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Has anyone tried "It Works" Body wrap??


Hi I'm just curious to if people have had results from using the body wrap on various spots?

I have. Preparation H and saran wrap work much better for the stomach. Coffe ground and olive oil are awesome for the thighs. Much cheaper and better results. Nothing is permanent though :-/

(29-05-2013, 14:01)ariel Wrote:  I have. Preparation H and saran wrap work much better for the stomach. Coffe ground and olive oil are awesome for the thighs. Much cheaper and better results. Nothing is permanent though :-/

Seriously? Preparation H? Where'd you get the idea to try THAT?!

My husband's in the military Abidrew, and when they guys need to make tape (their waist has to measure under a certain number) and they're really close they'll wrap themselves in preparation H and saran wrap and it makes them lose a few inches. Embarassing buying all that preparation H though lol

(29-05-2013, 14:26)ariel Wrote:  My husband's in the military Abidrew, and when they guys need to make tape (their waist has to measure under a certain number) and they're really close they'll wrap themselves in preparation H and saran wrap and it makes them lose a few inches. Embarassing buying all that preparation H though lol

LOL... Which formulation? just the regular ointment? cream? one of the two gels? Can't imagine it being the suppository...

Hey. I'm willing to try anything, ok!

I totally understand Abi! I do it whenever I need to fit into something! No idea how it works though. I've only ever used the ointment! If you hav a heating pad or squeem I would suggest using at the same time! Either way you'll get uncomfortably warm, which is how you know its working. It's temporary (a few days) unless you do it consistently. I also use preparation H under my eyes too I love that stuff!

I spit my coffee out laughing when I read the suppository thing lol

(29-05-2013, 14:37)ariel Wrote:  I totally understand Abi! I do it whenever I need to fit into something! No idea how it works though. I've only ever used the ointment! If you hav a heating pad or squeem I would suggest using at the same time! Either way you'll get uncomfortably warm, which is how you know its working. It's temporary (a few days) unless you do it consistently. I also use preparation H under my eyes too I love that stuff!

Hmmm... I don't have either of those... I do have a coupla corsets though...

I wonder if it's REALLLY temporary temporary, or if maybe you just need to be dieting properly as well and stuff. And does it have any effect on evening out "folds"? I don't necessarily HAVE to lose inches, just so long as my tummy becomes smooth and stops folding all over. I have an especially nasty fold between my groin and belly button that just refuses to go away...

(29-05-2013, 14:37)ariel Wrote:  I spit my coffee out laughing when I read the suppository thing lol

Haha. Glad to be of service! I really didn't think so, but... *shrug*

I just need to find SOMETHING to get me a nice smooth tummy. I don't want to build up a six pack or anything. I just want a perfectly flat smooth tummy. Actually building up a six pack or something would go contrary to the body image I'm after.

I completely understand girl! I have a roll there I can't get rid of since I had kids :-( And it's so hard to lose stuff like that while trying to increase bust. I think it tightens things up a bit! I want to do corset training, I'm still on the squeem though, I'm sure it would work under there. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I feel like my squeem is so tight around my waist that it's kind pushing fat below my waist line and making my "folds" worse down there...but my waist looks better lol Does the corset do the same in your opinion Abi?

(29-05-2013, 15:05)ariel Wrote:  I completely understand girl! I have a roll there I can't get rid of since I had kids :-( And it's so hard to lose stuff like that while trying to increase bust. I think it tightens things up a bit! I want to do corset training, I'm still on the squeem though, I'm sure it would work under there. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I feel like my squeem is so tight around my waist that it's kind pushing fat below my waist line and making my "folds" worse down there...but my waist looks better lol Does the corset do the same in your opinion Abi?

I really don't know... Doesn't seem to be effecting any change there at all on its own...

I'll try the Prep H ointment + saran wrap under the corset. How much of a tube does a single use generally take? Or is it more than one?

I usually use about half a tube. I mean my line of thinking is your skins only going to absorb so much right? Why waste. And from what I've seen your not a big girl. I put it on my stomach and my love handles (big problem area for me). I'd say leave it on at least 2 hours if you can, no limit to how long. Drink lots of water too!

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