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Tinydear's NBE Journey


Alright so I got the hang of the cups and *don't* think I'll be needing to look for smaller cups. At first with pumping my breasts were turning purple, and I guess I was just over pumping. Have tried again the past 2 days and have seemed to have learned how much suction I need (still not 100% sure tbh). I think because I breastfed before and was once at least an E (when milk first came in), my breasts tend to inflate quickly so I go overboard.

Still doing my massage once or twice a day, decided to use olive oil instead of jojoba oil until I get primrose oil since I've seen nothing about jojoba oil online as far breast growth, sagging, or stretch marks. It hasn't done much for me and just using the olive oil 1 time today seemed to benefit me.

I'm out of Saw Palmetto as of today, conflicted on whether or not to rebuy it or if I should try white peony/reishi instead as previously suggested. Still taking fennel, fenugreek, and maca as well as vitamin d3 and biotin. 

I've added chest exercises to my routine, and must have had a good workout yesterday because my muscles are aching!

I've also decided to basically just ban myself from the measuring tape since I am obsessively checking, like 2x a day. I'm going to measure again in about a month!

Hey everyone. Just updating to say I've placed an order for some essential oils so I  can finally have a decent massage oil.

I ordered:

Almond oil
Geranium oil
Fennel oil
Neroli oil
Cinnamon oil

I got the geranium and neroli because of the stretch marks on my breasts and also because the skin is honestly just paper thin (mostly around my aerolas). One of my goals is to get nicer skin on my breasts and I think these might help. The cinnamon and fennel I got because of ZaraAri's thread. I didn't add the peppermint & ginger because I feel like I've already added enough oils, and I really wanted to find some oils that could assist me in my "nicer skin" goal.

Still not measuring. My breasts do look fuller these days though, but maybe that's just because I've been spending so much one on one time with them and learning to appreciate them. :p I've been taking photos, and to be honest they look even less perky now. But maybe that means they're growing, so gravity is going to be even less friendly to me. I hope my Kangzhu pump can offer me some help there...

Hey everyone.

Feeling discouraged today. I know it's still too early to tell, but I really don't feel that the Kangzhu pump is working at all. And I struggle too much with it to know if it's actually doing anything. When it feels like it's working, my breasts start turning purple. Decided to pump for an hour today and it still didn't feel long enough, but I've got 3 kids to tend to so I can't lay around pumping for 1+ hours. I'd try multitasking while wearing it, but 1, it just keeps losing suction, and 2, I have to CONSTANTLY monitor my breast to make sure it doesn't go purple. Honestly don't know what to do, it's way too frustrating.

(17-07-2017, 13:11)tinydear Wrote:  Hey everyone.

Feeling discouraged today. I know it's still too early to tell, but I really don't feel that the Kangzhu pump is working at all. And I struggle too much with it to know if it's actually doing anything. When it feels like it's working, my breasts start turning purple. Decided to pump for an hour today and it still didn't feel long enough, but I've got 3 kids to tend to so I can't lay around pumping for 1+ hours. I'd try multitasking while wearing it, but 1, it just keeps losing suction, and 2, I have to CONSTANTLY monitor my breast to make sure it doesn't go purple. Honestly don't know what to do, it's way too frustrating.

Hi Tinydear
All i can say is keep at it. Its a longterm project and i personally dont see much difference either but i have faith that longterm it will help - i look at it as one of part of my NBE routine and its the combo that will get results. Have a look around forum 'sweetorange and ZaraAri' have some great tips and notes about pjmping. They say it takes 100hrs pumping before seeing cup increase - i noticed other changes first 'base increase and shape', i keep at it. I too have kiddies running around and only pump 4-5days week in front of tv after they are in bed, another thing i picked up from other threads are breaks are just as important as pumping, so dont forget to break let your boobs recover and then get back into it....i think we all have moments of 'this is pointless' but keep going just think 'longterm' i once heard someone say 'youve been neglecting them for years, you could atleast spend a year loving on them' i use this mantra to get me through my defeated days.
Determination is the key so stick at it lovely and keep reading sometimes just for the inspiration, that alone will keep you going! 
Chrissy xo

(17-07-2017, 21:48)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(17-07-2017, 13:11)tinydear Wrote:  Hey everyone.

Feeling discouraged today. I know it's still too early to tell, but I really don't feel that the Kangzhu pump is working at all. And I struggle too much with it to know if it's actually doing anything. When it feels like it's working, my breasts start turning purple. Decided to pump for an hour today and it still didn't feel long enough, but I've got 3 kids to tend to so I can't lay around pumping for 1+ hours. I'd try multitasking while wearing it, but 1, it just keeps losing suction, and 2, I have to CONSTANTLY monitor my breast to make sure it doesn't go purple. Honestly don't know what to do, it's way too frustrating.

Hi Tinydear
All i can say is keep at it. Its a longterm project and i personally dont see much difference either but i have faith that longterm it will help - i look at it as one of part of my NBE routine and its the combo that will get results. Have a look around forum 'sweetorange and ZaraAri' have some great tips and notes about pjmping. They say it takes 100hrs pumping before seeing cup increase - i noticed other changes first 'base increase and shape', i keep at it. I too have kiddies running around and only pump 4-5days week in front of tv after they are in bed, another thing i picked up from other threads are breaks are just as important as pumping, so dont forget to break let your boobs recover and then get back into it....i think we all have moments of 'this is pointless' but keep going just think 'longterm' i once heard someone say 'youve been neglecting them for years, you could atleast spend a year loving on them' i use this mantra to get me through my defeated days.
Determination is the key so stick at it lovely and keep reading sometimes just for the inspiration, that alone will keep you going! 
Chrissy xo

Hi Chrissy,
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and reply to me. Very encouraging, I needed it! <3 x

(19-07-2017, 01:45)tinydear Wrote:  
(17-07-2017, 21:48)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(17-07-2017, 13:11)tinydear Wrote:  Hey everyone.

Feeling discouraged today. I know it's still too early to tell, but I really don't feel that the Kangzhu pump is working at all. And I struggle too much with it to know if it's actually doing anything. When it feels like it's working, my breasts start turning purple. Decided to pump for an hour today and it still didn't feel long enough, but I've got 3 kids to tend to so I can't lay around pumping for 1+ hours. I'd try multitasking while wearing it, but 1, it just keeps losing suction, and 2, I have to CONSTANTLY monitor my breast to make sure it doesn't go purple. Honestly don't know what to do, it's way too frustrating.

Hi Tinydear
All i can say is keep at it. Its a longterm project and i personally dont see much difference either but i have faith that longterm it will help - i look at it as one of part of my NBE routine and its the combo that will get results. Have a look around forum 'sweetorange and ZaraAri' have some great tips and notes about pjmping. They say it takes 100hrs pumping before seeing cup increase - i noticed other changes first 'base increase and shape', i keep at it. I too have kiddies running around and only pump 4-5days week in front of tv after they are in bed, another thing i picked up from other threads are breaks are just as important as pumping, so dont forget to break let your boobs recover and then get back into it....i think we all have moments of 'this is pointless' but keep going just think 'longterm' i once heard someone say 'youve been neglecting them for years, you could atleast spend a year loving on them' i use this mantra to get me through my defeated days.
Determination is the key so stick at it lovely and keep reading sometimes just for the inspiration, that alone will keep you going! 
Chrissy xo

Hi Chrissy,
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and reply to me. Very encouraging, I needed it! <3 x

Your very welcome Tinydear.....i had to read my own advice today ' and keep at it' lol  xo

Ugh yeah, I gotta keep telling myself to keep at it! 

I made matters worse by "unbanning" myself from the measuring tape, and I'm still at 33. I don't know what I was expecting to see, really. I guess I want quicker results. I started June 8th and don't see changes. It just makes me feel like my current plan isn't working, of the fenugreek and fennel. I'm thinking once I finish the bottles I'll move onto something different. I do have BO but I haven't used it since it kinda scares me lol.

My neroli, fennel, and cinnamon came in the mail. I don't have Amazon Prime anymore so my almond oil still isn't here, so I used olive oil for now. I actually liked the smell of the mixture I made, until my geranium oil came in the mail and I added that today. Geranium oil STINKS lol.

Also I put on my 32A yesterday and boy is that size NOT right for me. I guess it's all in the band, since 30C fits way better. So weird - couldn't fill the A's on the 32. Bras are so confusing. I just want my left breast to catch up to my right one. I actually don't even use my Kangzhu on my right breast. Not until they're at least the same cup size.

Also I'm not sure if I started at 32 or not, since I was pulling the measuring tape kinda tight and didn't know I was supposed to do it more loosely.  Huh So whether I've gotten any growth or not is a mystery to me.

Just wanted to pop in and say I ordered some wild yam cream as well as ainterol PM. Probably won't start PM until I've finished my fenugreek though and've had a milk thistle cleanse.

(19-07-2017, 14:37)tinydear Wrote:  Also I'm not sure if I started at 32 or not, since I was pulling the measuring tape kinda tight and didn't know I was supposed to do it more loosely.  Huh So whether I've gotten any growth or not is a mystery to me.

I was told by a more experience NBEr to measure the cup size more accurately - you start with the tape measure under armpit (center of arm pit) and then measure straight across the nipple and end on the chest bone measuring individual breast.  I still have trouble finding the middle of my armpit so do this and then do right around as well record it once a month and put it all away....but i hate that bloody tape measure haha  

BO scares the crapa out of me tooo.  Sad

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