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To Bra or Not To Bra


I hear from all over, from many different sources, about boobs and bras.
  • Push-up bras keep breasts from sagging
  • Braless = saggy boobs
  • Braless = Bigger breasts
  • Bras constrict circulation = Your boobs shrink
  • Bras help shape breasts to be rounder

I'm sorry if I repeated. Just giving you an idea of how confused I am.
So what's the final answer to this?

To bra, or not to bra?

This is a common question, and there are a lot of bra myths around.

Bras do constrict and cut off some of the circulation throughout the day (which is why women who wear bras are much more likely to develop breast cancer than those who don't). To counteract this, when you take your bra off at the end of a day (8 hours max is preferred), massage your breasts and bounce them around a little to get circulation back in them. Also, avoid wearing a bra that too tight, because it will cut off circulation much more than necessary.

Yes, bras WILL prevent excess sagging later in life, but it won't prevent it entirely. Push-up bras will help even more, because that way your breasts are being held up all day long rather than just laying in a regular, unpadded bra (part of the reason I might eventually get a small push-up bra, although I prefer the mesh bras because they're so sexy ;P).

And bras won't help shape your breasts. Breast shape is both genetic and based on hormone levels. If they shaped your breasts, all the breasts in the 50's would have actually been pointy, and all breasts today would be perfectly round. So just learn to love your breast shape for what it is, because there's a chance it might not even change after achieving your goal in NBE.

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