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Noogling tip


I just wanted to share an idea which might seem odd to some but I love it and maybe someone else could have use of it too.

I used to heat up my domes in hot water and this really gave me a better swelling and more pleasant overall pumping experience but it was very inconvenient and messy every time I needed to reheat the domes. I have bad circulation so every time I take domes off to massage it feels like massaging with cold hands does more harm than good (my hands and feet are always cold, I don’t even smoke any more that’s just my body) so I having warm domes is really a game changer for me.

So my new “innovation” really makes the whole process a lot easier, I simply wet two small microfiber towels in HOT water then put them inside the domes and pump as usual, that’s it. The swelling is GREAT! It’s not about how to place the fabric, it’s the steam and warmth together with the oil seems to allow breasts to swell really good. And they stay warm much longer. An option when too lazy too hydro-Noogle if anything. Might be a problem if you’re taping your nipples but I don’t do that so I can’t say.


Thanks for the neat tip!

I will have to try that the next time I noogle.

In the winter I use my sauna, and sometime I noogle for the 1/2 to 1 hour I'm in there.

The only problem is that they accumulate a lot of water and its a mess to take the domes off.



As a cold person I absolutely love sauna! I rent one in my building once a week, if had my own at home I would almost live in there I think. Never tried noogling there will definitely try it out!

I think my wet method could also work really well with any sort of sponge that can hold hot water to create that steamyness that breasts seem to respond well to. It makes me swell faster too, usually I have to pump at least an hour for lasting swelling, it takes only 20 minutes with hot domes, I think it’s because heat helps with blood flow maybe? Anyways I hope you enjoy it  Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">


The heat helps so much! I also get cold hands easily, and had issues with circulation. I've recently been using a small heating pad on my skin right before pumping and the circulation is way better now! I also keep the heating pad on, just below or around the cups while pumping to keep things warm. Makes everything much more comfortable during the cold months! And no more turning purple!


Heat really is a game changer, you don’t want it to feel like you’re strangling your breasts when trying to make them grow haha. I’ve recently skipped towels and just used balls of toilet paper or cotton dipped in hot water in the domes, it works even better, and if you make a bigger ball it can also work as a nipple stopper. Also continuations pumping will make blood vessels grow and expand in the breasts and they will not turn purple so easily anymore!


That’s brilliant!

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