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Abnormal Boobs - When your Boobs keep on returning back to preNBE no matter what


I'm baffled, puzzled, confused and mistified. 

Why would breasts keep on returning to a previous size? If you keep 1 inch consistently only to lose it quite suddenly (regardless of the time of month) it sounds like something very abnormal. 

This is the only theory I could come up with: 

- It was only swelling (BUT doesn't swelling become permanent growth after 3 months anyway?)

I am very much at a loss =/ Year after year I'm stuck in this cycle and I am SO DAMN CLOSE to giving up.

(04-02-2018, 11:46)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  I'm baffled, puzzled, confused and mistified. 

Why would breasts keep on returning to a previous size? If you keep 1 inch consistently only to lose it quite suddenly (regardless of the time of month) it sounds like something very abnormal. 

This is the only theory I could come up with: 

- It was only swelling (BUT doesn't swelling become permanent growth after 3 months anyway?)

I am very much at a loss =/ Year after year I'm stuck in this cycle and I am SO DAMN CLOSE to giving up.
Heyy :Smile

sorry to hear about you situation, I understand it must be frustrating for you. What things have you tried? Could you go into a bit more detail about your program, duration of the program etc.

Maybe then I(and others) can possibly try to help. I am new to all this but I will try to help if I can. 

Dark_Swan x

I can completely understand your frustration, but if you don't mind. Could you let us know what your routine is and/or what you have tried. 

Sorry you are feeling this way.  Keep you head up!

(04-02-2018, 11:46)In Rising From Ruins Wrote:  I'm baffled, puzzled, confused and mistified. 

Why would breasts keep on returning to a previous size? If you keep 1 inch consistently only to lose it quite suddenly (regardless of the time of month) it sounds like something very abnormal. 

This is the only theory I could come up with: 

- It was only swelling (BUT doesn't swelling become permanent growth after 3 months anyway?)

I am very much at a loss =/ Year after year I'm stuck in this cycle and I am SO DAMN CLOSE to giving up.
Are you using herbs? It’s been my experience tempary boost only while your taking them  Dodgy

Hello beautiful gorgeous ladies, thank you for your kind and sweet messages <3 This forum is a safe haven <3

Ella, it also happened to me even with the NB so it's probably my boobs which like to rebel against growth =/ 

I honestly tried almost all combination of herbs (except for BO), I even tried F cup cookies! I've been on this journey for 12 years. I honestly was doing fine until the age of 24 years. (I'm now 28) From AAA I managed to get to an almost full C (I wasn't quite consistent with my programs yet I grew).

Then, it all changed suddenly. I didn't grow effortlessly anymore; and when I would disappear. I tried to increase igf-1, HGH, more NB sessions, more massage to no avail.

I'm now down to a full B/very small C (probably not even a C...) at the moment *sigh*

I'm gonna try looking into total body healing (through acupuncture, meditation, etc). Who knows, maybe my body decided that it cannot sustain growth anymore for some strange reason.

I've looked into this forum for some time, it seems I'm the only one who has experienced this abnormality @_@

(07-02-2018, 17:17)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Hello beautiful gorgeous ladies, thank you for your kind and sweet messages <3 This forum is a safe haven <3

Ella, it also happened to me even with the NB so it's probably my boobs which like to rebel against growth =/ 

I honestly tried almost all combination of herbs (except for BO), I even tried F cup cookies! I've been on this journey for 12 years. I honestly was doing fine until the age of 24 years. (I'm now 28) From AAA I managed to get to an almost full C (I wasn't quite consistent with my programs yet I grew).

Then, it all changed suddenly. I didn't grow effortlessly anymore; and when I would disappear. I tried to increase igf-1, HGH, more NB sessions, more massage to no avail.

I'm now down to a full B/very small C (probably not even a C...) at the moment *sigh*

I'm gonna try looking into total body healing (through acupuncture, meditation, etc). Who knows, maybe my body decided that it cannot sustain growth anymore for some strange reason.

I've looked into this forum for some time, it seems I'm the only one who has experienced this abnormality @_@
Omg gurl that must really suck. I feel for you and would hate to be in your shoes.

Do you it could maybe be something in your diet, like maybe you are eating a food that anti NBE, workout changes, weightless, or may you are doing too much at one time and only one thing will help...Did you try different NB techniques??

Maybe it's not an abnormality as you call it, it could something you changed without realizing it.

Are you slim with high metabolism? Have you developed circulatory issues... soo many possibilities!! I measure bigger but swear I don’t feel it look it! I lost a good cup size with a gastrointestinal infection and never regained it fully back. 

Now every time I try to do herbs again I end up with estrogen probablems, the down side to perusing this over a period of years.. 

Believe it or not there’s proof out there (scientific? Maybe..) and people who grew with hypnosis etc which Ultimately comes down to “mind over matter stuff” - always worth a shot if your one of those people who can shut off the brain and be accepting. NOT ME sadly ..

Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

(09-02-2018, 11:30)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

Heyy Maira :Smile
Thanks hehe I picked that name because I am obsessed with the show OUAT, which is now ending soon  Sad  

Anyway, the swelling becoming permanent in three months theory might not apply to every single person I guess. And many people here do take longer to see the results. Others who respond just in a couple of months, lucky them. 

With the exercise, umm some women say that they lose all their gains when trying to lose weight and they have to start again. Other say it makes no difference and some say it actually help with their NBE goals. Are you more active after noogling, cos that could be a reason. I was asking here about exercise and noogling and few women mentioned that I should workout BEFORE noogling. 

I have started working out cos I am flabby atm lol. This is all due to junk food and sitting down in front of a computer for the past three years. My plan is to eat right and eat a bit extra (of things like avocados, protein, soybeans, chicken feet broth soup etc). So I lose weight/get into shape slowly and hopefully it doesn't effect the tiny bit of fullness I have gained. I have a good feeling that I might lose the fullness as women have lost their couple(and more) inches gained as well. But that is all I can do in the food department...Oh also, do you consume things like coffee on a regular basis? Caffeine has a bad rep in the NBE community.
With the workout side of things I am not going to change too much. I do want big breasts, I really really do but I am not going to not workout just to get and keep big breasts. Health is essential to me. But as compensation I have decided to do more things on a daily basis for NBE. I massage(female deer) my breasts more now, noogle for 4 hours(2 sessions of 2 hours pump and hold) and listen to those binural beats on yt(I mean they are free) while sleeping. 

So with a bit more food and more NBE stuff I am hoping that the breast growth is only slowed down. *fingers crossed* 

Sorry about the novel there. Umm with noogling, the pump and hold works better for me as well. And a lot of people here say it worked for them. Rocketmelon noogled for 4+ hours [each session] everyday for a year and she went from a 30DD to a 30GG. Jez here gained 4 cups in a couple of years and she did not put on any weight. 

I hope this helped and gave you some ideas for modifications you can make.

(09-02-2018, 11:30)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

Oh yeah another thing is that estrogen level decreases in our body at a yearly basis after the age of 25. And you mentioned that things were fine for you until 24. Also, you have been doing this for 12 years, so that must have included some of your teenage years. And we change(even if our boobies don't increase  Sad ) a lot in that time. So maybe what worked for you up until 24 is no longer working for you or working well. Maybe that's something to think about too...sorry about the constant replies. You know your program and lifestyle really well, so I thought I could give you suggestions and you could make decisions, try things, make modifications, use trial and error etc. Smile

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