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Repost: Cell Talk: Talking to Cells


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Cell Talk: Talking to Cells
Hi there y'all.
Hope things are going well for everyone. Happy holidays, as well.
Recently I have stumbled upon something called "Cell talking."
I have just started using it in the last couple of days and I love the progress so far. In fact, I just did a little session and am in a little bit of growing pains. I have tried a lot of things, but the thing I like about this method is that it can just be added to the routine. Also, I like that from what I have heard and what I have experienced, it doesn't matter how one feels about it.
I just thought, why not try it, since I have tried other mind body modalities. Amazing it took me this long to learn about it because in the past, even when I had a pneumonia, I just worked on talking myself into healing and it seemed to compliment the herbs and chicken soup and stuff.
I am literally talking to my body on a cellular level and the cells like the attention and are glad to be on a team with me.

Here is about how I do it, based on what I am learning so far.
1. Every hour, place my hand(s) on my chest, for 1 minute repeating out loud or internally: Cells (options: eg, of my body/breasts), do a good job. Cells, you know what to do and how to do it. Cells, grow my breasts into large, healthy, full, firm, perky, pert, c-cup sized breasts and let's keep them that way (for now Wink ). (Optionally: "Thank you for doing a good job, cells." or something else positive). Then I continue on with normal activities until next session, because, really the body is capable. So far, so good. Good sensations.

It is good to keep it positive, relaxed, and confident. But the thing is that your body is doing it, so your mind just gets to come up with a good script. Belief is casual. I like that, cause it is easy and I can be lazy and somehow still over-think. Big Grin Anyway, some people don't touch the body part. But it seems pretty successful. I mean if someone can suddenly grow hair or move the position of their nose on their face (nose which is bone!), I am glad to give it a shot! It's free too! And it helps me feel good too, cause I remember to breath deeply and smile. Mood lifter!

I have read several experiences about cell talking. The key is consistency. Cells, like everything else, can develop habits. So, it is good to remind them every 1-2 hours to build a new habit, plus it integrates the mind working on it and fostering other good habits like visualization and remembering supps and massage and stuff.

Here is a link of the method, though from what I have heard, people do change it up a bit:

I am learning a lot about it on another forum too. I am learning about changing my skin, hair, and stuff. Exciting! I was having, pardon this is gross (I learned the hard way about athlete's foot from the school gym), a flair up that was horrible yesterday. Well, I did put tea tree oil on it, but I think my little talk with my body helped too. Handy stuff.

Happy & healthy growing! Feel free to comment and research. Years ago, I didn't think NBE was fun (I was just trying to do something!), but yeah, it can get better all the time!

Thanks for posting this, char! I'll definitely be trying this Smile

I hold it true that thoughts are things;
They're endowed with bodies and breath and wings;
And that we send them forth to fill
The world with good results or ill.
That which we call our secret thought
Speeds forth to earth's remotest spot,
Leaving its blessings or its woes,
Like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future, thoughts by thought,
For good or ill, yet know it not,
Yet so the universe was wrought.
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose, then, thy destiny and wait,
For love brings love and hate brings hate.

~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Wink POM

Hi Char,

I am new to this forum and I read your post about cell talking with interest and I would love to learn more about it. The link that you provided in your post does not work.

Could you please provide an update on your progress and if this method has been beneficial to you.

Also, where can I find more info on this method or similar methods?
Thanks so much!WinkWink

Ohhhh, well. I used this method for a very little time. I decided that I prefer to try methods that may be more, uhm, passive for NBE. If you search around on the internet, you will find some information about it.
The thing for me was reminding myself so often. Some people advise to talk to the cells every hour while others differ in that opinion. As far as I could tell, it really does work. I have used it for things like pain or illness. But to use it so consistently for NBE, for example, is a little difficult for me.
If you search around, you will also find that people talk to their cells in many different ways. It was even hard for me to choose what I was saying! If you find something, let me know. I don't know what happened to that link. I checked it after posting it. Here is another link with some ideas to get you started. Hope you enjoy exploring it. You have renewed my interest, too. Actually, because I am interested in metaphysics and energy healing and stuff, I often study these interesting types of things- so much to learn!

Other interesting links:

It is called autosuggestion. (self suggestion).
Quakery in an elaborate form.

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