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The Progesterone Files: Comprehensive List of natural ways to raise & boost P levels


Let me know when you formulate a plan to boost progesterone, by way of teas or WHATEVER! I havent the disclipine to research the easy way to do it. I wanted to try Vitex but you have to take it daily over a period of months to make it work and it can reduce libido/breasts if too high ( i dont need that). PC cream is too strong and builds up in the tissues and gave me over anxiety (dont need that either) - although im open to trying a much reduced dose...

Ideally a supplement thats targeting towards building progesterone by way of vitamens etc would be ideal! Should such a thing exists...?

For now im still thinking DIM to metabolize whatever estrogen i do have. Maybe a fraction of the recomended dose of PC cream in luteal. Red raspberry is still on the radar but havent looked into it yet!

(23-04-2017, 06:27)EllaC Wrote:  Let me know when you formulate a plan to boost progesterone, by way of teas or WHATEVER! I havent the disclipine to research the easy way to do it. I wanted to try Vitex but you have to take it daily over a period of months to make it work and it can reduce libido/breasts if too high ( i dont need that). PC cream is too strong and builds up in the tissues and gave me over anxiety (dont need that either) - although im open to trying a much reduced dose...

Ideally a supplement thats targeting towards building progesterone by way of vitamens etc would be ideal! Should such a thing exists...?

For now im still thinking DIM to metabolize whatever estrogen i do have. Maybe a fraction of the recomended dose of PC cream in luteal. Red raspberry is still on the radar but havent looked into it yet!

EllaC is that a new pic? You look great!

I'm sure either I'll post it on my thread or Zara will make another bomb post once we nail down this cycling business! I think for the both of us we hope to figure out the best herbs to take at the best times to create a super natural but heightened amount of hormones. 

I don't know much about DIM? Could you fill me in? Thank you! EDIT: Just stalked your threads and found some info, hehe

(23-04-2017, 01:18)solome Wrote:  i’ve been reading about kava  .. it’s for stress and anxiety but many sites say it also stimulates prolactin. there are concerns re: liver so not to overdo it. i found some pharma kava tincture i forgot i had. wow, i get a bit of a rush after drinking a dropper full in water. i’ve been taking it for about a week hoping i will notice some favorable breast response. i hope the increase in swelling was a good sign. also, when massaging, don’t forget you can roll and pinch the nipples in a pleasurable way to stimulate prolactin ..or so I’ve read on various sites but then, i think you may know that.
dear bettie, i know you’ve lamented about the lack of swelling during your noogle sessions but don’t give up on that. i know i didn’t swell much at first. i’m not super consistent with it but it has been 2.5yrs of on/off pumping and i swell more now than before and over a wider area due to the wider domes, even though before yesterday, i didn’t pump for almost a week. i tease but really, don’t give up, i believe you will see something good come of it. all of you are a dream to read. i know you’re determined and i love that you are.
oh, also, i've been taking flax seed, half-cup mornings, sometimes nights but i stopped for 1wk. then started a couple of days ago before my noog session with the great swelling. thing is there are so many freaking variables, it's hard to know what caused what to happen ..that is, unless you take notes on everything you put in your mouth, almost everything, and when and what you massaged with and when, what part of your cycle. i've only had one scary breast event since doing this and even then, though i think i know what happened, i'll never know for sure unless i get a mini me with a note pad but it does tend to validate just a bit the idea of taking breaks, monthly or so.
arwen and zari. in my minds eye this is how i see you. 

Omg what a compliment! Thank you! I think we are both very aggressively attacking the desire to understand and apply herbs from a standpoint that is in sync with the body's natural hormonal ratios. 

The variables are a headache. I have a google drive with multiple documents where I keep track of my research, notable progress/changes, and just whatever research I want to read when I find a chance. The way I see this is hopefully we can pin down a really solid starter cycling herb plan so that newbies (given no imbalances) can jump right in and not play the guessing game! I'd love to share it with ladies in my life too. 

And omg Kava! I went to a Kava bar a couple times and I remember it giving me such a strange feeling. Taste was... interesting lol. I'll have to look into that thank you!

Oh Solome, yes I was really starting to despair about not swelling but I realize not everything works the same for everybody. Thank you for your encouragement, I really do appreciate <3 I'm not being consistent at all, actually I'm kinda putting noogling on hold BUT if you also didn't swell much in the beginning, maybe there's still hope! (thing is, I have to point out that I don't swell AT ALL after pumping). I am adding quite a few more things to my NBE plan these days though so who knows, noogling might work better! Would love to know more about your NBE regime Solome and all the food/supplements you take. You always bring up such interesting things in your you have a personal thread??

Speaking of NBE plans, I'm also looking forward to reading your complete plans ladies, Zara and Arwen! Like Ella, I'm especially interested in the progesterone part/luteal phase. Mine is kinda all over the place...that's why I'm not updating my personal thread yet. I'd like to take everything that Zara mentioned here!! I'm definitely going to be detoxing my liver and use essential oils (thank you Zara again for the tips <3) that I think are underrated; essential oils are strong/effective. I'm planning on using fennel oil/lavender oil (to increase estrogen and relax me) during my follicular and oregano or thyme (to increase progesterone) during my luteal. I found out this girl does something similar: You ladies should definitely check out her post if you're interested in essential oil cycling. As if we need more cycling haha.... Smile

Ella and Bettie I'll definitely share it with the forum whenever I come up with it! I plan on doing it soon too, because I think it would be more cost efficient and convenient for me to make my own tea blends (a luteal blend and then a follicular blend).

Ella did you see the different supplements that have been shown in studies to raise Progesterone (Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Zinc...)? 

If you do plan on using PC, make sure to use it on the thinnest parts of your skin (your wrists, inside of the elbows, collarbone, etc) and then alternate the locations when you use it. That will prevent it from building up in the tissue. Don't put it on your breasts. You want it to get to your blood stream as fast as you can, but if you put it on places where there is a lot of tissue it will build up in those places.

Bettie thanks for sharing that link! I actually plan on doing EO cycling, but I never thought to call it that, lol. I will be taking Thyme oil during luteal and Fennel oil during follicular. Remember to dilute your EOs still ladies! And just like the PC, place it on your pulse points to get it faster to your blood streams! And don't worry if you're plan is all over the place, mine is too! But each month as I tweak as needed I feel like it will come more into order. Thanks for all the compliments, shout outs, and for all the talks, Bettie!! You're the best!!


(23-04-2017, 01:18)solome Wrote:  i’ve been reading about kava  .. it’s for stress and anxiety but many sites say it also stimulates prolactin. there are concerns re: liver so not to overdo it. i found some pharma kava tincture i forgot i had. wow, i get a bit of a rush after drinking a dropper full in water. i’ve been taking it for about a week hoping i will notice some favorable breast response. i hope the increase in swelling was a good sign. also, when massaging, don’t forget you can roll and pinch the nipples in a pleasurable way to stimulate prolactin ..or so I’ve read on various sites but then, i think you may know that.
dear bettie, i know you’ve lamented about the lack of swelling during your noogle sessions but don’t give up on that. i know i didn’t swell much at first. i’m not super consistent with it but it has been 2.5yrs of on/off pumping and i swell more now than before and over a wider area due to the wider domes, even though before yesterday, i didn’t pump for almost a week. i tease but really, don’t give up, i believe you will see something good come of it. all of you are a dream to read. i know you’re determined and i love that you are.
oh, also, i've been taking flax seed, half-cup mornings, sometimes nights but i stopped for 1wk. then started a couple of days ago before my noog session with the great swelling. thing is there are so many freaking variables, it's hard to know what caused what to happen ..that is, unless you take notes on everything you put in your mouth, almost everything, and when and what you massaged with and when, what part of your cycle. i've only had one scary breast event since doing this and even then, though i think i know what happened, i'll never know for sure unless i get a mini me with a note pad but it does tend to validate just a bit the idea of taking breaks, monthly or so.
arwen and zari. in my minds eye this is how i see you. 

Haha, Solome I love that picture and thanks so much for the great compliment! We are all just trying to tackle this NBE head on the best way we know how (and also the most efficiently). I think researching everything is out is key!! 


(23-04-2017, 13:02)arwenofgondor Wrote:  EllaC is that a new pic? You look great!

I'm sure either I'll post it on my thread or Zara will make another bomb post once we nail down this cycling business! I think for the both of us we hope to figure out the best herbs to take at the best times to create a super natural but heightened amount of hormones. 

I don't know much about DIM? Could you fill me in? Thank you! EDIT: Just stalked your threads and found some info, hehe

Haha, thanks Arwen for the amazing compliment!! I'm just trying to share all I know and you've been doing the same! We're definitely all in this together!! 

<3 <3

(23-04-2017, 16:27)ZaraAri Wrote:  Ella and Bettie I'll definitely share it with the forum whenever I come up with it! I plan on doing it soon too, because I think it would be more cost efficient and convenient for me to make my own tea blends (a luteal blend and then a follicular blend).

Bettie thanks for sharing that link! I actually plan on doing EO cycling, but I never thought to call it that, lol. I will be taking Thyme oil during luteal and Fennel oil during follicular. Remember to dilute your EOs still ladies! And just like the PC, place it on your pulse points to get it faster to your blood streams! And don't worry if you're plan is all over the place, mine is too! But each month as I tweak as needed I feel like it will come more into order. Thanks for all the compliments, shout outs, and for all the talks, Bettie!! You're the best!!


Well you're the bees knees, Zara! <3 You are most welcome...I have to thank You for all your pearls and our analytical chats :-)

Yay, so we're both gonna be cycling essential oils! I have a feeling it's something not many ladies have tried/know about. This girl here also suggests applying essential oils right over the liver (in the section "To Increase Progesterone): so maybe we could try that too! Luckily you reminded me to dilute EOs, that's very important (my skin was on fire the other day when I forgot to dilute one drop!).


(24-04-2017, 13:40)bettie32 Wrote:  Well you're the bees knees, Zara! <3 You are most welcome...I have to thank You for all your pearls and our analytical chats :-)

Yay, so we're both gonna be cycling essential oils! I have a feeling it's something not many ladies have tried/know about. This girl here also suggests applying essential oils right over the liver (in the section "To Increase Progesterone): so maybe we could try that too! Luckily you reminded me to dilute EOs, that's very important (my skin was on fire the other day when I forgot to dilute one drop!).


How did I miss this comment? I should be thanking you for always opening yourself up and making yourself available to chat. I'm surprised I haven't talked your ear off! lol

I really liked that link! I just checked it out and found it so informative. I also like the oil blend that they suggested in the "To Increase Progesterone" section. I can't wait to start my new program so I can start cycling the oils I have!! 


Hi Zara!

I found out that apparently the herb, yarrow, stimulates the production of progesterone. It contains phytoesterols and has plenty of other great properties (detoxes the liver, treats anxiety, treats extremely painful periods etc.). Here are some interesting links about yarrow:

There's also a very interesting book called Wild Woman's Garden by Jillian VanNostrand and Christie V. Sarles that indicates that yarrow aids progesterone production. Youu can read the excerpt about yarrow from this book online! 


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