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Soli's Program


Thanks soil you've been such a great help for me! I wouldn't have known how much to take and all that. I'm so excited to see your progress over the next couple months! I hate waiting though, ahhh lol just have to stay positive huh?

Hey Soli,

Just wondering, have you ever had a side effect of feeling like you're gonna get a yeast infection? it's kinda itchy Sad I read somewhere that it has to do with the antibiotics that the cows are fed...

Oh no! That's the worst. Angry. I haven't, but I also take cinnamon and cranberry supplements (and have for years) because I used to get them enough to be bothersome. Cinnamon not only gets rid of the yeast beast in the digestive tract, but it's also good for circulation. Also my green drink has probiotics in it, so I think that helps keep some balance.

I used to take the cinnamon from Greenbush which is probably the best, but just recently switched to Swanson's - you know, half the price. Feel better soon!

Xo, Soli

Hey so that went away after a day so I'm good now. lol but I decided to ramp up my dosage to 1000mg a day because I seem to only get tingles when I take 2 at a time. Do you think it's too early to know or should I keep going?

Thanks Soli!

Hi Sweets!

Let me preface all this by saying that my general view, especially in light of all the noodling around with our hormones that we're doing, is to take the conservative approach. Smile That being said, what else are you feeling? Are you getting any growth, measurable either with the tape or by photo comparisons? Are you having any other signs of activity in your breasts? (Achiness, tender or surprisingly responsive nipples, new feelings of heaviness or bouncing, to name a few.) If yes to any of those things, then I'd stay at the level you're taking now. Tingles aren't the only sign of things to come. Also, are you giving the BO everything it needs to work effectively? Temperature, good nutrition, etc.? Personally I'd look at those areas first.

On the other hand, if there are no signs of growth and you've been consistent in the administration of your program, then, yes, I'd say it's time to tweak an element of the protocol. As long as you're not having unpleasant or alarming side effects from the BO, you could ramp up at this time, and see how it feels. You can always cut back if things start to not feel right. I inadvertently ramped down for a few days and ended up measuring at a 1/2" growth this month, (official measuring day isn't 'til Friday, but still, I'm gobsmacked.). So more isn't necessarily better, but it could very well be your answer! Just pay close attention to your body, and tweak just one thing at a time.

Big boogie vibes!!

Xo, Soli

Hi Soli,

thanks for your advice!Smile So you're still doing 750mg every day? I haven't measured yet and they still look the same to me. Randomly I get pings of something in my boobs here and there, but not a lot. Not much aching or nipple sensititivty or bouncing. I haven't taken my temp but I'm pretty sure I am 98.6 degrees all the time. lol what would you consider good nutrition? I also have been drinking milk with protein powder every day as well as msm.

So just ramp slowly right? You gained more when you took less?:O I was reading the archives and some people on there say the dose they took was 1500mg.


Hi Sweets!

I have not gone over 750, and I've actually done 500 mg/day for a few days each week because I forgot or forgot to bring my pills with me. :/ But I haven't felt the need to go higher as I get decent aches from the dose I'm on plus massaging. If I werent experiencing any change, I'd definitely tweak the program.

**And as soon as you can, take photos or start measuring!** Our perception of change is so unbelievably unreliable in cases like this. It's like seeing someone for the first time after several years who's lost weight. They may look incredibly different to you because you werent present for the slow change, but they don't feel like the difference is dramatic because they're itching for every little incremental pound, KWIM? Photos, photos, photos!! You don't have to post 'em, you just have to use them. Smile

Good nutrition to me is eating clean, less processed junk, good veggies, lots of water and good proteins.

Are you still waiting for those inflamed follicles to heal? If so, in the meantime, are you massaging? That might give you a little plumpness between growth spurts. Smile

So yeah, give 1000 a go and see what you think, it might do the trick. But certainly keep in mind that there are other hormone areas to explore as well, such as DHT inhibitors, or maybe a little two or three day break to clear out your receptors.

Xo, Soli

Hi soli,

that's good, i haven't been massaging because it seems like it irritates them more. Sad i still have those inflamed follicles after 3 weeks. now i've been not wearing a bra and just wearing loose shirts so it'll heal faster. It's kinda healing but I feel like it might be more serious than just inflamed follicles? i was reading about something called Keratosis Pilaris and it kinda looks like that. I'm not too sure...been trying so many different things to get rid of them!

I took a photo I'll show you in a sec. I think I might have some growth? if you check back to my first pic haha.        

Yeah I try to eat clean I usually eat salads when I can but it's hard when you always go out with your bf to eat! haha what's DHT inhibitors? man there is so much science behind this :O

Hi soli,

I have a question for u. I am not really sure about the temp thing. The normal temp in follicle for women is below 98.2 so is mine. In luteal it is definitely more than that what u think should I still add l-Tyrossine for temperature in follicle. Or is it fine like this. So far I've ramped up to 750 n it's been only 8 days on BO. So not really a time to report yet. Huh

Hi Lily!

Are there signs of activity, such as tingling, tenderness, achiness, or nipple sensitivity? If your breasts feel like something's happening (even if you can't see it yet), then I wouldn't add anything for temperature. If you're not feeling like there's activity in your breasts, then go ahead and add the l-tyrosine or iodine or cayenne and gauge the results. That's what I would do. Smile

Hope that helps!

Xo, Soli


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