 PM

Your welcome dorie. You could probably also try yoga or pilates. Both are great for toning in general, and I'm sure with the right yoga poses or pilate excersizes you could get great legs. I do yoga for my lower body ocasionally and when i do my legs feel great!
This is a good workout that is suposted to fight cellulite and i love it:,,..._2,00.html
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